Chapter 15: Friendship Problems

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Third Person's POV

It was like any other morning for the earth outsiders who lives in the dumpster side of Paulu Rintis. Computer was busy cleaning and dusting the area while Probe was preparing his master

~ Paulu Rintis Primary School ~

"Cookies?" Although it can be distinguish easily but obviously enough the girl wanted to facepalm at Boboiboy's ridiculous story.











"You don't believe me, don't you?" He ask as he sigh in disbelief.

"Who wouldn't?..." came her short reply. "At least make a fully descriptive report on that matter. No one will certainly believe such a story with childish content and lack of emphasis on that matter... " she quickly added.

"Futhermore, what's so scary about Hanna's cookies? Will I die from eating one?"

'Exactly.' Boboiboy thought.

He sigh once again and stares in a serious manner, at the girl in front of him. "Listen (F/N), Hanna makes the most horrible cookies ever to exist. It's so disgusting you'll die by just one bite! Words can never describe how extremely awful and dangerous those cookies are!" While the young boy was narrating, he was having goosebumps all over his body at the vivid memory of the taste he likes to called 'death'.

"You made it sound like it's a weapon made to cause destruction and death... maybe you're just exaggerating it Boboiboy." She said, not really giving the topic any seriousness at all since it looks like a big joke to her.

"But it does cause destruction and death!" He emphasizes.

"Have you even tried it Boboiboy?" She ask.

"Yes, a hundred times already and it keeps getting worse and worse. I don't know how she does it but it's more toxic then poison itself. " Horrified, the hero shudder at the times where he was forced to devour the awful taste known to mankind. The times where he faint and vomit over and over again makes his stomach curl in discomfort at the vivid memory of it.

"Hmm... I don't really believe Hanna's cookies are that bad. Gopal once told me that Hanna makes the best homemade meals before. I can't imagine how bad she is at making cookies. Besides... I have taste the worst in my whole life. Meet my father's cooking." She said as she reminisce the times where his father nearly blown the kitchen at his careless cooking skills. She can't even tell at that time if the food was edible enough for a normal human to feast as it looks like a one big pile of a sheep's flesh. Although the confusing part was he was cooking vegetables at that time.

"But cooking is different with baking (F/N)." He objects. "One second your fine but the next you'll be out cold on the ground." Although the boy isn't any where near convincing at the eyes of (F/N), he still insist to persuade her.

"Believe me (F/N), Hanna's cookies are... "

"Huh? What about my cookies?!" Frozen on his spot, Boboiboy nearly had a heart attack when he heard the familiar jolly friendly voice of the person, the gang intend to avoid the most. The pink hijab wearing girl, with a sweet smile, suddenly appeared out of no where and unintentionally cut the words right out of Boboiboy's mouth.

"Hi Hanna... "

"Hi (F/N)! Hi Boboiboy!"

"H-Hi Hanna!" The boy immediately pale at the sight of the smiling girl besides (F/N). Body ready to flee and escape the hijab wearing girl's biscuits of death. "So what about my cookies?" She ask again directly towards Boboiboy who she heard first when approaching the duo. "Um... cookies!... Man it's delicious and.... unique! So unique!" He stutter out but good thing Yaya was easily convinced by his lies.

"Really?! I'm glad you miss my delicious biscuits!"

"Y-yes Hanna. I was just telling (F/N) about it." The poor boy was obviously sweating and praying for Allah to save him if ever Hanna offers them her 'unique' cookies. It was then that the moment became cold when the girl with (E/C) eyes started talking.

"I thought you said it was horrible." The girl bluntly said.













If this wasn't a kid's show, Boboiboy would've curse by now. "He said what?" Came the unusual cold reply of the usually sweet girl. The girl slowly grip her fists . Both of the two cam evem visualize a fiery image of a beast from behind Hanna which symbolizes her fury right now.

'Did I said something wrong?' (F/N) thought, oblivious to that one mistake she cause.

"It was horrible?!" She ask again but this time, she was boiling with rage. Her small body defies the gravity and began floating in the air. The two of them can see an imaginary fire blazing within her brown eyes. PBoboiboy gulp nervously when Hanna fiercely glared daggers at him and quickly tries to redeem himself.


"No wait! You got it all wrong!" He said as he instantly went towards the (H/C) haired girl's back for cover.

"It's not your cookies that is horrible!" He quickly said in order to lessen the damage the (F/N) to him. "That's not how I remember you saying i-" with the speed of light, Boboiboy immediately clasp (F/N)'s mouth in order to shut her tiny mouth.

'(F/N) please be quiet! Don't make it even more hard for me.' He thought while crying animated crocodile tears.

"Then what?!" She ask viciously, ready to attack the boy in question.

"It... was the... movie... the horror movie last night!" He quickly said. Just like that, her fiery hues of brown return to it's normal innocent self as the hijab wearing girl lowers her self to the ground.

"Horror movies?"

"Uh yes! The ones that where newly released just yesterday. Ochobot and I were planning to watch it but we didn't not to because it sucks." He said.

"Newly released? The only release movies I know is mostly about romance like Fayi And GoYa: One True Pair and Princess Charming. Are you sure it's a horror film, I didn't saw any updates on the malls."

"Oh that's because... uh... I download it first before they officially release here... in our country?" he trailed off, uncertain with his own white lies. "But Boboiboy, aren't you afraid of horror movies? I remember that one time where you hug Ying accidentally because you're too scared to watch and got punch by her in an instant." Hanna giggle at the vivid memory while Boboiboy just facepalm when he suddenly remembered the pain on his left stomach that time.

"Uh-huh... "

"Anyway, it's just a silly misunderstanding Hanna. We know very well how unique and delicious your cookies are. I-- I mean, we are very excited for this day to come." Said Boboiboy.

'We?' (F/N) thought while faceplaming.

"We?" Hanna ask. Referring to both him and (F/N).

"By we, I meant Gopal, Fang and Ying." He assured. Skeptically, Hanna was certainly hesitating













"Aw thank you Boboiboy!" It took quite a moment but good thing he manage to convince his friend. 'Phew' he thought as he felt his tense body relax when the scary atmosphere was over.

Or so he thought.

"Since you must've love the cookies so much," Hanna immediately grabs her basket and present Boboiboy the contents. "Here have some!" The smell of death reach his nostril as he began to feel a little sick from the sight of her beloved biscuits.

'Help me please...'

~ Adu Du's Lair ~

"Master, you're injuries are not yet healed at the moment. Please do not burden your body and rest for the meantime." An advanced alien-made computer persuade a highly agitated Adu Du who was trying his best to push away those mechanical hands that was persistent on grabbing him to bed.

"Shut it Computer. My soul is screaming vengeance. I'll make sure Boboiboy and his friends will pay." He said through grit teeth. His brain ignores the aching pain of his clench fist as wild thoughts of different kind of revenge swirl inside his rectangular head.

'Especially that stupid girl.'

"But master, it is wise for you health to get better. If you truly want to beat Boboiboy and his friend, you have to restore your energy first and rethink your plans for your next attack. Remember Boboiboy not only have his friends, but also that mysterious girl who took your power spheres. It will put you in quite a difficult position once you provoke them master." Adu Du might be the stuborn boss but he surely knows when to listen to his comrades but that moment comes in rarely. But he did consider listening to it considering the fact that his robotic companion does have point.

"Ughhh... " he groan after he laid his tiny body on the bed again. He shield his sight by placing his forearm on his eyes. After a long moment of silence, his mouth move on it's own as curiousity fell into him and ask, "How is Probe doing?"

"Probe is still undercover as a janitor. Quietly monitor Boboiboy and his friends."

"Hmp! He better be. I'll surely throw something bigger than a mug at him if he fails to even spy on Boboiboy." He said but eventually his hard eyes soften at the mention of Boboiboy. When will there be a time where he can really beat Boboiboy. Probably never. But his villain heart will never gave Boboiboy the chance to have peace. Not now, not ever.

"Computer, leave me alone for a second. I need time to be alone." A long pause before he heard Computer's usual 'Yes Master' before leaving him completely on his own.

He cross his arms at the back of his head that serves as a pillow and lay down once again. His eyes was staring at the shinning bulb on the ceiling. Mind completely wandering off towards the image of Boboiboy and his friends smiling whenever they became victories.

"Tsk." It clearly irritates him to the max. From him to his friends, his mind suddenly remembers a certain time about a certain girl. Flashback started spinning his memories at the first time they met, the time where she delivered him a pain jamming punch in the air and the time where she ruined his almost perfect plan to defeat Boboiboy.

"(F/N)... " He glared at no one in particular.

'I'll definitely make you pay.'

~ Paulu Rintis Primary School ~

"Achoo..." (F/N) sneeze.

"I didn't know a sneeze can be this adorable." Some of her male classmates said.

Currently the students were having their chores, it was supposed to be Irwan and (F/N) since it's their cleaning duty today however some of their classmates stayed behind to help the duo.

"Wow. With such a short notice, (F/N) definitely became famous in an instant." Hanna said. "Not just our classmates but other students from other classrooms came just to see her."

"Hmp, I'm more popular than she is." Fang butt in.

"But Boboiboy is more popular than you so~... " Ying said which quickly added the fuel to Fang's jealousy. "Tsk."

"Speaking of, has anyone seen Boboiboy?" Hanna ask but the two only nod their heads no. "Weird, did he went off without us?" She utters. "And he also miss his other subjects?"

"Could he possibly be skipping schooq

"Skipping? That doesn't seem like Boboiboy at all Hanna." As soon as Ying said that, students from their classroom immediately went off while waving goodbye at each other.

"See you guys next week. Bye (F/N)!" The girl wave back goodbye. "Ok." Was her short reply. She saw her friends patiently waiting for them and ask; "Were you guys waiting for me?" To which the three of them nod their heads yes.

"Now that you're all done, let's go home now." -Fang.

"I'm sorry guys but my aunt will be fetching me today so I can't be accompanying you guys this time." (F/N) said. "Don't worry (F/N), we'll just sent you at our school gate then we'll head home first." Hanna smiled.

"Eh? But how about Boboiboy?" The emotionless girl ask while tilting her head to the side. Her big eyes was radiating with curiosity since she notice that the said male wasn't with them.

'S-so cute!' All of them thought.

"He seem to have gone home without us (F/N)." Ying replied. It all come clear to the (E/C) eyed girl that she completely forgot about telling her friends about Boboiboy's situation.

"Actually... " the girl trail off.

~ Infirmary ~

"He was here the whole time." (F/N) said as they all stared at a laying Boboiboy on his stomach, his soul leaving his body anytime soon.

"Oh dear! What happened to him?" Hanna ask, worried about her friend's wellbeing. "He fainted in the boy's bathroom. I had to carry him all the way here." (F/N) replied with her usual monotone voice. After eating some of Hanna's cookies, the boy was quick enough to excuse himself for the bathroom because anytime soon, he will surely need to release everything he ate during that time. Once there was nothing else to release, his body wouldn't take in it any longer and fainted on the floor.

Luckily for him (F/N) was just waiting for him outside but was getting impatient at the boy so she just barged in, not caring that she just entered the boy's restroom. And that's when she saw Boboiboy lifeless on the cold tiled floor.

"Ohhh~ no wonder he suddenly went missing." - Hanna.

"Your friend seems to have eaten something horrible. We'll ask the canteen staffs if they have serve something that cause his stomach to ache. However, I remembered Boboiboy saying that he only bought a carton of juice and a red carrot donut during his recess." The nurse explained.

"Hmm... maybe the product's already expired and the canteen wasn't aware of it?" Hanna conclude. "I don't know sweetheart. But we'll guarantee that we will monitor the food from now on." The nurse ensure.

Ying and Fang, behind Hanna, couldn't help but facepalm, 'We all know what's the reason behind it.'

"But don't worry, it may not look like it but he's fine now. Just... a little dazed."

Without much time wasted, the four of them were now walking outside of the school grounds. Fang whispers behind Boboiboy, making sure that Hanna was distracted enough by their conversation with Ying and (F/N); "Let me guess, you ate one, right?"

"Not just one." Boboiboy replied with so little strength as if those cookies has been sucking the living daylights out of him. He will not question on how many of those cookies were digested inside his stomach as Fang felt sorry for the latter. It's even a miracle that Boboiboy can even walk without fainting. "Well atleast Mission: Protecting (F/N) from Hanna's cookies is complete." Boboiboy said as he let off a weak grin of success and Fang only laugh at his weak state. "Yeah right."

"Oh I suddenly remembered." Hanna started. She place her bag in front of her and started browsing something inside. Bewildered, the others near the hijab hearing heroine for a closer look, to everyone's shock excluding (F/N), the girl pulled out five cute visible plastic bags full of the familiar heart shape cookies exclusive for her friends. "You guys are all special to me so I made these for all of you." She said while giving them each of the bag, it even has a cute ribbon on it too.

"Why thank you Hanna. That is so sweet of you." Out of the four, (F/N) was the only one who appreciate the gift genuinely, unaware of the potential danger it emits. By the looks of the way it was presented, she can tell that it was made through hard work. Hanna really made the effort of even making a cute package for it.

The others were a little hesitant to receive it but gave their thanks anyway. "This one was suppose to be for Gopal but since he's not here, I'll just give it to Boboiboy instead." Hanna said, with her usual sweet smile, she gave it too Boboiboy who was sweating heavily at the sweet gesture. "G-geez, t-thanks Hanna. I sure am a lucky one h-hehe..."

"Aww I knew you would love them! That's why I gave the last one to you."

'Not again!' He thought will crying crocodile tears silently. Hanna mistaken it for tears of joy.

(F/N) was eyeing from secretly. Her sharp observation skills can tell that the three of them weren't keen on receiving those cookies. 'Are they really they bad?' She thought. "Well I better get going. Mom's expecting me to be early since were having my uncle over. See you guys tomorrow!" The trio perk their ears at the words and couldn't help but feel joy inside. Hanna wave goodbye to her friends before using her gravity powers and levitate her body towards her home.

"See you!"

"See you Hanna!" They all wave goodbye. However the trio on the other hand were different. From what (F/N) observe, it's like they were happy that Hanna left in such a rush matter.

"Phew good thing she left." (F/N) rose a brow at what Fang had said. 'What?'

"For once, I'll agree with you on this one." Said Ying. 'Even you Ying?' She thought

"I had enough of Hanna's cookies for today. I actually throw up all I ate at the toilet." Boboiboy said.

"Let's just leave these alone. I'm pretty sure some animals will take interest it." Fang suggested. As he throw the small bag, not caring in which direction it flew. "Let's be honest, even animals don't like Hanna's cookies." The two of them laugh at Ying's joke, unaware of a certain girl who was slowly and quietly getting irritated at their conversation.

"I'm not joking guys... "

"Fine let's just leave it here." Boboiboy said and left the cookies on the ground, Ying following suit. "You too (F/N). You should just leave it behind." Boboiboy said. He move his eyes to look at the female and was suddenly bewildered at her silent figure. After Hanna left, not a single word was uttered by the said female.


"How can you guys possibly do this to Hanna?" Her tone was barely a whisper. Her eyes lost it's innocent glow. Gripping the bag of cookies tightly as she eyed the group full of disbelief at their words and actions from earlier.

"Hanna made the effort to bake you this cookies and you're all throwing it away."

The trio know where she's getting at but before a major conflict would sprang up, Ying decided to step in. "It's not like we wanted to in the first place (F/N), but we really don't want her cookies at all." She was guilty. Almost every time when Hanna shows up with that basket of hers, everyday is death day. "We don't want to hurt Hanna's feelings that way either but we no choice." Boboiboy said. The boy keep his eyes on the ground in fear that he could no longer withstand the pressure of her eyes judging their moves.

"Even if we do tell the truth, it's either her cookies or Hanna, herself will kill us." Fang said. He later explained in detailed the full consequence of provoking Hanna. The most possible outcome can give you a broken bone or so is what Fang explained.

"It's a double death for us. If we eat her cookies, we're dead, if we tell her the truth we're also death. It's not that simple."

"Listen (F/N), we really do care about Hanna, it's just that everytime we do have the courage to try and tell her... well... we just don't want her to be heartbroken that's all. And to prevent that from happening, we always avoided her." Boboiboy said. His face was covered with guilt and shame to the point he didn't dared to face the girl.

"Do you know what day it is today?" He ask. The girl shook her head no. He let out a small smile, "It's World's Cookie Day."

"It's a special day for Hanna where she will bake a lot of cookies for everyone. She is dedicated to give her best in baking her cookies but... " he paused for a moment to take a deep breath before continuing. "Even the people closes to her in Paulu Rintis are desperate to get away from her as possible."

"And Gopal? He didn't even appear to this mission we talk about last night. He was supposed to be here, with us, protecting you." The girl remain quiet. (E/C) eyes silently judging their expressions. After giving it a moment of thought, (F/N) exhale through a deep breath and spoke, "I see... " was all she said.

The others observe her, bewildered by her lack of reaction at the situation. She doesn't seem angry about it but again, she is (F/N), the girl who always keeps a straight face. "I know where you guys are getting at and somehow I understand a little of your experience during those so called torture times with her cookies and I am quite flattered by your sincere thought about protecting me but you know what... "

"What?" All of them ask in sync. A smile finally lifting up on their faces for (F/N)'s confrontation is making them sweaty rather heavily.

Her straight lips form a small grin, but it wasn't a happy one. "... I was right. You guys are seriously exaggerating all about it."

"Her cookies are deadly, is what you guys said. Her cookies are horrible, is what most of you would say. Her cookies are death itself, probably the whole island of Paulu Rintis would say but you know what?... "

"Atleast Hanna is trying her best to do something she's terrible at... " She gave them a sad look before continuing.

"She's probably not aware about it so it's best if you tell her what you really feel about her cookies. Your constant flowery compliments about her cookies only gives her false happiness. I ensure you that that happiness of hers will fade soon once she knows about it." Observing their faces, the three of them were deadly guilty with each word that proceed into their mind and heart. She was right.

"Earlier this morning until now, I didn't appreciate how you guys can simply lie about it, how you disregard her hard effort and throw her cookies away just like that. Tell me, do you enjoy doing all of this to Hanna?" She raise a brow in question and the trio nod their nods no.

"That's exactly what I thought."

"But what if we tell Hanna then ... then... " - Fang.

"If you're afraid about getting yourselves hurt then don't be. Always give your thoughts about something truthfully, if she can't handle the truth then that's not your fault for being honest. And if you're afraid that Hanna might get hurt by your words, always remember that these words will help her in the future, to improve herself. Continuing this act everytime she'll brought her cookies will only further your suffering so I suggest you stop it." After ending her small speech, Fang, Ying and Boboiboy only hang their heads in silence, no words can describe how deeply embarrassed they are and most importantly, how wrong them are for treating Hanna that way.

"We're sorry (F/N)." Boboiboy said.

"Yeah. Very sorry." Ying added.

"We made a mistake and we hope you forgive us." Fang finish. (F/N) eyed the trio of heroes, her straight face frighten them since they don't know what's currently on her mind. "I believe that apology belongs to someone else... " The four of them heard a beeping sound of a nearby car driving at their direction.

"My aunt is here." Stopping to where they are at, the door automatically opened by itself, indicating the girl to get inside the vehicle. But before that, her feet brought her to where the plastic bags of cookies at. Picking the three up, she glance at the trio one more time, stopping momentarily to say something, "Also, next time if you don't want something then just give it to others. Or since you seem to held quite the dislike, just throw it to the trash, knowing Hanna, she'll get really angry at you for littering outside school grounds." With that, she step inside the vehicle, leaving the trio behind to head home. With a moment of silence broke by Boboiboy, four words left his mouth.

"We mess up again."

A\N: Tell you what, while writing this chapter, I suddenly remembered that I had a very similar experience with Hanna. It's not a pleasant memory so I don't want to talk about it 🙃

Care to share if any of you had a experience similar like me and Hanna's?

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