Chapter 6: One Crazy Chase

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A\N: This is probably the longest chapter I've ever written (for now) which consists of 7417 words including this A\N. But it sucks!, yes I'm not proud of it 😢😭. Triple update 3/3 complete.


Third Person POV

It was getting late, the sun was already setting and night will soon invade the whole town of Rintis Island.

A small girl was walking peacefully into the forest with a basket of delicious ripe fruits. The girl had just got back from some fruit stall she saw earlier when she was exploring the area by herself and didn't hesitate to buy the fruits. The forest was scary but that didn't scare her one bit. In fact, she's use to walking inside the said forest for this is the way towards her humble home.

When she saw the old rusty gates of her house, she entered the private grounds and went straight at the door, opening it with ease. The disturbing sound of the old door didn't bothered her as she continues walking straight inside even though she didn't close the door yet. But that wasn't the case, for she heard the same sounds her door had initiate, following with small click, indicating that door has automatically close itself.

Filling her mind with possible choices of what she will make for dinner, she immediately went upstairs, turning for a few corners and turns until she saw the familiar hall that will lead her to her room. Her house was like a maze, anyone new will surely walk in circles if they won't be accompanied by someone like her.

Slowly reaching her private quarters, she suddenly stop walking when her peripheral vision had caught something shiny on the side.

A broken vase.

"Oh dear... " she said without a hint of worry. Her expression remain stoic as she avoided all the sharp pieces of the once porcelain vase her family had brought from an auction 5 years ago.

"And that cost trillions of euros... " she added.

"I'll clean it up later... " leaving the broken porcelain vase behind, her figure march forward towards her designated quarters. She opened the well designed door of her room only to be greeted with a standing headless body in the middle of her room.

"Oh. I guess I forgot to put you inside... or did they played you again?", she calmly said, not expecting an answer from the headless figure. Putting aside her basket of fruits, she skip her way to the tall headless body and push it with ease towards another door like it was some weightless feather. Opening the said door, the room was filled with numerous gold medals and ribbons for academic achievements, golden trophies or certificate from martial arts competitions that were place on a self and scattered broken toys on the floor. She push the figure inside then close it again.

"I have to remind them to stop playing with it."

"Hi!" a voice from the ceiling said. She look upwards only to see her pet parrot at her chandelier. The parrot flap it's wings then flew at the awaiting female. "Glad to see you back hag!" it happily said when the feathered animal land on her shoulder.

"Hag? Such a big bully you are... " she said, not really minding the rude comment the parrot just made since she's use to his rube behavior. "Did they feed you yet?" she ask her feathery pet. "Feed me hag! Feed me hag!" was the only thing the parrot said. Setting the parrot back to it's cage, the female went to get it's food at her kitchen, when she returns, she place the imported food exclusive for parrots at her parrot's small bowl inside the cage as the parrot happily much on it's bird food.

Getting her basket, she procced into her kitchen only to find out that the fridge was open, letting the cool air escape. "Oh dear... Hopefully the electric bill won't be that much... " she said only to realize something.

"Silly me... we don't use other people's electricity to run this place. " She said, referring to the electric company of Rintis Island. She was about to close her mini refrigerator when she notice something. Her hand reach for a bowl of fresh strawberries then started counting them. "Hmm, I don't remember eating 3 of this... " , It's true, the latter never ate anything fruit related for the past few days for she'll reserve these strawberries for her next cake recipe. These red berries were exactly 55 pieces but now there were only 52 left. And yes, she always counts her food and stuff to secure it. What's even more strange is that all the household members of the house doesn't like strawberries except for herself. She stared at her favorite fruit for a moment then averted her sight at the other goodies inside. Some of her other fruits were missing a piece or two, her sponge cake was half eaten and one of her mango flavored yogurt was missing. Luckily some of the other ingredients were still at their rightful place such as the eggs, vegetables and flour. Suspicious as she'll ever be, she close the refrigerator then proceed to her next task.

Putting the fruits on a fruit container neatly, she place it on her mini table for six. Everything in the kitchen was just right for the size of a ten year old, mainly because her family spoil her enough. She let her feet drag her towards the door but something big had caught her interest, making her stop her tracks and look behind her. It was the big water ball that was floating in the air.

"Am I really that forgetful?" she ask herself. She turned her back away from giant water ball in the room, snap her finger then proceed towards the door. When the door was close, the water ball started to have little bubbles, the water ball was letting out steams like it was being boil by a super hot inferno. Little by little the ball of water started to became little until it vaporize into thin air.


"Could you please let me go for a second!" Boboiboy Earth complain at his other self. For the whole time, Boboiboy Wind had been hugging Boboiboy Earth, not letting him escape his vice grip for the little elementalist was too scare to let go.

"But I'm scared... " he whine which made Boboiboy Earth sigh.

"Try hugging Lightning not me." he said. When he heard his name being mentioned, Boboiboy Lightning immediately form an 'X' sign then said "Not a chance." to which they heard a series of whine from the Wind manipulater. "If you're going to hug me like there's no tomorrow at least let me breathe properly." Earth said while trying his best to struggle out of his grasp. Boboiboy Wind reluctantly loosen a little bit however his grip remains on Boboiboy Earth but that was enough to make him inhale the oxygen around him. "... Thank goodness... "

As of now, the three elementalist were at the 2nd floor of the mansion. Even though Ying had said to stay together, Boboiboy Earth and Boboiboy Lightning agrees to split up to make the search more convenient however a certain elementalist wasn't keen of the very idea of being alone in the dark.

"We've check every rooms in this area, still there's no sign of Ochobot anywhere!" Lighting said. "Let's just keep looking." came the respond of Boboiboy Earth.

The search continues as the three Boboiboys roam around, opening doors from left to right. "Maybe something had happened to Ochobot!" proclaim the wind elementalist.

"Why don't we just contact him? It's easier than searching the mansion like a maze." complains Lightning. "I've tried but the signals too poor to contact him... "

Just as they exited another room, they heard a strange melody just ahead of them. The tune was so soft however just the thought of someone playing a piano in an abandon house did give the three elementalist goosebumps.

"Oohh what was that?!" ask Boboiboy Wind. "I thought this place was abandon." he added.

"Don't know. But we'll find out soon.. " Boboiboy Lightning said as he summon a Lightning Kris at his right hand. "Hey! We're not allowed to use our powers yet." The Manipulater of Earth said.

"And that includes transforming into our second form... " he quickly added.

"Ugh fine, but we'll be needing this just in case… " Lightning said while referring to his lightning-made weapon.

Out of the sudden the soft tune of the melody suddenly stop. The three didn't know if they'll put their guards down or not. They stop walking for a moment, listening to the eerie silence of the house. "Hmmp! Maybe it was just a broken radio... " Lightning mutters.

"We don't know that for sure!" whine Boboiboy Wind while crying thick crocodile tears. While Boboiboy Earth was busy struggling away from Boboiboy Wind's vice grip, an unknown shadowy figure was lurking from behind the three unsuspecting elementalist.

Too busy minding their own business instead of continuing the search for Ochobot, the unknown silhouette grab the chance to near his targets for a mighty fright. Once the distance was close enough, the three Boboiboys notice a dark figure towering behind them. Gulping simultaneously, they slowly turned their heads only to witness a 20 feet skeleton looming above them with a dangerous violet aura surrounding it.

"Hi... "

Wide eyed at the horrifying sight of a giant monster, they sprint full speed ahead. They may have powers to defend the earth but the real Boboiboy inside them will never be brave when a scary ghost appears, including Boboiboy Lightning.

They run like never before, or maybe because of the adrenaline or fright. Boboiboy Earth hesitate for a moment but urge himself to look if ever the skeleton remain on the exact same spot when they saw it. But alas! The skeleton were running in a creepy manner, and it was catching up rather quickly!.

"It's following us!"

"Ahhhhh!!!" From the looks of it, it looks like the three were competing for the goal of a racing match mainly due to the possibility of being captured alive by the skeleton alone.

"Throw that lightning now!"

"O-Ok… Lightning bolt attack!" he threw the lightning at the skeleton but the lightning just went pass through the skeleton's bones like it was made with thin air. "Huh? It didn't work… "


~ 10 Minutes Later ~

"Earth, is he still following us?" visibly tired from running for quite a long time. The three Boboiboys were groaning for their bodies couldn't endure the so-called marathon of running away from that skeleton monster anymore. Earth avert his sight to his back, staring at the still-running skeleton. The skeleton doesn't seem to be stopping now for his body hasn't felt any signs of tiredness or fatigue.

"It's still chasing us!" he said.

"Let's... let's search for a place to hide!" Boboiboy Earth quickly added.

"Good idea!" Earth immediately agrees. Their stamina will wither soon and they need a place to rest and also, hide from the dreaded supernatural monster. They made a turn around the corner, meeting a couple of doors ahead. Choosing a random door, not noticing the sign 'Do Not Enter' that was attach on the door itself, they immediately entered the said room and close it quietly as to not allow the skeleton monster to track their location. Due to the lack of light, their sight couldn't provide the necessary information of what is currently happening on their surroundings.

"Ouch! who step on me?"

"Get your hands off of me!"

"Hey! be quiet... "

"What the... you're heavy!... Who ever you are!"

"Ah! someone poke my eye!"

"Shhh! It's here!" realization struck Boboiboy Lightning and Boboiboy Wind as they silence their little quarrel for a while when they heard familiar sound of steps the seemingly belong to the skeleton earlier. Approaching the said area, unknowingly the three Boboiboy elementalists stop breathing for a second. They can see the a little shadow of the skeleton from below the door. Even though it's a skeleton, it can sure see the area without it's eyes on his sockets.

Slowly stepping on the delicate wooden floor, the skeleton monster observe the halls, seeing if his targets were at sight. However none of the three boys were in the area. The skeleton scratch his skull then proceed to the other halls to continue for his search. Feeling the dangerous presence leaving the hall, the three boys couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"Now… where are we?" Earth ask.

"It's so dark here!" Wind didn't answer his question for he was too distracted by the dark to answer.

"Then search for the switch Wind... " grunt little Boboiboy Lightning.

"I can't... I'm scared… "

"Ugh never mind I'll do it." Boboiboy Earth volunteered. Pressing his palms on the wall, Boboiboy move sideways, trying to feel of there's any switch anywhere near these parts of the wall. But then he remembered, he's not tall enough to reach for the switch. Groaning in annoyance, he's having second thoughts if he'll use his powers, but then again, since it's pitch black inside there's a possibility that he might knock over some valuable things if he's not careful.

Over thinking the possible choices of finding any source of light while walking like a crab, his body came in contact with something hard. He groan in pain while clutching the side area of his stomach. Reaching for the said object, he's hands touch the cold surface of what seem to a made of solid metal. For better inspection, he  tried to pull the metallic stick closer towards him however, instead on his direction, it went downwards instead.

Light suddenly shine inside the room, now that the three elementalist can see the room clearly now, Earth couldn't help but be amaze at the room they were in.

At his front was a giant huge flat screen with numerous buttons and computer keys that are too complicated to understand. At the left side were filled with different shapes of apparatus filled with different coloured chemicals of unknown. There's even piles of papers or important documents full of experiments that were arranged neatly on the desk and some were scattered on the ground. At the right side consist of high-tech machines and engines for who knows what. There were dangerous looking weapons that were arranged neatly on the self, categorizing them with size and power. And there were even unfinished robots near the weapon area. There were a lot of science related stuffs inside that Earth haven't seen in his life, and this truly amaze him. Well, he did saw the same in Adu Du's spaceship but it was nothing compared to this.

"Wow... "

"Um Earth?… "

"Yes?… " Earth wasn't even paying attention when he ask the question for his attention were focusing on the lad he was in. "You should look at this…" Lightning said. Turning to face the two pale-looking elementalist, the two pointed at a certain direction of the lab to which Boboiboy Earth followed their gaze, widening his eyes when he saw what was at the far corner of the lad. There laying at a table made with pure metal was a woman, but not just any woman.

The reason why three of them were terrified was the fact that her arm was missing it's flesh and instead was replace with a robotic one. Wires of difference purposes were connected through her body. Dry blood scattered at her white dress and her eyes were wide open but no sign of life can be detected within her optics like a dead fish.

"Oh God!" The sight was extremely disgusting and horrifying to the point Boboiboy Wind might puke anytime.

"What?... What's this!" exclaim the manipulater of Lightning.

"Please leave the premises… "

"Very funny Wind… "

"But that wasn't me... "

"Please leave the premises... "

The lights suddenly went off which made the three Boboiboys raise their guards.

"Please leave the premises... " Inside the dark room, they saw a pair of glowing eyes in front of Boboiboy Earth. Having goosebumps, they sprint away from whoever owns those pair of eyes and towards the door. Luckily enough when the lights were on, they saw the door right behind Boboiboy Lightning and Boboiboy Wind that's why they immediately knew where the exit is. The glowing eyes remain on it's spot, never bothering to chase the three boys as they disappear into thin air.


"Dad! Mom! help me!" Gopal exclaim. The two boys were running around in circles for whole time.

"Please leave the premises... "

"It's still chasing us!" Fang said.

"I wanna go home!"

"Quit being a baby and ru--- "

The dark haired shadow manipulater hadn't got the chance to finish his sentence when his body came in contact with something that knock both him and Gopal backwards. "Ah!", their bodies collide on the wall creating a small crack on it.

"I'm sorry! Eh, Fang? And Gopal?"

The familiar voice of a certain girl rang into their ears as they stared at the the girl who was floating mid-air and another one at her side. "Hanna! Ying!" the both of them exclaim.

"Hey it's unfair. Why are you using your powers huh?" Gopal question at the flying female.

"Huh... well... "

"Please leave the premises... "

"There she is again!" Ying nervously said. Appearing behind them was a dark silhouette with two glowing eyes can be seen floating slowly towards from where Ying and Hanna was.

"Huh?! There's two of them!" Fang said. "What do you mean?" the female in pink ask. Her eyes darted at their back only to see the same dark silhouette with glowing eyes trailing from the direction Fang and Gopal was earlier.

"Please leave the premises... " both the identical dark figure said. Since it's dark inside, they never got the chance to see the real look of the silhouette that were following till now. Only their glowing eyes were visible in this pitch black mansion.

"Run!" Luckily they saw another way to escape the dark figure as they turn another corner. Looks like the marathon will not stop here for now.


"Oi! Where are you Probe?" the green alien said. He had just arrive in the mansion and now he's lost. On his little hand was a brown sack to which he will use later for carrying the power spheres. The dark and creepy areas of the mansion didn't bother him as he was too agitated to hold the 3 power spheres on Probe's.

"Right here Mr. Boss~" he said, not really giving him a proper answer.

"WHERE EXACTLY!" The booming voice of his boss ha resonate in all corners of the room Probe was in, making his invisible ears ache.

"H-here, uh... inside this storage room!" he squeak. "You mean this room? " he spoke, eyes staring at the door with a sign that indicates the storage room. The door burst opened, scaring the living daylights of the square headed alien. "Mr. Boss!" Probe came floating and instantly hug his boss with his robotic limbs.

"Thank goodness you're here. I was so lonely Mr. Boss." pearly tears of fright can be seen at his red eyes.

"Hey! Get off, your crushing me!" he complain. Letting go of his Boss, the green alien sigh in relief then step inside the said storage room with Probe. His sense of sight instantly search for the things he had long been desire.

And there he saw, at his front were three circular objects that were made in the finest quality of metal; the power spheres. Oh how he long to get his hands on those precious high-tech robots for himself. And now that he got what he wanted, he will soon wreak havoc in this planet and became the galaxy's greatest power sphere hunter. And best of all, he will soon defeat Boboiboy and his friends. Just the thought of it, he started to laugh menacingly.

"Muahahahahahaha!!!… " Delighted to see his boss happy, even though his jealous on the inside, he too, join his boss.

"Hehehehehe!… " Annoyed by the sound of his laughter, the green alien then glared at the prototype robot. "Why are you laughing?" he spoke.

"Eh? Aren't we celebrating Mr. Boss?" instead of answering his question, Probe just ask another question at his Boss' question, irritating Adu Du. "It's my job as the main villain!" ignoring Probe, he affectionately embrace the three power spheres, feeling their cold metal against his warm skin. "At last... with this power spheres, I will destroy Boboiboy and his friends once and for all. Muahahahahahaha!!!... just you wait Boboiboy... "

"Um... Mr. Boss?"

"What?" Adu Du ask annoyed.

"Isn't it weird that there are power spheres here in this kind of place? Not to mention.. three of them too." he said. When Probe was waiting for his boss to arrive, he was wondering why would three high-tech robots of power would be here in a place that is considered abandon. "You're right Probe. But that's not important anymore, what's important now is that all of these power spheres are mine! Mauhahahahahaha!!!… "

"Probe! Carry them back to our place!"

"Yes Mr. Boss!" The prototype robot put all three of the power spheres inside the sack given by his Boss, then carry them as he float. The two aliens left the place, Adu Du was smirking like the evil villain he is, victorious as he'll ever be. In his mind were hundreds of plans and evil schemes for those meddling kids he despite the most, especially Boboiboy. And nothing will stop him.

"Mr. Boss I never knew you brought company with you." His sidekick robot said.

"What are you talking about? I came here alone." he said.

"Oh, then... Aahhhhh!!!" He unexpectedly yelled as he flew in a fast pace, leaving his gaping Boss behind. "Oi! Where do you think you're going!" Just as he was about to follow his companion, A giant shadow was looming at his small figure. With his alien curiosity, he turn his head around only to come face to face a giant skull.

"Probe wait for me!" without wasting another time, he dash his way to where Probe went as the giant skeleton followed the green alien.


"Ahhh!!" The three Boboiboys were still dashing full speed ahead. They were trying to find the stairs they use earlier. When they saw the old mahogany stairs, they immediately rush to where it was. Stepping rather carelessly, Boboiboy Earth trip on his feet, sending him rolling on the steps. Bumping on Lightning and Wind, the three of them land quite harshly at the floor. Wind's face was literally kissing the floor as the other two elementalist were laying above him. He lift his head a little to voice his complaints at the other two boys.

"G-get off... You guys are heavy!"

The two elementalist oblige his request and help Boboiboy Wind on his two feet.

"Please leave the premises... "

Hearing the same words all over again from the unidentified silhouette, it didn't failed to send shivers down their spines. They were getting exhausted for goodness sake. Luckily they saw the living room, which means the exit isn't that far. Opening one last door, the three boys were meet with glowing lights of the moon at the window. The three of them were shock, it way already late and he's pretty sure Tok Aba will scold him when he gets back and they haven't found Ochobot yet.

"KYAAAAAAAA!" the familiar voice of a certain indian rang on the three Boboiboy's ears as they saw the whole gang running towards the exit. "Eh? You guys are all here?" ask the Wind Manipulator. Sensing the familiar voice of their friend, they turn their heads to the side to see none other than Boboiboy. "Boboiboy!" Since the whole gang is complete, the other two Boboiboys immediately merge at the other one revealing the normal Boboiboy.

"Boboiboy, let's get out of here!" Whine Gopal as he hug Boboiboy's waist.

"Wait we haven't found Ochobot yet."

"Please leave the premises... " the same silhouette from before said, the dark figure burst from where the three Boboiboy opened the door earlier.

"Ahhh!!" The group exclaim.

"Please leave the premises... " another voice said, entering from where the Fang's group earlier were two identical figures similar to the other one came floating.


"Ayo yo... now there's three of them!"

Luckily the light from the moon the illuminates from the windows helps them get a clear look as to what the mystery figures looks like, all were wide-eyed at the revelation.

"(F-F/N)?!" All of them exclaim, not really believe that the unidentified ghost was none other that (F/N) herself, three (F/N)s that is.

"Please leave the premises... "

"Please leave the premises... "

"Please leave the premises... "

"Ayo yo… she.. she's a ghost?"

"H-how is this possible?" Yaya ask disbelief. Just yesterday friday, they were just conversing with one another but now they were all confuse and scared at the same. The three (F/N)s slowly approach the still shock group of superheroes as they all back away from the floating figures.

"Please leave the premises... "

"Please leave the premises... "

"Please leave the premises... "

"Boboiboy make her stop!" said the alien humanoid of the group. "Yeah, she keep repeating those words all over again. It's giving me a headache." The Indian said while covering his ears.

"B-but… "

"Just do it!" both the male said. Boboiboy sigh in defeat as he prepares himself.

"Boboiboy Elemental Spi-- " Just as he was about to finish his sentence, all of them suddenly heard a snap of someone's fingers. The didn't know what was that for but all three (F/N) look-a-like suddenly vaporize into thin air, not a sign of their presence can be detected inside the room anymore.

"T-They're gone… " Ying said.

"Of course they're gone... " A voice said. All five of them stared at the familiar voice only to reveal the real (F/N), unimpressed at the group of superheroes at her home.

"I just made them disappear just now."

"Wait-- you!, But… how?" Fang could only stutter as he's couldn't believe what had just happened. Three unidentified dark silhouette were chasing them, corner them inside the living room, vanish like smoke and then another one appears, but not like the three girls earlier. The three floating (F/N)s doesn't have a solid body like the one who is standing in front of Boboiboy's gang.

"What are you guys doing here? I'm certain that your parents or guardian will be angered if they saw their children entering someone's home uninvited." she said.

"Wait this is your house?" ask Boboiboy to which the latter nod. "Correct, this is indeed my home. So what are guys you doing here? "

"Before that answer us first. What are those thing that were chasing us just now? And why do they look like you?" ask Gopal. The female stared at the group especially Gopal who threw the question at her. The Indian started sweating nervously under her gaze as he gulp in slight fear. "Those 'things' were my clones." she said.

"Clones?" the black haired superhero ask.

"Those clones were merely identical to my original form but I made a few changes, making them slightly different. I made them act according to what people normally called 'ghost'.... I don't really allow presence of a mere human near my house, that's why I force them to guard this mansion and scare the humans away while I'm gone.... and they make a pretty excellent job at handling it. But since I knew you guys, I've concluded that I might personally greet you myself." the five of them were confusing even more. But there's one thought they have in common.

'Does she have powers?… '

"Then what about that headless man in your room?" ask Fang.

"And that huge skeleton?" added Boboiboy.

"Headless man? Oh… it's just a prop for Halloween purposes."

"I-if it's just a prop then why did we heard it talk?" -Gopal.

"… Oh, maybe you heard my friend parrot instead. He likes to imitate voices from the TV so maybe you heard him instead, there's no way a non-living object such as the prop can talk. And as for the skeleton, he's just an illusion that I created along with the others." -(F/N).

'No wonder... ' Boboiboy thought remember that time when Lightning's attack didn't work on the huge monster. But then again, he wanted to ask about this secret lab he entered just earlier, especially about the woman he saw. But for his sake, he'll keep his mouth shut for now.

"So tell me... what brings you here in my humble home?"

In was only a moment before Boboiboy opened his mouth, "Ochobot … we're here because he accidentally landed on this mansion. We just want him back." he said. "Ochobot? What does he look like?... "

"He's a yellow circle shape robot!" Hanna said.

"Robot?… Hmm... You mean him?" the petite female opened her palm and suddenly there appeared a blue orb and inside the orb was a familiar power sphere robot who was sleeping peacefully. "Ochobot!" Boboiboy cheer, happy to see his best friend safe and sound. He was about to dash towards his sleeping best friend but female halt his action by raising her hand in a 'stop' gesture.

"I was checking around the area when I sense something was off. I encountered this robot of yours and accidentally gave him a fright. You can have him. But first answer my questions honestly... Just pure honesty." -(F/N).

"Who broke the vase near my room?" The two superhero girls shrug their shoulders, they stared at Boboiboy for answers but the latter shook his head no. That just leaves Gopal and Fang. Gulping nervously, the tan superhero hesitately raise his hand, eyes at the floor as he was to ashamed to stared at the female.

"I... I did."

"Hmm... Next question; Who stole my food at my room?"

"I-I did... "

"Gopal you have no shame at all." Hanna said, disappointed.

"Yalo! We understand about the vase but stealing someone's food is a big 'no' Gopal." Ying agrees.

"Hey! I was hungry and second; I thought this place was abandon!" he argue. "If it's abandon then don't touch anything that isn't yours!" Both Hanna and Ying said as flames can be seen at their optics, this time Fang and Boboiboy decided that it's best to not interfere.

"Don't worry Ying, Hanna... I just want to hear his answer. I don't really mind it at all. I won't make him pay for both the vase and my food, it's not worth it anyway." she said, like it's not a big deal.

"Quit question; What's the price for that vase?" Gopal ask, relieve from the guilt he felt earlier.

"That vase only cost exactly  580,994,000,000,000.60 euros. Why the sudden question Gopal?" Hearing the price of the vase he broke earlier, the Indian ingore her question as all of them including (F/N) notice he turned from tan to white. "Ayo yo... 5-580?! Euros!… " Because of the unbelievable price he just heard, Gopal fainted. All of them can visibly see the soul of Gopal escaping his body. "Eh Gopal!" Hanna came rushing towards him, worried for his friend.

"Hmm… the 60 cents must have shock him… " The female said. All of them excluding Gopal, face-palm at the conclusion the emotionless (H/C) haired female had concluded.

"But that's not important anymore... Here's my last question, if you answer it honestly, I'll give you back Ochobot and you're free to go so; .... Which one of you took my power spheres?" This had caught the attention of Boboiboy.

"You have one too?" Ask Fang.

"Yeah, but not just one... Three actually."

"But we didn't saw any power sphere." said Ying to which made Hanna nod her head.

"Me too." -Boboiboy.

"Same." -Fang.

"Stop lying... " Boboiboy and the others detect the dark tone that coated her words. Her eyes lost her natural innocent as everything about her became dark.

"I already given you a chance. I didn't mind the things that you've broke nor the food that you stole or the fact that you trespass my house. But lying is one thing.... "

"But it's true. We never took any power spheres with us!" Fang said.

"Shut up… "

When she said those words, the temperature of the room suddenly drop. It became chilly all of the sudden for Hanna and Ying hug each other for comfort. The lamps on the living room and the chandelier on top of them suddenly began blinking as lights keep flickering on and off in an unstable manner. A strong gush of wind from an unknown source entered the area causing the windows to burst open and close continuously.

"I'll give you another chance; Did you took my power spheres?... "

Boboiboy was cautious. One wrong word and something bad will bond to happen. If he's not careful with his words, he might not get Ochobot back.

"Ahhhhhh!" two familiar voice was heard near Boboiboy and the others. From the left side, a familiar green square alien and a red eyed robot burst open the door, panting as hard as they can. When their breath was stabilize enough, Adu Du look over at his front only to notice the children he hated the most, Probe on the other hand, made sure to hide the sack on his back to make sure no naked eye can see the sack full of power spheres by Boboiboy.

"Adu Du!" Boboiboy said while pointing an accusing finger on the alien.

"Boboiboy!" the green alien mutters as the two of them stared with virtual lightning clashing from their eyes.

"And Probe!~" Probe said cheekily with giggling, making Boboiboy's group face-palm at his silly antics. Due to their sudden entrance, the once dark look of the young female became normal again as she blinks her eyes at the new addition of the room. The temperature became normal, the lights from the lamps and chandelier stop blinking and the strong wind from earlier was gone.

"Hi Probe... Hi Frogie... " (F/N) wave at the two new comers without any hint of enthusiasm. Somehow her dark aura earlier was now gone as her eyes were once again shinning with innocence. "Oh?, Hi!... uh... what's your name again?" Probe took a second to realize her presence in the room before he greeted her but miserably fail when he realize the female never introduce herself from their first meeting.

"It's (F/N)… "

"Hi (F/N)!" he said again as he wave his other limb since his left hand was occupied by the sack he was holding behind his back. "Oi! Stop waving. And how many times do I have to tell you my name is not Frogie... It's ADU DU!"

"Bad Frogie... Bad Bad Frogie... " she said while waving her pointy finger at the green alien, making Boboiboy and the others fell on their feet anime-style.

"Ugh... "

"What are you doing here?!" ask Hanna.

"Actually Mr. Boss and I was just taking thi-- " Panic surge thought his nerves causing Adu Du to smack Probe when he unintentionally blurted out their plan.

"We... uh... we?… " Adu Du has difficulties to form a reason as to why they were here. If he told them he ordered Probe to stalk them, it would ruin Probe's cover as a janitor at their school. If he told them he took these power spheres, Boboiboy will surely rescue them. For now, he won't do anything reckless, not until he secure himself along with the power spheres.

"You what?" ask Fang, suspicious at the alien.

"... Uh... Take this!" Out of pure pressure, he took out his laser gun from his pocket, then shoot Boboiboy and his friends. Not prepared for the sudden attack, the group of superheroes were wide eyed as the laser shots came in contact with them. The impact of Adu Du's attack created a huge smoke that covers the area as the green square head alien laugh menacingly. When the smoke was cleared, Adu Du silence his laughter when he didn't saw an unconscious Boboiboy or his friends, instead he saw a huge cocoon just enough the space for little children. Fang deactivate his shadow cocoon only to reveal a bruise-free Boboiboy and the others as they all glared at the alien in front of them.

"You useless square head! This time your gonna get it." said Ying. Both sides prepare for one messy battle when the petite female who was sitting cross-leg on the floor and silently watching them from a safe distance, suddenly spoke.

"I would love to see this battle of yours but I wouldn't recommend it. You already made a mess and that is enough for one night. It's already night time and I'm certain that your mommies or daddies will surely be angry at you... " Her face shows signs of disinterest as she lays her head on her palm. The blue orb that secure Ochobot was place on her lap while she watch the events in pure amusement.

"Shut up!" Adu Du shouted while pointing his laser gun at the still calm (H/C) haired child, not really minding the dangerous weapon that might harm her. The group especially Boboiboy became alert at the events that will soon occur by the two different species. "You annoying brat keep on talking nonsense. Could you just shut up!" resort the annoyed alien while having red thick marks on his square head.

"Are you talking about yourself?… " the child innocently said, tilting her head slightly at the side. "The last time I saw you... your voice never fails to annoy me… "

"Pfft." Adu Du turned his head at the other group only to see them trying to stopp their fitful giggles at the comment (F/N) made, especially Fang and Boboiboy who clutch their stomach.

"Hehehe... Awesome." he said while doing his signature thumps-up. "Grrr... You are really getting on my nerves... " he said.

"How rude... you do know that you are trespassing at my home, right?"

"Trespass?" the alien ask.

"Oh dear... Don't tell me you don't know the meaning of trespass. You should really focus on your vocabulary. Trespass is defined by the act of knowingly entering another person’s property without permission. Such action is held to infringe upon a property owner’s legal right to enjoy the benefits of ownership. Criminal charges, which range from violation to felony, may be brought against someone who interferes with another person’s legal property rights. Criminal trespasses, depending on the venue of jurisdiction and case circumstances, fall under different subsets of law. When a trespass is carried out against another person, rather than against his/her property, the trespasser is likely to be charged with assault or battery."

"Too many information... too many information... " Gopal said while clutching his head for his brain can not keep up with her detailed explanation.

"Eh? Your awake?" Boboiboy ask his best friend. "I felt my tummy rumbling that's why I woke up hehehe."

"Even in his sleep he's still thinking about food." Fang said while face-palming.

"What's she rambling about Mr. Boss?" ask Probe. "How am I suppose to know. I am an alien and we don't have laws like that." Adu Du said to his sidekick robot.

Somehow, Boboiboy notice (F/N)'s eyes widening for a fraction but it was unnoticeable for it immediately return to it's normal size. Also, he did notice her shoulders tense a little. Whatever Adu Du had said, it sure brought an impact on the (E/C) eyed female. She lower her head a little making her small fringes cover her eyes, then spoke.

"Are my ears not functioning correctly… or Did I just heard you called yourself an alien?" she ask.

"You just notice?!" exclaim the group of superheroes.

"Isn't it obvious? From his skin color, square shape head, antennas and his height?" The black haired girl ask.

"And don't forget about his spaceship." added Hanna.

"Quit your blabbering and-- " before Adu Du can finish his sentence, the once sitting female miraculously came face to face with the green head alien. The female was looking down on the alien with her innocent dark look. This shock the whole gang since (F/N) was a few meters away from the alien and the others. How come she manage to transport herself within a millisecond. Adu Du let out a short 'gah' and was staring wide-eyed at the small (but taller than him) female in front of him, expecting what annoying antics the little girl would do. But what happened next was beyond what they all expected.

The next time they knew was Adu Du flying skyrocket while screaming for Probe to help him. All of them gap at the petite girl who just delivered a powerful uppercut that send Adu Du to crash out of the roof and upwards towards the night sky. The impact of her sudden attack created a huge hole on both the second floor to the roof. Dust, pure pieces cement and broken wood fell from above to where they are making them covered their eyes for protection. Probe immediately panics and tried to follow where Adu Du flew while successfully hiding the sack on his back.

"Wait for my Mr. Boss!"

Such powerful strength that came from a normal human being was merely impossible, unless you have powers that resembles Hanna's watch. What happened just now proves one thing,

'She's just like us...'


"Eh? b-but (F/N)... " Hanna said but she cut herself of when (F/N) turn around to face the group. Her once innocent aura had completely vanish for the (F/N) standing in front of them was like another person.

"All of you. Leave." No one spoke a word as they all hesitate to move their feet but they did it anyway to not further anger the (H/C) haired girl, except for Boboiboys that is. "(F/N)... About the power spheres, we didn't stole them." (F/N) only stared at the boy before her with her cold look, indicating she didn't bought his excuse.


"But it's true! We didn't took any of your power spheres."

"Boboiboy... you, the others, and Adu Du are my prime suspect so from now on refrain yourself and the others from talking to me especially in school. Not until I catch the culprit myself."

"(F/N), we promise... it wasn't us!" Her cold optics came in contact with his sincere and genuine one's. Just staring at him..., she snap out of her thoughts as she avoided his gaze, slightly turning her head to the side.

"Promise?… Don't say such a powerful word, you might disappoint me when time comes. Now leave..."

"But-- " Before he can finish his sentence, the (E/C) female toss the blue orb at Boboiboy, catching it successfully.

"I'll give you back your robot. Now Leave."


"I said... Leave." without warning, another forceful gush of wind similar to Boboiboy Cyclone's, push Boboiboy out of the mansion as he hit the grassy ground with a loud 'thud'. After that, all of them heard the door close rather forcefully when Hanna and Fang help Boboiboy on his feet.

"We mess up big time... " he said.

"Hey, don't get upset about it Boboiboy. We all know we didn't do it. She'll realize that soon, isn't that right?" Hanna immediately comfort Boboiboy which successfully did the trick.

"Yeah! Now let's go home before we get ourselves into really big trouble." Ying said with a small grin gracing her lips.

"Oh you certainly are in trouble now children.. " the superhero kids tense up at the familiar voice of a certain grown up they knew. Before them were Tok Aba, Mr. Kumar, Mrs. Yah and Ying's grandma. They were all glaring at them and the stick Mr. Kumar was holding didn't help to ease their fright at the four grown-ups.

"Um Fang help... " Gopal said only to realize that the shadow manipulater was no where near them.

'That traitor!'

"You have a lot of explaining to do!" Mrs. Yah said.

'This is gonna be a long night.' They all thought, silently praying for their selves.

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