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(Madhu's POV)

(2 Months Later)

It's been 2 months since the night we confessed our love to each other amidst our heated conversation. After that night we never bothered to say "I love you" to each other. We know we do then why say it again and again like a broken record? I know I am crazy for saying this because every girl would love to hear those three magical words from the man she loves but I don't. I feel saying "I love you" is too cliché. For me love is not a quantifiable resource to be measured or counted. Love is a subtle emotion to be felt within the heart and expressed through eyes but not through words because words can lie... eyes can never lie... maybe that's the reason why we both never bothered to express it before that fight-night. Well, as long as I see love for me in my Rk's eyes and as long as he could see my eyes mirroring the same love for him we shall live together happily fighting.

Oh cut the crap, Madhu! Now focus on the matter in hand! Wait, why am I here? Standing outside my husband's office? I wonder tapping my right foot.

"Haan! To give him a tight slap!" I smirk remembering the reason for being here. I didn't waste a moment then. I just barge into his office. He is discussing something seriously with three of his employees. His head snaps up to the door way with an irritated frown but his eyes softens seeing me. Good!

"Get out everybody" I order snapping my fingers. They all scattered from the room like terrified rats. Poor fuckers!

"Where the hell are you going?" I push my idiotic husband with my hand when he tries to escape out.

"You said 'Get out everybody' so I thought..."

"Don't act smart you dumb-ass! You know I am here to see you then where the hell you think you are moving your f**king ass?" I shout.

"Reduce your voice!! My staffs think that their boss' wife is so sweet and naive"

"Sweet and naive my foot! Just now I rudely ordered them to get out and they surely got the picture of how am I!"

"Yeah right. So tell me what brings you here?" Rk asks me dryly. He starts walking back to his seat but I grab his suit jacket and pull him towards me.

"Whoa! We are in office. No hanky-panky!" Rk grins at me salaciously. His mouth says no but his eyes say another story. His eyes are dark and smoldering hot. Desire spirals through my body. Madhu! You are not here to melt down at his feet. I chide myself in my head.

"You bloody bas***d!" I slap him hard on his face.

"Oh shit!" he rubs his cheek with his palm. It stings! Good! I smirk evilly.

"What's that for, you bitch?" He pulls my hair painfully. "Just because I rejected your offer?" He asks angrily. "Go home and wait for me! I will come and fuck you hard." my dumb-head husband gently pushes me to the exit.

"I am not a bloody desperate wh**e!" I shout.

"But you are my nymphomanic wifey" he winks. "Now, be a good girl and go home. I don't want you to distract me. I have work to do." He again tries to kick me out.

"I won't go!" I stomp my foot and lock his office door. I don't want anyone to disturb us when I kick my husband's ass.

"Such impatience?" he shakes his head. "Okay come" he takes my hand and drags me to his desk while unbuttoning his coat. I wonder what he is gonna do now?

In one swipe he pushes everything off and clears his desk. He lifts me up and places me on top of the desk and then unbuckles his belt and unzips his pants. Oh f**k! That's what he is gonna do.

"No, stop" I push him hardly when he skims his hand under my skirt to check the temperature.

"What? Why are you pushing me? Don't you want this?" he asks pointing to his 'family' jewel.

"No, I don't want that damn f**king thing in me! It's all because of that thing I am now here... now in this state."

"Yeah, you are so horny lately... you got the taste of sex" he grins so proudly for introducing to this world.

"Ugh! Stop irritating me! I hate sex! I hate you! I hate my life!"

"Why so much drama, Bitchey?" he asks me utterly confused.

"I'm here to..."

"Have sex?"

"No dammit! Let me finish my sentence, will you?" I ask twisting my lips up angrily. He nods like an obedient boy.

"I am here to slap you... I need to give you at least 4 slaps then only I will feel contented."

"What? Why? That too 4 slaps?" he asks now even more confused.

"I like that count!" I tell with a shrug.

"I will file a case against you if you don't stop abusing me!" he threatens me.

"Oh really? Then I will file a case against you for knocking me up without my permission" I blurt out.

He stares at me so stunned.

"Now, stop giving me that constipated fuck-face and talk!" I shout. No, response!

Did he get stoke? Is he dead standing? Is that possible to die while you stand? Won't you collapse the next second you are dead?

"Did I hear you right?" he finally asks. Now he has gone deaf! What am I going to do with this good for nothing deaf husband?

"Yes, dammit! You heard me right."

"You are..."

"Pregnant! With your little monster" Ugh! We are hardly married for four fucking months! But now I am pregnant! I want to beat the shit out of him for not using protection!

"Ahhh" he screams dropping down on his knees and covering his mouth with the back of his hand just like olden days movie heroines do.

"Nooooo!" he cries louder and louder.

Why the hell he is crying like a baby thrashing his hands and legs?

"Hey Asshole! What's wrong?" I move closer to him and hold his head in my hands smoothing his hair. Doesn't he want the baby? Oh no! I panic. Though I know it's soon I want this baby.

"I pity our baby because she has gotten you as her mommy. You are a devil!" he hugs my waist still kneeling on the floor and kisses my belly. "Don't worry baby I will tame your mommy from an arrogant bitch to a sweetheart before you are born. Oh and I will also wash her potty mouth with the best toilet cleaner and teach her good vocabularies." Oh f**k! He is cooing to our unborn baby. How sweet! So he wants the baby! But wait! How rude of him to say shit about me to my baby? I bunch his hair with my fingers and pull him up to his feet, harshly.

"Ah! Leave my hair, bitchey!"

"Say "I'm the best mommy in the world" to our baby, NOW!" I order grinding his head by holding his hair.

"Okay! Okay! I will say. Leave my hair!" he screams in pain. I let his hair go.

"Your mommy is the best mommy in the world" he says and I notice him crossing his fingers behind him. So it's a lie? I fist my hand, ready to punch his fuck face.

"You didn't mean it!" I say with a frown.

"Yes, I didn't!" he agrees honestly. Okay! I am sparing him from punching his face for being honest.

"We should change, Rk." I tell him in a serious tone.


"We are gonna have a baby. We should stop acting like kids and behave like adults that we are. We should nurture our kid with love and care"

"Well said, Bitchey! We will change and be better parents to this little one" he agrees with a smile and places his hand on my belly.

"We should stop using bad words. With a baby around we can't talk shits!"

"Hmm... really a tough one for you, Madhu." he laughs at me. How dare he?

"Why did you get me pregnant asshole?" I start hitting his chest.

"You are accusing me, bitchey?" He smirks. "Didn't I tell you I will use Mr.C before I sink my ship in you?" He asks. I vaguely remember what we did that night. We were so angry and hungry for each other and I was clouded with hot passion and desire but still I remember him stopping us from merging our bodies and souls. Well, I was so desperate for him and I just told him lets risk this one time and we like fools risked every time we did it as we just couldn't waste even a minute in finding Mr. C.

"No! It's all because you f**ktard! Take the blame!" I can never take any blame on me even if I am at fault. Suddenly I start crying for no reason. Darn! These pregnancy hormones! "F**k! I hate tears" I flick the pearl like tear drop off my cheek.

"No cursing!" He warns me.

"Oh f**k! Where will I go and find a f**king filter for my f**king mouth?" I cry hugging him. He laughs hugging me back.

"Stop laughing, you scumbag" I push him back to the couch and straddle on him.

"Now, I want you!" I declare and smooch his mouth with mine. Blame my pregnancy hormones again! I want sex more than ever now.


I am sitting on my bed and leaning my back on the head board. I feel so uncomfortable so I take a cushion and place it behind my back. Then I take the coco butter in my hand and apply it over my rounded tummy.

"Hey, you look pregnant" Rk enters the bedroom eying my bare tummy, astonished. I rarely let him see my growing tummy. Not that I feel shy... He is my husband and he has seen my body better than me so why should I feel shy? But still I don't show him my tummy lately because I worry he will tease me for getting fat.

"Thanks for stating the obvious, Dumbo" I smile sarcastically. I am actually 20 weeks pregnant now still half way to go and I have started showing pretty evidently but I have a very neat baby bump and from behind no one can say that I am pregnant. Well, that's what my husband told me last night when I asked him "Am I fat, asshole?"

I know he will never dare to call me "fatty" because he knew he will die the next minute after calling me that.

He ignores my sarcasm and lies on the bed resting his head on my lap. "Are you a baby to lie on my lap? Get up!" I push his head rudely. I am always cranky nowadays. Yeah, you know... Blame my pregnancy hormones.

"What's cooking in this little oven??" He coos shaking my baby bump gently. "OMFG!" I gasp. I look down at Rk and he looks up at me wide eyed.

"Did she just move?" He asks in shock. I nod too stunned to speak. I have never felt this little one in me move before.

"Something seriously is cooking inside this oven, Madhu" Rk tells astonished and spreads his palm over my tummy.

"Did you feel it?" He asks me.

"Yeah yeah! This little monster kicked me again." I exclaim grinning.

"It's so weird nah?" Rk asks matching my goofy grin.

"Weird. Yes, very much weird. I had this feeling that I was just getting fat belly and there was nothing inside me but now I am assure we are indeed having a little chicken" I say and cover my mouth in excitement. I know we have already taken a scan and confirmed that we are having a baby (Thanks f**k we are having only one baby and not twins) but still I couldn't believe just by seeing the bunch of grey cells which looked nothing but a peanut.

"What the hell you have applied on your tummy?" He asks scrunching his nose in disgust.

"Coco butter"


"So that I won't get stretch marks" I shrug. He looks at his palm covered with coco butter as he was circling my bare tummy just a moment ago and he looks around for some cloth to clean his hand. He couldn't find any. He looks at our blanket lustfully. Yeah, I know he wanna clean his hands with it. I smack his head and shake my head giving him a glare to not mess with my blankie. He looks at my camisole which I have rolled up so that I can apply the coco butter on my tummy. Before I could warn him not to mess with my cloth he cups my breasts making me gasp. He rubs his hands over my breasts and wipes of the butter from his hands.

"Hmm..." I let out an unashamed moan feeling his hands on my sensitive breasts as he slowly seductively massaged them.

He looks up at me with a knowing smirk. The bas***d! He did this on purpose. I will kill you. I grit my teeth. But before that I have an important job to do. "F**k you!" I growl wrapping my arms around his neck bringing his head closer and pull his lips with my teeth and I push my tongue in his mouth. I kissed him in return he f**ked me.


"Take your f**king hand off me" I lift and throw my husband's hand off my stomach.

"You keep on twisting and turning so to keep you in place I am wrapping you with my hand" he says sleepily and hugs me again.

"Grr! don't touch me." I shout irately.

"You didn't tell me the same an hour ago? You were all "come on touch me touch me touch me... Come on kiss me kiss me kiss me" he teases me.

"Ugh! I wanna pee. My bladder will burst."

"Why the hell you are asking my permission? Are you a kindergarten kid? Am I your teacher to ask my permission to pee?"

"Dammit! I don't need your permission. I am telling you I wanna go pee so don't lock me with your bear hug"

"Oh!" He says. I push him and jump out of the bed and make a beeline to the bathroom.

"Rk..." I sit on the bed and lean on his back once I return from the washroom.


"Wake up."

"No! I am sleepy. No sex now."

"No, it's not that."


"I am craving for ice cream." I say sweetly.

"Then keep craving. I will sleep." He covers his ear with a pillow.

"Rkkk!!!!" I scream bloody murder.

"What? What's wrong? Is she coming out now?" He jumps up to a sitting position and looks up at me worriedly.

I pull his head down to my tummy and place his head over it. "Hear it"

"Hear what?"

"Didn't you hear your baby's wailing?"

"What? Why?"

"Your baby wants ice cream." I say folding my hands over my chest.

"Baby, its late night. Daddy will get you ice cream tomorrow." He talks to my tummy.

"She said okay daddy, sleep tight and good night" Rk says to me and lies down on his front. How dare he sleep without getting me ice cream? I know I behave like a bitch but you know it's my pregnancy hormones.

"Asshole please" I plead but still I couldn't control spanking his butt. Yeah, I desperately need to eat ice cream.

"Okay, fine!" He growls and rolls off the bed and went into the changing room to change.

"Rk, get me 3 cups of chocolate, 2 cups of butterscotch and 2 cups blackcurrant... Oh and 1 vanilla favour ice cream."

"No! Only one scoop as it's already late and you will catch cold if you eat too much of ice cream."





"Shut up!"

"Get lost"

Rk laughs at me and walks out of our house to hunt for some ice cream shop at this hour and get me ice cream. He is such a darling. Muahhh!

"Yummy!" I lick the ice cream cup unashamedly with my tongue.

"Happy?" He asks the baby caressing my tummy. Yes! There he gets his reply through a kick.

"Baby happy. Now make mommy happy." I say licking the outer line of my lips making him groan.

"You are going to be the death of me." He says and rolls on top of me minding not to crush my tummy with his weight and we made sweet, sweet love. Yeah, sweet love and no hot rough sex since the day we came to know about my pregnancy.


"Ahhh... f**k! Ahhha... Its f**king painful. Ahhha... Someone pull this little monster out of me." I scream at the doctor. "He is going to kill me."

"You are not fully dilated, Mrs. Kundra. You just stop screaming, you are only wasting you energy. You will need your energy to push the baby out. Just lie down and rest. We will come around later when you are ready to push." What an arrogant doctor? How dare she ask me to stop screaming? Is it she or me in pain? Ahhhaaa! I scream louder this time and the doctor runs out of the room as if her ass is on fire.

"It's all because of you..." I pull my husband's hair. I wanna bang his head hard on the wall and fucking kill him.

"Ugh!" He screams. "Bitchey, leave my hair. I don't want to go bald!" He grips my hands and yanks them off.

"Calm down and rest." He says with a glare caressing my enormous tummy. His hair looks so messy but he looks damn sexy. I wanna have him now. Oh but before having him I need to push this little nugget out of me. He is a huge set back in his parents sex-life. Well, I am not complaining... Actually I am but you guys have to understand it's my pregnancy hormones. *puppy face*

I look at my husband. He is combing his messy hair with his fingers.

Damn him for looking hot when I look like a big pregnant pig.

"How do I look?" He asks me stuffing his left hand in his pants pocket.

"You look like a model." I wanna tell him but I didn't as that will boost this egoistic elephant pride.

"You look like f**king-shit" I snarl and I scream again when another contraction hits me.

"Liar! I know I look hot. Didn't you see how your doctor was eye-fucking me? Well, she is also so pretty." He says with wink.

"Wait till this little one crawls out of me then I will pluck your fucking eyes and pop them into my mouth." I snarl at him. He gulps in and silently stood beside my bed.

"Why is your son such a troublemaker already? Why can't he just pop out?" I ask him pissed.

"We are having a baby girl."

"Like hell we are. I know we are having a boy. I am carrying him and I know this little one is a boy." I declare. We fight a lot and one of the fights will be about the baby's gender.

He wanted to ask the doctor about the baby's sex at the second scan but I wanted it to be a surprise. We quarreled again over that and finally he gave in. Our wait will be over soon as this monster has finally decided to make his appearance.

"Let's see" he says arrogantly. I scoff and lie back on the bed feeling exhausted.

"Will you help me by pushing...? So that things will be easy..."

"Pushing?? You know we can't do the push-pulling business now." He scolds me. Gah! Gutter mind!

"I didn't mean that..." I point my finger at his fuck-buddy "...big one pushing in me. I meant to say I want your help in pushing this..." I point to my belly "...little one out of me."

"Oh! Um... I... I feel scared. I don't want to hurt you or the baby so you do all the pushing job with your own hands and I will just stand beside you and cheer you up" he says. Cheer me up? Is he watching a fucking football match? Well, I guess he is... after all this little monster is kicking me like a professional football player. Ahhh! It's paining like f**k!

"Um...okay. I should have known you are one useless asshole of husband! Get lost!" I dismiss him and turn slowly to my side and try to relax, hugging my enormous bump.


"It's a baby girl." My doctor announces, finally yanking my baby out once I gave the final forceful push. I hear a loud cry when I fall back on the bed tired and drained.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I won!" I glance through my lashes and notice my moronic husband jumping and dancing.

"I won it, bitchey! It's a baby girl." He says and soundly kisses my cheek. I pout for losing the bet but I smile brightly seeing the little bundle the nurse placed on my chest to clean her up.

"Aww... My baby." Rk coos like a girl touching our little girl with his finger.

"She is so f**king beautiful" I say in awe. "Did we really create this miracle? So un-fucking-believable nah?" I ask in wonder.

"Yes, she is so beautiful. Oh God! She is so soft like velvet." Rk squeals and takes her little hand and kisses it.

"Now it's time for me to name our daughter." Rk claps his hands and grins excitedly. Yeah, we had a deal. If it was a boy I would name him. If it was a girl he would name her.

"Go ahead" I tell and lift our girl in my arms and pass her to him.

"Ruhanika" Rk whispers. "My sweet little Ruhanika." he repeats the name. Aww... Such a cute name. "You like it?" He asks.

I smile and nod my head. "For the first time I should agree with you. It's a pretty cool name. We can call her Ruhi. What say?"

"I love it." He grins. "Well, next time I will let you name our baby irrespective of the gender" he promises.

"Another baby?" I ask horrified. "Man, give me a break." I sigh loudly.

"Don't worry, bitchey. There is no hurry..."

"Good. We will try making another baby from tomorrow. Today I seriously need some sleep. You take care of your little girl. Good night." I tell him and kiss our little girl's forehead. Before closing my eyes to sleep I find him gaping at me open mouthed. I know he is shocked with my answer. He would have never expected I would say that but you know... Well, now I can't say it's my pregnancy hormones... It's that I simply love sex, of course with my sexy man... Because I love him like crazy and I can't wait to make more INSANE BABIES!!!

@@@@@ THE END @@@@@

(A small funny scenario - hope you all will like it)

RK (Smiling) - Ruhi, say daddy?

Ruhi - Mommy! (She says in her baby voice with a cute little smile)

RK - Nah darling. Say Daddy! (He says softly and slowly so that she can grasp the word)

Ruhi - Mommy! (She emphasizes)

RK - C'mon say Daddy! (Rk scolds a little)

Ruhi - Mommy!!! (She shouts)

RK - F**k you! Say daddy! (He shouts)

Ruhi - F**kooo! Mommy! (She slaps his chest for shouting at her. So like her violent mother)

Madhu - Honey! I am home. (Madhu's mouth filter has finally started working and she rarely uses swear words in front of their baby)

Ruhi - F**kooo! (She says grinning at her mother)

Madhu (shocked) - Who taught you that, Ruhi?

Ruhi - Daddy! (She points her finger at her dad finally uttering the word for which he was begging her for long)

RK - The little bitch! (He curses closing his eyes)

Slap! (Madhu slaps his cheek for calling her little girl 'Bitch')

Slap! (Ruhi slaps his other side cheek and claps her hand.)

RK - Ahhh!!! (He cries hugging his girls)

Note - (I READ THE ABOVE SCENARIO SOMEWHERE... LOL!! AND I KINDA MODIFIED THE LINES A BIT (like adding the lines in bracket and that "f**kooo" is my way of making the baby say two words as one which was not like that un the original version...) AND MADE IT AS A FUNNY SCENE BETWEEN RISHBALA AND THEIR BABY AS IT WILL BE SO FITTING TO THIS STORY AND TO THIS INSANE INDECENT UNTAMED POTTY MOUTH COUPLE... HAHAHA!!!)




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