Ticket to Ride

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"Are you sure everything is in your bag?" Mom asks on the other line, concern in her tone as I roll my eyes.

"I'm pretty sure everything is packed,"
I reply for her satisfaction, taking ahold of my small luggage as we enter the elevator. My mom wishes me a good next two days, explains for me to enjoy myself and not do anything dumb, to call her every night, and not run off and get drunk. "Love you too," I close the call with her, placing my phone back in my jacket as an arm wraps around my shoulder. "So we visit tomorrow?" I ask, refreshing my tired mind on the plan as Flynn nods.

Luna Willow is with us, dressed in a beautiful pale pink dress, her hair pinned back in a bun, and flawless. Part of the Luna's duty is to be the face of the pack, to dress appropriately and show other packs how they pack holds them self. How Luna Willow dressed let's other packs know we are powerful and friendly, open to new partnerships, but we are not to be disappointed. If people say Alpha Cade, they would see a pack of warlords for generations to come. If they truly saw the Alpha family, they would see a mess struggling to keep their mask from falling off. "Amory, are you excited?" Luna Willow asks, offering me a soft smile as I nod.

"Very, I've wanted to visit for a while now. Since I know I am going here it makes it even better," I reply, looking to Flynn as a small smile tugs at his lips. "Just sad how far it is from home." Although it's a negative aspect for me, I know Flynn is more that pleased to be states away from our home state. He's happy to be far away from his father.

As the elevator dings, we exit, walking down the long and glamorous hall to our room. Luna Willow refused to take money for the hotel or even the ticket up here, saying to take it like a graduation present from here. A very massive graduation present as we flew first class and I am now in one of the most expensive hotels in the location. The room has two King-sized beds and a couch. Naturally Luna Willow told Flynn that he would be taking the couch, as both her and I will be taking the beds. She knows we are dating and respects that, but Flynn and I also know to respect her. My respect for her skyrocketed as I saw her true loyalty for the pack, how she still keeps it together when we husband has another woman. She keeps it together when her husband is furious. But my respect for her is not the highest, as I have never seen her stand up to her husband about the issues. Yes, I've watched her force her husband into apologizing before the whole pack to his son, but if she is so strong, why can't she stand up for herself? Because she knows doing that could result in divorce or the pack splitting in two. Sometimes I see her as weak, but then I notice that she puts up with what she does because she loves her pack.

As Luna Willow unlocks the door, I turn to Flynn, seeing him texting someone very quickly. Looking away, I focus my attention upon my home for the next two nights, knowing that mother will want me to thank Luna Willow every day and night for this opportunity.


By the end of the night, I've brushed my teeth, washed my hair, and have changed into shorts and an old shirt, the Luna strolling out of the bathroom and to her bed as I can hear the city just outside. The lights of the city disappear as she shut the curtains, wishing me a good night as she climbs into her bed. Within five minutes she's fast asleep as I sit at the desk, the screen of my phone the only light as I know just behind the door to my left is where Flynn is. He's awake, I am fully aware as I can hear his music playing. We made a plan this evening at dinner. Thankfully it just happened to be a great plan because the Luna takes medical drugs prescribed to her to fall asleep fast and stay asleep. Flynn was basically on cloud nine the second he remembered that factor.

I softly open the door, moving past it fast as I shut it softly. The second the door is shut, I turn around to have my clothes thrown at me. Grabbing ahold of the clothing articles, I look up to see Flynn, smiling as he's all set for the night, nothing that you would expect someone like him to wear for a walk downtown, but presentable. Sweatpants and a soccer shirt from his select team, his hair messily combed back, and his green eyes bright with excitement.

I'm quick to change, a pair of dark wash jeans now on my legs, a somewhat sheer, navy blouse covering my top as the shirt has a V in the back and somewhat low front. "Ready?" Flynn asks, followed by a nod from me as I pull my hair back into a bun. He takes my hand, pulling me with him as I cover my mouth to muffle a giggle. Sneaking out and exploring the city about a five minute walk from campus.

As we exit the hotel, my eyes light up, the signs once just plain colors are now neon and flashy, people once dressed in business attire are now replaced with individuals either dressed for a casual walk or a fun night on the town. Street performers can be found on every street, flashy cars driving by, and the night life alive as Flynn guides me across the street. "It's beautiful," I comment, pulling him closer to my side as he takes us somewhere I don't know where. "What's the place you had in mind?"

"You'll see," he replies. Flynn picks up his pace, causing us to jog a tad across a block. As we talk a sharp left turn, he picks me up, swinging me around twice as a laugh escapes my lips. Setting me back down onto my feet, he takes my hand again, pulling me with him as I cannot help but let my smile grow even wider. "We are almost there."

I'm speechless.

"Goddess, it's beautiful," I whisper in awe, looking out upon the view before me. As we stand on the ledge of the balcony of the hill the city has been built upon, I gaze in awe of the stars above and the city lights below. The architecture is amazing, modern yet elegant, streets winding up the hill, the lights bright, soft jazz filling the air, and a river just beneath us. It looks like it came out of a paining you would find in the Great Gatsby, what West Egg would look like in modern times and crammed in the city. It's beautiful. Bridges cross the river to the other side, bridges for cars and for people as well, a few boats you would find in Venice, Italy are located in the water as well, a few couples enjoying a night out.

"Flynn..." I trail off, looking up to him as I find he's been looking at me, a soft gaze held with mine as my heart races and my wolf does a backflip. "Thank you." He smiles, lowering his head to mine as his lips capture my own in a beautiful kiss. His hands are upon my waist, pulling me closer as his touch is gentle. My hands find his neck, lightly placed upon the back as I pull him closer as well.

As the soft jazz fills the air, he spins me around, a smile tracing my lips as I know I was right to say the those words. Those words that I don't just see days, weeks, or months with this man, but my life. In my own way, I was Augustus. Augustus was in love with Molly when his mate was beside him all along. Sure, we rejected one another, but the similarities still are present. I was in love with Augustus when Flynn was by my side all along, it just took me the right prescription of glasses to see that.

Pulling away, Flynn laces his fingers with mine, his arms wrapped around me as we stay in one another's embrace. I rest my head against his shoulder, looking out to the view I would love to see as a painting. Just looking at the view seems as if you're escaping reality. It's a dream. It's beautiful.

"What do you say about a late night snack?" He asks.

Within fifty minutes we are back in the hotel, walking through the marble lobby as we head for the elevator. Hardly anyone is out in the hotel, a few late swimmers chatting and a couple of staff polishing the tables for tomorrow. As we enter the elevator and no one else comes in, the second the doors close, I look to Flynn. "Thank you for tonight. It was amazing."

He smirks as I've helped to inflate his ego that's already big enough. "I knew you'd love it," he comments, watching as I take a step closer to him.

"We're on the twelfth floor, correct?" I ask.

He nods, raising an eyebrow.

I grab him by the collapse of his shirt, pulling him to me as my lips lock with his. My hands are on his check, feeling him as his hands are on either side of me on the walls of the elevator. For what seems like years we stay in one another's embrace, lips locked as our wolves battle for dominance. My back is cold as its pressed up against the metal walls, goosebumps forming over my skin as I wrap my arms around his neck, trying to eliminate any space between the two of us.

The second the elevator comes to a stop, we pull apart, lungs dying for air as we take in deep breaths.

As we head back to our room, we whisper, knowing to be quiet just in case. The second the room door opens and we are in, the darkness swallows us, Flynn tripping over what I could only guess is a table. A giggle escapes my lips as he plummets to the floor, crashing as a loud thump fills the air. I crack up, my hands flying up to cover my laughs as there's no sound from Luna Willow's part of the hotel room. Flynn groans, but he doesn't get up, rather grabbing my arm as he pulls me down to the floor, right onto him as my eyes widen. "You're gonna wake up your mother," I comment, straddling the future Alpha as he smiles. "Besides, we have a big day tomorrow."

"You win," he whispers, helping me up to my feet as we both know we have to be well rested for tomorrow. "See you in the morning." Nodding, I wave bye, sliding past the door and into the other side of the room, changing quickly back into my sleeping attire. The second I'm in bed and tucked away for the night, I hear the Luna move in her bed.

"You love him, don't you?" She asks, her voice scratchy as she's just woken up. "Amory?"

A smile pulls at my lips as my heart warms up. "I do. I love him."

She lets out a sigh, still half asleep. "No one has ever told him that beside me." My throat runs dry. "No one has ever truly loved him but me." Silence as my heart breaks for Flynn. "I can tell he loves you too."

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