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Today was like any other for me. Wake up, go to school, ignore the fan girls, beat the pervert trio into submission again, walk home, sleep, repeat. Oh, I forgot to mention one detail. I'm known as Veric D. Cipher, the Dream Demon of this universe. You see, that cheeky space lizard Axolotl assigns us to our universes and see how we can impact the world. Some of us are crazy psychotic a**holes like my brother Bill, or complete push overs like his counterpart Will.

You may be wondering, what category I fit under. Well, I'm one of the psychotic ones. I tried taking over a few centuries ago but the three factions and two heavenly dragons of all things, teamed up to bring me down. Of course I almost won if it wasn't for me losing my cool. How did I lose my cool? That's a story for another time, the bells ringing after all. Also, before I return to consciousness my powers are temporarily limited due to me lying low so I can't go full blast until I make a deal. That's what's about to change tonight, because a certain male brunette who wields Ddraig is going on a rescue mission tonight.


I yawned as I sat up, stretching lightly and rubbing my eyes with the palm of my hand. Today would be the day I regained my powers, I've been planning this since I saw Issei grow attached to the nun. I figured it out as well when I saw Raynare take her. I usually spy on Issei cause he's one of the more...interesting flesh-bags in this world. It's really funny how he's the ultimate pervert yet thanks to Ddraig he's gonna be a chick magnet to devils. Yes I've been around for the other red dragon emperors, I've just been looking for the most gullible.

Getting up, I gather my things and head to the lockers. Ignoring the heart eyes and glares being sent my way, I round the corner to bump into none other than Koneko.

"You Alright?" I ask her, helping her up.

"I'm fine." She said monotonously, wiping a bit of dirt off her skirt.

"Here, take this as an apology." I said, reaching into my bag and giving her a chocolate bar I apported from a candy shop. It's not like they'll notice it's missing.

"Thank you." Koneko replied, her eyes having a hint of a gluttonous shine to them as she immediately started to nibble at it.

"Haha, see ya around shorty." I said, giving off a light laugh as I pet her head and walked by. What? I'm a sucker for cute things! It also may be something about her actual race that will be revealed in a far off chapter as not to spoil for those who haven't watched or read DxD.

Also, I will sometimes break the fourth wall because I'm one of the cooler types of MC's. You're welcome for getting to know me, I know I'm awesome. Anyway, I finally change my shoes and start on my way to the church. It's better to get there before everything starts. So as not to bore you with the details of getting there I'll move to the next important scene for you.


I walked in as Raynare went flying out the window, the world turning gray in the process with only me and Issei moving in this bland place.

"What happening?!" Issei shouted, looking around frantically.

"Yo. Seems like you unlocked the true power of your Sacred Gear, Issei." I said casually, my hands in the pockets of my black cargo pants as I leaned back a bit.

"Veric-senpai?!" Issei shouted, turning to me.

"In the flesh. Now, you seem sad. Is it the Nun girl? I can bring her back if you want...for a price." I said, smirking lightly as both my eyes glowed, pupils becoming cat like slits, irises glowing, and sclera blacking with my extended hand covered in light purple flames.

"Deal!" Issei shouted, taking my hand and shaking it. The world started to shake as I hovered above him, large black wings similar to a devils coming from the base of my spine as two more came from my shoulder blades.

"The deal has been made and the conditions met! I have regained half my power, thus I shall spare you wielder of Ddraig! You're side of the bargain will be dealt with, but not by me!" I said in a booming and demonic voice, the world returning to color as I 'faded' away. In all reality I just became invisible and hid my magic power. This let me watch the entirety of everything unfold to the point of Asia being revived and Raynare killed.

"Who's there?" Koneko asked, suddenly looking right at me despite my invisibility.

"Darn. Guess I've become rusty over the centuries." I said jokingly, appearing above them as I floated as if I was in a recliner.

"Veric?!" Rias shouted, surprised by my appearance.

"Senpai, you're a devil?" Koneko asked.

"Nope. I'm a being known as the Dream Demon, Veric D. Cipher! Thanks to sir gullible over there, I've regained half of my power." I replied, pointing at Issei as Rias looked in dread and shock. "Don't worry little Gremory, I won't kill you. You can thank him for that."

"How despicable, picking on the young and unknowing." Kiba said, his usual smile still stuck on his face.

"Watch it devil Batman, I can still wipe you off the face of this dimension as if you were but dirt." I said, glaring at him.

"Senpai! What is the meaning of this?!" Issei shouted.

"What's happening?" Asia asked, clearly confused.

"Oh right, your still naked." I said, snapping my fingers as underwear a nightgown appeared on her.

"Th-Thank you." She said bashfully.

"Aww, you've got a cute one this time." I said jokingly, only pissing Gremory off more.

"Why are you here?" Rias asked, glaring at me.

"For fun of course! You're band of misfits and rogues have an interesting future ahead of you and I want to be there along for the ride!" I replied, smirking evilly as I held a flame covered hand out. "So what do ya say? Wanna make a deal?"

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