Run Away

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Later, Elsa was talking to a couple of dignitaries while her Emotions were trying to get over what just happened.
"What kinda idiot puts chocolate on their veggies?" Anger grumbled.
"I believe Disgust was the one who thought of him as a potential love interest for Elsa," Joy smirked.
"Okay, so I messed up!" Disgust exclaimed. "News flash: Nobody's perfect! But before you start making fun of me, I assure you it won't happen again."
Then, Elsa saw Anna coming... and she brought a cute guy with her.
"Elsa! I mean, queen. Me again, uhh... May I present Prince Hans of the Southern Isles."
"Your Majesty."
The Emotions noticed Disgust's cheeks had turned red.
"Let's see how this goes," Joy suggested, smirking.
"We would like... uh, your blessing... for our marriage!"
"What?!" Disgust shrieked, flabbergasted. Elsa was quite shocked herself.
"You were saying?" Joy asked. Disgust just rolled her eyes.
"Well, we haven't worked out all the details ourselves. We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony. Of course, we'll have soup, roast, and ice cream, and then... Wait, will we live here?!"
"What?!" Fear screamed, pressing a button.
"Oh, we could invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us! Of course we have the room, I'm just not sure if..."
"This is not happening!" Fear exclaimed, continuing to tweak with the controls, but Anna wouldn't stop rambling.
"Move! I'll handle this," Anger said, taking control.
"Wait! Slow down. No one's brothers are staying here, no one is getting married."
"Wait, what?"
"Okay," Fear said nervously, returning to the center of the console.. "Thank you for that."
"May I talk to you, please? Alone?"
"No. Whatever you have to say, you can say to both of us."
"I'll handle this," Disgust confirmed, pushing Fear aside.
"We can't just tell her the truth!" he argued.
"So, we'll cover it with another truth," she replied, pushing a switch.
"Fine. You can't marry a man you just met."
"Good point," Fear complimented.
"You can if it's true love."
"Now to talk back at her with a cold voice," Anger said, pushing a couple buttons.
"Anna, what do you know about true love?"
"More than you! All you know is how to shut people out!"
"Oh, that hurt," Sadness moaned.
"What do we do?" Disgust asked Fear.
"Uh.. let's just reject their marriage and walk away," he said, pushing a switch.
"You ask for my blessing, but my answer is no. Now... excuse me."
Meanwhile, Joy noticed how the shelves that were originally covered in happy memories were now starting to fill with the memories of negative Emotions.
"This isn't working out the way I hoped it would," she said to herself.
"Your Majesty, if I may ease your..."
"No, you may not. And I think you should go. The party is over, close the gates."
"Guys, we can't just walk away forever," Joy said. "Maybe if we just think about all the good things that..."
"Joy, please!" Fear interrupted. "There's absolutely no reason for Elsa to be happy right now. Let me handle this."
"Elsa, no. No, wait!"
"Ahhh! What's happening?!" Fear screamed, rushing for the console. Apparently, Anna had yanked off one of Elsa's gloves.
"Give me my glove!"
"Elsa, please! Please, I can't live like this anymore!"
"Please stop this," Sadness begged Fear. "It breaks my heart when we break hers."
"We have no other choice," Fear protested, turning a dial.
"Then leave."
Anna was devastated. It pained Elsa to say it, but all she could do was continue walking.
"What did I ever do to you?"
"I'm warning ya, sis," Anger growled.
"Enough, Anna."
"No, why? Why do you shut me out? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so AFRAID of?!
"That's it!" Anger yelled, ready to push two giant switches.
"No, breathe! Just go to your happy place!" Fear said, trying to stop him. But Anger just punched his gut, pushed the switches, and screamed in rage as flames shot out of his head.
"I said, enough!"
With that, Elsa flicked her wrist and a wall of ice formed within seconds.
"What was that for?!" Disgust exclaimed.
"She wanted answers, she got her stupid answers!" Anger replied, yelling.
"Well, that wasn't the best possible way!"
"Let's get out of here!" Fear exclaimed, turning a dial and pressing a button.
With her gloved hand, Elsa opened the door behind her and fleed.
"Well, this coronation has been a bust," Disgust said. "We failed once again."
"Who knows what else we could fail at?!" Fear exclaimed. "What if we hurt someone again?! What would Arendelle think of us?!"
Anger's eyes widened. "Wait a minute. Wait a minute!"
Opening a cupboard, he looked through an assortment of light bulbs until he found a certain one.
"What is it?" Fear asked.
"Oh, not much," Anger answered, smiling. "Just the best idea ever."
"What idea?" Sadness asked.
"Everyone's in danger as long as we're in Arendelle," he explained. "Ergo, we leave Arendelle​ to keep ourselves and everyone else safe. Ta Da!"
"Wait! You're saying we... run away?" Fear asked.
"Well, I wouldn't call it that, I'd call the Happily Ever After in Arendelle Program."
"Anger, you can't be serious," Joy argued.
"Hey! Our life was perfect until Mom and Dad decided to lock us up like a filthy animal!"
"I don't know," Joy muttered. "It just seems so..."
"Drastic!" Fear exclaimed. He and Joy looked at each other in shock.
"Fine, let's think about this for a while," Anger said, putting the idea in his pocket.

At that moment, Elsa rushed out of the castle to find all the townsfolk in the courtyard excited to see the young queen.
"There she is!"
"What do we do?!" Disgust asked.
"I... I don't know," Fear replied.
Elsa tried to break through the crowd, but she was surrounded.
"Your Majesty, are you alright?"
Elsa was frightened. She just kept backing up until she felt something hit the small of her back.
"Aaah! What was that?!" Fear exclaimed, turning a dial.
Elsa grabbed the edge of a fountain and the whole thing froze over.
"You idiot! It was a fountain!" Anger yelled.
"There she is! Stop her!"
"Please, just stay away from me! Stay away from-"
It was no use. She froze over the castle entrance, causing the Duke and his men to fall.
"Monster. Monster!"
Elsa looked around and saw everyone backing away in fear.
"This is ridiculous, now they're calling us monster?!" Anger exclaimed in disbelief. He pulled the idea out. "Time to take action. If these people hate us that much, then let's get out of their hair. Who's with me?"
"No way!" Joy and Fear answered at the same time. Once again, they were confused.
Anger just rolled his eyes and gestured the idea to Sadness.
"Well, I guess we don't belong here anymore, so..." she replied, still a little unsure.
Anger moved on to Disgust.
"Yeah, okay, let's do it," she sighed.
"You may do the honors," Anger said, handing the idea to Fear.
"Uhh, okay," he stuttered. Very carefully, Fear inserted the idea into the console. The light bulb lowered into the slot.
Elsa got the idea and started running.
"She took it," Anger said. "There's no turning back."

Elsa kept running until she reached the edge of the fjord, and unfortunately, she couldn't swim.
"It's Anna!" Fear exclaimed. "She's onto us!"
"What do we do?" Sadness asked.
Elsa was frightened, but then she realized she was starting to freeze over the water.
"Wait, please!"
Elsa looked back at Anna for a second then down at the fjord, which froze at her feet.
"Wait, are we really doing this?" Joy asked, taking Fear's hand. "This is serious!"
"Joy, what other choice do we have?" Fear replied. "Maybe Anger's right. This could be the only way for Elsa to be happy."

That night, Elsa left Arendelle, not knowing what she had left behind...

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