Ruined Canvas

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     I walked into the apartment to quite a surprise; Izaya lay on the couch sleeping. One of his hands lay over his stomach the other was entangled in his hair. Instead of looking peaceful, as expected, he looked rather conflicted. As if he were running from a storm.

    I walked over to my room, grabbed a blanket, and lay it over his fragile body. I kneeled on the floor in front of the couch. I stared at his conflicted and broken face. His once smug face. He looked like a different person.

It's as if the Izaya I once knew is gone and his been overtaken by this demon. A demon that's slowly devouring him from the inside.

    There I was when he woke up; sitting next to him and staring at his face. "What? Why are you looking at me? Do I have something on my face?" I turned red as I realized he woke up. "N-no! You look fine!" I exclaimed stuttering. Instead of replying he simply stood up and gave me an odd look.

   "I'm going to make dinner." I said walking towards the kitchen.  Izaya nodded as he went towards the bathroom.

   I staggered towards the the bathroom. When I got there I immediately locked the door and took off my shirt. Instead of seeing the flabs the mirror seemed to show before, I saw what I truly looked like. My bones were showing, my chest scarred, and skin pale. I winced as I realized how meek and pathetic I looked. I sighed as I shimmied out of my jeans and turned on the shower. I stepped into the steamy shower. The hot water immediately burned my sensitive and healing skin. It was as if someone set it afire. Well I mean it wasn't necessarily the best choice to turn the water to boiling. I sighed as I cranked down the heat and let the water slowly drip down my fragile human vessel. The water slowly soothed my nerves.

    I walked into the kitchen wearing kakis and an oversized sweater. I was immediately engulfed by the mouth watering smell of rice, eggs, and spices. "Smells good." Shizou turned his head and smirked. "Did the almighty info-broker Izaya just compliment my cooking?" He said chuckling. "So what if I did?" I muttered feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.

Izaya moaned as he ate the first bite of the food I had cooked. I smiled. Oh how cute he is. Wait what? Did I just say cute? I glanced at the info-broker who look oh so small in that sweater. Yep I said cute. I looked up to realize that Izaya had stopped eating all of a sudden. "Excuse me." Was all he said as he staggered towards the bathroom. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. That was odd.

My chin rested on my hand as I waited for Izaya to come back. He's been gone for a long time. Too long. I stood up and sped walked to the bathroom. I knocked on the door and said, "Izaya are you there? Are you okay?" When I heard no response I started to freak a little. What if he's hurt? Is he ok? Why do I even care? I took in a deep breath I was no good like this. I walked into my mess of a room and looked for something to pick the lock with. My eyes spotted a paper clip on a pile of papers. "Perfect." I ran back to the bathroom and picked the lock. I kicked open the door. What was inside shocked me.

(Okay okay I'm not just going to end it there)
Inside the tub lay Izaya. He was clutching his head as tears strolled down his eyes like a waterfall. His hair was stained with blood from his wrists. His wrists were scattered with cuts. His eyes who were once filled with snobbiness and knowledge were now just broken glass stabbing into him. They reflected nothing but pain now. He was like a perfect painting filled with color before, but now he had been ruined. Someone and splattered a new coat of paint over it and painted a horrible painting of pain. He was nothing but a new coat covering the beauty he used to be.

My eyes filled with tears. I walked over to him and pried his hands from his hands. My tears slowly fell onto his broken frame. "I'm sorry Izaya." I carefully carried him to my bed and helped him undress. I called Shinra in hopes that he could help Izaya for the time being. I ran my hand through his knotty and stained hair. I wanted to help Izaya. I wanted to wipe away the new coat of paint he has and reveal what was once there. I want to save him.

Ok ok ok I'm a horrible author I know I know. I apologize for the time of wait there really is no excuse. Anyways I hope to update soon (Says this and ends up updating in a year😂)


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