Chapter 7: Never Friends To Begin With

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A\N: Rush Chapter. I'm truly sorry.


Third Person's POV

It was a beautiful sunday morning at the small island of Rintis. Like every morning, the sun had really took it's place on the sky, the birds were tweeting a soft melody and the citizens of the island were doing their usual things like always.

"The Meteorology Department had announce that tomorrow, most places in Malaysia will be experiencing a strong wave of heat reaching from 27° to 30° celsius, especially in (place #1) and Rintis Island. But despite the raging heat, prepare your umbrellas and coats for (place #3), (place #4) and (place #5) will be having a rainy Monday until Tuesday. Back to you Ms. Julie" The familiar voice of the famous Shamsul Rival Sabri, a weather forecaster from TV33, can be heard from the kitchen Tok Aba was in.

While listening to the news, Tok Aba was preparing breakfast for Boboiboy. Yesterday, he gave him a good scolding along with his friends. But he was relieve to see him safe at least for Boboiboy and Ochobot really made Tok Aba worried sick.

"Thank you Rival. As for today's news residences of Rintis Island had claim they have seen a Dragon lurking around near the hills. Evidence of bite marks and large scratches were seen and claim that it was a Dragon's doing."

'Dragon?' Tok Aba thought, his mind darted at the two possible culprit he can think about; Boboiboy and Fang. But it's impossible to think that those two would release their dragons.

"Are you sure it was a dragon?" -Reporter.

"If aliens exists why not dragons." -Resident 1

"It was huge. I saw it flew towards this area of the hills and-- " -Resident #2.

"Flew? But the one we saw doesn't have wings and it was just a small one too." -Resident #1.

"Maybe it wasn't a dragon that you saw. It was an animal." -Resident #2.

"Are you calling me a liar?" -Resident #1.

Before a fight could break from the two citizens, the camera roll back to the female news anchor, Nurul Julie Juliana.

"Whether it was a dragon or an unknown animal. It doesn't change the fact that the Residence of Rintis were... " words from the female anchor were a blur when Tok Aba heard his grandson descending the staircase.

"Good morning Tok... " Boboiboy said while rubbing his eyes.

"Morning. Here, have breakfast." Tok Aba scoop some newly cook fried rice and place one sunny side-up on the plate. Giving it to his grandson, the boy lazily munch on his food as Tok Aba notice the small bags under his eyes.

"Looks like someone slept at the wrong side of the bed." a chuckle resonate from his throat as he pat the little boy's head to which the black haired child half heartedly grin.

"A lot had happen yesterday Tok... " Boboiboy said. His brain was begging him to go to sleep but he knows Tok Aba will need the help he can get from him and Ochobot later.

"How is Ochobot doing?"

"He's fine Tok. He's just charging his batteries. He'll wake up soon."

"By the way, what happened yesterday? You took a whole noon on finding Ochobot." He ask. Events from yesterday flash through Boboiboy's mind. From the crazy chase, illusions, unknown woman on the lab and (F/N)...


The name kept repeating on his head since yesterday. That's actually the main reason why he hadn't sleep tightly last night. At first he thought she's one odd ball of innocence but yesterday... it drastically change when her eyes lost it's normal shine and was replaced with a dark vibe he couldn't comprehend, especially when she look at them with those eyes.


"Yes Boboiboy?"

"What if you were frame from something you didn't do and... what if it'll affect your relationship with other people?" he ask. The old man stared at his grandson for a moment before he took a seat before him.

"Where is this coming from Boboiboy? Did you do something wrong?"

"Of course not Tok." he immediately respond. Boboiboy doesn't want to plant ideas on his grandfather for he worries too much for him.

"Well Boboiboy, whatever had happened I'm sure you'll overcome it." The old man stretch a genuine smile as he encouraged little Boboiboy by patting his grandson's head for the second time. "I'll be heading out to the shop now. And make sure to clean the plates once your done."

"Yes Ato... " he said. Tok Aba grin once again then said his farewell to the boy as he took his leave for another busy day at his shop.

He continues to munch his healthy breakfast, his thoughts wandering on a certain (E/C) eyed female classmate of his.

'(F/N)... '

'Clones... illusions... power spheres... Does she have powers like us?... Well it does explain the power spheres.' He thought. When he first encounter the female, he did saw her wearing a similar watch to his. Maybe her power sphere gave it to her. It was a wonder and a surprise when she told them about her clones, illusions and especially her power spheres.

'The question is where did she get them?... '

"Morning Boboiboy.... " came the voice of Ochobot as the yellow robot floats to where the kitchen is.

"Ochobot! How are you doing Ochobot?!" ignoring his meal, Boboiboy immediately rush towards Ochobot and hug his little best friend quite tightly. "I'm fine but what took you so long? I was so scared Boboiboy." exclaim the yellow power sphere. "Hehehe... sorry Ochobot." the black haired superhero giggles as he release Ochobot from his embrace. The male superhero continues his breakfast while chatting with Ochobot about the events that had occurred yesterday.

"So that was (F/N)... She scared me yesterday." the robot said as he remembers the time when he levitate aimlessly through the halls searching for Boboiboy and when the said female suddenly appears in front of him, scaring the living daylights out of him which made him faint in the arms of the stoic female. Their chat continued while the male was busy washing the plates, utensil and his mug.

"A skeleton?!"

"Yeah, but it was all an illusion."

"Woah. Wait, Illusion? How is that possible?" the robot ask curiously.

"Well since yesterday I've suspect she has powers like us. I did saw her wearing a watch that looks like mine. Oh! You will never guess what happened to Adu Du!" His mind went to his enemy when he remembered what the female did to him that both shock him and the others. He told the tales to the attentive Ochobot, laughing at the process when he reminisce the face Adu Du made when he was sent flying in the air by the petite female with (H/C) hair. "Hmm.. He does deserve it." The yellow power sphere said to which the superhero kid agrees.

"Come on Ochobot." The black haired boy said. Boboiboy lock the door as both of them left the house to Tok Aba's Kokotiam. Arriving at the said destination, the two of them saw Tok Aba serving some of his loyal costumers. Sensing he need some extra hands, the two instantly went inside the roundabout structure shop and does their job at helping Tok Aba.

"Morning Boboiboy!" said a familiar voice that belongs to a manipulator of gravity, Hanna. Beside her figure, was Ying and Fang, the female with large frame glasses wave at Boboiboy while Fang on the other hand didn't make an effort to greet him as he just nod his head, acknowledging his presence.

"Morning everyone." he greeted back. It was only a few second when he notice the absences of a certain indian friend of his. "Where's Gopal?"

"Um... "

~ Kumar's House ~

At the residence at Kumar...

A weeping Gopal can be seen on his room, holding his Math textbook. Apparently Mr. Kumar had notice the low test results on both Math and English of his son and he's definitely not please with it. And the fact that Gopal was out late at night didn't help ease the hot headed man.

"If you dare defy me again and go out at the night, you will seriously get it!" Mr. Kumar said, on his hand was his famous stick.

"Y-yes Dad... " all he can do now was cry thick crocodile tears while holding one of his worst subject as his father will be keeping a close eye on him all day.

~ Tok Aba's Kokotiam ~

"Let's just say he's having a father-and-son bonding." said Ying.

"Poor Gopal." Hanna said, feeling sad over his friend. "And I was about to give him my one week supplies of cookies... " at the mention of her infamous biscuits, the three tense up at the possibility of Hanna handing her cookies to them instead.

"But I left it at home. I'll give them to Gopal once I saw him." she added to which the trio sigh in relief.

'Poor Gopal... ' is what the trio thought, sending their prayers to the Indian superhero once he receive her nasty cookies.

"Um Boboiboy."

"Yes Ato?"

"Could you please deliver this to Mrs. Clinson's house?" Tok Aba said, on his hands was a box full of cocoa-filled cans ready to be delivered. "Sure thing Tok." the boy took the boxes from his granddad as the old man gave him a small piece of paper. "Here's the address and a map so you won't get lost."

"And if you're going to use your powers remember not to use your elemental split for too long so you won't repeat what happened last time." The robot reminded.

"Got it. Bye guys." Boboiboy wave as he left the place to deliver the cocoa cans.

"But isn't Mrs. Clinson's house at the town square plaza. That place is really far away." Ying said. Mrs. Clinson is actually a friend of her grandma's. She often saw the said woman visiting their house a lot so it's only natural for Ying to recognize her.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine." The man assure but even himself wasn't sure if Boboiboy will deliver the cocoa in one peace.

"Hopefully." he quickly added.

~ 30 Minutes Later ~

"Tok Aba's cocoa delivery!" the boy cheerfully said. The door opened slightly and a confuse woman in her mid-thirties peek at door, meeting the eyes of Boboiboy. "Yes? May I help you?"

"I'm here to deliver this cocoa to Mrs. Clinson."

"Mrs. Clinson? I'm sorry son but you got the wrong house. This is the Nurul Residence." The lady said. "Oh. Sorry I thought this was Mrs. Clinson." The boy left leaving the woman behind but not without saying his farewell to the lady. The superhero boy continues to follow the exact details the map had provided for another 10 minutes but the boy fails to reach the home of Mrs. Clinson.

"Man. This is harder than I thought." he said to himself. Currently he's in a unfamiliar area he has never been before. The map Tok Aba gave him didn't help that much at his current state. "Ahhh! Help me! Thief!" a foreign voice can be heard from the distance. It was a woman wearing a clothing that was unfamiliar to Boboiboy, in fact it was the first time that he laid his eyes on such clothing, but that wasn't important now.

The boy darted his eyes at a speeding scooter, he squinted his eyes only to see three familiar faces: Rob, Robert and Roberto. "Those guys again?" the child groan, seemingly tired at always seeing their faces in every robbery crime for the past few weeks.

"Anyone, please help me!" The lady desperately shouted for help. The superhero boy immediately sprint full speed yelling; "Boboiboy Thunderstorm!" Transforming into Lightning's second tier, the boy dash like lightning itself, leaving all the people in awe at his speed.

"If we're going to have an escape vehicle, at least steal a decent one!" Rob complains at his two minions. Earlier at the scene where they stole the foreign lady's bag and her just-bought paper bags, Rob the leader, instruct his two companions into stealing a vehicle for escape purposes, and they didn't done a great job at finding one. The three of them were like sardines in a can on the scooter for there's not much spaces for all three of them to fit in, but they have no choice.

"Look Boss! It's that Boboiboy kid again!" Roberto exclaim, pointing at the said child who was literally running in a speed of lightning. "Can this thing can't get any faster?" Rob said in an impatient matter. Desperate to escape the superhero boy, he even maneuver the scooter to some cars creating a huge traffic, but that won't stop Boboiboy.

Once Boboiboy Thunderstorm was near enough, he transform again into one of his newest form; Thorn.

"Boboiboy Thorn!" from his red and black clothes, now he wears a short-sleeved shirt with black coloring the upper part and green on the lower part of the shirt, with green pants adorned with black jagged, thorn-like linings at the sides. His shoes are a mix of green and black colors laced with white shoelaces. His insignia is placed at the front of his shirt, right under the hoodie.

Once he attain his new form, a small smirk was noticeable on his features while staring at the three older men.

"Ensnaring Thorns!" long green thorny vines wrap itself unto the scooter along with the three robbers, unable for them to move. "Ugh!" The three men struggle at the tight vines that immobile them but their efforts remain futile. Sirens were heard as the police immediately took action and handcuffed the three thieves, leading them to the police car. The police said their gratitude to the short male to which Boboiboy gave them a thumps-up.

The people around them who witness the scene began clapping and giving praises at Boboiboy for once again, saving the day. One by one, the people left the area to continue what they were going before the crime even started.

Boboiboy was about to grab hold of the lady's belongings when all of a sudden, at the corner of his peripheral vision, did he saw someone familiar. Brown eyes clash with (E/C) one's.


When (F/N) notices that the male saw her presence, did she turn to the side as to intent to walk away but Boboiboy will be having none of that. Leaving the items behind, Boboiboy out of his instinct, rush to where the young female is and grab her wrist, successfully stopping the petite girl from taking another step.

"Wait (F/N)!" The said female face the young male, raising one brow while maintaining her emotionless facade.

"I... uh... " Boboiboy was having trouble processing a word because of her intense stare. He had a lot of things to say, he wanted to clear his and the other's name from the (E/C) eyed female's accusation but now that the person is here in front of him, his mind goes blank.

It was only then did he notice that the female shift her blank look on her wrist with his hand still intertwined on to it. Hesitantly, he let her go as the atmosphere before them became quite awkward.

"(F-F/N) I-- "

"What do you want?" she ask softly, cutting him off completely with her straightforward question.

"It's just that --... Wait! What are you doing here... alone?" The young superhero said. Being from a different country, it's no question that his classmate was still foreign on the land of Rintis. In fact, why is she even here without her parents or guardian to guard her?

"I'm looking for my aunt."

"Don't tell me you're--?"

"I'm not lost if that's what you're thinking." she quickly cut him off, a seemingly unnoticeable annoyed look on her face. "My aunt's the one who's lost right now. And I'm doing my best to find her so if you'll please excuse me, I'll take my leave." The young female was about to take a step forward when suddenly the male behind her spoke once again.

"I can help you finding her." he volunteer to which the female immediately decline.

"Are you still mad at us?" The female face the nervous looking Boboiboy who's head was slightly bowing, afraid of her answer. The question lingering on her mind. "Mad?" she whispers, uncertain whether his choice of word would suit her current emotion about what had happened the other day.

"I'm not mad Boboiboy." she close her eyes, inhale the oxygen around her and letting it all out before she spoke.

"In fact, I don't really know how to deal with this anymore. You along with the others have been nice to me since I first came here... " She pause for a moment, looking at Boboiboy straight to the eye. "But after what had happened yesterday... " She shake her head from side to side while sighing, showing quite disappointment at him and his gang.

"But (F/N)... "

"But what? Listen, I'm going to say this for the second time, I don't really mind about what Gopal had done or the fact that you guys unexpectedly entered my home but... " She pause for a moment before continuing.

"Those powers spheres... I need to protect them. They're not just ordinary robots and I'm aware that the robot you've been searching yesterday is also a powers sphere too. I don't know how you've got him but I can tell that it has something do to with that Frogie who claim himself an alien." Now Boboiboy was getting confuse. It wasn't hard to take the information in his brain, the thing that made it hard for him to process those information was the fact that (F/N) was the one who's telling him and is aware of it. The way she talks is that she's been involve with aliens of the outer galactic space, almost like she has some kind of connection with them. "Somehow, I blurted out too much informations that aren't suppose to be heard." she mutters to herself.

"It wasn't us." Boboiboy finally spoke, ending his own silence with his firm and genuine voice. "I can assure you it wasn't us who stole your power spheres."

"Such pointless excuses."

"But it's true!"

"If you're going to prove your innocence then prove it with evidence. Not just words Boboiboy." she sigh, impatient to leave his presence.

"So Boboiboy... stop bugging me for now. I had a lot of things to worry about than hear your pointless excuses."

"Why can't you just believe us?... " he mutters to no one in particular however the female in from of him manage to catch on to his sentence.

"Boboiboy... " she called, her voice lost it's normal softness and instead it was replace with emptiness. She close her eyes for a second before opening them again to reveal the dark look she emitted from yesterday's event.

"Could you stop insisting something you can't prove just yet? Why are you so persistent anyway?" the boy was lost for words at her blunt question.

"But aren't we friends?" he ask, his question doesn't really have anything to do on their current topic however he can't help himself but to question (F/N). It was only a week ago when he meet the young female, he did saw her a little bit off but he did intend to befriend the young girl throughout the whole week. When she heard his question, she scoff. "Friends? Who told you that." she ask like it was the most unbelievable fact ever. After that, her next words surely did the damage on Boboiboy.

"We were never friends to begin with... "


A\N: Told you it was rush.
Just to inform you guys...

Just because none of the characters from the original series changes their clothes (unless it's school for our main characters) doesn't mean that our innocent protagonist never change her's. Their clothes will remain the same throughout the whole chapters except for little (F/N).

Admit it. From our childhood days, we girls once suffer having our mothers/aunties/sisters dressing us up like dolls or mini fashion models to make us all cute and girly. And in addition, they also do a lot of crazy stuff on our hair.

And yes, I am aware that Malaysia sometimes or most of the times, never approve female wearing short skirt or shorts. I've done some research about their culture and it seems they deem that wearing skirts, shorts or any clothing that reveals your skin, inappropriate for public (Well it's their tradition so don't jubge). Apparently I've also read a letter or an essay perhaps about a Malaysian Indian woman having troubles about the 'dress code' of Malaysia because she's use to the western culture. Don't comment something negative of Malaysia. It's their culture so we have to respect that (I'll delete your comments once I saw one. We all have our own tradition and culture so better yet, respect it and leave them alone).

I myself wears skirts and shorts too and have receive a lot of negative vide from other people. But that's not gonna stop me for I find them comfortable and I know my limits as to when and where to wear one. (ex. going to the church with jeans.)

And the (F/N) in this book, despite living in Rintis Island (Malaysia) now, will still wear her outfits because she finds them comfortable. I'm saying this just to clear up any confusion you're dealing with. Your Welcome.

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