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Jaemin and Mark were on their way to Jisung's house since they planned it last night, the younger refused at first but then agreed after awhile as his parents were on a business trip.

Mark kept giving the blue haired boy a weird face the whole way there, to which Jaemin had a confused one on his. At last they finally arrived at Jisung's house, though they are brats to each other and maybe some people, they do know how to have respect to others especially adults. Hence why they took off their shoes and neatly placed them on the shoe rack, they closed the door carefully and walked up the stairs instead of racing each other not wanting to make a mess

A little surprising right? Who knew fuckboys who were also models can actually be respectful when they're not horny? Well some but that's not important

The two boys walked in and saw Jisung and YangYang facing each other on the large bed, the younger on his phone, glancing at the german boy with an irritated look as the latter kept on rambling about something — or someone

"I'm telling you Ji! He was pretty! And cute! And-"

"Please for the love of God do shut up"

"What did we miss? The fuck happened this time?" Mark asks as he sits besides YangYang, Jisung replied giving him a distress look "YangYang met his 'pretty midget' and won't shut up about it" followed by a huff after. Jaemin snorted "You mean the dude who you stalk?" He asks with an eyebrow raised

"Yeah! That one and only! He was pretty! And nice! And holy shit I felt like dreaming!" He rambles "And I feel like puking" the youngest said and clicked his tongue in annoyance "pretty sure this is a nightmare, and not only for me" he added

The german boy shrugged the mean comment and said "don't worry ji! You'll meet your dolphin boy soon! You just gotta go out of the house more you loser!" He slightly smirked, Jisung rolled his eyes and mumbled a few cusses at him. "Where and how did you meet him anyway?" Mark asks with a curious tone, the boy beside him turned his gaze towards the eldest among them "last Tuesday! When you fuckers went to the club and fucked some weird ass bitches while Jisung stayed home to play video games" he answers with a little annoyed tone in his voice when he said the first part

Jaemin and Mark gave a nervous laugh "aha~ I see, uhm we didn't really stay there for long tho, Jaemin was surprisingly not in the mood to fuck a few victims, he only made out with one girl and let her give him head but that was it. We left afterwards since I was only accompanying him and shit" the older stated

Jisung gave the blue haired boy an eyebrow raised while YangYang gave him a smirk, "oOO~ is Jaemin in love?" The said boy widened his eyes and protested "what?! N-no! Of course not!" He stuttered a little with his cheeks flushed.

The others doubted him but put it aside as they want to see their poor friend have a mental crisis and admit he indeed might have actual feelings to someone, they do have a guess since Jaemin never really became friends with his victims let alone mention their name and get possessive when one of the others either compliments or insults them. It's time for Jaemin to sort shit out and fix his horny behavior

"Anyways Mark why were you giving me a weird face on the way here?" Jaemin said trying to change the subject, the said boy hummed "Oh! That! Because of last Friday night, the thing we just talked about" well turns out his question didn't even get away with the topic, he groans but Jisung saved the topic for another day where Jaemin is now full on stressing. "Hey Yang, did you chat that Renjun dude after?" The german gave a nervous look

"Was I supposed to?" He ask, Mark rolled his eyes "be honest fucker, did you chat him?" YangYang shifted his eyes to Jisung's bookshelves, his computer desk, his bean bag and finally answered "no...?" A little confused, "why?" Jaemin ask while leaning in a little bit as a sign he's intrigued on the topic now instead of his like awhile ago.

"I didn't wanna scare him off or anything" he said while fumbling with his fingers, it was like Jaemin was reminded of the promise he gave to not only Renjun but to the others as well from their last chat, He's not going to scare Jeno off, he just needs to try his best- wait what the fuck is he saying?

"Oh please, you'll scare him off either way" Jisung said as he grabbed his phone charger to charge up his device, YangYang glared and bite back "shut up pipsqueak, atleast I met my pretty boy, unlike you", Jisung glared back "I did met mine!" Making the other two raise an eyebrow, "really? Where?" Mark ask as he looked at the youngest who was now slightly blushing, the latter mumbled but the others couldn't hear, "pardon? Look dude, speak up louder we can't hear you" Jaemin said

"IN MINECRAFT" Jisung finally spoke up loudly, YangYang burst out laughing almost falling of the bed– until Mark also started laughing falling off the bed pulling him along as they landed on the carpeted floor, Jaemin tried not to laugh since Jisung was blushing embarrassed by his words while the other two were already laughing so much that Mark actually peed a little, the blue haired boy failed tho as he found the situation funny.

A few minutes passed and the boys already calmed down a little, the other two that were on the floor sat back on the bed after Mark had changed into new freshly dried pants Jisung let him borrow, Jaemin was still snickering a little bit making YangYang choke on his water he had brought when he first arrived

"That's cute Ji, you sound like a middle schooler or something" Mark commented as YangYang choke on his drink again, the younger groaned "atleast I have something with him, unlike you two horny fuckers. What about you guys huh? Mark hasn't got laid since Jaehyun gave him the responsibility to watch over dumbfuck over here, speaking of, you had sex with your victims while YangYang and I are actually building a friendship between ours and maybe more if that's possible" he said matter of a factly to the two

"Ugh here we go again" Jaemin thought while rolling his eyes as he thought they were saving this topic for another day

"Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find your dignity for Jeno back there you stupid fuck" The younger said annoyed

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