Saving Elsa

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Back in Headquarters, the three remaining Emotions were facing bigger problems.
"Guys, we can't stay in here much longer!" Fear tried to explain. "If we do, we could freeze the castle and everyone in it!"
"Let's just try to stay calm then!" Disgust yelled. "Since when has anxiety solved anything?!"
Despite what Disgust said, Elsa still had the urge to escape.
"Careful! She's dangerous!"
"Move quickly!"
"Guys, is an idea supposed to last that long?" Fear asked. Apparently, the idea that made Elsa leave Arendelle in the first place was still running.
"It won't open! It's frozen shut!"
"Put your back into it!"
"You like to open doors, huh?" Anger asked rhetorically. "Don't worry, I'll open this one for you!"
"Now wait, let's just be calm for one second...!" Fear screamed as Anger punched him in the face.
Then, Anger pulled two switches as his head burst into flames.
As the walls collapsed, the guards finally got in the cell, but they were to late.
Elsa was gone.

"So, now that we found each other, how are we going to get back to Headquarters?" Sadness asked.
"I haven't exactly figured that out yet," Joy answered honestly.
Then, they saw a Personality Island crumbling.
"Maybe we can look for a way throughout the rest of Elsa's mind?" Sadness figured.
"Then let's look quickly, come on!" Joy replied.
And so, Joy and Sadness began the race back to Headquarters before it was too late.

It was catastrophic. Everything was white. Elsa could barely see a thing.
"We have to be careful," Fear said. "Heaven only knows where we are right now."
Then, something hit Disgust's ankle. She looked down and saw a Core Memory on the floor. Then, she noticed the hub was open and all the solid colored Core Memories had fallen out.
"Uh, guys?" she alerted. "I don't think this is a good idea."
As Elsa slipped and fell down, the Emotions realized Disgust was right. The rest of Elsa's personality was falling apart.
"This is madness!" Anger yelled. "She shouldn't run away!"
"What else could we do?!" Fear exclaimed.
"We have plenty of other, much better options! " Disgust argued. "Let's just get this idea out of her head!"

"Where are we now?" Joy asked.
"Mount Rescue," Sadness answered. "It's a part of Elsa's imagination in which she pretended Anna was stuck at the top of a mountain and Elsa would save her. You can see everything up here, so I thought, 'Maybe we could find something that could help us.' Here."
Sadness handed Joy a telescope.
"You obviously have better vision than I do," she admitted, adjusting her glasses.
Joy looked around through the telescope, and first saw Chocolate Island, then Knowledge City, then down at the bottom of the mountain.
After some deep thought, Joy finally had a plan.
"Find a sled!" Joy yelled as she slid down the mountain. "I'll handle the rest!"
Sadness was confused, but she knew not to question Joy. So, she started her search.

The Emotions back in Headquarters, however, weren't as lucky with solving their problem.
"It's stuck!" Anger groaned after trying to get rid of the idea.
"Oh, great!" Disgust whooped sarcastically.
"What?! What do you mean, it's stuck?!" Fear shrieked. Then, he screamed again.
Elsa saw a figure approaching her, and Fear was about to make her run.
"Wait!" Disgust shrieked, grabbing his wrists. "Just... Just wait."
"Elsa! You can't run from this!"
"It's Hans again! What do we do?!" Disgust asked worriedly.
Fear mentally panicked. Then, out of an act of desperation, he pressed a button.
Elsa turned around to face her sister's betrothed.
"Just take care of my sister!"
"Seriously?" Disgust frowned. "Is that the best you can do?"
"Your sister? She returned from the mountain, weak and cold! She said that you froze her heart!"
"What?" Fear muttered.
"I tried to save her, but it was too late! Her skin was ice, her hair turned white!"
"No, no!" Fear begged. "Please, no!"
"Your sister is dead... Because of you!"
"I don't believe this!" Anger groaned.
"No! She, she can't be dead!" Fear exclaimed in denial.
As Elsa fell to her knees, the Emotions noticed a horrifying sight.
"Now what?!" Disgust shrieked, noticing that there was a black ring surrounding the idea and it started to spread out across the console.
"No, no, no, no, no! What is this?!" Fear exclaimed, noticing it too.
"Hey, what's up with him?" Anger asked, pointing up at Hans through the monitor.
"Judging by that smirk, I think he wants to kill us!" Disgust realized.
"How do we stop him?!" Fear exclaimed.
"I got it! Make her feel scared!" Disgust ordered. "Remind her she wants to live!"
"Brilliant!" Fear responded, taking control once more.
"I know it's brilliant! Do it!" Disgust yelled. But much to his surprise, Fear's actions were ineffective.
"Nothing's working! What? Why isn't it working?!" he screamed.
"Let me try!" Anger insisted, pushing Fear aside. But it seemed he couldn't get it to work either.
As the three Emotions fought over the console, Fear suddenly saw Elsa's face reflected in the ice. He saw her emotionless eyes. She knew Hans was going to kill her, but she didn't care. Her will to live was gone.
Fear looked down at his own body in horror and how the console was getting darker. Joy was right, this was all his fault.
"Guys?" he confessed to Anger and Disgust, who were still trying to get the console to work. "We can't make Elsa feel anything."
They realized he was right when they saw Elsa lower her head in shame.

What have they done?

Feel free to vote/comment.
BTW, I felt that this wasn't all Fear's fault. I mean, running away was Anger's idea.

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