The Thaw

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Meanwhile, Joy had found some Mind Workers to help her get what she needed.
"Okay, I'll divide you into two groups" she confirmed. "Group Rainbow, you go find a giant chocolate bar from Chocolate Island. Group Napoleon, go to Knowledge City and grab two large... measuring sticks."
"Rulers?" a Mind Worker corrected.
"Yes, let's hurry!" Joy commanded. "We don't have much time!"

Joy returned to Mount Rescue to shovel some snow at the mountain's base. She was going to need it.
When the Mind Workers came back with the objects, Joy told them to build a ramp, adjust it to the right angle, and cover it with snow. That way, she and Sadness would use the sled to get back to Headquarters.

Sadness found a sled, but it was buried in the snow. Fortunately, Joy came back to help her dig it out.
Once they had their sled, Joy and Sadness adjusted it so they would be able to point it directly to Headquarters.
"This is crazy, this is crazy," Joy muttered apprehensively. "No, no. Joy, be positive."
Then, she realized how high they were and how far it was across the Memory Dump.
"I am positive this is crazy!" she screamed.
"It's ready!" a Mind Worker shouted.
Joy and Sadness prepared themselves for the plummet, and then...
Joy and Sadness jumped on the sled and they slid down the mountain, across the ramp and into the sky!
"Joy, we're not going to make it!" Sadness cried as they started to slow down.
"Yes, we are!" Joy assured, she knew they were close enough. "Jump!"

Back in Headquarters, the rest of the Emotions could only watch as Hans prepared to kill Elsa.
"Oh, I wish Joy was here!" Fear cried, when all of a sudden...
The three turned around to find Joy and Sadness sliding down the window, grabbing the edge before they could fall. The rest of the Emotions rushed to the window.
"It's Joy!" Disgust cheered. Anger and Fear were happy as well, but how were they going to get them through the window?
"Stand back!" Anger warned, throwing a chair at the window.
It just bounced back.
"That worked," Disgust whooped sarcastically.
"Well, what would you do if you're so smart?!" Anger growled, his head burning up.
Disgust smiled, she had an idea.
"I'd tell you, but you're too dumb to understand," she replied.
"What?!" Anger was outraged.
"Of course your tiny brain is confused!" she figured. "I guess I'll just have to dumb it down to your level!"
Anger was getting hotter, but Disgust wasn't stopping there.
"Sorry I don't speak moron as well as you, but let me try! Duh!"
Out of pure, burning rage, flames erupted out of Anger's head. Now was the time to take advantage. Disgust flipped a visor onto her face, grabbed Anger, and aimed for the window. It worked!
Once the window broke, Disgust dropped Anger, threw off her visor, and she and Fear helped Joy and Sadness up.
"Oh, thank goodness you're back!" Fear exclaimed.
As Anger, Fear and Disgust were talking at the same time, Joy looked up and saw what they were saying. Hans drew his sword and prepared to strike.
"We're too late," Joy sighed, filled with regret. Sadness held Joy's arm and prepared to cry with her.
Then, Joy's eyes widened.
"Joy, you got to fix this!" Disgust pleaded. "Get up there!"
But Joy had other plans.
"Sadness," she said, pulling Sadness towards the console, "it's up to you."
The Emotions were shocked.
"Me?" Sadness mumbled.
"Sadness?!" Anger, Fear and Disgust exclaimed.
"But Joy," Sadness argued, pulling herself away, "I thought..."
"Yes, I want her to be happy," Joy agreed. "But right now, Elsa needs you."
Sadness' eyes widened. Joy was right. Elsa was going to die, and it was up to her to save her.
So, Sadness approached the console, and prepared to remove the idea as the last few buttons began to lose their color. The rest of the Emotions could only watch.
Little did they know, in the outside world, as the evil prince lowered his sword, a nearly frozen Princess Anna threw herself in between the two.
Suddenly, Anna's body turned to solid ice, and as Hans' sword hit her icy hand, the weapon shattered into a hundred pieces and the force sent Hans flying back.
At that moment, when the darkness nearly took over the entire console, Sadness took a deep breath... and unscrewed the lightbulb. Once the idea was removed, the console was restored to its original color.
Elsa opened her eyes in realization, and felt deeply ashamed of herself.
"What was I thinking?"
Sadness turned around and showed the idea to her fellow Emotions. Elsa's life and mental state, as they knew it, were saved.
Elsa was relieved to be alive, but she was confused. How is she alive?
She turned around to find out, but was struck with horror when she found her sister frozen solid.
"Anna! Oh, Anna... No... No! Please, no..."
As Elsa held her sister's face, Fear was pressing a few buttons, but after a few seconds, he stopped. After everything he'd done, he feared he could ruin everything again. Sadness, too, was confused with what should happen.
Meanwhile, Joy found Disgust and Anger picking the original Core Memories up from the floor. Joy knew what to do.
Fear and Sadness turned around and found Joy holding the Core Memory of little Elsa holding baby Anna. Joy silently urged Sadness to take it.
Sadness was confused, but nevertheless, she let it fall into her hands, causing it to lose its bright gold, happy color and replacing it with a cerulean, sad hue. She looked up at Joy, who nodded her head. They knew what had to be done.
Sadness went to the projector and inserted the Core Memory.
Elsa remembered how happy she was when she got a new best friend. But now, she was here, frozen forever.
Joy pressed a button, recalling another memory of Elsa and Anna together. Sadness turned that one sad, too, and let Elsa watch it. The same thing happened with every memory Elsa shared with Anna. After the last memory was sent back to Long Term, Sadness returned to the console and pressed a button.
Elsa had never been so sad in her life. She hugged Anna tightly as she cried over her lost sister.
Meanwhile, Anna's friends came and saw what had happened.
As Elsa wept, everyone in Arendelle was mourning, too.
Back in Headquarters, the Emotions watched, too.
"Uh, Joy?" said Fear, breaking the silence. "I'm really sorry."
Joy looked at Fear in understanding.
"I guess, I..." he continued, "I know, for thirteen years, I thought I was protecting Elsa, but I was actually destroying her. You were right. This was all my fault. I don't deserve to be here."
As Fear walked away, he felt someone grabbing his shoulder. He turned around and saw Joy staring lovingly at him.
"Fear, I understand why you feel that way," she said, "but you are a part of Elsa's life. She needs you. You may be out of control, but we can help you with that. We love you, Fear."
Fear looked around and saw the rest of the Emotions smiling at him, assuring him he'll be okay.
Joy suddenly wrapped her arms around him. Uneasy at first, but lovingly, Fear returned the embrace.
"Joy, look!" Sadness cried, interrupting their moment. Everyone looked through the monitor and saw that, as Elsa continued to cry, Anna was thawing.
Once she felt movement, Elsa looked up curiously and saw that her sister was alive.
As Elsa got up and hugged the princess tightly, Sadness went to Joy and handed her the Core Memory, now tainted with Sadness.
Joy didn't know what to do about it, but Sadness had an idea. She took Joy's hand and led her to the console. Placing their hands on top of each other's, Joy and Sadness pressed a button together.
While releasing a small tear, Elsa lovingly smiled in Anna's arms.
"Oh, Elsa."
Back in Headquarters, a new Core Memory was created, this one glowed blue and yellow. It rolled beneath the floor to the hub and was placed next to the one from Elsa's coronation, restoring Sister Island.
The Emotions were happy, but some of them were a little confused. How did Anna come back? Helping them understand, Joy pressed a button.
"You sacrificed yourself for me?"
Anna smiled at her sister.
"I love you."
The Emotions were starting to get it.
"'An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart!'"
As Anna smiled at her friend, Elsa was deep in thought.
"'Love will thaw...' Love. Of course!"
"Fear, come over here," Joy said.
Fear joined Joy and Sadness at the console. Joy took both their hands and placed them underneath hers.
"Okay," she sighed. "Here we go."
After Joy took a deep breath, the three Emotions pressed a button together.
As Elsa lifted her arms slowly, all the ice melted and the snow rose into the air. Soon, it all formed into a giant, blue snowflake. And as Elsa waved her hands, it dissipated.
"I knew you could do it."
As Anna and Elsa shared a smile, the Emotions saw another Core Memory form, this one composed of Joy, Fear and Sadness. It was placed in between the other two, and Winter Island was recreated. This time, it was here to stay.
As Elsa wrapped her arms around Anna once more, Joy, Fear and Sadness shared a smile watched as Elsa's life began to start all over.

This has got to be the longest chapter I've ever written!

Sadly, I must say the story is almost over. But I hope you stay tuned for the epilogue.

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