Chapter 1

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This is great! I have half of my power back, and the ORC owe me a favor! Man that deal was probably one of the best decisions I've ever made. Of course, I still have to have it get that thing back from my old partner in apocalyptic crime. Anyway, I'm now sitting in front of Sona Sitri herself.

"Is it true what Rias said, that your the Dream Demon from the legends?" She asked, looking dead serious.

"Yep. I'm at half power right now but the other half is with a friend of mine." I replied, chuckling lightly.

"Okay. Then how did you get the sacred gear?" Sona asked, pointing to the key around my neck.

"Do you know the reason I backed out of the war in the first place?" I asked, everyone quiet. "Ask your sister, she should know. Is she won't tell you then just hope Rias' big brother is gracious enough to speak his terrible secret."

I got up, heading for the door.

"Hmph. Later weakling, I bet the only reason you didn't say anything is because you're actually just a coward." The boy, Saji, said. He had a stupid smirk on his face, looking high and mighty.

"You really should control your pawn kid, he might get himself killed with that mouth of his."

"What're you gonna do? Give me nightmares?" He mocked.

I appeared before him in less than an instant, grabbing his face and lifting him upwards as I change into my True Form. My eyes glowed with malice as I grew an insane smirk. "Precisely."


"I hope you've all learned from this. Please have an insane day." I said, waving as I closed the door and headed for the ORC. I walked by a bunch of students, occasionally waving and smiling at a few girls, or ignoring the glares and scowls of the beta males.

I eventually made it to my locker, where I changed my shoes and grabbed a grocery bag full of candy that I had 'acquired' for Koneko...yeah I stole candy for the loli! Can you blame me?! She's adorable! And SPOILER ALERT I love cats, and the nekomata clan had a few of my old friends in it so I need to fix that with Sirzechs when I get a chance. I wonder how Kuroka is doing, I hope she's still not going around and looking for strong men to seduce, wouldn't want anyone like 'Issei the Incompetent' giving her a child.

Looking around, I snapped my fingers and the world turned gray. I was currently in my true form as the world was stopped around me. I gave myself a moment to focus and closed my eyes, opening them again as I appeared next to Koneko in the ORC club room. I snapped my fingers once more as time started again.

"Got ya some candy, Kitten!" I said, smiling with my sharp teeth on display.

"Thank you." Koneko said, taking the bag as she looked at me in suspicion due to the nickname I gave her.

"Why'd you call her Kitten?" Issei asked.

"Because she's small, feisty, doesn't care about pretty much anything, and super adorable." I replied, acting oblivious to her small blush.

"Ara~? It's quite surprising to see you here Veric!" Akeno said, entering the room with Rias and Kiba.

"Hm, seems my all-seeing-eyes aren't working fully right now. I predicted you to take 20 more seconds." I said, grumbling as I rubbed my slightly glowing eyes. "Stupid Axolotl, cursing me so."

"Why are you cursing an animal, Mister Veric?" The innocent Asia asked, tilting her head adorably.

"That's something to worry about in the future, I'm not at liberty to speak of his existence fully until I acquire all my powers. Even then, I need to make a deal to give you the information."

"Well let's put that aside for now. I've decided to-" "Give you familiars." I said, interrupting Rias for laughs.

"A familiar?" Issei the stupid asked.

"Yes, for example." Rias said, summoning a small bat.

"Here's mine~!" Akeno said enthusiastically, summoning an imp.

"This is shiro." Koneko said, holding up a small white cat.

"Mines-""I don't care about your tiny dancer dude." Issei said, rudely interrupting Kiba.

As I was about to say mine, Sona walked in with Tsubaki and Saji.

"Ah hello, Rias." Sona said, greeting her casually.

"Hello Sona, What brings you here?" Rias asked, seeming interested.

"I wanted to check on your new peerage members, I also acquired one recently."

"Yo! I'm issei." The perv said, trying to shake hands with Saji who slapped it away.

"Hmph, you're not worth my time. You and you're gaggle of sluts can't compare to the great Sitri house!" Saji said cockily.

"Hello." Asia said, somehow dodging the filthy words that almost assaulted her pure ears.

"Hello! I'm Sa-" "Not worth the time." I said, interrupting the pervert trying to get close to Asia as I appeared in front of her. "You might wanna step back, I'm pretty sure both me and Issei don't like you near Asia."

"Hmph! I might not be able to beat you but I absorbed 4 pawns, I can easily beat that loser!" Saji shouted in pride.

"Saji, he absorbed all 8 pawns. Please evaluate your opponent before declaring how pathetic you are." Sona said, adjusting her glasses and making a small light gleam off the lenses.

"Dang, I think I'm in love." I said jokingly.

"Were you also planning on going to the familiar forest?" Rias asked, seeming to not notice the blush on her friends face.

"Yes, but he only takes a group once a month." Sona replied.

"I'll just go ahead then, I've been wanting to talk to Zatouji for a while. Wonder how the little one is as well." I said, mumbling the last part and disappearing.


"Sup, still trying to catch them all?" I asked, appearing behind Zatouji.

"AHHH?! WHAT THE HELL VERIC?! ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK?!" He shouted, jumping away while clutching his heart.

"I see you finally took the hint and stopped talking in rhymes." I replied, chuckling lightly.

"After being turned inside, burned to ashes, and brought back to life multiple times I learned to stop talking in rhymes around you. I still do it with the other visitors though." Zatouji said, chuckling lightly.

"That's good, cause if I'm only at half strength right now so I can't bring you back fully. But that aside, how's the runt doing?" I asked, looking straight ahead and past Zatouji's shoulder at the glowing eyes hidden in the dark shadows of the forest.

"Not much of a runt anymore." Zatouji said, chuckling lightly as the enormous beast came from the tree line.

A giant black creature of unknown origin appeared from the shadows, it's sleek yet muscular body resembling both wolf and dragon as it's fur seemed to be made of multiple small scales. It's veins glowed with purple light as its eyes glowed a similar color. It's long tail swaying as it's wings twitched. It's horns curved back and upwards with two on each side coming from the temple and behind its wolf-like ears. It's claws were ivory white as they seemed clean despite digging into the dirt. It had large black and leathery wings that belittled even a dragons in size and beauty. It's teeth bared were serrated and pearly white.

"I still don't see how you got Fenrir to breed with a dragon. It's even harder to see how it's grown this big, he used to be the size of my palm." Zatouji complained.

"That doesn't matter." I replied, reaching my hand out and rubbing his nose as he seemed to calm down at my touch. "I'm glad that the little Hilkiin has grown so much."

"At the expense of half the forest. Can't you take him somewhere else?" Zatouji complained.

"I was planning on it." I replied, tapping Hilkiin on the middle of his forehead where a small gold diamond had formed. I took a few steps back as Hilkiin grew smaller, shaking his body and yawning tiredly.

"He can do that?" Zatouji asked.

"He can now." I replied, picking up the small and sleepy beast. "The young Gremory's peerage should be heading here in a couple of hours so keep an eye out for them."

"You got it, see ya around Lunatic!" Zatouji shouted, walking off.

"Later...ASH KETCHUM!!!" I shouted, laughing and teleporting away as I heard his annoyed shouts.

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