Uh Oh

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The following afternoon, as she relaxed in her new home, Elsa heard loud knocking from downstairs.
“What was that?" Fear exclaimed, taking the controls. “Was it a lion? It's a lion!"
“There are no lions in Norway," Disgust pointed out.
“I saw a really hairy guy," Anger said. “He looked like a lion."
“I'm so jumpy, my nerves are shot!" Fear cried.
“Eww! I don't want to hear about your nerves!" Disgust exclaimed.
“Let's just go find out what it is!" Anger yelled.
“Guys, it's too risky!" Fear argued. “We could be in danger, let's just stay up here."
“Fear, I know you're concerned," Joy said, taking his hands.
“Concerned?" he chuckled nervously. “Joy, I'm more than concerned. That could be Arendelle's guards down there, turning against us, ready to rip us to shreds!"
“You know what?" Anger said, reaching for the idea bulb which was still in the console. “Maybe this wasn't such a good idea."
“Don't say that!" Fear said, grabbing Anger's hands. “There are at least 37 things for Elsa to be worried about right now."
Anger slapped him away. “Fine, let's think of some. We have no food, we have no water."
“Which means we can't shower," Disgust cut in.
“Our friends are back home," Sadness added.
“I guess there's nothing for me here," Joy muttered sadly, walking away.
But then...
“Elsa? It's me, Anna!"
Joy's eyes widened, then she returned to the console and pressed a button.

The young princess found her sister up a staircase, smiling down at her as her gown shimmered in the sun's rays.
“Whoa, Elsa! You look... different. It's a good different!"
Joy laughed. “She's hilarious..."
“And this place... it's amazing."
Elsa smiled and looked around herself.
“Thank you. I never knew what I was capable of."
“Yeah, I must admit Joy, I had no idea what beauty our powers could create," Fear said.
“So, do you admit you were wrong?" Joy smirked.
“I'm so sorry about what happened. If I had known..."
“No, I don't!" Fear exclaimed, pulling a switch.
“No, no, no. It's okay. You... you don't have to apologize. But you should probably go, please."
“But I just got here!"
“Here's an idea," Joy said, trying to change the topic. “Maybe we can..."
“You belong down in Arendelle."
“So do you."
“Yeah, I want to go home," Sadness moaned.
“Well, we won't because we can't," Fear protested.
“No, Anna. I belong here, alone. Where I can be who I am... without hurting anyone."
“Actually, about that..."
“What? About what?" Anger asked.
“... fifty nine, sixty!"
“Wait, what is that?"
As Fear tweaked with the controls, a three foot snowman waltzed in the palace.
“Hi! I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!"
“Is he for real?" Disgust said, bewildered.
“Yeah, you built me. Remember that?"
“And you're alive?"
Olaf looked at his twig arms.
“Umm, I think so?"
“That's amazing," Sadness said in awe. “I didn't know Elsa could do that."
“He's just like the one we built as kids."
Joy recalled a memory of Elsa and Anna playing with an inanimate Olaf thirteen years ago, but not the one that was tainted by Sadness.
“Elsa, we were so close. We can be like that again."
Sadness really wanted to hold another memory, but she promised Joy she wouldn't. However, Joy was facing bigger problems than Sadness tampering with memories.
At that moment, Fear sent the memory back to Long Term and put a scary one from that same night in its place.
“Slow down! Anna..."
Remembering how that one blast of ice nearly took her sister's life, Elsa retreated once more.
“No, we can't. Goodbye Anna."
“Elsa, wait."
“No! I'm just trying to protect you!"
As Anna tried to convince Elsa she had nothing to worry about, the Emotions argued over whether or not this was a good idea.
“Oh, this is sad," Sadness cried.
“I'm doing this to keep Elsa safe," Fear said defensively. “I'm doing this to keep everyone safe!"
“Yeah, well it's obviously not working," Disgust said.
“We got to try to patch things up with Anna," Joy said, reaching for the console. But Fear kept fighting with her over the controls, causing Elsa to have mixed feelings.
“Joy, that's enough!" Fear yelled, slapping her in the face. Joy's cheek filled with a large sting that nearly made her cry.
Fear felt terrible for hurting Joy, but he had to put Elsa first.
“Just stay away and you'll be safe from me..."
“Here you go, Joy," Sadness said, holding up a bag of ice.
“Thanks, Sadness," Joy replied. “I just don't know what to do with Fear. I know Arendelle is probably safe, but..."
“Actually, we're not."
“What do you mean, you're not?"
“What does she mean, they're not?" Anger asked, suspiciously.
“I get the feeling you don't know."
“What do I not know?"
“Okay, what's going on?" Disgust asked.
“Arendelle​'s in deep, deep, deep, deep... snow."
“Oh, no!" Sadness exclaimed.
“You kinda set off an eternal winter... everywhere."
“Oh, no no no no no no no!" Fear muttered.
“Well, it's okay. You can just unfreeze it!"
“Uh, and how are we gonna do that?" Disgust asked.
“No, I can't. I... I don't know how!"
“Sure you can. I know you can."
“Guys, Anna has faith in us!" Joy said, trying to convince the others.
“What's faith gonna do?" Anger asked.
“Well, if she can help us, then maybe we'll be able to control our powers!" Joy answered.
“That doesn't sound very helpful," Sadness replied.
“It isn't helpful!" Fear corrected. “She doesn't know how our powers work! She can't help us!"
“Fear, we'll find a way!" Joy argued, trying to work with the console.
“Joy, NO!" Fear exclaimed, pushing Joy out of the way and pulling two giant switches.
“I CAN'T!"
With that, ice was sprayed across the room, some of it striking Anna's heart.
“Can we cry now?" Sadness asked. But as she reached out for the console, Anna whimpered in pain. So, Fear pushed Sadness away and took over.
Elsa turned around and saw what she had done.
At that moment, Olaf and a funny looking guy rushed in.
“Anna! Are you okay?"
“Yeah, I'm okay. I'm fine."
“Okay, she brought a funny looking guy with her," Disgust said.
“Who's this?"
“Who cares about him?" Fear said. “I'm just worried about Anna!"
Wait, it doesn't matter, just... You have to go."
“No, I know we can figure this out together!"
“She's right!" Joy said. “This could be the only way."
Unfortunately, Fear, nor the other Emotions, wouldn't listen to her.
“How?! What power do you have to stop this winter? To stop me?"
“We have that power!" Joy argued. “We just need to find it!"
“Well, we can't because we don't!" Fear argued.
“Anna, I think we should go."
“No, I'm not leaving without you, Elsa!"
“I really don't want to do this," Fear said, pressing a large button.
“Yes, you are."
With the flick of her wrist, Elsa created a large, frightening snowman and had him throw Anna and her friends out of her palace.

I have good news for you all! Inside Out won the Golden Globe for Best Animated Film! Next stop, the Oscars!

By the way, I'm having trouble with the SoundCloud part, so I couldn't add the rest of the song. Sorry.

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