Chapter 14: Avoiding Hanna

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Third Person's POV


"Present Teacher!"


"Present Teacher!"




"Present Teacher!"



"Gopal Kumar?"


The eyes of the teacher shift towards the front and began scanning for a certain Indian superhero, checking if his presence is indeed with one of her students or not. "Is Gopal absent?" ask the teacher. Hanna nod her head. "I guess so Teacher... I have never seen him on the gates when I was checking it." she said.

"Hm.. well then... " The female teacher mark Gopal's name absent for the day. Her eyes suddenly scan the pages of her notes and shook her head in disappointment. "Uh Hanna?"

"Yes Teacher?" she ask back.

"Kindly tell Gopal that he needs to maintain his attendance. I've been noticing he's quite not around for quite often. If he doesn't, he'll fall back behind us, it'll also affect his grades." their teacher said as she fix the posture of her glasses on the bridge of her nose. "If he's not feeling well, tell him to give a letter next time so I'll excuse him instead of marking him absent." she added.

The pink hijab wearing girl nod her head and said. "I will teacher!"

"Thank you Hanna." The teacher said while smiling. Expecting a good result for Gopal in the future.

"Next is... (F/N)?"

"Present... "


"Present Teacher!"

"Ok, so before we start our lesson, did you all remember what are previous lessons is from last week? Raise your hand to answer." The usual discussion began as the pupils were all enthusiastically raising their hand in order to get their teacher's attention, especially Hanna.

"Yes Hanna?"

Standing from her seat, she said; "It's about Kinds of Pronoun!"

"Very good Hanna. So does anyway knows what are the kinds of pronoun we learn last week?" the teacher ask again but like usual, Hanna answered it with ease while some of her classmates seem to have trouble remember their lesson.

As they were busy on their discussion, Ying huff in annoyance as she remain still on her seat. The latter just watch as her rival continues to answer the teacher's question, not even bothering to answer at all. The normal Ying would have compete for lecture moments ago but it seems that she's not interested at the lesson nor does she pay any attention at anyone at all. Instead, she seems to be annoyed at a particular person on her mind.

"It's a miracle Ying's not competing with Hanna on this one. Don't you think so Fang?" in order to not disturb the class, Boboiboy ask in a hush tone to the purple haired male since the said male was just sitting behind Boboiboy at the moment. Fang shift his eyes away from his textbook and into Ying's form at the front.

"Can't blame her since 'someone' promise to help last night but didn't bother himself to show up." Fang said quite sarcastically while observing the clench fist of Ying's.

"You mean... "

"Yes. And I bet he's celebrating right now."

~ At Kumar's Residence ~

Inside the room of a certain molecule manipulater...

"Oh yeah~ Oh yeah~ Uh-ha~ Yeah~" Still in his pajamas, Gopal was dancing enthusiastically on top of his bed, even as to do break dancing just to express how happy he is at the moment. The young lad was undeniable glad at how his plans work. He is guilty of ditching his friends at the moment, but he couldn't care less as long as he's safe from the dreaded event that was bond to happen soon at school.

"I'm finally safe~

From Hanna's -- "

*Knock* *Knock*


The sudden knock on his bedroom door startled Gopal as he instantly lay down and covers his body with his blanket. Clearing his voice, he said; "Y-yes Papa?"

"Are you alright? I thought I heard some noises here." his father said.

"Noises? I didn't hear any." innocently, Gopal said.

"Hmm... " Mr. Kumar gave a suspicious glance at his son's room before shifting his eyes at his only son, a worrisome expression was present on his face as he walk towards his bedside and examine his son's weak state.

"So Gopal, how is your stomach? Does it still hurt?" ask the older man to which Gopal nod. "Yes papa... " he said, displaying a weaker face to convince his father.

Convince by his son's scheming act, the older Kumar pat his Gopal's head and said. "Rest well my poor son. I'll tell your mother to make you some mushroom soup for breakfast." The older Kumar stand and descend

"By the way, no more junk food and soft drink for you."

"Ehhh?! But why papa?!"

"Didn't you say you kept eating junk food yesterday? From now on we'll be doing the healthy way of living so that means... no more junk foods, no more sweets and best of all, no more soft drinks." His father said and left his son to inform his lovely wife about his breakfast. Gopal, on the other hand, was left horrified at his father's words. Not accepting the consequence of his own action of lying to his father just because he wanted to hide from Hanna.


~ Paulu Rintis Primary School ~

"I hope Karma strike him soon." Fang said.

As time ticks away every seconds, the group of superheroes didn't even realize it but it was already their break time. The annoyance they emit must've prevented them from realizing it as they were too irritated by their traitor of a friend.

"Finally, Recess! My favorite subject." Fang said as he stretch his limbs in satisfaction. He was craving for some red carrot donuts. "Hey (F/N)!" Ying called over the female from afar and approached the busy girl.

"Hi... "

"(F/N) let's have our recess together!" Without any protest from the slightly older girl, the youngest drag her away. "Come on guys!"

"Hey guys! Wait up!" The cheerful voice of the person they avoided the most suddenly appeared at the doorway, blocking both Ying and (F/N) from exiting the room. Suddenly, without them knowing, Boboiboy, Ying and Fang had drain the natural color of their skin as they watch a smiling Yaya approach (F/N) with dilated eyes 'She's dead... We're dead.' Boboiboy, Fang and Ying thought horribly while gulping nervously. The angelic smile of Hanna already means death to them, what more if she release her secret weapon.

Oblivious to their horrified expression, (F/N) ignore them as wave at Hanna and smiled at her. "Hi everyone! Let's have our breaks together." While the (H/C) haired girl agrees without any hesitation, the trio behind them we're already sweating their armpits in fear. "Say, do you know what day it is today?" She ask while smiling in excitement.

"Um... it's Friday... " (F/N) said in her usual monotonous tone.

"That's not it silly~ Today is-- " Hanna didn't get to finish her statement when Amy came running towards her. "Hanna, teacher Anna wanted talk to you about something."

"Oh ok. Well I'll see you guys later. Save me a seat please." Leaving her friends to attend some errands, the three are sigh in relieve when they notice Hanna was gone. A look of ease was plastered on their faces as the oblivious person beside them raise a brow at their uneasy state.

"You guys look like you've seen a ghost?" She said while pointing at their pale faces. "We'll be seeing a ghost later if we don't avoid Hanna, (F/N)." Boboiboy said. Now this made the emotionless girl to be more confused than ever. "What's wrong with Hanna? Is she a necromancer or something?"

"What's a necromancer?" Fang ask which made him receive a smack on the arm by Ying. "Why you?!-- " But Ying paid no attention at the fuming male as she only pays her sight at their clueless friend. "That's not it (F/N). You see, this is the most dreaded day we don't want to come because of Hanna." She said.

"But why?..."

"That doesn't matter for now. We don't want the whole student body to freak out once they knew what day it is today. Last year was a pretty hectic thing for us and we don't want the same thing happen again. So for your safety (F/N), try as much as possible to avoid her." Ying said seriously.

"I don't really get it... "

"You will once we'll talk about it when we're sure Hanna's not around . Now's not a good time. Besides we don't want Hanna to hear anything about it. If she does then she'll definitely go berserk over us." Fang shivers at the thought of Hanna getting angry at them.

"You don't want to see an angry Hanna, (F/N)." Ying said to which Boboiboy agrees.

"It will surely bring you nightmares." Fang added. Just as they were shivering while visualizing Hanna's already furious mind set...


A low growl coming from an empty stomach was heard throughout the empty classroom as the three superhero took a glance at the source of the sound.

"I'm hungry... " said the (E/C) blue eyed female while rubbing her empty stomach. Another series of a complaining stomach, eager to be feed by the owner, was heard but this time it was Fang's.

"Me too. Come on guys! Red Carrot Donuts are limited today. We got to hurry up!" Without another word, Fang immediately move his legs and run as fast as he could to the canteen. Running as fast to the point his trail can not be seen through the naked eye. "Red carrot donuts, you're all mine!" He declared while laughing menacingly.

Ying, not amuse of his gluttonous  friend for red carrot donuts, smirk to herself and with greater speed, race together with Fang. "Not if I can get to it first!" With obvious results, the time manipulating chinese outrun the purple haired alien to which made him irked in annoyance.

"Eh?! You cheater!" He called but Ying was unaffected, instead her smirk grew wider as if mocking Fang's speed.

"Bleh~ Eat my dust Fang." Winking at Fang, she effortlessly surpass Fang, leaving him with a trail of dust. "Why you!-- I'm gonna get my donuts if it's the last thing I'll do Ying!" Exclaim the shadow manipulator, never intend to give up just to eat his favorite food.

In the midst of their crazy race, Boboiboy couldn't help but to faceplam at their reckless behaviour. If ever Hanna saw this, she'll surely fin them from running the halls with such carelessness. Good thing she's not here though.

"Those two... " he said.

Boboiboy is clearly unamuse at their silly antics. However (F/N) doesn't seem to mind as a small giggle escape from her mouth which surprises the superhero besides her.

"They're cute. Wouldn't you agree Boboiboy?" Her loving gaze still lingers at their trail and to the hall they disappear into.

'I can see a good future for those two.'

While staring at the hall ahead of her, Boboiboy couldn't help but to stare at the girl beside him. For some odd reasons, it lightens up his mood. It somehow influence him.


The young boy being mesmerized by her soft smile, agrees unknowingly and dumbfoundedly at her question. The black haired superhero was too hypnotize by the sound of her laugh. It was only then did he felt a small finger on his chin and raise it up to close his gaping mouth.

"Boboiboy you must be very hungry. Your drooling too much... " was the (F/N) haired girl's plain response before letting go of his chin. Hands on her back, (F/N) left the dumbfounded Boboiboy behind and went straight to the canteen for some snack. "Come on. I know your beginning to think of me as your lunch. Before you can eat me, I'll let you know that cannibalism is disgusting and unsanitary." She added, not really paying attention at the bloody red blush creeping on his chubby cheeks.

Awkward silence filled the air as Boboiboy tried his best to refrain himself from shouting from embarrassment.

'WHAT WAS I THINKING?!' He thought as he started hitting his head for being such a creep earlier. Why am I even drooling in the first place?!' With that in mind, he quickly rub his dripping saliva and started to be more conscious with himself after what happened a second ago.

'I bet she thinks I'm a weirdo now... ' he though while he angrily utters insult about himself not being on his own persona today. While on his way behind (F/N), he keeps whispering words that is beyond (F/N)'s hearing comprehension while occasionally pulling his hair in frustration at random times. Although he did this in a safe distance away from the young girl so that the said girl won't see him being weird. He couldn't be even more embarrassed if she did unexpected see him in that state.

When Boboiboy and (F/N) disappear into the halls, two ladies, a grown adult and a young child, stood near the spot where Boboiboy and (F/N) was standing earlier. One amuse and the other confuse at the two kids. The two were just in their way

"Uh Hanna? Is Boboiboy alright?"

"Yes Teacher Anna. Why do you ask?" The hijab wearing heroine ask. Eyes staring at the hall the two went to with a satisfied smile never leaving her face.

"I've started to notice Boboiboy being weird and distracted lately. Is there something wrong with him?" She ask but the girl only answers with sweet cute giggles at the throw question. Stopping herself from laughing, the hijab wearing girl raise her head to meet her teacher's eyes and said;

"Because Teacher Anna, Boboiboy has a cute crush on (F/N)!"

~ At The Canteen ~

"Hm?? Let's see... " uttered a raven haired hero. Currently, the boy was at the front of the stall, selecting a food of his choose that his stomach will devour. After finalizing his decision, hepick up a white carrot donut and an orange juice. He was about to pay his when suddenly, canteen lady spoke.

"Are you alright Boboiboy? Your so red right now... " The canteen lady said as she pointed out the obvious red hues on the boy's cheeks. Guess the scarlet color of his blush from earlier have not faded yet until now. Good thing that Ying, Fang and (F/N) were sitting at a table away from him. If not, he wouldn't handle the embarrassment if ever Ying would look at him with her usual teasing smile. A smile that meant trouble for him. It would have been worst if Yaya was there too.

"I-It's actually the whether Aunty. It's very hot right now hehehe..." the boy said why the latter scratch his head shyly at the real reason why his face was red. Paying his bill, the young hero instantly took a run for it as to not getting question any further by the middle-age woman. Confuse at the odd behavior of the boy, she utters to no one in particular; "I find it funny why Boboiboy thinks it's hot but it's actually windy today."

Before nearing the table where his friends are currently at, Boboiboy made sure to calm the blush on his cheeks by slapping it lightly and calming his raging heart beat.

"You can quit it Fang. I got it first. First come, first serve." said little Ying as she ignores the angry glares from an annoyed Fang in front of her. After the race, the obvious person who got first was obviously Ying herself. Fang was far away behind her at that time before the time manipulator bought the last piece of the red carrot donut. Thus, making the purple eyed shot deadly dagger-like glares at the youngest. But the girl held no interest at the boy as she teasingly eyed him while slowly eating the carrot donut.

"Hm~ Yummy!" - Ying

"Tsk... " - Fang

"..." - (F/N)

Sitting besides Fang, Boboiboy can't help but to facepalm at the two's silly behavior, especially to Fang who can't help but to growl at Ying like a black panther. He sigh in annoyance and was about to take a bite at his white carrot treat when his eyes suddenly focused on the girl besides Ying.

The stoic look of the girl remain unbothered and steady while staring at the window besides them. Unbothered by the noisy duo and remain as quiet as she normal is. It's not really the quiet behavior of the girl that bothers him. Because he always notice her silent demeanor over the pass days they have been friends together which is a normal thing for them. What really caught Boboiboy's attention is the fact that (F/N), claiming to be hungry a moment ago, does not help herself with any delightful treat to eat.

"Hey (F/N)," called the male.

"Hm?" Still staring at the grassy field outside, the girl respond with a simply hum directing towards the male in question.

"Yes Boboiboy?" She ask in her usual monotonous tone.

"Didn't you said you were hungry ago? Why don't you buy some snacks?" He ask while he force the white straw into the carton of his orange juice before taking a mouthful sip of the liquid. Facing the boy, she answered, "I can't."

Bewildered over the female, Boboiboy ask again, "Why?"

"I lost my pocket money." By this, Boboiboy unexpectedly choke on to his drink.

"You what?!" Ying, who overheard their conversation, instantly yells at the girl besides her. The three of them couldn't comprehend if the latter was sad over the lost of her walle because of her stoic look. She feels rather unbothered by it rather than being unhappy with the sudden loss. "Why didn't you say so (F/N)? We could've held you some." Said Boboiboy.

"Nobody ask... Moreover, you didn't ask Boboiboy. " she said monotonously making the hero to fell anime-style on his seat.

"(F/N) at times like this, you need to tell us if there's a problem. We're you're friends. If you needed anything, we'll be here for you." Ying said as the girl pat her on the head with a her signature grin along with a wink. Feeling a bit happy from the inside, the girl, with an unnoticeable shy smile, replied; "That's very thoughtful of you Ying. I appreciate it." Which makes the time manipulating girl to grin back at the response.

The (H/C) headed girl was indeed older than the time manipulating chinese by only a year but for some obvious reasons, they don't act according to their age. Ying being the youngest, acts like a big sister towards the girl while the latter remains like an innocent baby and being spoiled by her big sister Ying.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it. Actually, I did remember having two than just one carrot donut. You can have the other." She said while grabbing the said treat on the table. But the Chinese heroine didn't felt any plastic wrap donut on her table, instead she only grab 'air'. Bewildered at the sudden disappearance of her snack, the chinese girl look at the possible culprit of stealing her donut and glared at him furiously.

"What?" He said nervous at the vicious glares he's receiving from the girl opposite to him. From the obvious crumbs on his checks, it's obvious who's the one behind it.


"It was not me!" But it was too late for Fang to apologize for Ying had already chase him down the halls, leaving the two of them alone. Boboiboy rolled his eyes at the duo before resting his black orbs at the (H/C) haired girl in front of him. "Here, you can have mine." Boboiboy said as he hand her his still-untouched white carrot donut warp in a white plastic. The girl, as much as she wanted to, reluctantly shook her head no. She grab Boboiboy's hand that holds the donut and retrieve it back to Boboiboy. "No Boboiboy. I can't accept it. This is your food. Besides, weren't you drooling a minute ago. You need something to eat... we don't want you drooling over someone too like your going to eat them... "

"Hey, I'm not a cannibal!" He object. She must've mistook him staring at her while drooling as a sign of eating her up. This just makes it more embarrassing for him. "And besides... "

"That's not the reason why I was drooling earlier... " eyes not meeting her (E/C) one's, he completely silence his mouth and proceed to sip the orange liquid inside it's carton.

'I didn't even know what came up to me... ' Even though Boboiboy is the main hero of Paulu Rintis, this young lad is still a child. And not only that, but the young hero is naive when it comes to infatuation. He never once had a crush on someone way back in his previous life with his parents in the city. Furthermore, he isn't even aware of the bubbling sensation of unrecognizable feelings inside of his system. All he knows, he's being such a awkward mess whenever he's with her. But for so obvious reasons....

Boboiboy likes it.

"Hey Boboiboy... " his thoughts were interrupt when the (H/C) haired girl called his name. The boy focus his attention on (F/N) and notice that the white carrot donut was now gone. Probably devoured by the hungry girl. "What is it (F/N)?" He ask.

"May you please state the real reason why all of you including Teacher Papa avoiding, keep Hanna this day? I don't see anything wrong with Hanna though." Well it's a good thing that she brought it up because he did intend to tell her sooner or later. He beckon the girl to lean forward which she did and led her ears to him.

"Well you see (F/N), this is the day where we'll all going to die!" He said, quite overreacting too. "It's the day where we're all gonna die with the taste of Hanna's cookie!"


"Because (F/N)..." He stress out before continuing. "It's World's Cookie Day. And Hanna's making cookies for us."


Draculaura: This chapter is by the far the weirdest one yet. Hopefully you guys still love it? I hope.

Also, FaYi moments. You're welcome hihihi ❤. The drooling part came when I saw my baby cousins drooling when they saw me eating some mangoes. Also, I love it how an innocent child has twisted thoughts like (F/N), this just reminds me of my old friend. Despite being innocent and sweet, she always has her sadistic sides. She once pinch her pointy nails on my arm making it bleed.

I cried at that time. 😭

And... Opps? I guess I did it again. I exceed the 2500 limit.

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