Part 39: the demon's reveal.

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When i woke up the next day, the first thing i did after eating breakfast, was call sebastian to help me with the house.

"Yes amica mea." purred the demon as he pulled me against him but i pushed him away and gave him a bucket of red paint.

"I want you to go and paint the dining room white and bring in the long mahogany table we bought yesterday while miko and i take the top floor bed rooms." the man sighed and kissed my cheek then left down the hall.

"He must really care for you." commented miko when we began to make our way down the hall.

"Yeah, but he knows he can't have me, so all he can do is pointlessly flirt." i replied

"Why do you allow him to do so?"

"Because, he enjoys the excitement that i give him and who am i to deny his pleasure."

"I guess you're right." i opened the door to the first room and smiled when i saw that the brown and caramel paint were already up there. 'Sebastian you never fail to please me.' i went into the bathroom and changed into a black knee length dress and grabbed a nearby paint roller.

"Well let's get started, by lunch i expect us to be finished with every room and working on the halls.

"What?! But i don't have hands!" yelled miko. I giggled and set the (cat/dog) on a small platform with paint rollers attached to it.

"It can go up and around walls so don't worry about falling, all you have to do is walk in place." the (cat/dog) grumbled but refused to disobey my order and started to walk up the wall.

( lunchtime)

Just as i predicted, miko and i were done with the rooms by lunch and were now painting the hallways white.

"Hey (y/n)." i looked to the (feline/canine) at my side with a questioning gaze.


"Why is it that every room is a different theme?"

"Because that's how my mansion was set up on the island where i used to live." i replied simply before going back to painting. Once we finished the halls, we both went down stairs to do the next hall but to my surprise it was already done and looked exactly how i wanted it to. On one of the dark brown window sills that stood out in the white hallway, was a small letter from sebastian. I eagerly picked it up and examined the neat handwriting adorning the little piece of paper.

Amica mea, i finished the dining room and decided to do the rest of the castle, i hope that the colors i chose for each room is to your liking. I also took the time to build a shed in the garden, reflourish the plants, and make you and your pet a satisfying lunch.

Yours truly,

Sebastian Michaelis

"So his last name's michaelis, would've never guessed." i mumbled before neatly folding the note and sticking it in the side compartment of my painting apron. I quickly headed to my room and burst open the door only to see that nothing was changed except for a few touch-ups here and there along with a new elegant bed set that was colored (f/c). I flopped face first onto the mattress and inhaled it's scent.

"He must've cleaned the bed itself as well because it smells like (f/s)" i laughed in glee then got out of bed and made my way to the dining room where my lunch awaited me.

(mihawk p.o.v)

As i sat in my boat, i let out a small sigh of want. To be honest, as much as i hated to admit it, i missed (y/n)'s constant teasing and questioning, it always seemed to lighten the mood and make time go by faster but now that i was alone, i could feel every single excruciating second pass by.

I leaned my head onto the back of my chair and exhaled once more before slightly leaning forward in hopes to fall asleep though just as i began to doze off, i felt another presence on my vessel and instinctively held my dagger to the culprits neck. I slowly brought my head to look upwards and when i did, i found myself somewhat surprised to see bright fuchsia colored eyes looking down on me.

The first thing that came to mind was 'demon'. His pale skin stood out against his black butler attire (see what I did there) and his dark slicked back hair didn't seem to help the case. All the while as i took in the creature before me, the grimace upon his face never seemed to disappear and it looked as if he wanted to kill me right where i sat.

"May i help you?" i asked boredly as i put my pendant back in its sheath.

"I'm guessing that you're the fiance of (y/n)." his velvety voice was smooth a near emotionless but i could hear the jealousy behind it.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because i need to talk to you about your lover." when he took a seat on the side of the boat it finally clicked on who he was. 'He's the man who (y/n) made love to during the incident with charlotte.'

"What about her?"

"I want to know why it is that you left her alone."

"Because i have some business to attend to."

"And you left her there without a single bit of guilt." i let out a low growl as i said.

"Our personal matters have nothing to do with you, now tell me why you're here."

"I'm here to figure out what would be so important for you to leave her alone for so long. Especially after you just made love to her. "

"Again why does that pertain to you?"

"Because, i don't like the fact that she is with someone other than myself, now answer the damn question!" i could feel the demonic aura emanating off of him and came to the conclusion that my previous assumptions were correct. 'My fiance is associated with a demon.'

"You speak as if you just left her a few minutes ago." a small smirk adorned his face as he stood up and fixed himself.

"Indeed i did, and i can assure you that the whole time i was there, she was screaming my name." he purred. I shot up out of my seat only to see that i stood over him by a good five inches.

"What are you saying, what did you do with her?!" he gave another one of his cocky smiles.

"I'm sure you can figure that out, now if you don't mind." and with that he was gone, leaving me conflicted on whether i should trust the man that just stood in front of me or continue to have faith in my lover.

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