Part 56: look at the children!

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yeah i know, worst chapter title ever, but who cares!

and when you see words like this then mihawk's being sarcastic


It was the last day of our honeymoon and we were traveling to the last island. When we arrived, there was something that intrigued the both of us. There were people living there and they had wings. The two of us were surprised by that fact but disregarded it and rented out a hotel room.

 The next morning when i woke up, i saw four children calling for me to come outside and play with them. At first, i declined but after a few puppy faces, i couldn't say no anymore and hurriedly got dressed then left the room.

Ever since i was younger, i had always been a sucker for those younger than me but now that i was a full fledged adult, all i thought about was having a child of my own. Of course mihawk didn't know this and i wasn't planning on telling him anytime soon. Yes i did want children but i still wasn't sure if i wanted any with him. It's not like he was always the most tender person and his version of play was more adult than child like, not something i would want my baby to be exposed to.

"Hey little ones where are your parents?" i asked in a hushed tone as not to wake up my husband who i presumed, was still asleep.

"What do you mean parents? We're all orphans, our parents were killed when eneru was still god."

"Eneru? Did he by chance have really long ears?"

"We don't know, we never actually saw him." said a young red haired boy.

"Yeah, when this happened, we were all toddlers." added another child.

"Oh, well i'm sorry to hear that." i mummered. 'That must've been the guy that luffy beat up.'

"It's okay, we have you now!" they all beamed and i laughed while hugging every single one of them.

(mihawk p.o.v)

As I watched (y/n) play with the children outside, i leaned my chin onto my hand and smiled. 'She'd make a perfect mother.' Now that we were married, there was no reason for us to not have a child so what i didn't understand, was why my lover didn't want any, even though she seemed to be so fond of them. Suddenly one of the little girls fell and before i could actually process what was going on, my wife was by her side.

"Hey darling, are you okay?" she asked. 'A cold blooded murderer holding such deep affection for a kid. That might as well be the oddest thing i've ever seen.' i soon decided i had hidden myself long enough and left the room to go remind her that it was time to go. By the time i was downstairs, the lovely young woman was sitting on a rock and telling her little group a story.

"Wow, was he dressed in armour like all the other princes?" asked a small brunette girl.

"No, he was different. He was stoic and silent but still a very handsome man. Just like you little boys will grow up to be one day." teased my bride. "Anyways, after i had finished destroying the ships, my once white dress was red with blood and mihawk was just sitting there like he didn't care. It took a while but i finally managed to find the washroom and tried to clean out the blood but it just wouldn't budge. I felt really bad for killing all of those people and the blood on the dress wasn't helping, though just when i was going to break down, mihawk came out of nowhere and gave me a big warm hug. From that moment on, i knew i loved him and wanted him to be mine but i was kind of scared since i didn't know if he felt the same." i shook my head and walked up to my spouse before enveloping her in a hug and kissing her neck.

"It's time to go mi paloma."

"Woah, is that mihawk?" exclaimed the group causing my eyes to slightly widen as i blankly blinked.

"Yes, it is."

"Wow, he's dreamy." swooned a little girl.

"Whatever, look at that awesome sword on his back. Wait, where's the talking (cat/dog)?" questioned a young boy.

"Were you.." i started.

"Yes, i was telling them the story of how we met, i just stopped at the part where i recognised my feelings for you."

"Oh really, well we shouldn't leave them curious." i picked up one of the younger boys and set him on his lap while taking a seat on the rock that the (h/c)-ette woman was sitting on few seconds ago while pulling her down as well.

"Go on and finish, i'm sure we can stay a little while longer"


'A little while longer' was an understatement. By the time (y/n) was done, it was nightfall and miko had even come down to check on us a few times.

"Well that was fun." she sighed

"Wow, do you think that i could marry mihawk instead?" asked a brown haired girl who looked around the age of seven or so.

"No, little one, he's mine, but you might be lucky enough to find someone like him."

"Okay, well, goodnight." once she was gone out of sight, i picked up my wife and gave her long meaningful kiss.

"When we get on the ship, the first thing i want you to do is strip."


"We're going to make child tonight."


"I want a baby, mi paloma and as do you but since you're too nervous to say anything, i'm going to take initiative and do it now."

"But are you sure you're ready, we can always wait."

"I'm very ready, the question is if you are?" by this time we were aboard the boat.

"Yes." i set her down on the deck of the ship and flashed her a smile.

"Then go get undressed and tell me when you're ready."

"Of course salty." she replied before kissing my cheek and running off. My smile fell when i turned around to meet the bright red eyes of sebastian.

"So you want me to steer for tonight?" he asked in that deep seductive voice of his.

"Yes, i'd highly appreciate it."

"On one condition."

"What is it?"

"Make sure to take care of her when she gets pregnant, we both know how she is when it comes to not being able to work."

"Of course, my friend."

"I don't want to gear her moaning your name mihawk." he growled.

"Don't worry Sebastian she won't be moaning my name..." I gave him a devilish smirk. "She'll be screaming it." With those words i walked into the luxurious sleeping quarters, where i knew my wife was waiting for me.

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