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The moment I took it out again, it stated vibrating ominously.

Sure enough, a flood of eight messages was waiting for me once the next class got over.

"Keep your distance.
I’m not what you expect me to be.
Not too emotional.
Had experiences in the past.
Will be a good big brother, friend whatever.
Don’t like carrying much baggage…"

Blah blah!

I still remember the way I rushed to the washroom and missed half of the class to just offer a proper explanation to him and clear all doubts between us.

That day is the one I fell in love with him for the second time.

I began to love him over and over again with each chat, each meeting at dinner in the canteen. I used to jokingly tell my friends that I was having a dinner date.

One day I had dressed up for some occasion and when I came to dinner, he saw me and raised his eyebrows in an appreciative way. I could melt into a pool of sloshy liquid then and there.


I was too lost in my thoughts to notice the device in my pocket vibrating.

A quick glance at it and I froze yet again.

"I am too simple…
Don’t like people who think too much.
Don’t wanna make anything complicated.
Will escape from situations.
Your head is a dirty place where you can be. (quoted)"

Quoted! Huh!

"Yes, you’re so simple that you don’t understand when you hurt other’s feelings. And so then you’re an escapist. That’s a good approach to life by the way. Go on" .

I couldn’t keep the sarcasm in my voice from affecting my text.

" I don’t claim to be an escapist. I rather go for an analysis and will avoid the situations I can escape from."

My anger was flaring up fast. But before I could bite back, he texted again.

"You know why it’s good to be invisible?"

(Well, he had said to me he likes to be invisible and me with him is too conspicuous, like taking away his cloak of invisibility)

I dreaded the next speech.

"Your friends never had an opinion about me. Now because of you they’ll think badly about me. Not that I care. And for your information, people are not always the same and won’t behave the way you want them to. So never expect anything from anyone. Even I don’t know how I’ll behave tomorrow."

I almost drop my phone in surprise. When did the conversation take this turn? He’s blaming me for my friends not liking him?


I was to blame up to an extent. But then he also refused the innocent selfie.

I didn’t know what to reply and for the first time in my life, I felt defeated. I was debating whether to start apologizing or to keep my ego and risk losing him.

He texted himself…

"This silly conversation is going too far than I want it to.

I got a lifeline. I couldn’t be too happy to end that thing.

I start typing.

"Forget about it. Things happen, silly stuff.
So it’s clear…Okay…
No problem."

I was biting my nails in nervousness by the time my phone pinged again.

" Hope so. Bye"

I could almost cry from the relief. But something still wasn’t right. I just hoped he wasn’t angry.

But there was no way I could continue the conversation. It was then I decide. That it’s enough. Lots of people told me earlier, that he doesn’t deserve someone giving so much attention to him.
But then, I know it’s difficult.

I try to say with all my might that I don’t miss him, and that I have moved on, forgotten. But why do I keep looking back always, hoping to see that smile that always moved me?

After all, no first love ever had a happy ending. But my heart knows one thing. Wherever we are in life, a part of my heart will be with him.

I don’t know if it is mutual, but I’m certain he realizes that I have feelings for him. He probably shrugs it off as teenage infatuation. But whenever he still smiles at me, I fall in love with him.



"Hey, where did you get lost?"
he snapped his hands in front of my face.

"Oh, nothing!"

I shrug myself out from my daydream and focus on the man staring at me from the other side of the dinner table.

"Your dinner is getting cold. And you're eating so less...."

"Hey, hey... This one piece of parantha is two hundred and fifteen calories... You know how screwed my dieting app will be today?"

He rolled his eyes.

I pouted, stuffing more food into my mouth.

He grinned.

I smiled.

Yes, we fight always... But every time we do that... Fate does something unexpected like making us coincidentally meet up for dinner...

And we talk as if nothing has ever happened and I fell in love and I find myself choosing him over and over again.

Silly heart of a silly nineteen year old!

A/N Hope you liked this... Thanks for your support! This story comes from a very special place in my heart.

Thanks Pipigrin MaryFahey cleomez miwacu changingforever XerinaFang michh_44 carmen6106 Nyhterides edelmeehan,
teamhathaway for your constant support...

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