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It's bright outside already, the sun burning my eyes the second they squint open. Immediately I turn my head, pushing it into the pillow as I take in a deep breath. I can smell food already downstairs, probably cold by now, but at least I know there's something to eat this morning after such a long night. I blindly reach for my phone, my hand searching my bed as it does a wiping motion, the cold device soon in my hands as I unlock the piece of technology. Two texts from Augustus.


Rolling onto my back, I hit a warm body, my eyes widening as I yelp, jerking away to find Flynn still fast asleep. I forgot that I had offered him a spot on the bed last night after I didn't want to send him home, fearing that only more drama would occur. He offered to sleep downstairs for me to only explain how my parents would wake up confused to find their future Alpha asleep on their living room sofa. After all, he's stayed here overnight before, right beside me as I slept because he was broken.

Pushing myself up and onto my elbows, I take a look at the future Alpha before me, how his dark locks frame his face, messy from a rough night. His jawline is strong, his cheekbones high, eyebrows enough that any girl would kill for, and his eyelashes long. The only off-setting things about him are the bruised jaw covered in black and purple, the nose all red and black, and his lip where the area is fully healed now. To think his father did this to him just because he could not control himself. To think a father would be willing to land a hand like that upon their son. It makes me sick.

Flynn has his sweats on still, but he wears an oversized t-shirt of mine from a tennis camp where I failed miserably. He sleeps like a brick. Goddess help him, I could of mistaken him as dead a couple of times.

"A picture will last longer," he mumbles, his voice hoarse from just waking up as my eyes widen. "Do you have Advil?" I nod, getting out of bed as my feet hit the cold floor. Grabbing the pill from my bathroom cabinet, I also grab him a water bottle, looking around the doorway to see him sitting up. He stretches, the shirt not hiding the fact that you can tell he's built, all the years of swimming paying off.

"Here," I announce, walking around to where he sits up, handing him the bottle and pill to help release his pain.

I decide to take the seat beside him, pointing my toes as I become nervous. I don't know what to do now. Augustus texted me asking about another date tonight, yet I know what I want now. I know who I want now. I know that I cannot do this, I cannot be unfair. I cannot go on a date with someone I do not love when there's a boy beside me who I love and he does as well. It's unfair to Augustus and to Flynn, but Flynn has a mate just waiting for him. Any day now she could walk into his life and he could never spare me a glance ever again.

"Are you going home today?" I ask, my voice soft as he runs his thumb over his bottom lip, checking that the wound is fully healed.

"Have to." I raise an eyebrow. "My mother plans on her and me to approach my father today about college."

"Can you postpone it?" I ask, worried about him as he will be approaching his mother upon a delicate topic.

He shakes his head. "I cannot. I have to be brace not only for myself, but my mother as well." I know what he means. I understand him, but I don't want him to go there expecting a battle to only result in a war by the time it's over with. "I'll call you and tell you how it goes."

"When are you going to do it?" I ask, getting to my feet as Flynn does as well. He shrugs, reaching for his phone, checking the time as I can hear the garage door open.

"I need to head out, I've got ten minutes to get there." I nod, knowing Flynn is distant. Distant because he's scared. The big and bad wolf is scared and I don't blame him. Can future Alphas not be afraid? What law determines that? None.

As he opens the window to sneak out, I find myself biting my lip, wishing he didn't have to go. 

"Almost forgot," he informs, turning back to me as I grow curious by what he means.

I'm pulled forward, a hand on my hip and the other upon my cheek, a short yet passionate kiss pressed against my lips as I'm shocked. From how he woke up, I never expected him to do this. As he pulls away, my eyes are wide, a smirk on his face, and before I know it, he's gone, running through the backyard as he shifts, his clothes tearing and a wolf replacing him.

Damnit, I actually liked that shirt.


In three hours I'm getting into my car, an extra pair of clothes packed, my hair pulled back, and putting on my playlist as I pull out. I plan on going for a run, but no where close to where the Alpha typically goes for one, but one rather on the outskirts of town on the Eastern side. No one runs out there because the ground is not damp, the trees are too many, and there's hardly any sunlight.

The drive soon comes to an end, my car parked as I hide my keys under a tire. With my figure hidden by a tree, I undress, shifting quickly into my brown wolf as I ruffle my fur. Right away I pounce, my paws digging into the ground as I shoot off through the woods, jumping over logs and avoiding tree trunks. The wind is strong as it blows my fur, my wolf having the time of her life as we do around four miles.

My mind is clouded with questions, questions upon how Flynn is doing. Last time he had that chat, I was there, and I believe I was one of the reasons his father did not overreact like he did last night. His father makes me sick. He cheats upon his wife, Luna, and mate, and then beats his son.

I slow down my pace, a light jog now what I do as I think of what I will have to tell Augustus. Am I going to reject him? I owe him that, yet rejecting him would reveal the truth. If I break up with him this soon in the relationship and say some weird shit about mates, he's gonna flip and think me be crazy, demanding an explanation. If I break up with him and don't reject him, it's doing him no justice as the mate bond will still be present. He deserves to be rejected if we end it because then he would not have that feeling of sparks every time he touches me. He would not feel things for me that are no longer worth while and vice versa.

As I get back to my car, I get ready to shift, only for my wolf to be curious yet worried as the future Alpha leans against my car, his sleek one parked right next to mine. What is he going here? How did the chat go? I shift behind a tree, putting on my clothes before I go to meet him. Once done, I walk towards him, only to stand still as he takes few strides to reach me.

Suddenly it all happens so fast, how he wraps his arms around me and pulls me tight against him, his lips locked with mine. My eyes close, arms wrapping around his neck as they eventually land in his hair, tangled in the locks as he only holds me tighter. The second me need to breathe, he pulls away, yet still holds me close, as if me close is the only cure to what is going on.

"Just talk when you're ready," I whisper, rubbing his back as I feel him shake, his face buried in the crook of my neck. His lips tremble against my skin, his eyelashes becoming damp as they brush against my skin. Something happened and I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive the Alpha. I hold the future Alpha in my arms, telling him he doesn't have to talk, to just not hold back anymore. I've seen him cry before, but barely much. Emotions are hard to see from this male, but for me, he doesn't hold back.

"Amory," he whispers, taking in a shaky deep breath. "Can we get out of here? Just run away for a few days? Go somewhere as do something?"

He's wanting to run from his problems just as I was doing weeks ago and still am.

"Why? Where will that get you? A short break from reality? You will only return weaker because you know running will let you escape for a little," I explain, trying to not speak too loud, his hold loosening up. Soon, he pulls away, his eyes red as he nods his head. "Flynn, I am here for you."

"I know." He pauses briefly. "But my father can never understand." I nod, letting him know I am here for him. "He told me that dreams are just all shit. He told me that we do not get to pick when the Alpha title awaits us. He said Alphas do not get to chose their destiny, but that they must follow the path of an Alpha and all of this shit." He's keeping me from something else. "He said I could either be here for the pack or I can come back. He said the second I change majors, I've secured my fate."

My eyes widen and hate fills my every fiber. How dare the Alpha say this!? How dare he think his son to be some puppet or being without free will. How dare he make Flynn suffer this when all Flynn has ever done is try to show him how vital he can be. He pushes limits beyond compare to impress his father and earn his respect, not to be told he could be made rogue and disowned. But tradition is everything. Every individual with Alpha blood next in line for the title takes the title. Take the title or...or you're done for. For his father to threaten him with this massive of an issue, it truly shows his father's respect.

"Let's just get away for a day," he whispers, taking my hand as he pulls me back to our cars. "One day just to relax."

I nod, thinking about what could all happen. "Where?" I ask, finding myself placed upon the hood of his Porsche, Flynn beside me.

"Anywhere," he replies. "Let's just drive somewhere for the day."

Flynn needs this. He needs a break from all of this, everything with his father. "Fine. I'm up for it," I announce,  looking up at the sky as Flynn nods his head, turning to face me as I close my eyes. "Just don't get us lost." Looking back to Flynn, he nods.

I watch as he smiles, one that makes me forget about the bruise on his jaw and the red nose of his. But my heart drops to my stomach, reminding myself about a girl that awaits him. His mate. His mate that fate wants him to be with, to feel the mate bond. The mate bond blinded me and I saw that even if later on, but will he be able to see it? Will he forget everything he has told me and push away logic.

"What?" He asks, raising an eyebrow as I look away, to my car. Augustus never got a text back from me. Augustus will soon have to learn that I can no longer be part of our relationship. "Amory?"

"You have a mate out there," I whisper, my voice cracking as he shakes his head. "You have a mate out there and she will be the best girl you'll ever see. You'll go head over heels for her and-



"Amory, I know what you're worried about," Flynn interrupts. "I know. I know." He runs a hand through his hair. "Do you trust me?"

Do I trust him? Do I even have to question myself?

"Yes, I trust you."

He nods. "Then do not worry."

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