Chapter 16: Problem Resolve

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Adu Du's POV

Hayst, it's getting late. Those brats might've gone home by now. Tsk, it's getting on my nerves how peaceful they are without my wrath terrorizing their small town.

This routine of me lying all day bores me to death. My body needs action and joy from my evil schemes but I can't move that simply now. My injuries are still recovering, but it's so slow and my body is hungry for destruction.

'Once I get back on my two feet, I'll have to make sure you'll see nothing but fear Boboiboy.' My peaceful state was suddenly interrupted when I heard an annoying voice getting near me. "Mr. Boss! Mr. Boss!" That excited voice of his made my mind boil for no reason. Oh great, what does he want now?

"Quiet down you metal head!" I said. I was already annoyed when Boboiboy cross my mind and now Probe was quickly added into my list. "What do you want?" I ask directed. I don't want to dilly dally nonsense coming from this guy if that's what we're going to talk about.

"Actually I have great news from my mission earlier and I'm pretty sure you're gonna love it Mr. Boss~" Tsk, talk about suspense, just tell me already!

"What is it?"

"I just saw from my own robotic eyes that Boboiboy and his friends are suffering a friendship problem!" Frienship Problem? This is suppose to be a cartoon called 'Boboiboy' not 'My Little Pony'. Geezz I gotta stop Probe from watching that cartoon, even I, the evil one, got influence by it.


"It's just like this Mr. Boss, (F/N) was extremely disappointed by her friends when they throw away the stuffs little Hanna made. So she scolded them with such inspiring speech, even I, robot such as myself was moved by her words hu hu hu." I see him wiping some imaginary crocodile tears and I facepalm.."But getting to the main point, all of them were guilty to the bone before (F/N) left them. Poor Boboiboy, Ying and Fang, they couldn't take the guilt any more. Well I couldn't blame (F/N) for being mad, it was their fault in the first place."

"I see... " Even though I couldn't do my usual evil schemes, looks like Boboiboy and his friends had a problem on their own sometime. But it's rare for them to quarrel like that since their friendship is so tight.








'I really need to stop watching My Little Pony for Pete's sake!' But now that I think about it, this is quite a golden opportunity. Isn't this a great opportunity to attack while their friendship crumbles a little? I smirk at the mere thought of Boboiboy being beaten down when his spirit is down as well.

"By the way, look what I got Mr. Boss!" My smirk fell when a sudden hard object hit me in the face. Oh my... I can see Twilight and her pony friends flying above me and then I blackout.

Third Person's POV

"Uh-oh... " The purple robot became a nervous mess after realizing he put to much force on throwing the bag of cookies on his master's injured face. "Mr. Boss, I didn't mean it! Oh dear... "

"Hayst, what trouble did you do this time Probe?" Computer was just in time to question the culprit. "It was an accident I swear! I just wanted to give Mr. Boss a bag of cookies... "


"Yeah, two little girlies gave them to me. Hayst, I'm so lucky!" This leaves the talking computer confuse. Who in the right mind would give a villain robot her cookies? "Well you're not gonna be lucky later once the boss wakes up." She said before she carried on with laying Adu Du carefully on the bed with her robotic hands.

"Oh shoot! What should I do?! He'll definitely kill me." He was gravely panicking and was sweating so heavily. He then turn to his last resort. Asking Computer to help him.

"Not my problem." She said and left the purple robot to it's lonesome, silently crying while awaiting his death.

~ Morning ~

"Go on Boboiboy." Encourage Ying as the she, Fang and Gopal push a nervous looking Boboiboy at the front door of their friend's house.

"Eh, why only me? What about the rest of you?" He complained. It's no fair if he'll be the only one facing Hanna's wrath alone. "But Boboiboy, you know we are no match for Hanna when she's angry." Fang replied.

"That's right. You have Boboiboy Earth to block her punches." - Gopal.

"First of all, you have no right to complain at all Gopal! You weren't even there to help us yesterday." Boboiboy argued back.

"But your ideas backfired on you yesterday... "









"All in favor of Gopal going first may raise your hand." In a millisecond, all three of them raise their hands in agreement. "Off you go Gopal!" Both Ying and Boboiboy push their now resisting indian friend together towards the door. "Hey wait! This isn't fair!"

"You weren't fair too when you ditched us yesterday." Fang joined forces with the two. Now, they are currently face to face with that dreaded door. All he have to do now is knock.

"Go on Gopal. Geez!" Ying rolled her eyes. The way Gopal look right now was pathetic. Like he was about to pee on his pants just by looking at the door. "Easy for you to say. Why don't you do the honours then? You are her bestfriend." Gopal said.

"There's no besties in her eyes once someone insults her cookies and we are one great example of that later." She replied. It was very obvious since it happens very often even before Boboiboy and Fang joined the group.

"Atleast you can use your powers to escape, Boboiboy can use Thunderstorm to run and Fang can use his Shadow Eagle to fly away. What about me? Dead meat."

"Are you forgetting that Hanna can use her sonic speed to catch up?" Fang question. "Well I don't know about you too but Boboiboy can surely escape." Gopal said. It took a lot of resisting not to struggle the living daylights out of Gopal.

"Enough talk. No one's gonna use powers and no one's going to escape. We're all in this together and that's final." - Boboiboy.

"We're all here for one thing and that is to settl-- "

"Settle what exactly?" They all turned stiff when they heard Hanna's voice just right at the door. They were too busy arguing that they didn't notice her presence at all. She was smiling sweetly at them. Silently questioning in her mind why they were so loud early in the morning.

"G-good morning Hanna!" They all stutter out. Praying in their minds that hopefully it'll end up peacefully. Without any bruises. Or broken bones.

"Good morning. What brings you all here?" Her smile was so bright and sweet that they fear it will turn into an angry scowl once they've talk. "Well actually... we came by to... to... " Boboiboy eyed the three, giving them a silent signal to help him but alas, they all just gave him a thumps up, leaving all the pressure to him.

"We uh... "


"Uuhh... "

"Oh, I get it." She said.

"You do?" Gopal ask.

"You'll all here to have some of my biscuits!" They all stiffen at the mention of cookies. "Good thing I have let's of supply from yesterday. I'll be right back!" Cue, she was about to get her beloved 'cookies' but was momentarily stop when a hand grip her wrist. Hanna stared at Boboiboy in question.

"Actually Hanna, we came here to apologize." He said.

"Apologize? What for?" She raise her brow in confusion as she faces the group. She can see their eyes filled with guilt.

"You tell her." Boboiboy said to Fang, still having the slightest fear within him.

"Me!? Ying you do it." - Fang.

"Hurry up Gopal!" - Ying.

"I wasn't even there yesterday." - Gopal.

"Guy's enough!" Hanna's strict tone stop them completely. She has something important to do right now so she's getting a little impatient. "Now would you please calm down and tell what is going on? I promise I won't get mad." They are pretty certain that if they told her about it, she'll be raging in anger like a hungry lion.

"You promise?" Ying ask and the gravity manipulating girl respond by crossing her chest. "Cross my heart."

"Oh well you see about yesterday," She started and Hanna listen attentively.

"After you left us, we kinda went over the line with something." Fang said.

"And that is?"

"Hanna," Boboiboy pause, he took a deep breat and let out the words that might kill them in a second. It's time to let out the truth.

"We don't want your cookies." It feels like a million pieces of daggers swarm right at the them when they notice her smile faded and was replace with a scowl instead.

"Is that so?" Her voice was soft but they can clearly detect the killing intent behind it. "W-wait! Let us explain!" Fang interrupted.

"The truth is everytime you offered us your cookies, we lie or make excuses just to avoid them because.... " Ying explained but was a little hesitant to continue and nag Gopal for his turn. Gopal, who starts hyperventilating by the mere sight of her deadly stare, wants to runaway and never comeback.

"Because ... uh... your cookies are....." His voice was barely audible so Hanna had to ask him to repeat himself. But because of his fear, he was literally repeating what he said with his low voice like a broken record. Her infamous lion like glare makes him wanna faint. Tired of waiting for his response, Fang harshly step on his foot and Gopal subconsciously blurt out the words without much thought. Quite bluntly too.

"Because! Yourcookiesaresohorriblewealwaysbarfandfaint!" He nervous got the best of him that he said all the words in a second. But it was enough for Hanna to process the words in her mind. Each second, she was slowly boiling in anger.

"My cookies are WHAT?!" The gang really saw fire in her once adorable brown eyes, even her body is flaming while floating in mid-air, like she's about it kill someone.

Before things get ugly, Fang have to further explain the details. "Hanna, I know you won't accept it but it's true."

"We always wanted to tell you this but we don't want to hurt your feelings nor do we want you to hunt us down." Gopal said.

"Exactly, your cookies are horrible. Everyone in town knows that and... we don't want to keep lying to you anymore. Yesterday, we threw the cookies away and (F/N) scolded us. After hearing her out, we realize what a jerk we've become. Instead of doing the right thing as a friend, we just made it worst by lying to you." Ying said with guilty eyes.

"That is not true!" She denied.

"Hanna, what you are currently doing is denying the truth. You are currently in denial and you refuse to accept it but please for your own improvement, you have to believe us." Boboiboy beg. Now it's up to Hanna whether to forgive or kill them.

"Funny," she mumble which perk the interest of the three. What's so funny about what they just said? "It's exactly what (F/N) said." Her feet met the cold floor of her house, her eyes were back to normal, she had officially calm down. Just now, the three were confuse at the sudden mention of the emotionless girl.

"(F/N)?" They ask in sync.

"Actually, yesterday.... "

~ Flashback ~

"Eh? What are you doing here (F/N)?" Little Hanna was shock when she was greeted by the said girl at their doorstep. She wasn't really expecting her to visit. What's more confusing is that never once did she told her their address nor was she familiar with her house.

"Sorry to disturb you Hanna but I need to talk to you about something." As much as possible, she needs to get to the point.

"Oh then let's talk inside."

"Here is fine. I just need to get things straight."

"Okay?.... Whatever is this about?" She ask and the girl replied, "It's about your cookies." Boboiboy warned her about the consequences of offending Hanna but she couldn't care less about it since she needs to get things straight as soon as possible.

"Oh! You came here to have more cookies?!" She ask excitedly. Her eyes even sparkle in delight. No one has ever come to her house for more and she couldn't be more happy than she is now. But her heart crumble to pieces when the girl shook her head no at her conclusion.

"Hanna, I would like to offer you a deal." Hanna tilt her head to the side in confusion. "A deal?" And the girl nod. She stretch her hand to Hanna as if she's reaching for her hand.

"Hanna, let me help you develop your baking skills." Hanna can see the seriousness

"Oh (F/N), no need for that. I'm exceptionally good at making cookies." She said with a proud smile. "I also have my own recipes for that too." Somehow she can see sparkles and flowers around Hanna. The (H/C) haired girl raise a brow, "Your own recipe huh...," then (F/N) held a small smile. "Then explain to me why almost the entire students of our classroom has been avoiding you?"

"Avoiding me? That's silly. They are not avoiding me (F/N), they're just busy with something." She's still smiling with close eyes and .... why are the sparkles still here? From the way she spoke, she can clearly see how unaware Hanna is from what is really happening earlier.

She sigh before speaking. "Hanna they are not busy. They were really avoiding you."

"Eh bu--"

"No but's Hanna." She cut her off. She close her eyes and proceed to talk.

"Have you ever tasted your cookies before? I'm pretty certain that as a first time baker, you're probably curious and might've tasted it to see if they're delicious however,... " She opened her eyes, giving Hanna a look of pure seriousness before continuing.

"Is it really delicious?" She flinch. What she said was true. When she first started baking, she was thrilled about what's the taste of her 'successful' product, taking a bite, the result made her devastated to the bone.

"Are you saying that my cookies are terrible?" She ask. She wasn't smiling anymore. Her sweet aura wasn't there anymore but if didn't frighten her. Guess what Boboiboy and others said will about to unfold soon or worst, at this very moment. "That didn't came out from my mouth. But do you really want to know what I think about your cookies?" She eyed Hanna carefully. What she'll about to say will only fuel her to no good and when she saw her nod her head in agreement...

"The appearance is appealing, it makes one excited to devour the treats in seconds. However the taste is quite the opposite..." Hanna listened carefully.

"It emits a foul odor. The smell is overpowering that can make anyone hesitant or even faint. Not to mention, the texture was very rough, it's quite difficult to even take a bite on it. I was also expecting a different result when I tasted your cookies but it's quite... unpalatable." (F/N) said. She was expecting a reaction from Hanna but all she gets was a bewildered look.

"Unpa what?" Hanna may be a one of geniuses in their classroom but there are certain times when she needs the help of books or adults to understand something.

"Unpalatable, in other words, it's yucky."






'It's yucky.'






'It's yucky.'






'It's yucky.'






Those words keeps ringing on her head like a broken record as several red tick marks had covered her forehead in anger. For a few seconds, her eyes darken and had completely forgotten that (F/N) is even one of her friends.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAID?!" It was clear as crystal to (F/N) that she had step over the line, but she is only telling the truth, and most of the time, the truth hurts. Hanna was more than furious and she doesn't seem to be stopping now. Her eyes were on fire along with her body. Instead of a lion, she looks more like a fire breathing dragon ready for the kill.

Blinded by rage, Hanna didn't hesitate and gave a powerful blow at the girl.

~ Present ~

"WHAT?!? You attack (F/N)!!!" The gang ask in sync. Even if it's (F/N), Hanna is still willing to kick anyone who insults her cookies. This information was already known to the group and it added more fear in their hearts than before.

"Hanna, we understand if you want to kill us but you do know that (F/N)'s fragile like a flower." Ying said.

"Yeah, she doesn't have powers like us. You could've killed her." Boboiboy added. What Boboiboy said suddenly made the tanned male to perk his interest over what he said. He suddenly remembered a past event that involves (F/N) that no one knows except him. He didn't utter a word and remain quiet over the time.

"I know, I know but hear me out first." Hanna said, slightly irritated when Ying decided to cut her off.

"At first I thought I hurt her but... "

~ Flashback ~

She was breathing rather heavily. Her heart was beating rapidly. She still had that scowl on her face and sharp glares. She successfully hit her target. Heavy smoke had covered their surroundings, either from the smoke emitting from her body due to anger or the dust around them, she'll never know. The smoke block her sense of sight but even so, she knew she had hit her friend with full power.

It took a few more minutes and a few more breaths for her to officially calm her anger down. Her darken brown colored orbs return to it's normal bright brown. Her scowl was gone and so is her glare.

Her fist was still outstretched towards her victim. And it took her a full second to realize what she has done to her innocent friend. "Ahhh (F/N)! Are you ok?!" Her calm expression was immediately turn to a panicking one. Her eyes widen in both shock and worry. She totally overdid it this time.

The smoke slowly clears itself, her eyes saw her small silhouette appearing on her front. Hanna's eyes began to water when her head appear through the dirty pile of smoke, "I'm so sorry (F/N)! I didn't mean... to?... " But her fear on her gut soon disappear when the smoke dissolves to thin air.

Her tighten fist was being clutch by no other than (F/N) who stop her powerful punch from harming her. She tilt her head to the side, "Didn't mean what exactly?" she ask as if feigning innocent.

"Uhh...... HUH?!" Hanna was beyond confuse. Realizing what just happened, it is beyond her understanding as to how in the world did (F/N), a fragile and helpless little girl, can defend herself from such a powerful attack.

"But how?... " She ask to herself as she withdraw her hand. She was sure enough that her punch would've damage her body if (F/N) didn't defend herself but that's what's confusing her even more.

'Does she have powers too?!'

"Are you calm now?" Hanna lost track of her thoughts and look over at the (E/C) eyed girl. She held a small smile at the girl even after she almost got killed by Hanna. She seems worried about her after Hanna stayed silent for too long. Such pure sight and intention made Hanna wanna cry.

"Waahhh!!! (F/N) I'm so sorry!" Hanna suddenly jump towards the girl's arms and embrace her tightly which made her startle a little. For now (F/N) decided to calm her down first since she seems visibly stress from her impulsive behavior earlier.

"It's okay Hanna. It's alright."

"No! It's not alright. I almost got you hurt!" She said, tears slowly streaming down on her face.

'But I didn't really feel anything though...' (F/N) thought while patting her back.

~ 30 Minutes Later ~

The girls we're sitting on the pouch of Hanna's house. "So that's how it is huh... " When (F/N) had calm Hanna down, Hanna started talking about her history in baking cookies. She also confess about knowing the real taste of her biscuits long ago, and then she started talking about her... impulsive actions whenever someone tries to insult her product.

"Don't worry Hanna, what you're experiencing is what we normally call defense mechanism. It happens to anyone."

"Defense mechanism?" She ask.

"It's an unconscious mental process that makes possible compromise solutions to personal problems. To put it simply, a process in the brain that makes you forget or ignore painful or disturbing thoughts and situations. A defensive reaction." Hanna nod her head when she understood what she meant.

"There are many primitive examples of defense mechanism but in your case, it's what people normally call to as denying. Hanna, what you are currently doing is denying the truth. When one tries to deliver what you assume to be a bad thing, that's when your defense mechanism will hype up and protect you. You are currently in denial and you refuse to accept it even if they are offering you the truth." She said.

"I see... " She lowered her head in shame since what she said is actually true. Seeing Hanna like this, (F/N) took the initiative and held her hand which made Hanna look up at the girl. "It's not really a bad thing Hanna but you're way of showing denial was really... scary."

"Hahaha I know." She held a sad smile. "I must've scared a lot of people before."

"You bet. Your friends are one good example." (F/N) said which made Hanna smile and giggle at the memory of her chasing her friends like a hungry lion. Seeing Hanna laughing and smiling again made her smile too, but only for a tiny bit.

"Thanks (F/N)."

"For what?"

"For being brave earlier. I might've guess exactly who told you those stories about me and I appreciate it since you're not scare at me at all. You're even willing to help me improve." She said while laying her head on her shoulder blades.

"There's really nothing to be afraid of. Boboiboy and the others are just exaggerating."

"Still. It makes me happy to have a friend like you." (F/N) smiled at her cute words. It's a warm feeling since during her childhood, no one really considered her as a friend. Her train of thoughts suddenly stop when Hanna suddenly stood up from her sitting position. "Oh! I almost forgot!" Hanna went inside her house, leaving the (H/C) haired girl alone.

The sound of rummaging things were heard from the outside and Hanna came back with her famous basket. She gave a question look at Hanna, she only smiled and said; "Since I wanted to make a new start, I'll start by throwing this cookies out of my life." She ask.

She took a deep breath and faces the trash bin near then. "Good bye, my precious cookies." It's like the world slows itself when Hanna opened her basket to reveal her cookies. Slowly, she lift up the basket and was about to throw the contents away when suddenly, someone startles the two girls.

"Wait! Stop! Don't!" Due to their surprise, both (F/N) and Hanna momentarily stop her actions and turn to where the source of the voice is. A purple robot as stiff as a stone appears out of the bushes when he realize he had just unintentionally revealed his self to the two girls.

"Uh hi?" Probe wave at the two, he was dropping sweats everywhere and silently praying in his mind that he'll be home safe without a broken body. Hanna immediately went towards (F/N)'s location. Standing in front of the innocent girl, she held a defensive pose and glares at the robotic creature.

"Probe! What are you doing here!?" She ask. She was sure to attack if ever Probe would do something unthinkable. "Did Adu Du send you to spy on us?"

Probe held his robotic hands defensively. "N-no no, I came here on my own will." He defend. In reality, Probe was actually spying Boboiboy but since both Boboiboy and Hanna are neighbors, he accidentally overheard their conversation that's why he was hiding near the bushes separating both of their houses. Their topic made him interested. After all it is his favorite treats.

"Then what are you doing here? Are you going to attack us?" He shake his head no. "Actually.... " he started nervously, "since it's World's Cookie Day, I was hoping... I can get some cookies.. as well." He said sheepishly.

Hanna became dumbfounded. "Huh?" She wasn't really expecting it.

"I-it's ok if you don't want to." Probe said. Though he was still hoping he can get some for him and his boss though. When he was about to leave the two of them, Hanna suddenly stop him.

"Wait... " Turning to face (F/N), she said. "I think it's a good idea instead of wasting it, don't you think so (F/N)?"

"Are you sure? He might get a tummy ache or faint." Even though Probe is a mechanical robot prone to any chemical reaction on their robotic system, the emotionless girl was still uncertain if it has the same effects like normal human do. Hanna wave off her worries. "Don't worry. Probe once tasted my cookies before and he likes it!" Although Hanna irk at the sudden memory, she was still happy that someone can still tolerate her cookies. Even thought it's not a normal human.

(F/N) gave her a thumbs up. "If you say so... " Probe was more than happy when Hanna handed him her four bags of cookies. "You can have mine as well Probe." (F/N) said when he approach the delighted robot.

"Waahhh!!! I have five of them!" He squeal in joy. Probe took one cookie from one of the bags and ate it.

"Hmm~ Taste like sandpaper. Delicious~"

"Uh-huh. 💢" Hanna don't know if she'll be happy at the compliment or get angry and punch Probe like she did last time. You can even see red tick marks forming once again.

"I-I'm glad you like it. 💢" She kept her cool and fake a smile. (F/N) observe her reaction and couldn't help but giggle silently. She can tell that slowly, she's accepting it. "Eh? You're not gonna attack me like last time?" Probe ask. "N-not that I wanted to!" He immediately take back his words. He'll never know if Hanna will be serious about what he said and attack him like last time.

Hanna took a glance at (F/N) and then at Probe, she shake her head no and smiled. This time, it's genuine and sincere. "Well, I need other people's opinion too... and accept it... to improve myself." (F/N) was moved by her words. She let out a small proud smile and pat her head.

"I'm proud of you Hanna... " she said. Hanna's smile didn't flatter, it even got wider when she hug and her friend. "Thank you (F/N)." She was grateful, to have a friend like her.

"Aww, this kind friendship makes me wanna cry. Boo hoo~" Probe interrupted their sweet moment when he started wailing. The girls just laugh and continues to cherish their moment together for a little longer.

"Thank you for the cookies once again Hanna, (F/N). I'll be off now. See you soon." Without another word, the robot flew away with great speed. He was still waving goodbye until his silhouette was gone in the sky. "I bet he's gonna share it with his friends." Hanna said.

"I bet that's not a good idea." Her friend commented and both of the girls just laugh.

"It's getting late. I'll wait for you at my house tomorrow. Whether you'll come or not is up to you to decided." The (E/C) haired girl said.

"Don't worry I'll definitely come!" She replied with the biggest smile ever and (F/N) returns it with her own small one. "Before I go, let me warn you about a certain group of friends. They will surely pay you a visit after what happened at the school entrance." Hanna was confuse.

"You mean our friends? What happened?"

"They're the reason why I'm here right now. Confronting you."

"So it has to do with them huh." Hanna became sad.

"I can't just tolerate what they did. If I were in the same situation as you, I would probably never talk to them ever again. Anyways, tomorrow morning, expect them at this porch, apologizing. They will tell you everything and just act like nothing came up between the both of us." She was confuse for a moment but still nod her head in agreement. How is she sure about what will happen tomorrow is what Hanna thought.

"I'll see you later... " She wave goodbye and started walking away from the girl. "Goodbye!" Hanna wave back. She was suppose to enter her house but her mind suddenly remembers something so she turn around once again.

"Oh right! (F/N), about what happened earlier... huh?" She was expecting the the (E/C) eyed girl was still there but sadly, she's no where in sight. It's like her body disappeared into thin air and it hadn't been that long since they said goodbye to each other.

"Weird... " she mumble.

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