Walk the Line

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I stand alone tonight. I stand alone as the woods around me are dark, what looks like could appear in a horror film where monsters lurk. My eyes scan the deserted road before me, my car not here as I ran here in my wolf. My wolf that he will soon greet. I had left my phone at home, realizing it all too late as he should be here any moment now. I'm worried that Flynn is trying to contact me as I wait out here. I'm worried he needs me and cannot reach me.

I can hear a car in the distance, the lights beginning to illuminate the road. My head snaps to the left, watching as his car pulls up next to where I stand. He's going to have questions and I may not be prepared to unleash the answers, but courage is what it takes. If Flynn can stand up to his father today, I can stand up to Augustus today. As his car is shut off and his blue eyes meet mine, a bittersweet feeling settling within my gut. He is about to have his world flipped upside down.

"Amory?" I have a feeling he may even faint. No one has told me how to prepare for this. Not only rejecting someone, but submerging a human barely into the world that I call my own. How am I to handle him? "What's wrong?"

I'm speechless, my throat sour as I have no idea what to say. How do I ease him into this conversation? To this topic? I clear my throat. "How much time do you have?" He raises an eyebrow. I'm already off to a weird start. "Did you experience pain last night? Burning and cramping, your muscles sore, feeling as if your gut is being punched?"


He experienced it. He did, I can see it written all over his face. We were once best friends. We know much about one another, especially how to communicate with just one glance. "How the hell would you know that?" He asks, crossing his arms as his tone is negative. He doesn't like this subject.

"Because I felt it today at noon...." He's uncomfortable and I'm just at the tip of the iceberg. "Because I had sex last night you were in pain. Because you has sex today, I was in pain as well."

"What the fuck are you saying? How the hell could you know that I was having sex?" He grabs his keys. I step in front of him, shaking my head. He tries to step around, I stand my ground, grabbing the keys from him. "Amor-

"I'm about to do something and say something that will either cause you to faint, bombard me with questions, run, or never speak to me again."

"Are you stalking me?"

"I'm not close to a stalker," I reply, taking in a deep breath as I get ready for the words I'm about to say. "We are mates. The whole reason why those sparks were present when we kissed was-is all because we are mates." He raises an eyebrow, looking at me as if I am crazy. "I am not human."

"Is Flynn into drugs? Does he smoke a lot? Does he drunk a lot? Are you-

"I'm not human and I'm sober," I state. "I am a werewolf."

He laughs. I know what I'm about to do is a horrible idea.

Taking a step back, I take off my shirt, my sports bra the only thing keeping me distant as Augustus looks at me like I am crazy. I am. I am crazy. Crazy that I am rejecting not only Auguatus today, but tradition over thousands of years old. I look to Augustus as my canines begin to grow, fur sprouting from my limbs, and my bones snapping as they take a different form. I watch as Augustus's eyes widen, watching in complete horror as I shift before his human eyes. Within seconds I am before him in the form of a brown wolf, my paws on the dirt under my claws, Augustus screaming, fainting in seconds as I know this will be a tough day.

Shifting back to human form, I take action, putting on the clothes I saved, I rush over to Augustus. I make sure he's not injured, my heart aching as I know what I am about to do tonight. I rest him against a tree trunk, taking a seat opposite from him as I think of Flynn. I worry about how he's doing. For the next five minutes I wonder how Augustus will wake up, how he will react and see his once best friend turned short-lived girlfriend turned mate and about to be ex-mate.

He wakes up, jerking awake as his eyes widen and his skin pales the second he sees me. Here we go. "You're a werewolf!" I nod. "You're a freaking werewolf and I'm your what, mate? What the hell is that?"

I take in a shaky breath. "We have a connection. Fate paired is hoping we could be the perfect match. Those sparks when we kiss, that's a part of the mate bond," I explain the best that I can. He shakes his head. "The kiss was the thing that started it all for us. The kiss at that one party was what made you leave Molly because of the mate bond. You love Molly."


"I am a werewolf. Mates are part of culture. Think of it like shipping two people together. It may never said because the sails are damaged. The sails are not even there with us. We were best friends and I wish it could of stayed that way because I see that Molly is who you are meant to be with, not me. Not me." I cry, a sob escaping my lips. "But in all of this I have come to realize that I love Flynn. You, Augustus Brown, love Molly Moore."

He shakes his head. "You're not human."

"No," I whisper. "No. Neither is Flynn."

He nods. He takes in a deep breath. "What do we do? I love Molly and you Flynn. What do we do?"

Here's where the pain kicks in. "It will hurt you physically beyond what you experienced last night..." I pause. "We reject one another." He nods.

"Who does the honors?" I raise my hand, motioning for myself as he accepts it. "Are you sure?"

"Do you love Molly?" He nods. "Do you see a whole future with her?" I ask.

A smile crosses his lips. "I see my world with her."

That's enough evidence. "Then we reject each other," I explain. "Are you ready?"

He gets to his feet and I do as well. "Let's do it..." He trails off, uncomfortable around me as he knows he is not speaking to someone of the same species.

"I, Amory Mifflin, reject Augustus Brown as my mate."

I feel my heart rip in two, pain spreading over my body as I see Augustus' hands become fists as his jaw clenches. I feel as if half of my soul is being lost, disappearing into thin air.

"I, Augustus Brown, rejected Amory Mifflin as my mate."

My room is dark. My room is silent. My room is filled with only myself as I hide under the covers of my bed, my tears dampening the pillow I lay upon. I've been home for thirty minutes now, not even bothering to check my phone as I briefly said hello to my parents. For now I am alone, the pain miserable as my wolf has dug herself a hold and hidden herself in. I want Flynn here. I want him with me, his arms around me, calming me and distracting me from the pain.

I had watched Augustus break down before me, pulling me in for one hug as no longer were the sparks present. We left on terms that his life was changed forever and we were free to make our own destinies. I had watched as he drove off, telling me it would be a while before we would ever talk again. Sadly, I don't blame him, I told him about a world that he thought was just fantasy.

There's a knock at my door, my mother's voice calling me. "Yes?" I ask, holding back my sob as she enters the room, a soft smile upon her face.

"What's this?"

Turning around, my eyes widen to see a black triangle upon a keychain. "Oh, Flynn, I guess it fell off of his keys," I explain, seeing the symbol from House Stark from Game of Thrones. "It must of broken off."

She raises an eyebrow. "Was he here today?"

"Yah," I reply, pushing myself up onto my elbows. "This morning."

"I am also going to guess he was here last night."

"What?" I ask, my eyes widening. "Where would you get the idea that we sleep together?"

Oh Goddess, she will never let this slide if she finds out. "Your sheets and blanket are freshly washed." My skin pales. "Don't worry, I'm glad you're moving on-

"I rejected Augustus today," I interrupt, spilling the information as I watch her face go from smile to a gasp. "We rejected one another," I sob, shooting my hands up to muffle the sound.

"Amory," she gasps, moving fast over to me as she pulls me in for a motherly hug. "Sweetie. I am so-

"I love Flynn," I cry, a smile pulling at my lips. "I freaking love Flynn and I rejected Augustus because he loves Molly and I love Flynn."

She pulls back, shock covering her face as I can see something. I can see she's not surprised though. She looks happy. She looks proud. "You're father owes me twenty bucks. We bet. We bet on when you would come to terms." I smile, laughing softly and in a bittersweet way as she rubs my shoulder. "We knew that you two had something going. Sweetie, I am so sorry about today, but I know that any decision you would make would be one to respect and be proud of."

I nod, wiping away my tears as my phone goes off. Mother moves to check it, her eyes brightening up. "Flynn is calling."

Nodding, I take the phone, watching as she leaves my room, leaving Flynn's keychain in my hand. "Flynn?" I ask, my voice soft as I can hear the soft classic music on the other end. "Are you okay?" I'm concerned now.

He's silent and my heart plummets to my feet.


A car honks outside my window. Turning around, I see his car down below. I get the hint, getting off of my bed, grabbing my jacket, and heading out as I let my mother know. Leaving the house, I head for the car, entering in as Flynn doesn't say a word. He looks ahead, his eyes locked upon the road as his body is tense. "Flynn, are you okay?" I ask, facing him as I am scared. Scared something horrific has happened.

That's when I notice. I notice the bloody knuckles, the dried blood upon his nose, a cut across his eyebrows, and his jaw clenched. My throat runs dry.

"I-I don't know where to start," he whispers, turning to face me as he takes his hand off the wheel and leaves the car in park. "I-I walked into my house and fought with him," he pauses, "mother yelled at him and he threw the first punch. I threw the last punch."

"How did it end?" I ask, my voice laced with concern.

Flynn rests his head back upon the seat. "He is letting me head off to Massachusetts for college. I will work as a computer programmer until he wants to pass down the title."

Flynn got what he wanted. He stood up and convinced his father. I am proud. I am happy.

"Flynn," I whisper, my fingers under his chin as I turn his head to face mine. Our eyes connect and I smile. "I have to tell you something." My eyes begin to water and worry fills his eyes. He shifts his position to fully gave me, his eyes searching my face as a loan tear falls down my face. "I-I rejected Augustus today."


"I rejected Augustus," I announce again, Flynn nodding as I notice how close he is. "He rejected me in return." We know what this means. Lips meet mine and my fingers run through his hair, pulling him flush against me as much as I can in this luxury car, needing his arms around me. And his arms envelop me, pulling me closer as I find myself fisting his shirt, needing him. Wanting him. Loving him. "I want you, Flynn. Screw wanting or needing you, I love you. My heart beats faster every time I see you and my wolf does backflips. I want you, all of you, I love you," I announce, getting even more emotional as I wait for Flynn to say something.

"Amory, you have no idea what happens when you walk into the room. I hate leaving this car after it smells like you. I hate leaving you and watching you go home." Flynn shakes his head. "I told my father that I love you tonight. I told him I want to have my future with you and he told me to fuck off. He threw the first punch because I told him I love you." He tucks a loose stand of hair behind my ear. "I see more than months with you. I see more than years with you."

I wrap my arms around his neck. I pull him in for a tight hug. "I see my life with you, Amory Mifflin, and I don't give a damn if my father disapproves." I smile, happier than ever as I pull back, kissing Flynn with such passion that I forget that we are parked right outside my house.

"What do you say?" Flynn asks, pulling back slightly as our eyes lock.

"I don't see days or weeks with you, I don't just see years with you, Flynn, I see the rest of my life with you." He smiles. "I see the rest of my days with you."

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