Journey To Find Poppet

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Here's the next chapter......


I groan, since I wished I could have a odanastron, which is an anti-nausea medicine, which I do take back in my timeline for severe nausea, and I was getting boat sick I call it, but other people call it seasickness.

Jack was manning the ship, and Gibbs walked over to him.
"The wee lass is seasick.
Maybe we should take land for her to recover?"

"We have no time."
Will interrupted Gibbs.
"Elizabeth is out there!
Kidnapped and I know afraid!"

"I'm fine.
I'll get used to being on a ship."
I say to Jack.

"Give her honey."
Jack says to Gibbs.

Gibbs asked Jack.

"I heard it cures seasickness."
Jack says, him wiggling his fingers as he talks, just like in the movies.

"Where persay shall we get honey?"
Gibbs asked Jack.

"From a beehive?"
Jack says to Gibbs.

"Ye are madder than a hatter Jack, and if we try to get a beehive, we shall be stung!"
Gibbs says to Jack, Gibbs sounding not too thrilled to try to take a beehive away from a bee colony.

"While honey can calm an upset stomach, it is quite unsafe to attempt to infuriate honey bees, in an attempt to steal their honey Jack."
Will says to Jack.

"What persay is another remedy?"
Jack asked Will.

"Ginger, and lemon in tea.
I noticed you have tea onboard, lemon juice in jars, as well as fresh ginger."
Will says to Jack.

"Sounds good....ugh."
I groan out, me holding in the urge to puke by covering my mouth, me swallowing alot.

"As she says it shall take time for her to get used to the sea as well."
Will says to Jack.

"Then fix the tea for her if you don't mind."
Jack says to Will.

Will walked up to me.
"Come with me if you can that is?"
I nod, and get up off the box I sat on the upon deck earlier, and I follow him to a lower deck, and he used a knife to open a box, that had tea bags in it, as well as glass bottles of lemon juice, and found ginger roots too, and he grabbed each one, and I blink in shock at that.
"This should help you.
Elizabeth taught me this recipe that she learned from an Asian immigrant woman."
Will guides me up to the deck, and into the Captain's Quarters, and he started boiling the tea up with fresh water.

"Thank you Will."
I tell him.

"You are very much welcome.
I never met a girl who became seasick so easily."
Will says to me, him being honest in how he feels.

"I didn't go on boats that much, because I can't swim."
I tell him, and he turned to look at me in shock.

"Then why are you on a ship?
You realize this ship will go to battle with the Pearl?
You could fall into the water, and drown.
I think Jack should know this.
In fact I think it is quite important he knows you cannot swim."
Will scolds me.

"I did take lessons, but still the lessons didn't stick.
I have a learning curve."
I say to him, me having a guilty look upon my face.
"Anyways it was my idea to have Jack help you."

"It is bloody dangerous that you are at sea when you cannot swim, but I am impressed with your bravery, however being unable to swim, puts your life at risk, which will greatly upset Jack."
Will says as he cut a piece of ginger root, and put it in the tea to boil within the tea, and then he dropped four droplets of lemon juice into the boiling tea.

I feel like I'm being scolded by my Mom.
I thought to myself.

"Will; the way you scold me, reminds me of my Mom."
I say honestly to him.

"I remind you of your mother?
Well thank you for the compliment."
Will chuckled at me, him I guess liking the compliment.

"My Mom often scolded me like that.
She was a saint to me, because she raised me all by herself, since my father left her pregnant with me."
I tell him honestly about my life a little.

"A saint?
Sounds as if she was a very caring mother, and always put you first before herself."
Will comments to me as the tea pot screeched.

"She did actually."
I say to him honestly as I'm sitting in a wooden chair in front of a square table.

He pours me a cup of tea, and sets the red liquid in front of me.
"Be careful.
It is hot."
Will tells me.

I pick up the cup of tea, and blow on it quite a bit before I took a sip of it, and immediately when it hit my gullet, I felt the nausea settle down.
"Elizabeth told me if honey is used as well, it can help ease an upset stomach and a sore throat.
This brew is often used for colds."
Will sat in front of me on a wooden chair.

"I know this recipe actually.
I read it in a magazine years ago.
Asians use it for colds and sore throats."
I tell him honestly.

"So you know if it?
And what is a magazine?"
He asked me, his face showing curiosity.

"A magazine has photographs in it as well as recipes on photographs are an advanced version of paintings, created through a device called a camera.
It hasn't been invented yet, but my mirror has a camera on it too, and can take photographs.
It can do other things too.
Play music.
Take moving pictures too.
I can even write to someone, but I have no way to do that now, since it has no signal to do so.
There's no towers that can give it signal here to write to someone sadly enough."
I tell him as I show him my Samsung A15, in it's Crowley case.

I showed him how to take a picture, and he was in awe.
So the timeline you are from technology has advanced this much?"
He asked me.

"Yes it has."
I tell him.

"Do you know anything about this timeline?"
Will asked me.

"I can't tell you that; because of The Prime Directive keeps me from saying much about this timeline, and if I do, it changes the course of history in the future.
The Prime Directive is absolute."
I tell him, me making up why I can't tell him about their future, using The Prime Directive in Star Trek as the reason why.

"I understand.
I guess there's rules.
I'm just boggled at how you came to our timeline?"
Will replied to me.

"Actually I died, and somehow woke up in this timeline."
I tell him that honestly.

"Sounds like reincarnation."
I heard Jack from behind me as I sip more of the tea Will gave me.

"How long were you standing there Jack?"
Will says sarcastically.

"Long enough.
Reincarnation is a tricky thing we pirates believe in, unlike those that are not pirates, who believe in their god, pirates are in fact godless."
Jack sat in a wooden chair next to me to my left, him holding a bottle of rum, him drinking from it.

"So that makes pirates atheists?"
I ask Jack after I swallowed my sip of tea down.

"What is atheists?"
Jack asked me.

"It is a person that believes that the Abrahamic religions do not exist, or the pagan religions do not exist, only they believe in the logistics of science."
I tell Jack and Will.

Will says to me, him in awe.

"I'm a Deist.
I believe in the universe, or a higher power that is no god, but the universe, however I do believe, and acknowledge the pagan gods."
I tell Jack and Will.

"Sounds fascinating.
What else do you believe?"
Jack asked me after he took a swig of his rum.

"I believe in things that are not human exist, including ghosts, curses, and anything paranormal."
I tell Jack.

"The Pearl's crew is cursed."
Jack says to me.

"I agree on that.
I mean when those two dudes visited us in the cells, they easily took out the guards."
I tell Jack.

"Jack; she cannot swim."
Will blurts that out bluntly to Jack.

Jack looked at me as if he knew that piece of information.
"I noticed the lass avoided the sides of the ship like the plague."
Jack comments to Will.

"So you knew already?
How delightful, because if the ship is attacked, and she is knocked overboard, then she will drown!"
Will stands up, him grabbing my empty cup of tea, and asked me next.
"Do you want another cup of tea?"

"Yes please and thank you Will."
I tell Will.

Jack was staring at my big breasts in my shirt as I talked, and I knew he was itching to touch them, because his fingers wiggled in a way that meant he wanted to touch them badly.
"You are rather polite."
Jack says to me.

"I do curse you know.
I am just respecting you and Will by not doing so."
I tell Jack honestly that is what I am doing.

"Curse away.
My crew curse all day and night."
Jack says to me, him taking another swing of his rum, then held it out to me.
"Do you want a taste?"

"No thank you.
I don't drink."
I put my hands up.

"Suit yourself lass."
Jack drinks more of the rum.

"Here you are."
Will handed me a refill of the warm cup of tea.

I nod to him.
"Thank you."
I then blow on the cup of tea and sip it.
"This doesn't need sugar.
It's quite good."
I say to Will.

"Thank you.
Elizabeth as I said taught me at a young age to make the tea."
Will says to me, him smiling warmly at me.

"I don't get why Elizabeth was kidnapped?"
I say to Will, though I know why, because Barbosa thinks she is Bill Turner's daughter.

"It is my fault and I will make it up to her by rescuing her."
Will says to me, and had a determined look upon his face.

The ship suddenly rocked harshly.
Gibbs burst into the room, and says to Jack.
"Captain; the Pearl is ahead!"

Jack stands up and says to Gibbs.
"Then we should approach and give our demands to give Elizabeth back!"
Will says to Jack.

"If we demand to have her, they will discover that she is not who they desire boy.
It is you who they are after.
You are Bootstrap Bill Turner's child.
Who they want is you."
Jack says to Will, him touching Will's chest with his finger.

"Then I should exchange myself for her then!"
Will says to Jack, him shoving Jack's finger away from his chest.

"Nay; they will kill her if they find out she is not the one they want Will."
Gibbs tells Will.

"Then what are we to do?"
Will asked Gibbs.

"Captain; the crew of the Pearl is not on the ship, but it does look as if they entered the caves by the ship."
Gibbs tells Jack.

"Then we should go to the caves to rescue Elizabeth!"
Will says to Jack, him having a determined look upon his face.

"You remain here lass, and Will will go with me to the caves."
Jack says to me, then Will.
"And Will; do as ye are told."

Will didn't look pleased at all that Jack was ordering him around, but Will nods, as Jack says to Gibbs.
"Keep my lass safe Gibbs."
Jack pats Gibbs' shoulder.

"Aye Captain!"
Gibbs says to Jack.

Jack then grabbed my round ass and says.
"I will be seeing you later luv."
He winked at me, and Will looked embarrassed he did that to me, because I yelped when he did so.


To be continued......

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