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My whole body is frozen, my fingers shaking is the only movement I can seem to create, my heart pounding in my chest as if it might explode, and my eyes locked on the silhouette. The wolf runs across the forest floor, the darkness of the forest making it a perfect night for a hunt for the wolf, his gigantic body not creating a single sound as his paws hit the forest floor as he chases his prey. He's the perfect hunter, imposing and silent as he strikes his prey. And he gets his prey, tackling the fellow wolf as his practice is cut short, after all, he saw me pull in near the path only two minutes ago. I have simply watched, having a feeling settle in my stomach that he is not the type of wolf you want to hunt you down, for you would be the prey stuck in the big, bad forest as he hunts you down. There's no way he can lose you...he was trained to be the best.

Second best until his sister met a painful end to her life that sent his family spiraling down into a mess.

As for me, I can barely even catch a rabbit, less try and train the way that he does nonstop because his father holds standards for him. Standards that push him until he breaks every fiber of his being and is yelled at until he heals up and begins again.

That's why he will soon be called Alpha. That's why he does not want the title.

He shifts behind a tree, coming out soon with a pair of sweats hanging low on his hips as my eyes stay locked with his.

He takes in my attire, the dress, the heels, my hair curled as I have let it down, and my lipstick needing to be reapplied. The second Augustus dropped me off I stood in my driveway, contemplating the whole night over and over. Augustus gave me his world, a piece of it that he had planned out. Augustus made me laugh, he made me smile, and he made me feel the sparks.

Augustus made me feel the sparks of the mate bond and I dug my grave deeper. I remember where he took Molly on dates, how they would go to a meal, go to a fair, the beach, or just simply sit in his car and watch the sunset. Augustus would pour out his heart to me about how much he was head over heels and wanted to even marry her.

Augustus was in love with her and now, as he looks into my eyes, I could tell tonight that it was not over. He ended it with Molly all because of one kiss where the mate bond occurred. All it took was one kiss and he was hooked, hooked not because he wants me for me, but because he wants me for the way he feels around me. Being around your mate makes you feel alive and as happy as ever...that's all we have felt. My mother and Flynn are right, the mate bond brings you together, but it's not superglue, it's simply a glue stick that is temporary and easy to pull apart.

"Amory?" Flynn asks, running a hand through his locks as I find myself taking in a deep breath. "How was your date?" He looks broken as he says those words.

I open my mouth, wanting words to escape, but the silence fills the gap between us. My car lights are still on, illuminating his face as his sharp features are present and his hunter green eyes seem to flow and appear as bright as stars.

"I-I..." I trail off, shaking my head as I let out a groan of frustration. Running my hands through my hand over and over, I form knots, my fingers stuck as I close my eyes. Flynn respects my state of mind, simply waiting patiently as I take in a deep breath. Looking up, I open my eyes, locking with his soft gaze as my heart flutters. "Superglue."


"Superglue and a glue stick. Love is superglue and the mate bond is a glue stick."

He crosses his arms, cocking his head to the side. "Did the date go so bad that you got drunk?" I scowl, shaking my head as I find my courage, taking ahold of his hands with my own, causing Flynn to raise an eyebrow.

"The mate bond helps bring people together, but it's not strong. Easily the two mates can fall out of love as they slowly pull apart. Love is like superglue, a death sentence to get your heart involved in just like if you glue your fingers together with. Pulling away those fingers glued with superglue fucking hurts and takes time to heal, but the mate bond easily comes apart."

"A...weird analogy," he comments, surprised as I take a step forward. "What is this about?"


"Flynn!" The Alpha tone is strong, my head instantly bowing as Flynn looks to his father. "Why are you not training?"

"I finished for the night," he replies. He is done, hell, if my parents were doing this to me, I would of been done at seven in the evening, not four in the morning. "Amory drove over for a chat."

I peek from under my eyelashes, looking as the tall Alpha strides over in a few steps, arms crossed, eyes dark in the moonlight, and the atmosphere turning tense. "If you finished your training, you go home, not let her get in the way." Disrespect. I hold my tongue, not wanting to speak up for myself and risk my safety and reputation in the pack. "Go, Amory."

Looking up to the Alpha, I switch my gaze to Flynn, his jaw clenched, eyebrows furrowed together. He's pissed. With his eyes he seems to be telling me to stay, to stay for him and speak up for myself. But I cannot disrespect my Alpha. But I cannot give up on this. This? Wanting to be with a male who has a mate awaiting him while I have a mate as well. I love Augustus because of the mate bond and not because I truly love him. Sure, we are best friends, but nothing more, and now I have a chance at ruining that relationship. Flynn does not believe in mates, letting me know that he won't fall head over heels for his mate, but he has no idea what he's saying. Mates are impossible to just shake off.

"She's staying until she wants to leave," Flynn snaps, his Alpha tone present as my eyes widen. He's just dig his grave.

"Excuse me," the Alpha growls, charging to his son as Flynn lets go of my hands.

I watch as the first punch is thrown, Flynn's head jerking to the side as my heart stops and everything happens slowly. I watch as the Alpha grabs his son by the arm, landing another punch, Flynn's lip busted as his jaw is red. I scream as I watch the Alpha land one last blow upon his son, right to his nose as I hear a crack.

Then everything happens so quickly. One second Flynn is standing and the next he's on the ground, his father telling me to 'aid his son like the fixer upper I am when it comes to his family,' and the Alpha shifting as he head off into the night.

I'm shocked, speechless as I see Flynn, on his knees, in pain as blood pours from his lip and his nose is broken. I'm in pain just looking at him.


I run over, grabbing ahold of his shoulders before he can fall over, pulling him into my arms. I run my hands through his hair, trying to calm him down as I know his wolf wants to surface. I've never seen that. I've never seen Flynn be beat like that and left to suffer all on his own. How does Luna Willow even put up with this?

"Hey, let's go. I'll take you to my place," I whisper, wrapping my arms around his neck, feeling his heartbeat increase like crazy. He's in pain. He's in so much pain not only physically but also mentally. "Flynn?"

Pulling back, I meet his eyes, brimming with tears as my heart breaks for him. His lip is busted open, blood running down his chin, his jaw already turning black, and his nose horrible to look at. He did this all because of me. He did this because his father was disrespecting me and him. How? Why? Why would he do this for a girl that pushes him away for her mate although she knows who she wants? Superglue.

"Come on," I whisper, placing a soft kiss onto his cheek, helping him to his feet. With an arm around his waist, I lead him to my car, helping him into the passenger's side. Getting in, I pull out of my parking space, turning on the radio as a small smile crosses his face with the song that plays. It's a song I've watched him bang his head to and sing along with. He hums to the tone to keep himself calm as I drive, the road lit by my lights as I try and get back fast.

As we pull into my driveway, I turn off the car, unbuckling as I lean back in the seat. Turning my head, I meet his gentle gaze. "Why?"

"Why what?" Flynn asks, trying not to move his mouth too much as the blood is starting to dry up.

"Why do that? Why stand up to him if you knew what he would do?"

He shakes his head, getting out of the car as I let out a deep sigh. Hopping out, I help him to the front door, telling him to stay silent as we enter. By the time we're in my room, I sit him down on my desk's chair, rushing into my bathroom to grab medical supplies. Grabbing bandages, paper towels, water, and other items, I enter my room, Flynn holding a picture frame in his hand. I know that picture from last summer, when I went with him and some friends to the beach. It was a good day, one that made me realize how good of a guy he could be more than a heartbreaker. "Ready?" I ask, grabbing his attention.

Taking a seat beside him, I help clean up the blood, helping his lip as I know it will be healed within the next hour. As for his nose, we both know what I have to do.

"Ready?" I ask, positioning my fingers as his eyes go wide.

"No," he states, fear in his tone as a soft smile plays across my lips. "Why did you allow yourself to get beat up all because you stood up for yourself and me?" I ask again, pressing my fingers gently upon his nose.

"Just do it."

I nod, pressing sharply as the cracking of cartilage can be heard. I cringe, pulling back as Flynn throws his head back in pain. "Goddess, Goddess that hurt," he says, grinding his teeth as I quickly shove some tissues to his nose, helping with the blood as he looks back to me.

He smiles and I raise an eyebrow.


"What?" I ask, getting to my feet as I clean my hands.

"You asked me why I did what I did." I nod. "Superglue."

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