Found him

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Shizou POV
'Wait what?' I asked. 'Oh Nothing.' And with that he hung up!

I growled. 'Stupid Shinra.' I kept walking to my apartment. 'What is even up with the flea I mean he's been gone for four months!' Why would he have disappeared this long? Why would Shinra be worried?' I was so caught up in my thoughts I hadn't notice I actually was walking into my apartment. I opened the door to my apartment and was instantly hit with the smell of smoke and alcohol. I looked around to see it was pretty clean it just smelled really bad.

I sighed as I closed the door and sat down on the couch. 'You know maybe I should pay the flea a visit at his apartment just to see what Shinra was talking about.' WAIT WHAT AM I EVEN THINKING!'  The Flea is probably fine and Shinra is just overreacting. Yeah that's it!

Izaya POV

I'm so close yet so far. I'm losing my stamina and I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna make it to Ikebukoro. No I've got to make it! After all if I don't I might get caught again and then I don't think I'll ever see Shizu-Chan again. Wait what am I saying? I don't want to see that brute!


I finally found myself limping through the city, black spots were taking over my vision. I walked to the back of the alleyway. I chuckled silently. 'I guess this is how I'm going to die, alone in the back of an alleyway.'

The world went dark and I couldn't feel anything.

My eyes fluttered open. I looked around to see that I was in some sort of a clean living room. I took in a deep breath and immediately regretted it, it smelled like shit (well not shit itself more like alcohol and smoke). Probably some drunkards place.

I heard some footsteps and I turned to see... Shizou-Chan? My shoulders tensed thinking that he would hurt me. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "I see you're awake." His voice was soft as soft as his touch. It was like if he was trying not to hurt me. "Y-ye." I croaked out. I immediately regretted it my throat burned. "Wait a sec Shinra told me to tell you not to talk until your throat heals." He muttered.

I nodded silently. He got out a notebook and a pen. "Until then you'll be using this." He said shoving the notebook into my hands.

"Can I ask you something?" He whispered. I nodded slightly. "Why were you so beat up? Why were you missing for so long?" He asked his voice going back to its normal octave again. I took out the notebook and wrote 'Secret.'

He nodded "I understand. Sort of."

'If you don't mind I'm going home Shizu-Chan.'

"Y-you can't!" He exclaimed stuttering. I tilted my head slightly and gave him a confused look. "Look flea, if it were for me I would force you to go home but I kinda owe Shinra a favor and he told me to take care of you. So basically what I'm trying to say is that you're gonna have to move in with me." He said with a slight pink tinting his face. WHA?!

A/N: I know I know crappy chapter. And I know I haven't updated in a while. But I literally have no excuse so I would like to apologize. Sorry reader-chans. -Author-Sama.

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