Chapter 13: Hide and Seek

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Third Person's POV

The night rides in on a horse of pure midnight velvet, the glow of the magnificent full moon along with millions of burning star illuminates the the land of Malaysia, including Rintis Island. Almost everyone in town has already set for the night, their brains functioning their engines to take a good night rest.

Well almost.

At the peaceful home of our famous superhero Boboiboy. Tok Aba immediately laid his tired body on his bed, closing his eyes in an instant once his head rested on his favorite pillow. The tired old man drift to a peaceful slumber, entering the dream world once again.

While darkness entered the residence of Tok Aba's house, one particular room remain alive with a little bit amount of light.

Boboiboy's room was almost invaded with darkness but with the help of his watch, the room had a little hope of brightness. "It's the time of the year again." he said to the three tiny hologram figures of his friends that were displayed on his watch.

"We know." a girlish voice spoke.

"W-what should we do now?" another one spoke. Unlike the first voice who remain calm and collected, this one was clearly frighten about their conversation.

"I'm not sure. We can't do anything about it because it's tomorrow." the black haired boy said making the tallest hologram figure to whine at his response.

"Can't we just say we're busy tomorrow?" another voice said. "I can't afford to... to... Gosh! I can't even imagine saying it anymore." he said while pushing his glasses up.

"I'm afraid not." he said.

"Let's just escape the upcoming storm Boboiboy!" his best friend said. Boboiboy can even see the sweats dropping from his tan forehead. "Don't worry guys, I'll device a perfect plan of escape but for now let's just hope the lion won't catch us tomorrow."

"But... what about (F/N)? I'm sure she's not aware of what's coming tomorrow." the only female said, the worrisome face of her's was visible, even the two males were getting worried for the innocent female.

"Don't worry guys." he said, a smile stretch itself on his lips.

"I'll make sure she's safe with me."

>> Time Skip <<

A sunny Wednesday greeted Paulu Rintis with it's blazing lights of the active sun. Currently a girl with soft but blank (E/C) orbs frame by long majestic (H/C) locks were pleasantly licking a lollipop while walking towards her destination. She wore the Rintis Island Primary School uniform which was accompanied by her (F/C) colored vest along with her signature black blazer.

She strolled the sidewalk besides her school which will lead her to the entrance of the school. Upon reaching it, the stoic female saw another approaching figure in front of her. Although the small figure was in a distance, she can clearly distinguish the skipping female as one of her friends.

"Hann--" Although when she called her name, someone apparently just grab her arm and drag her near the bushes.

"Huh?" came her reply when the culprit hold her close to his chest.

"Shhh... " the unknown voice said. Curious as she can be, she look up to stared at the face of the person holding her closer to his chest. "Fang?" she called. The shadow manipulater didn't look at her, instead, his sight was cast over at the pink hijab wearing female skipping over the gates.

Obviously the young girl was not aware over her two friends hiding away from her presence. Her eyes we're even close while skipping her way inside the gates.

"Phew... " Fang sigh while wiping the sweats forming on his forehead. He slowly turn his attention towards the female beside him and said, "Good thing she's... eh?!" but when he fully avert his head towards his side, his eyes widen at the realization that young innocent girl was no where beside him.

"Where did she go?" he ask himself. He revert his eyes back at the entrance of the gate to check if Hanna had finally entered the building but widen his eyes when he saw (F/N) trailing behind her.

"Golly Gosh!" he stood up from his hidden spot then was about to run to rescue the girl.

"(F/N) wait!" he called but unfortunately the young girl didn't hear him as she continues to follow the oblivious skipping Hanna. To his horror, Fang saw that the (H/C) haired girl was about to tap Hanna's shoulder.

'Where are the others when you need them?!'

~ Ying's Residence ~.

'Something's telling me... something bad is gonna happen soon... '

"Mom! I'm going to be late!" Complains little Ying at her mother fixing her low twin tails. "Uh shush Ying! It's still early. You also need to be presentable in school too dearie." Her mom said.

"But mom!"

"Now... there!. Much more like it." she said while examining her daughter's neatly hair style. "Ok! Bye now!" using her power band, she was about activate it when suddenly, her mother called out to her.

"Are you forgetting something young lady?" she ask. Ying perk at the question until she run towards her mother and tiptoe to give her a kiss on her cheek.

"Ok bye mom!" she uses her watch again, running in full speed. Following with in her was her infamous yellow streak as she moves in a rapid way. Within a few seconds, Ying have reach the school premises. She halt her feet into a full stop over and face the gates.

"Now where are they?..." her energetic hues of blue wander over the front, successfully catching a glimpse of a nervous looking Fang up ahead. Sensing his rather odd behavior, she averted her eyes at his front only for Ying to widen her eyes in shock.

"There she is!" she exclaim after seeing the (H/C) haired (F/N) approaching the still skipping Hanna. She was even more shock at the outstretched hand of hers that was going to tap Hanna on the shoulder.

'Gotta move fast!'

"Running Speed!" with a blink of an eye, Ying immediately grabs the innocent girl by her clothes and drag her away from the scene. She immediately hid themselves at the walls next to their school gates. Luckily for Ying, she manage to stop (F/N) from getting Hanna's attention, if not, then the worst will soon follow once Hanna knows they're right behind her.

"Mn?" A confuse (F/N) stared at her female friend but Ying only instruct her to stay silent for the mean time. Her sight left the emotionless girl and set right directly at Fang.

"Phew... " Fang sigh in relief once he concludes the two females were now safe away from Hanna.

Except for him though.

"Hm? Did I just heard Ying just now... " Hanna ask herself then turns around just in case if Ying's truly there behind her. But her brown eyes only notice the face of Fang who seems to be shock when Hanna saw him.

'Uh oh.' Fang and Ying thought when they saw her smiling towards Fang while waving at his direction. "Fang!" she called.

'RIP Fang.' The time manipulater thought when she notice her gravity manipulater friend approach him.

"Good morning Fang!" Little Hanna said when she was a meter near the shadow manipulater. "Say... have you seen Ying?"

"Uh... no. Not at all." he said. Truth to be told it's completely the opposite of what's his saying right now. They did promise to one another that they'll protect her so... "Funny, I thought I heard Ying just now... " she said.

"By the way Fang, Do you know what day it is today?" she said with her famous smile and twinkling brown eyes.

"Uhh... Death Day?" he said only for him to clamps his mouth shut at what he said just now.

"Huh?" she ask.

"Nothing!" Fang immediately said.

"So about my questi-- " Hanna started again but the nervous shadow manipulater quickly cut her off.

"About i-it... It's... um... MY TURN TO CLEAN THE ROOM! OK I GOT IT. THANKS FOR REMINDING MEEEE!!" as he said those words he immediately took off, running as fast as he can to avoid answering her given question. He's still to young to suffer death and he doesn't want it to be this... horrible.

The confuse Hanna just sweat drop while raising a brow at his odd behavior. Even Ying and (F/N), who was watching the scene from a great distance, sweat drop at Fang's rather pathetic but effective way of escaping Hanna. The time manipulater can't help but to facepalm at Fang. "What's wrong with him?" Hanna ask herself.

"But... isn't Gopal's turn to clean the classroom today?" she said before turning away and started walking again.

"Oh well~"

The two females watch as their hijab wearing female went towards the building of their classroom.

"Phew! That was close." Ying said while wiping the forming sweat on her forehead. Good thing they weren't caught by Hanna just now, or else they're doom.

"Anyoung haseyo... " the innocent young female greeted but apparently the unfamiliar vocabulary doesn't seem to register inside Ying's mind as she just stared at (F/N) with nothing but pure confusion.

"... huh?" - Ying.

"It means hello in hanggul." - (F/N).

"Hanggul?" she ask.

"It's Korea's language."

"Oh~ By the way don't worry about a thing (F/N), we're now safe from a dreaded lion!" she said while smiling gleefully at the still bewildered girl before her. "Literally." she added quite bluntly.

"Hm I don't get it. Is there a valid reason why we're hiding away from Hanna just a moment ago?" She ask while titling he head to the side. "And what lion are you talking about? Was there a lion here just a moment ago?"

"We'll about that... " She pause for a moment before looking left and right just to make sure no one's eavesdropping at their conversation. When she look back at her still bewildered friend, she was about to talk about the problem ahead of them when suddenly...

"Ying! (F-F/N)!" a familiar voice from behind the innocent female shouted. The voice seem to be huffing for air like the said person had stop from running through a Fifty kilometer marathon. And it seems their assumptions were all true when they saw the familiar dinasour cap of Boboiboy. He was sweating a lot and looks exhausted from the running he's been through.

"G-guys! Thank goodness your safe!" he said when the famous young superhero was standing near them.

"From what? The lion? How come I'm  not aware that there's a lion lurking around here... " (F/N) said to which made Boboiboy raise a brow at her statement.

"A lion? What lion are you talking?" he ask.

"I'm not fully knowledgeable enough to answer that. Ask Ying instead... " So the two of them look at the youngest for answers. Ying just facepalm at Boboiboy. "You know~ The lion!... The she lion." she said, emphasizing the word she, obviously hinting at someone they know.

~ Inside The The Classroom ~

"A... A-Achoo!" Hanna sneeze, successfully covering her mouth to make sure she won't spread it.

"Uhh... why do I get the feeling that someone's talking about me?" She ask herself.

"Well you are popular Hanna!" exclaim Suzy, a classmate of theirs and Hanna's ultimate fan.

"You think?" she smile in an awkward way since Hanna doesn't really like the idea of being popular, unlike her friend who's such an obsessive freak when it comes to popularity.

"Oh by the way Suzy! Do you know what day it is today?" her awkwardness wary off and was soon replace with her energetic smile.

"Today? Hmm... I'm not really sure. Is it your birthday today? No... Your was last month." Suzy said.

"Guess again~"

"Hmm... Am I missing a holiday?" Suddenly everything click when she realize something.

"Oh no... "

~ At The Front Gates ~

"Oh~ That lion~ Now I get it!" Boboiboy said as he scratch his check while smiling cheekily at his two girl friends.

"Took you long enough to realize." Ying said, facepalming.

"I don't get it... Who are you talking about and what lion are you talking about?" (F/N)'s soft voice said, more confuse than ever since it looks like the two of them were the one's who completely understand their lion topic.

"Uh... about the lion part... " Boboiboy started.

"Don't mention it to anyone. Especially to Hanna." Ying finish.

"Why?" she ask.

"Just to make sure no one knows." Boboiboy said.

"What if someone ask?" she ask again.

"Uhh... Just don't spill the beans." Ying said.

"But if I don't spill the beans, that's just similar to lying. My Aunt Rachael said lying is a bad thing."

"Uhh... " Now that two started to think another

"My aunt said that the Gods of Sweets and Desserts will take my sweets away if I ever lie to someone. I don't want that to happen... " Somehow, the two superheroes suddenly imagine (F/N) with rabbit ears dropping low from her head because of her conclusion.

'C-cute!' both of them thought.

"What should I do know?... I don't want to lie. Lying is bad. My aunt said so... " she ask.

"It's not like that (F/N). It's just that... " Ying said. Her mind sorting out for a possible reason to at least convince her to not tell anything about the lion part someone, especially the said lion, Yaya.

"It's like this!... A ferocious beast will soon attack the the Gods of Sweets and Desserts. So to keep their Kingdoms safe from the ferocious monster, they must keep a special secret for the sake of their Kingdom. You don't want their Kingdoms to be destroyed by the ferocious monster, right (F/N)?" Boboiboy ask. Some how it's like talking to an innocent baby where Boboiboy is using the baby talk technique to speak with the (H/C) haired (F/N).

"No... " she answered while shaking his head left and right to show her disapproval at the topic.

"Good." he smiled. "We're not really lying (F/N). We're just going to keep it a secret. We're not going to tell a lie instead we're going to kept it hidden from others. That way, the can protect the kingdom away from the bad guys."

"Oh~... " Eyes twinkling in delight, she nod her head at what Boboiboy said, seemingly believing it completely without a hint of doubt. "Now I know... " a small smile stretch it's way on her pinkish lips as her eyes gleam in understatement. "Thanks Boboiboy... "

A few seconds before she broke their eye contact, (F/N) look over at Ying and said, "We should probably head inside now. Otherwise Hanna will write our names like what happened to Gopal the other day." as she said that, she turn her around and walk towards the said building of her classroom.

Boboiboy held a smile of his own. He couldn't help but grin at (F/N)'s expression earlier. He felt a tingling sensation from his heart when her (E/C) Eyes met his. And he can't help but to touch his chest, reminiscing that feeling once again.

'It kinda feels... nice.'

It's the exact feeling when (F/N) first smiled at him and only to him.

"Aiyyeeeee~" Boboiboy's thoughts were crumble apart when Ying's voice rang inside his ear.

"I-it's not what you think!"

"Sure it is~ Just admit you've got a crush on her Boboiboy. Even Gopal and Fang started to notice it since the fight between you and Alien square head."

"Ying!" he scold, an noticeable hue of red began appearing at his cheeks once again.

"What? We know it's true. Me and Yaya approves it." she said along with a wink.

"No it's not. Let's just go to our classroom already!" With that, he march with speed, avoiding Ying so she won't tease him again. Good thing (F/N) was just ahead of them so she wouldn't hear a single word from Ying.

"Boboiboy... "


"Your blushing."

"Wha- No I'm not!" he denied.

"Yes you are~ Wait till Hanna hears about this!" With great speed, she run inside towards her classroom, leaving both (F/N) and Boboiboy behind.

"No. Don't!" he, too, followed Ying, leaving (F/N) behind as well to stop Ying from spreading his 'crush' on the said (H/C) haired girl.

"What just happened?" was (F/N)'s only question before disregarding what happened and entered the building as well.

Draculaura: Hi guys! Long time no update lol~ Sorry about that, I was just busy as usual. But I promise you that I won't promise that I'll update every now and then. 😄 Gets?

By the way, what can you say about (F/N) in this chapter? Remember the most important fact in Character Info.? When I told you she's easily manipulated, she clearly is as seen in this chapter where she was easily convince by her aunt to always tell the truth. Haha cute.

There's actually a reason why I'm not updating anymore... my hype for Boboiboy is gone. Yeah I still love Boboiboy but the hype from before is getting away now and hopefully Boboiboy The Movie 2 will get it all back. The main reason why I'm here in the first place is because of the first movie. So let's see if BBBTM 2 will make me as excited as before.

By the way... The Q&A chapter is still on-going for questions! If you have a question regarding on Draculaura8 or Innocent Love or even Boboiboy's original cast then ask it away in the comments sections! 👇👇👇 I'll be waiting ghoul friends~

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