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Starshifter: Oh wow, what a wonderful way to start my day! Getting kidnapped by some random strangers.

Halo: As if I would kidnap your ugly ass.

Starshifter: THE F*CK? YOU WANNA FIGHT??

Halo: Calm down, calm down! I was only joking.

Starshifter: Oh good. Because I was about to summon an army at your door.

Halo: I was only joking about kidnapping you by the way. The ugly part is true.

Starshifter: Dialing the army now. My parents are the rulers, just so you know!

Ash: *cringes* O- oh.. I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Starshifter: *tilts her head* Why?

Ash: *gestures to himself wildly. He's tied up with rope. A bored Azure is crouched beside him, yawning.*

Starshifter: Ah, I see. Getting your boyfriend to do dirty work for you.

Halo: Bullshit. That guy can't fight for his life.

Azure: HEY! I CAN TOO.

*Halo throws her horn band at Azure at rapid speed. Azure attempts to catch it but falls to the ground pathetically.*

Azure: . . . Okay, I get your point. 

Starshifter: ...not gonna lie, that was pretty cool. 


Ash: When can I get out of this?

Halo: Ash, honey. I didn't even tie that shit. I literally got Az to wrap it around you and you flopped to the floor like a dead fish in misery. 

Ash: o- oh.. Azure just looked like an ugly gangster and I kinda... fainted for a few moments. 

Starshifter: I see it.

Azure: HAH?? Do you want me to tie you up, because I'll gladly do so!

Ash: *whimpers and subconsciously hides behind Starshifter*

Starshifter: *softens* Stop terrorizing young children, Ass(z)ure.

Halo: Why so nice to Ash but so mean to me? I'm so hurt and sad Star! Oh, how the world hates me!

Azure: Yeah, Starshitter. I think you owe us an apology.

Ash: Why are you so nice to me? Is this some kind of ploy. (<-- Has met Fenn, Fern, Azure, Halo and is now traumatized.)

Starshifter: No! It's just-- I... you just remind me of someone. 

Ash: Who?

Starshifter: My brother. He was really kind and nervous just like you. 

Halo: ...was?

Starshifter: ...I don't want to talk about it. He's just not here anymore, alright? That's all you need to know.

Ash: Huh... oh! Starshifter! Oh my god. I'm so sorry... I just-- I didn't know. I'm so stupid- why am I like this . . . ?

Azure: Huh??? (<-- My man has zero brain cells)

Halo: *affectionately* God, Azure. You're such a dumbass. Be mine forever.

Azure: Aha! Is this your confession?

Halo: If I weren't here to supervise you, you'd be dead in less than 24 hours. 

Ash: Respectfully, please quiet down! We're having a moment here.

Starshifter: No, it's fine. I still have an incredible family and friends. Especially Starcatcher. Surprisingly, I'm glad I got this out. Goodbye, guys. Halo, watch your back. 



Eh, not bad. Too little details but the personality was one that I am comfortable working around with. 

I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't nit in the part about her being a good singer but I just didn't know where to put it. 

As for her backstory, it DEFINITELY needs more detail. He brother passed away and she was left grieving. However, what else happened? What was her brother like? What kind of relationship did she have with her family. They all could've been answered in the backstory yet it was plain and simple. 

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