Amazing Suprise

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I ran into the room where Shinra was holding Izaya as soon as he allowed me to. (Which clearly wasn't fast enough). I sat down beside his bed and took in his horrifying sight. Tears burned at my eyes. I ran my calloused hand through his clumpy hair. My hand lowered down to his pale face. All the color was drained from it. Even so, it was as beautiful as ever. I softly rubbed his soft cheek. Shinra said he would be fine, but I still can't help but worry.

     How long had this been going on? Why hadn't I noticed? What went through Izaya's mind? What if I hadn't found him in time? Would he be dead?

      I let out a loud sigh. I lay my hand on his considerably smaller hand and intertwined our fingers. His slim cold hand under my warm and rough hand. I slowly and reluctantly drifted off into sleep.

       I woke up to ragged breathing and a warmth leaving my hand leaving me to the cool of the air surrounding me. I looked up to see Izaya staring at me. "Hey. How are you feeling?" I said softly. He scrunched up his eyebrows in thought. "Good. Hey? Why are you being so nice me to me." He asked confusion laced around his voice. My heart constructed on itself. Does he not like me being nice? Wait, Why am I being so nice? Another part of my brain chuckled at my naivness. 'Cause you like him you dumbass. I smiled at Izaya, "Why not? Do you not like it?" He frowned. "Its not that; I really like it. It's just I don't get it. I practically drove you crazy, running through the city causing trouble and being a huge dick." I let out a small chuckle "the past is in the past." I smiled at him. "Now, stop asking stupid questions and tell me how your feeling." Izaya rolled his eyes. "I'm feeling great. I'm on a unfamiliar bed, my head is pounding, and I was out cold for a while." Sarcasm basically dripped down his mouth. His voice lightened, "on the bright side the guy I like just said he doesn't hate me."

      My eyes widened in shock. Wait what? He stood silent for a second before turning red. "Hey flea did you just?" I said my voice an octave higher. "I uh...yeah." He said shame evident on his face. I leaned in pulled him by the shirt and crashed my lips onto his. He hesitantly kissed back. Okay okay so I've kissed plenty of dames before but I've never felt something so amazing. His lips were soft and radiating warmth throughout my body. I slowly wrapped my arms around his petite body. When my lungs started to burn I pulled away.

       I turned my head away in shame and embarrassment. This is wrong, but how can something so wrong seem so right? "Sorry, that was uncalled for and inappropriate." I muttered. I felt a hand slowly push my face towards his face. A bright smile was evident on his face. "Thank you Shizuo."

      Right that second Shinra walked into the room making us snap our heads at him. "Why do you two look like dears in headlight? Did I miss something?"

A/N: Yeah sorry for making you wait a while. Wow I'm a really bad author. I'm still surprised anyone even read this.

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