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That evening, there was a celebration held in the ballroom.
Normally, Joy would be dancing all over Headquarters, but she was still curious about the new core memory.
“Sadness, are you sure nothing's wrong?" she asked. “This is rather weird."
“I double checked, and the mind manuals say it's rare but normal," Sadness replied. “Maybe you're just overreacting."
“I'm not overreacting!" Joy denied. “I just don't trust Fear. He should be keeping Elsa safe, but instead, he's made things worse! And another thing--"
“Uh, Joy?" Disgust interrupted. “We're about to make an entrance, we need you so Elsa can give everyone a warm smile."
“Oh, right!" Joy exclaimed. “Sorry, I was just... Let's get trucking!"

“Queen Elsa of Arendelle​."
Now that Joy returned to her station, Elsa gracefully stepped up to the throne with a warm smile.
“Princess Anna of Arendelle​."
Anna wasn't as lucky. She just ran into the room without thinking. A steward, who happened to be an old friend of Anna and Elsa's parents, had her stand right next to her sister.
“Oh, here? Are you sure? 'Cause I don't think I'm supposed to... Oh! Okay."
As everyone applauded, Anna took a small step to the right. This was really awkward for her.

And Elsa and her Emotions were taking notice.
“Okay, she's obviously nervous about being near us," Disgust noted.
“Well, what should we do?" Joy asked.
“Just say anything," she replied. “At least let her know she isn't invisible."
“Okay then," Joy said, pushing a lever.
“H-hi me? Oh! Uh, hi."
“That was a good start," Disgust said. “Now let's give her a small compliment."
“You look beautiful."
“Thank you! You look beautifuller. I mean, not fuller-- you don't look fuller, but m-more beautiful..."
Elsa giggled.
“Thank you."
“That's it, that's all I know!" Disgust scoffed, raising her hands.
“Don't worry," Joy said, turning a dial. “I got this."
“So, this is what a party looks like."
“Not bad," Disgust complimented.
“It's warmer than I thought."
“And what is that amazing smell?"
The sisters took in the heavenly aroma which was...
Giggling at their jinx, Anna and Elsa smiled at each other.
“Now give her a chance to say something to us," Disgust informed.
Anna was about to say something, but...
“Your Majesty, the Duke of Weasel-town."
“Weselton! The Duke of Weselton, Your Majesty. As your closest partner in trade, it seems only fitting that I offer you your first dance as queen."
The duke did a little shimmy and his toupee nearly fell off, which made Anna and Elsa giggle.
“We are not dancing with him!" Disgust confirmed, reaching for the console.
“I got it!" Joy said, pulling a lever.
“Thank you, only I don't dance... but my sister does."
That was true, Anna always danced when she felt like it.
“Lucky you!"
“Oh, I don't think..."
Before she could say anything, the young princess was dragged to the middle of the dance floor.
“If you swoon, let me know! I'll catch you!"
Elsa managed a wave and a smirk.
After the whole... shenanigan, Anna returned to Elsa, who was laughing.
“Well, he was sprightly!"
“Especially for a man in heels..."
Elsa softened her laughter.
“Are you okay?"
Yeah... I've never been better. This is so nice! I wish it could be like this all the time."
“Me, too."
“Joy, I don't think that's such a good idea," Fear protested. “I mean, we still can't control our powers, and..."
“Fear, you can't keep focusing on what's going wrong!" Joy interrupted. “There's always a way to turn things around! I mean, think about it!"
Joy recalled a memory of how Elsa and Anna used to play together when they were young, and Elsa smiled as she remembered.
“Wouldn't it be wonderful if everything could go back to the way it was?" Joy asked the other Emotions.
But then, the happy yellow memory turned blue and Elsa's smile faded.
“But it can't."
“Why not? I mean..."
“It just can't!"
“Hey, what gives?" Disgust asked.
Curious, Joy, Fear, Anger, and Disgust turned around and found Sadness grabbing it.
“It was Sadness!" Fear realized. “She did something to the memory!"
Joy pulled the memory away so Elsa wouldn't think about it.
“What did you do?" she asked.
“I don't know, I just touched it," Sadness answered.
Hoping to turn it happy again, Joy tried rubbing on it, but no matter what she did, it stayed sad.
“Good going, Sadness," Disgust said sarcastically. “Now whenever Elsa thinks about playing with Anna, she's gonna feel sad."
“I'm sorry," Sadness apologized. “It's just... I don't know what..."
“Excuse me for a minute."
As Anna walked away in tears, Elsa watched her leave.
Joy had the memory sent back to Long Term and returned to the controls to stop Anna, but Fear grabbed her wrists.
“Joy, wait," he said, stopping her. “Maybe we should just let her go."
“But Fear, she's crying!" Joy replied in protest. “Let's just tell her we're sorry and we didn't mean it!"
“Joy," he argued, “I know you care about both Elsa and Anna. You have such an amazing heart, you love everyone just as much as I love you... Wait, did I just say that?! Why would I say that? What am I talking about?!"
“Get to the point, you nitwit!" Anger yelled.
“Look," Fear resumed, “I think the best way to protect Anna is to avoid her."
“You mean we can't love her anymore?" Sadness asked. “That's sad. I'm just gonna go ahead and..."
As she reached for the console, Joy held her back.
“Joy... what are you doing?" she asked.
“Uh, just give me one second..."
Joy got an idea and grabbed a memory.
“You know what I realized?" she asked rhetorically. “Elsa hasn't had dessert! Remember?"
Joy showed the memory to Elsa, which showed a dessert table.
Elsa realized it wasn't far and decided to try it out.

As Elsa nibbled on some chocolates, she noticed a handsome French man at the fondue.
“Okay, this just got interesting," Disgust said, smiling.
When he dipped a baby carrot in the chocolate fondue, that's when it got interesting.
“What the heck is that?!" Fear exclaimed.
“Who dips carrots in chocolate?!" Joy asked.
“That's it, I'm done," Disgust confirmed.
“Congratulations, Frenchie!" Anger yelled, slamming his fist against the console. “You've ruined chocolate! First the Germans, and now you!"

What do you know? Fear already said he loves Joy! But I guess no one cares.

Merry Christmas, my readers!

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