Coronation Day

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Three years later, it was a big day for the kingdom of Arendelle​.
As Elsa brushed her hair, Joy had to get the rest of her Emotions in line.
So, having other options but just wanted to have some fun, she played her accordion, waking the other Emotions.
“Hello! Did I wake you?" she greeted.
“Do you have to play that?!" Anger groaned.
“Well, I have to practice, and I don't think of it as playing so much as hugging!" she replied, hugging the instrument.
Now that everyone was awake, it was time to get serious. Joy tossed all fun aside and got to work.
“Coronation Day!" she cheered. “Very, very excited! I was up late last night figuring out a perfect plan, here it is: Fear! I need you to think of all the negative outcomes that are possible as the queen of an entire kingdom."
“Way ahead of you there," he confirmed. “Anyone know how to spell catastrophic?"
“Disgust," Joy moved on, “make sure Elsa stands out today. But not too much, we don't want to everyone to think she's a royal snob, okay?"
Disgust smiled. “When I'm through, Elsa will look so good, the other women will look at their own own outfits and barf."
Now for the next Emotion.
“Joy! Yes, Joy? You'll be in charge of the console, keeping Elsa happy all day long so she'll be in better control of her powers. And may I add? I love your dress, it's adorable! Oh, this old thing? Thank you so much, I love the way it twirls!"
After talking to herself, Joy waved at the Mind Workers outside on the Train of Thought who made a delivery to Headquarters. After getting her package, Joy turned to the next Emotion, who was reading his paper
“Anger, unload the daydreams," she instructed. “I ordered extra just in case the party tonight is really boring."
“Might come in handy," he nodded. “If there's gonna be boring music and boring food at this boring party... Which it probably will be."
Joy thought everything was in order, but then she realized she forgot someone.
“Oh, Sadness!" she jumped. “I forgot all about you, I'm so sorry! There has to be something you can do, but I gave all the important jobs to the other Emotions. Not that they're more important than you! I don't know what I'm saying..."
As Joy rambled, Sadness wandered to the corner where a bunch of books were kept.
“What are you doing?" Joy asked, snapping back into reality.
“I understand how much you want me to be part of this," Sadness smiled, “but I think I should read some of the mind manuals."
“How does that help?" Joy asked.
“Well, in case of an emergency, these provide information about most of the situations we could get ourselves in," she replied. “Also, there's this new issue on substances that can affect Elsa's mind."
“Okay then, Sadness," Joy said. “Your job is to read these manuals so we'll know if there's a problem!"
Now that everything and everyone was working out, Joy returned to the console with her fellow Emotions.
“Okay!" she said. “We're gonna have a good day which turns into a good week which turns into a good year which turns into a good life!"

Later, Elsa noticed how many people would be attending her coronation, which made her worry.
While being crowned queen, she would have to hold a scepter and orb... with her bare hands. She practiced before with other objects, but kept freezing them.
“Are you sure we can do this?" Fear asked, nervously tweaking with the controls.
“Let's just try to keep calm," Joy suggested, turning a dial. “It's only for today... right?"
“Actually, Joy, we'll have a lot of responsibilities once Elsa's crowned queen of Arendelle​," Sadness corrected. “We have to take care of an entire kingdom and work till we sweat, and it's probably gonna be exhausting."
“Oh, well..." Joy trailed off.
“What do we do?!" Fear exclaimed, climbing on top of Anger. “We can't run an entire kingdom! We still have to learn how to control our powers!"
“Get off of me!" Anger yelled, his head flaming and burning Fear.
“Guys, we're going to be okay," Joy assured, spraying Fear with a fire extinguisher. “Everything is going to be just fine."
Soon enough, the coronation was in full swing. The chapel was packed with visiting dignitaries and some of Arendelle​'s trade partners.
Anna was standing next to her sister, but her mind was elsewhere.
Once the bishop placed the crown atop Elsa's head, he held up the scepter and orb. Elsa was about to take them, but the bishop stopped her.
“Your Majesty, the gloves."
Realizing she still had them on, she slowly removed them.
“We can't do this!" Fear panicked, pressing a bunch of buttons. “We should run while we still can!"
“Fear," Joy consoled, placing her hands on top of his, “it's gonna be okay. We got this."
Pressing the same button together, Joy and Fear managed to have Elsa hold the objects without freezing them. And as they did, they felt a strange warmth between them.
But once it was over, they fell in an awkward situation. But that was interrupted by a flash and a chime.
“It's a core memory," Fear realized.
“But it's two different colors," Disgust pointed out.
The Emotions watched as the yellow and purple memory joined the rest of the core memories and create a new personality island: Monarchy Island.
Joy was amazed and confused at the same time. How was something like that even possible?

Meanwhile, the people cheered for the new queen.
“Queen Elsa of Arendelle​!"

I couldn't find a video of the coronation, but we all know what happened.

Merry Christmas!

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