Chapter 5: Stranges Things

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A\N: Let me share this story of mine.

Yesterday I was suffering from period cramps also I was bored and had nothing to do so I decided to clean the bathroom and the comfort room since it's getting dirty. The next thing I know, I was given four yakult drinks as a reward, I guess. Next it was night time, my grandma was suppose to do the dishes but I unintentionally just volunteer myself to do the work. To my shock, my grandma gave me 500 pesos, and mind I remind you we're not rich. Ahhh I feel bless with good karma~. 2/3


Third Person's POV

"B-Boboiboy... " a whimper can be heard from one of the rooms. Inside the room were filled with nothing but darkness, besides his fear of heights, the yellow power sphere was obviously scared at the dark and the empty room he was in.

"Save me please... "


"Ochobot! Hey Ochobot!"

"Ochobot!" currently Ying and Hanna where at the left side of the mansion. They were visibly scared at the frightening aura the mansion emitted. No source of light can be found nor even a lit candle. "Where could he be?" Ying ask.

"Let's check rooms to rooms?" Hanna answered her question with another question. "Maybe... But you go first!" Ying said with a nervous smile.

"Huh? No way you go first!"

"No you!"

"No you!"

"Oh come on Hanna."

"You know I'm not into dark places Ying. And you can even use your super speed to flee."

"But we're not supposed to use our powers Hanna."

"Oh right... "

"Let's go together then?" Ying offered. Since both of them were scared it's better for them to stick together. "That's better." Hanna agrees. In this hall, there were five doors on each side of the wall. "Let's open this first." Hanna pointed at the very first door in sight.

The two held hands together to gain courage from one another then Ying twist the doorknob open. Like the door from the entrance, this emitted the same creepy noise from before, maybe it's due to not being use regularly or the fact that it's wooden frame well old.

Luckily for them, there were two double layered window that provide them the necessary light from the outside but that wasn't necessarily enough "O-Ochobot are you here?" little Ying ask but nothing nor Ochobot respond to her question.

"I think he's not here. Let's go next door." Just as the two superhero girls were about to turn around, they felt a gush of wind passing by followed by a loud bang from the closed door. Frighten by the thought of getting lock up, the two desperately push the door open but their efforts seem useless without their power watch. "Help us!" Ying said.

"Ugh, it's no use. We can't get out!" Hanna said still attempting to push it with her own strength. "Can't we just use our power watch?" she ask.

"You know we can't." Ying responds.

"How about just once? The door won't even bulge if it's just the two of us and besides... " Hanna said midway as she turn her head away from the door to stare at the room they were currently in. "I have a feeling that we're not alone in here." she whispers which sends shivers on both of them.

"Ah-hehe.. I t-think you're right." Ying finally agrees. Activating Hanna's power, she was about to give a 'little' blow when suddenly they heard a voice.

"Please leave the premises..."

Accidentally breaking the door with full power, the two girls were in tears as Hanna flew and Ying run away in full speed, desperate to escape the unknown voice. At the room where the girls left, a pair of glowing eyes stared at them until it vanish into thin air.


"D-did you hear that Fang?" whimpered a scared Gopal as he hides his body at Fang's back, the latter couldn't help but face-palm at his partner. "All I hear is you whimpering like big baby." he said which made Gopal glared at him.

"I'm serious Fang. In fact I just heard Hanna and Ying screaming a second ago." he said worried but at the same time horrified as to what had happened on his two best girl friends. "Don't worry about them. Hanna is like the strongest girl and Ying is like the fastest girl you'll ever know." he utters as he opens another set of doors. Currently the two of them were at the right side of the haunted mansion. Checking every doors and rooms they can find, well except for Gopal as he remains on Fang's back for the whole time.

"You instead of acting like a crybaby, help me out and try opening a few doors." he said. "Ochobot?... Hmm..  not in here." he said then close the door.

"How am I suppose to focus on searching Ochobot with this creepy painting all over the wall!" he exclaim. One reason why he's always at his back is because he felt like those people from those paintings felt like they were staring at his very soul. "It's just a painting. And you're exaggerating much." he said.

"If your not going to help me out, I will seriously leave you behind."

"But.. b-but!"

"Ok bye." he said while pretending to turn his back and took a step forward.

"Alright alright."

"I'll open this part of the hall while you open the one's ahead." he instruct while opening another wooden door to his left.

"Ahead... you mean there?" he anxiously pointed at the direction at his front, where he saw nothing but pitch black areas. "... Alone?"

"Yeah what else?"

"But I'm scared!"

"Just think about the well-being of Ochobot. The sooner we find him, the sooner we'll be out of here." Fang encourage, but none of his words seems to spark any signs of courage inside the indian kid. Gopal was hesitating however they are doing this for Ochobot and he can tell that Boboiboy's really worried about him. "Fine ... " he said while slowing stepping towards the dark side. Even his very steps are creating noises which literally bothers him.

Still uneasy, he carefully approach the walls since his eyes couldn't provide him the necessary details about his surroundings so he'll rely on his sense of touch. Creeping his hands on the wall, he glide himself when suddenly he stumble upon something the literally send chills over his spine. "Kyaaaaa!!! Fang help me!" due to the heart pumping scene from earlier, he rush towards Fang, crushing him with his hug.

"Ugh. Seriously? Let me go!" the purple headed male push his friend off of him then glared at whimpering Gopal as he starts biting his fingernails in fright. Due to his curiosity, he took out his flashlight from his pocket then turned in on. "You have a flashlight and you've never told me?" Gopal ask.

"It's not like I'll give it to you anyway." he respond. "Still the same evil kid." Gopal mutters.

"What did you say!?" he ask, red marks were seen forming at his forehead. "Eh- nothing!" Fang stared for a moment at Gopal before he turn his back on him much to Gopal's relief.

"Oh dear... What have you done Gopal?" he ask. "Why? What is it?" he ask in return. Fang gestures at the broken pieces of glass on the floor. "Seems like you have broken something." When he saw what was Fang referring to, he grasp in horror as he felt his knees weaken at the sight of it.

Millions pieces of broken shards all over the area. "Somehow it looks like the ones you see in the late dynasty of China. This vase really looks expensive though." Fang said.

"Ah yo yo... I'm dead!" he said while holding both of his head, calculating the possible price of the said vase."20,000 or 50,000 maybe?! Ahhh I'm going bankrupt. Papa will kill me for sure."

"Don't worry Gopal. This place is abandon and so is that vase." Fang said. "Oh your right!" Gopal felt like an idiot for a second there. Of course even though it's an expensive antique as long as no one's there to claim it then he'll be fine for sure

"Just focus on our mission for now."

"Hehehe right... "

Continuing their search for Ochobot, the two little superheroes went to where Gopal was suppose to search. Facing the rather girlish white door frame that has designs which consists of floral sketches along with different size butterflies around the frame that beautify the wooden object. While the calm male with spectacles opened the wooden door, the other one started imagining what kind of horror the two of them will be facing next. However they didn't expect of what the inside has to show them.

Inside of the room were filled with many toys and dollies that rival in size and shape with one another. A huge but cute bed at the left side, a flat screen TV at it's front, a small glittering chandelier at the top and it even has a mini kitchen set fully equipped at the other side. "Are you sure this mansion is abandon?" he ask, certainly doubting at the tales Gopal had been telling them. "Well that's what they said." he respond which made the young shadow manipulater to face-palm.

"Ochobot are you here?!" he called.

"Ochobot! Come out, come out wherever you are!" Gopal did the same but none of their screams seems to have reach the yellow power sphere, not receiving any respond from the robot.

"It's no use. He's not here… Let's go." Fang said, turning to his side to face Gopal but the said indian were no where on his side for he's curious self had made him march towards the kitchen and into the mini refrigerator. "Hey Fang isn't it a little weird for an abandon house that contains expensive stuff?" he ask.

"I've been wondering about that for a moment ago. Think about it, why would an abandon house have something like 'these'. Normally people would bring their precious belongings like that vase from earlier." Fang said scrutinizing every single details that the clues give.

"Ugh don't remind me about the vase... but you're absolutely right. Eh look Fang!" Gopal said when he opened the mini fridge of his dreams. Averting his eyes at the fridge he was shock to find vegetables, fruits, water, juice and even desserts inside of it. "And it runs by electricity!" the two of them were clearly shock and at the same time confuse.

'Maybe this place isn't abandoned after all… ' Fang thought. 'But if this place isn't abandon at all then why would people spread false rumors about this place. I don't understand at all.'

"And lookie here." once again Gopal's curiosity got the best of him when he opened another door inside the room they were in. Entering the said room, he gasp at the sight of it, this made Fang curious too as he followed the tan hero on his spot. When he saw what he was gasping about, his optics grew wide at inside of room.

There they saw numerous clothes for girls. From skirts to shirts, dresses to sweatshirts, shoes to boots, all were arranged according to their types and kinds. Looks like they have entered a walk-in closet for girls. "Ah yo yo... you know what this means Fang?" he ask.

"Yeah… " he said.

"I think we're really entering a private propert--!" before Fang could even finish his sentence Gopal beat him to it. "This place is haunted by the previous owner!"


"Ow! What was that for!" he grunt when Fang, out of the blue, smack him on his head. "Think about it! Obviously this room belongs to a girl and what if something happened from the past that made her soul still remains, wandering at this mansion till now!" with his wild imagination it's no wonder why he gets frighten immediately.


"Ow! That's two in a row!"

"And here I thought you've finally got it. This place isn't abandon Gopal, it's pretty obvious. It's clear enough that we are trespassing on someone's property." he said, not amuse at his partner's antics. "Eh? But what about the rumors?"

"Rumors will forever be rumors, that's all I can say." he said, ending the discussion. "Call the others, warn them about our situation."

"Why do I have to do it. Why not you!" said Gopal. "You don't want them to be in trouble, right?" he glared.

"Hmmp! Still the same old Fang...." he whispers to himself, activating his watch, he select Hanna's name on it's screen then waited for little while. "Hmm.. i can't contact them, the signals slow at this area."

"Um.. Gopal... When we entered the room earlier you didn't notice anything strange right?"

"Besides the fact that this suppose-to-be abandon house are filled with luxury, I saw nothing. Why?" he ask, still staring at his power band watch, waiting for the strong signal he needs in order to contact his friends. "Look…" following his order, the Malaysian Indian avert his eyes at the said room, dilating at the strange thing his friend has pointed out.

"Ah yo yo!" There they saw a huge water ball floating up in the air. "It wasn't there a moment ago!" exclaim Gopal.

"You think... Boboiboy Water did this?"

"It's impossible. Boboiboy wouldn't dare prank us since his current priority is Ochobot. He wouldn't fool around, knowing Ochobot might be in danger." Fang said. Beside, Fang wouldn't let Boboiboy snatch his title as the best prankster of the group.

"But Boboiboy Water is the only one capable of doing this. And maybe this is Boboiboy's revenge for what we did last time!" What he meant about last time was his alliance with Fang at the School Decorating Day where they designed Boboiboy's desk with a more girlish style.

"We don't know that for sure! Now stop it before I leave you."

"Ok ok... " Gopal said, feeling defeated.

"We should go! There's more to this mansion that we don't know yet." they were about to leave the room when suddenly ....

"Leaving so soon... "

Due to the hoarse voice that seemingly belonged to an old man, the two froze on their spot. Sweating very nervously, they turn their heads at the source of the voice only to find out a standing headless man.

"Ahhhh!!!" -Fang.


Running in full speed due to the adrenaline pumping within them, they approach the door out of room. When they opened the said door, they scream even louder. At the front door was a dark silhouette with two glowing eyes, staring at them as they felt the hair on their skin raising at the intense stare.

"Please leave the premises... "



"Waahh Mr. Boss I can't stand it anymore!"

"What now?" groan the little green square head alien. For the second time Probe contacted his boss, disturbing him from his current thoughts.

"Mr. Boss, I've heard about rumors that ghosts roam around this place. I'm freaking out!"

"Ghost? You believe in such thing?" the alien face-palm. "But Mr. Boss!" Probe whine but before he can voice out his complaints, the alien from the other line cut him off by saying: "Make yourself useful and continue following them! And you better make sure not to call me again or you'll seriously get it!" without saying goodbye Adu Du turn off their communication hologram, leaving the purple robot to his lonesome.

"Oh dear... " Probe may be good at facing Boboiboy even though he lack the strength to defeat him and his friends, he's sure not good with facing unknowns of the dark. In other words, he's a scaredy cat. He may be a scaredy cat but he'll make sure to obey his boss' orders for he doesn't want flying mugs hitting his robotic head.

Floating from halls to halls earlier, the prototype robot still hasn't found the group of superhero kids. He made sure to follow their trail however he was distracted by unknown noises. With his scaredy cat instinct, not knowing the full consequence of his action, hide himself in a dark room to avoid hearing those strange noises. That's why here he is, all alone.

"Let's just get this over with.... " robotic eyes that aren't accustomed for pitch black places, Probe struggle his way out of room he was in. "Where's that door anyway?" he ask, using his robotic limbs, he started creeping like a spider on the walls.













"Never mind."

Leaving behind whatever that he had broken, his metallic limbs came in contact with something on the wall. Due to his curiosity, he press a little harder which made the room lit up. "Phew thank goodness... "

Now that he can see clearly now, his red eyes scan over all the objects in the area. He concluded that he's currently inside a storage room. "Hmm... "

Moving his sight at what he had drop earlier, he feel numb. He didn't know what he would react. Currently he had mix emotion at the three objects at the ground. And he's pretty sure his boss will be pleased at him.

Calling for the third time again. He's excitement was getting the best of him that he didn't realize his Boss' orders from earlier about not calling him. Appearing on his holographic form, pretty much annoyed, the green alien were having thick red marks at his forehead at seeing the purple robot.

"For the last time... STOP CALLIN--!!" before the green alien could finish his words, Probe beat him to it.

"But Mr. Boss I have good news for you!" he happily cheered.

"What?!" impatient to end the call, Adu Du controlled his annoyance for now, waiting for what the purple robot will report.

"Guess what I found~" he said, teasing his little boss.

"Let me guess. A water hose?" he ask, not really giving his best at answering the question.

"Nope! Try again~"

"Do you want me to throw another mug at you when you return?"

"No Mr. Boss!"

"Good. Now report."

"Well Mr. Boss take a good look at these~" Showing the said objects to his boss, the green alien choke on his own saliva. He rub his eyes to check if his own sight had fool him however he has proven wrong when Probe let the communication hologram near the three metallic objects.

"Computer, take charge of this place while I'm gone." Probe heard his master said to Computer.

"Why Master?" Computer ask.

"I'm heading towards Probe."

"But Mr. Boss wouldn't it be better if I took them at our lair instead?" Probe ask. "Have you touch them yet?" Adu Du ignored his question. "Not yet Mr. Boss."

"Good. While I'm on my way, don't touch them. I want to be the first to touch them, is that clear?"

"Yes Mr. Boss!"

"Good. Mwuhahaha...  " Without saying farewell, Adu Du turned off the call. For a moment Probe stared at the three round objects on the ground, slightly jealous at the attention he's boss had given them.

"Mr. Boss really value you guys a lot..." he said.
















"I just wish I was a power sphere too."


A\N: One of my favorite part in Boboiboy

1# Boboiboy Season 1 Episode 10

Probe: From little Adam, If Boboiboy Lightning turns into Boboiboy Thunderstorm, what about Boboiboy Earth and Wind?

Probe: They became jealous! Hahahaha.

Adu Du: *Throws mug*

Probe: *gets hit and falls down*

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