Part 38: my fiancé's gone so let's go shopping

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the picture is the ship that Sebastian built


I flopped onto the bed and let out a long breath.

"What the hell am i going to do while mihawk's gone?"

"Well we could always renovate the place, it is a bit dreary." replied miko as he jumped onto the bed with me.

"Okay, why don't we start in the morning?"

"Sure." the little furball came closer and placed his head on my chest while i stroked his fur.

"Hey (y/n)?" i hummed in response. "You know i'm thankful that you saved me, right?" i let out a small laugh and turned to my side.

"That's nice but i really couldn't care less if you wanted to die or live, as long as you're happy, then i'm fine." i felt a small lick on my cheek and recoiled at the unexpected gesture.

"Thank you." whispered the (feline/canine) and we both drifted off to sleep.

(the next morning)

The sun shined bright through the window as i stepped out the foggy bathroom.

"Would you look at that." i poked miko's side and he blinked a few times before focusing his gaze on me.

"Well don't you look nice. What's the special occasion?"

(without those shoes)

"We have to go into town to stock up on food, wine, furniture, since certain things are peeling, and paint. Along with some books to keep us entertained." the fluffy animal let out a yawn as he stretched while i pulled on my black boots.

"Well that's nice and all but, we don't have a ship."

"No but i have a demon." he looked at me with a weird look while i picked up the shell phone thingy and called sebastian.

"Yes, amica mea." i shuddered at the voice behind me and went to slap him but he caught my hand.

"Well that isn't very nice, now is it?" he purred and i snatched my hand out of my grasp.

"Sebastian, i'm not in the mood for your flirty antics, so shut up and listen." he nodded and i began to explain what i needed him to do.

"So you want me to build a cargo ship?"

"I don't care what type of ship it is, as long as it can carry all of the things i want it to, and while you do that, i'm going to go make breakfast for miko and i." the demon, dashed out the room and i began to make my way to the kitchen.

(few minutes later.)

Miko and i had just finished eating and were now heading to the dock but what we saw was nothing like what we expected.

"Holy sh*t! We asked you for a ship not a house!"

My demonic friend jumped off the top of the vessel and laughed.

"Is it too big for you?" i was about to nod until i recognised what he was suggesting.

"Be quiet and let's go." he smirked and helped me onto the large boat.

Once we arrived at the nearby island, the crowd of people stopped what they were doing just so that they could get a good look at the magnificent blue vessel behind me. I told sebastian to go the wine and grocery store while my (cat/dog) and i took care of the furniture and paint. But when the noirette went to walk off, i touched his shoulder and he stopped.

"We'll meet up at the library at two, don't be late." i let him go and he lightly kissed my cheek before disappearing into the crowd. 'Why am i friends with him, again?'

"Okay now let's go to the furniture store and find some stuff, wait do you have money?" the little animals eyes widened when i told him about the large bag of berries i had sebatian store on the boat when we left.

(time skip again)

By the time we were done the boat was packed with furniture and paint while my pet and i waited for a certain incubus at the doors of the library.

"Where is he, we've been waiting for an hour now." i groaned but i flung a knife behind me when i felt someone breathing on my neck.

"Sebastian, i swear, if you don't start walking up to me, like a normal person, i'mma rip out your throat and feed it to a sea king!"

"Such a harsh woman." he mused before picking me up and sitting me on his shoulder. Furball growled.

"Drop her and i'll kill you and dance on your corpse."

"I see you get your personality from (y/n), such a good little (kitten/puppy)."

"Shut up." muttered the animal and we all entered the building to find some books worth reading. When we got inside, we found a lot of good novels that would most definitely prove as good time passers but in the end, we only got a total of ten. Once we arrived at the ship, i put the bags on the deck and took a seat on one of the many beach chairs sitting on the foredeck. The red eyed man let out a soft chuckle and began to steer us away from the dock and back to kuraigana island.

"If only mihawk could see you now, with a (cat/dog) on your lap and your legs crossed as you sunbathe."

"Shut up demon, at least i can sunbathe."

"I may not be able enjoy all of the human pleasures, but at least i have a life."

"Sure you do, because serving a bratty little mongrel until he gets his revenge, just so that you can get a single meal is definitely living the life." i dramatically put my hand to my head as if i were a damsel in distress. "You can only imagine how much i envy you!"

"The more i starve myself, the sweeter the meal." i cut off my act and gave him the are-you-f**king-kidding-me look.

"You mean to tell me, that you can take a other souls but you just don't want to?"


"You're an idiot." he gave me a glare and his eyes flashed a bright pink.

"You do know that i can kill you?"

"Yeah but you won't because i'm more fun than your little brat of a master." he sighed and turned back to the wheel.

"I hate it when you're right."

"No, you love it."

"And what makes you think that?"

"Because i can sense your arousal all the way from over here."

"You're wrong."

"No, i'm a vixen who's killed many men simply by using her charms. I know arousal when i see it and just because you're a demon doesn't mean that you're any different." i replied before holding miko to my stomach and falling asleep.

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