Chapter 4: Another Haunted House

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A\N: I would like to say I'm so thankful for having awesome readers like you. I'm currently here at my home province for a nice vacation... meaning no Wi-Fi. So when I got the chance to surf the net... Oh my gosh, so many likes and comments, I appreciate all of it. Thanks for being awesome and as a thank you gift I'll do a triple update for you. Your welcome. 😊 1/3


Third Person's POV

"I got it!"

It was a rather hot Saturday afternoon at Rintis Island Park and currently Boboiboy and his friends were at Tok Aba's Cocoa Shop like usual. Ying and Gopal were just enjoying a taste of Tok Aba's Special Ice Chocolate while the rest of them including Ochobot were just having some fun playing soccer midair. Fang uses his Shadow Garuda Fusion to lift himself up, Hanna uses her gravitational powers, Boboiboy transform into Boboiboy Cyclone and Ochobot being Ochobot.

"You know that (F/N) kid is really weird... " Gopal said as he took another sip of his ice chocolate. It's been a whole week since they have officially met the transfer student. All most every student in their homeroom immediately wants to befriend the stoic little (F/N) however it was easier said than done as most them felt like their having a one-sided conversation with her. 

"Why? She seems fine to me." Ying respond while focusing her sight at the group of players above.

"Well sometimes I always caught her staring at nothing at the window and during classes she's always dozing off." he said. "Your one to talk Gopal! Papa Zola always caught you sleeping at his classes too! And more often too!"

"Hey! You know Master always floods us with Math assignments and my father's been quite strict these days too."

"Well that wouldn't have happened if you just answer the test correctly."

"Still! I think she's weird. I can't believe that a kid with no emotion exists to be honest." said Gopal.

"Oi! That's a little overboard!" Ying said. Ying never thought of (F/N) being weird, in fact, she thought her actions were quite cute. Always staring at nothing with that face of her's and the way she stuffs her mouth with food was also cute or maybe it was her adorable face that's why she attracts a lot of attention.

"Hey quit it you two!" Tok Aba steps in.

"And Gopal you shouldn't just judge someone that easily. You never know, there might be a reason why she's like that." he ask while wiping the sides of his shop. "Hey Tok Aba! Is it possible for a person to not have any kind of  emotions?" He ask, ever since he met (F/N) he became curious as to why she's always stoic.

"It's possible actually if they have been hurt before. It’s not that they are void of emotions. They are just more careful with how they choose to show it. It only takes getting your heart broken one time to realize the ones you trust the most are also capable of hurting you the most.

Emotions are inherent in all of us. They are part of every person’s state of mind, and everyone has them. But due to some bad experiences we stop trusting people in order to avoid getting hurt. We become cold and shun our emotions. We try to be less vulnerable. Once you get hurt though, you realize how vulnerable you had once made yourself. This is why a lot of people tend to safeguard their own feelings because they don’t want to be perceived as vulnerable, and so have their feelings dismissed. So the people who choose not to show their emotions aren’t numb or detached. Most of the time, they have just been through more a lot of rough times than anyone else has." he said.

"Wow Tok Aba! How did you knew all these stuffs?" little Ying ask. "With my current age it's best to say that I'm wise enough. So who're you guys talking to anyway?" he ask.

"It's (F/N), she's a new student at our school, she came all the way from Korea and may I add she's super cute and adorable." Ying said, much faster than she usually do.

"Well... She is cute" Gopal admitted.

"And she's also smart for her age which is weird..." Ying said. Tok Aba who was confused at her statement, ask the little black haired girl as to why being smart is so weird. "Well you see, when teachers ask a simply question, she'll explain it in a quite detailed explanation which is hard for us understand sometimes and sometimes she'll add extra even though it's not necessary." Gopal said.

"Oh yeah, her level of thinking is beyond a child's learning." Ying added. "Maybe she's gifted." Tok Aba said. "Gifted?" Gopal ask.

"You know, Children who give evidence of high performance capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership capacity, or specific academic fields. They're the type of children who excels the most on their activities mainly because of the increased cell production that also increases synaptic activity. This all adds up to an increased thought process. The neurons in the brain of the gifted child seem to be bio-chemically more abundant and, as a result, the brain patterns that develop are able to process more complex thought." Ochobot said, appearing from behind the two. "And about the part that she's not listening, there are some cases where a gifted child isn't active on their classes is because they don't want to hear the same lessons over and over again so you might say that she's bored on your teacher's lesson."

"Wow Ochobot, you knew all that!" surprise by his knowledge at the given topic, Tok Aba and Ying couldn't help but be amaze by Ochobot. "Naah I was just reading a good book." was it Gopal's imagination or he can tell that he just saw an imaginary blush on the yellow power sphere's face just now.

"Ochobot! Look out!"

"Huh?" heading towards Ochobot's direction was hurtling soccer ball. With it's great speed and force, the ball knock over Ochobot sending him flying over the forest near the park.

"Aaahhhh!!" was the last thing they heard before Ochobot completely vanish from their sight and into the woods. A moment of silence as they all avert their eyes to stared at the culprit who made that powerful kick. "What? It was going to hit my face so... I accidentally activated... my powers... A little?" said little Hanna as everyone facepalm at her statement.

"Don't worry I'll get him!" volunteered Ying, she activated her powers then dash towards the direction of where Ochobot had been painfully send to. "Well hopefully he's still activating, right?" said an unsure Gopal with his usual grin which made everyone facepalm and Fang smacking him on the head. "Ow!"

"Well hopefully he didn't take that much damage, right Hanna?" Tok Aba ask.

"I think so... " answered Hanna, as she herself was unsure if Ochobot was able survive that hit. Just as she answered Tok Aba's question, zooming towards their direction was Ying, however she doesn't seem to be carrying October with her. Stopping at their front, series of question flooded her as to where that yellow power sphere had gone to, the black haired girl seem uneasy as she open her mouth to speak.

"Guys we have a major problem."


"Mr. Boss are you ok?" ask a certain robot to his master who seem to be completely fine as he sat on his chair. Some parts of Adu Du's body has been warp with thick bandages to cover up his injuries. A grin plastered on his square head face and a pleasant and peaceful aura can be seen from his whole being. "Probe... " he called while still having that smile of his.

"Yes? Mr. Boss"

"Come closer... " The purple robot obeyed his command as he flew a little closer to Adu Du.


"Closer" He did what he was told and move little bit closer. Adu Du's grin sometimes scares the robot as he can virtually see himself sweating under his gaze.


"That's better... "


"Ouch Mr. Boss why?" Probe ask after he receive another blow on the head by Adu Du's mug. "You asking me why?! If you didn't hesitate to eliminate that child this wouldn't have happened in the first place!" he yelled, Probe can visually see the fire in his eyes as he bark at him.

"But Mr. Boss!... "

"Shush Probe! Because of that child, I wouldn't be in this state to be begin with!"

"But Mr. Boss aren't you the one who ordered me to shoot her even though she's still hugging you?"

"Quiet Probe!" Adu Du turn his back on Probe as he faces his three conputers on his desk, uniting his green fingers together, he once again spoke. "Enough with that kid! I want you to stalk Boboiboy and his friends for now. See as what they are up to. Now Go!"

"Yes Mr. Boss!" saluted Probe as he clumsily approach the entrance of their lair and unto the destination of Tok Aba's Kokotiam for his mission.


"Oh dear... "

"Ah yo yo! Are you sure this is the place Ying?" ask a whimpering Gopal as he hides his body behind Hanna. "I'm positive. Just now I saw Ochobot landed on that window." pointing at the said window, they saw broken pieces of glasses and a huge dent at the middle, possibly the window that Ochobot had landed. There in front of them was the infamous haunted mansion everyone was gossiping about. The front gates were broken down so it was easy for them to enter.

"But I heard hundreds of gossips about this place. It's filled with ghost and freaks!" Gopal said while shivering in fright at the possibility of encountering supernatural beings. "There just rumors Gopal." argued Hanna.

"Yeah. Remember Fang's house, it's the same as this one." came the respond of Boboiboy.

"Come on guys let's go back. I have a bad feeling about this place" he said but he saw no one beside him as all of them were at the front of the claimed haunted house, leaving Gopal behind. "Hey wait up!"

Boboiboy didn't hesitate to knock the old looking door despite the fright that has been nagging inside of him. The sound of his knuckles colliding with the wooden door has echoed through the inside of the mansion. They waited for a moment but no one from the inside seem to have heard the loud knocks of the black haired superhero. "Guess it's abandon after all." he said.

"So... Can we go back?" Gopal said with a relieve grin plastered on his tan face. "You can go back Gopal. But I'm not leaving without Ochobot behind." Boboiboy said then started knocking again, in hopes for someone to open the entrance. "Ugh fine, I'll stay."

"Let's just break in already!" said an impatient Fang, who has his arms cross and keeps tapping his foot on the wooden porch. "Fang we can't just sneak in otherwise we'll--!!" Hanna didn't get to finish her sentence when all of them heard the creepy creaking noise of door opening.

"S-still wanna en-ter?" ask an nervous wreck Gopal who, anytime, will wet his pants. "Of course!" the orange dinosaur cap wearing Boboiboy said, determine to retrieve his robotic friend back.

All of them were nervous except for Boboiboy and Fang, as they all march inside the abandon looking mansion. Once they were all inside, the entrance door suddenly move by itself by closing with a loud bang that shock all of them. Darkness was all they can see as they can hear Gopal yelling.

"Let me out! Let me out!" cried Gopal as he started banging the entrance door. Desperate to leave the scary place immediately. Tired as his whimpering, Ying called Gopal and said "Come on Gopal it's just the wind, right?" to which Boboiboy agrees. "Just the wind? This place is driving me crazy! I'm scared." he said.

"I know! Hanna will give you all of her cookies for free if you stay with us." Ying said with a teasing grin. "Um.. shouldn't it be the other way around?" Boboiboy whispers to which Ying shrug her shoulders "Nah, just watch." she said with a smirk.

"Oh good one Ying. I will give you a week supplies of fresh bake cookies just for you Gopal if you come with us." Hanna said with a smile. Gopal stop banging the poor door for a moment, "Hanna's cookies... " he mutters, as he imagine the beautiful but nasty cookies of Hanna entering his mouth and into his digestive system. Oh the horror.

"LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!" his shouts are getting louder as his knuckles keeps banging the door with full power. No mere haunted house can match the horror of Hanna's cookies.

"What? You don't want my cookies?" Hanna ask, the other three can visually see the raging fire on her brown optics. "What? Who said anything about not wanting cookies? This is me Hanna, Me!. Since when did I ever say no to food?" Gopal said when he face Hanna, he was sweating rather heavily. He hope that Hanna was convinced by his reasons for he didn't want to face her wrath.

"Oh! That's good. I'll prepare everything once we get back home." Hanna said, obviously happy at the thought of someone liking her cookies. When Gopal saw Hanna turning her back against him, he immediately glare at the snickering trio on his side. Boboiboy and Ying high fived each other and Fang smirking at the pouting Gopal.

"Come on let's split up. It's better if we search Ochobot in pairs." Ying said. "I'll go with Hanna. Gopal your with Fang." Gopal was relief when he heard Fang will be paired up with him resulting in Fang rolling his eyes at the tan indian.

"What about me?" ask Boboiboy. "Boboiboy you go in three, use your elemental split."

"Good idea. Boboiboy Elemental Split!" activating his watch, he successfully split into three different elements: Boboiboy Wind, Boboiboy Earth and Boboiboy Lightning. "Before leaving, it's best if we don't use our powers yet, since it's still a private property despite being abandon." said Boboiboy Earth.

"Abandon? What about the ghosts and freaks out there?" ask Gopal. "Gopal ghosts especially freaks exist in movies only." Hanna said, obviously fed up about Gopal's whining. "If they only exist in movies then what about aliens and robots huh?" Gopal remark.

"Shut up. One reason why you're so scared is because you always overreact even through the simplest things." Fang resort while stuffing his hands on his pockets. "We'll see you guys later." Boboiboy Earth said, the other groups nod their heads then left the entrance and into the inner interior of the mansion.

While the three groups were busy searching for the lost power sphere, a certain purple robot was at the entrance, hesitating if he'll go inside or what.

"Um... Mr. Boss can I at least have a day off, just for once?" he ask at the hologram body of his alien boss. "Don't try to anger me now Probe... I'm busy right now." the alien square head said. "In fact, why would I give you a day off when I'm here busy working to device a master plan to defeat Boboiboy and still injured!" he said.

"Now shut up and follow them!" he said then turn off the call. Probe sigh in defeat and hesitately floated towards the abandon building.

"Ugh I hate my life... "


A\N: Let's all take a step forward, bow and thank Google for those detailed information. And yes, most of the information here are from Google cuz I'm not smart myself 😂

Look what I found! It's so cute!

And this!

And this!

And this! 😢

And this? 🤔

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