Part 57: Yo' eggo is preggo

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yeah i need help, don't rub it in.


(about two weeks later)

By now mihawk and I were home relaxing and still getting used to the feeling of being married. I sat on his lap as he read a book and stroked my small furry companion, miko. Just as I began to doze off, I felt my lover tighten his grip on me as a signal to look at him.

"Yes mihawk?"

"I'm bored."

"That's my line." he smiled up at me and buried his head in my chest.

"What do you want to do?" I shrugged and ran my hands through his short black hair while asking.

"I don't know, you wanna bake something?"

"I'm not in the mood."

"What about another duel?"

"Too tired."

"Why don't you go and take a nap?"

"I don't trust you enough not to do something stupid." deadpanned the noirette causing me to lightly hit his head and huff.

"Shut up, I am a very responsible person."

"Says the woman who slept with a random man, became friends with a demon, and got drunk because she wasn't paying attention to what she was drinking."


"Call me what you will. But either way, you know that you couldn't live without me."

"I hate it when you're...." all of a sudden my head started to get dizzy and my tongue started to feel thick to the point that my breathing became labored.

"Mi paloma?" I pushed myself off of my spouse's lap and sprinted towards the nearest bathroom, where I hovered over the toilet and released the contents of my stomach.

"Mih.." before I could finish, I heaved up another load of half digested food. Tears ran down my face from the excruciating pain of my stomach clenching and the burning feeling of acid in my throat. Never had I felt something so terrible out of all the pains I had been through. From being injected with fatal poisons, to dislocating my arm and putting it back into place, nothing could compare to this. Again and again my stomach emptied itself and even when there wasn't anything left, I still continued to hurl. "Mihawk...please..." as I continued to gag, I heard the frantic steps of my husband coming my way.

"(y/n), what.."

"I'm pregnant you blubbering fool!" I could tell that he was surprised by my outburst but I was feeling excruciating pain for the first time in my life. I was in no mood for Q's and A's. All I wanted was some water, a bed and a bucket to puke in. Miko appeared beside me and rubbed against my leg in a comforting matter though he stopped when he recognised something.

"Mihawk, put her in the nearest bedroom, this isn't good." I wanted to say something but I heaved instead. "Now you idiot!" ordered the (cat/dog) and before I knew what was happening, I was lying on a fluffy bed in one of the many guest rooms of the castle. I felt a warm towel being placed on my head while worried gold eyes stared down at me.


"Here, feed her this." said a low voice that seemed oddly familiar.

"What is it?" questioned my lover.

"She's malnourished, if you give her this then it'll boost her system and hopefully stabilize the egg so that she doesn't have a miscarriage and.." the conversation became hazy and soon, i couldn't hold out any longer and fell asleep.

(author p.o.v an hour later)

"So is she going to be okay?" asked mihawk who was clearly concerned.

"Yes, and you have my congratulations. You're going to be a father in only a matter of months." said sebastian, while relishing the worried look in his rival's eyes.

"And you're certain?"

"I'm a demon, i can sense these things. Lucky bastard, you have no idea how lucky you are." the demon and the warlord had a long glare off before he was gone, leaving (y/n)'s handsome husband alone and contemplating.

(y/n) p.o.v)

I woke up to the feeling of slightly calloused fingers running through my hair as my head lay on what felt like someone's chest. My eyes slowly opened and as soon as they did, a soft kiss was placed on the top of my head.

"You're awake." said my husband as he held me close.

"Of course i am, it was just a little stomach ache." i replied smugly.

"Thank you."

"You can't thank me yet, the child isn't born."

"I know but still, it feels nice to know that i'm going finally have a family."

"Shut up. You sound like a love sick puppy."

"Of course, mi paloma." a soothing silence filled the air and i fell asleep again but not before hearing a small chuckle resound in my ear and feeling a soft kiss being placed on my neck.

(mihawk p.o.v)

I ran my hand up and down (y/n)'s arms comfortingly. This was the woman who was giving me a family and my closest friend. As i stared at her lovingly, i failed to notice miko climb in bed.

"So how's it going, baby daddy?" he teased.

"What do you want to tell me?"

"What i have to say is not something that you don't already know, which is a good thing."

"I'm still curious."

"You are very fortunate, and i'm sure that every man who knows of your marriage, envies you. What you have, is a treasure and i say that you deserve it, from the hell you went through to get her to not only open up to you but to give herself completely to you. As i said before, she's a woman that you'll find once every century and lucky you, has something like that all to yourself. I look forward to meeting your child mihawk." finished the animal and before i could say anything, he was cuddled against my wife's leg, fast asleep.

'As much as i hate to admit it, sebastian was right, i am a very lucky bastard.'

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