Time Travelling

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Here's the first chapter......
There's people who have found out that Jack Sparrow has Syphilis and in this story he won't, because he stays true to Kiro.

My best friend Maya was visiting, and we were enjoying time together, laughing, as we ate out, and Maya then asked me.
"Why haven't you gotten a guy yet?"

"Because most guys today aren't worth my time."
I tell her.

"Right you go gaga over fictional ones."
She giggled, her buzzed from her wine.

"You know I'd love to meet Jack Sparrow, you know go to his world."
I sigh at that.

"A world where brothels exist and disease is rampant, and if you're raped you're shunned by men and women alike, and no abortion access if you're raped, well not for me."
She says sarcastically to me, getting glares from other people, and I knew those people were prolifers, and right now overturning our reproductive rights is going on, and I'd rather go to a different world where the world ain't turning to shit.

"I'd rather go into that world than live in a world that's turning to rotten shit."
I say to her.

"Where condoms don't exist and syphilis is rampant even for pirates."
Maya was fucking buzzed as shit if she's like this.

"Maya how many glasses is that of your wine?"
I ask her as she hiccups.

"My third."
She says to me.

I take her glass of wine and drink it down in one go.
"You're cut off."
I point at her.

"You never drink!"
She points at me.

"I did to cut you off."
I tell her.

"But I'm having fun."
She whined getting weird looks directed at her.

I wave the waitress over.
"Check please, and thank you."

"No I want more wine!"
Maya exclaims.

"No don't give her more ma'am."
I tell the waitress as the check was brought to me by the waitress, and I paid for it, leaving the tip on the table, and I haul Maya out of the restaurant.

Maya was so drunk just from two and a half glasses of wine, and she can be a handful when drunk.
I sent her home, her brother taking her to her room, and I returned home too.
Walking in, and set my purse down, taking out my phone, and my earbuds.

I sat on my bed in my room and sigh.
I meant what I said, me wanting to go to the world where Jack Sparrow is at.
I thought to myself, looking outside my window, and it was dark outside, and I saw a shooting star wisk by my house.

It was late so I decided to go to bed, and I did, still wearing what I wore, cause I hate dressing in girly clothes, so I dress like a boy even cut my hair short.
I lay in bed, my mind going to slumber, and when I awoke, I lay in grass, and I blink, me sitting up, as well as I was confused, as my purse was by me, and I grab it, putting it over my shoulder and chest.

I walk along, and from where I stood not far away, I watched Jack Sparrow get captured in the blacksmith area, and soon red coats ran up to me, pointing their guns at me.
"You girl!
You are dressed strange, thus you are a pirate."
I watch Commodore walk up to me, and I soon was carted away, and put in the same cell as Jack Sparrow.

He was out cold for a long time, and the guards were looking through my personal stuff, even looking at my ID, my dollar bills, including my phone, and earbuds.
"Careful with the mirror, it's important."
I scold them, and then when I said that, my voice woke Jack Sparrow up.

He looked to me.

I slap him, making him fall on his back.
"Call me a whale again I'll castrate you myself!"

He sits up, rubbing his cheek.
I look to the guards, who pressed a part on my phone that made it play music.
The singer growled demonically in another language as guitars played, the singer growled out singing.
"The puuuuuuuurge!"

The guards dropped my phone on the table, and I'm glad the protective case protected it as it continues to play The Purge.
"Turn music off."
I say and my phone quit playing my music.

The guards exclaim.

"Dude it's technology."
I say to them.
"I have no powers."
I say to the damn guards.

They ran out shouting Witch.
"The only thing witchy about me is my IBS."
I sigh at that and turn to Jack Sparrow.

Jack Sparrow blinked at me.
"You're not a witch?"

"Hell no."
I tell him.

The other men in another cell were scared, plastering themselves against the wall.
They cry out.

I sigh sitting on the floor.
"Call me whatever.
I been called worse."
I roll my eyes.

"What is worse?"
The men in the other cell asked me.

I boredly look at them.
"Demon Puff.
Powder Puff.
Chunky Monkey.
Spaz which is a slur.
Oh and retard.
Witch don't compare."

"Well when you put it that way....."
The other men say and I roll my eyes again.

"The only thing deadly about me is my right hook if you piss on my weedies."
I tell them.

"Hell hath no fury a woman scorned."
Jack Sparrow says to me.

I look at him over my shoulder.
I stand up, and lean against the bars.
"I want my things back before they break em."

"Well sadly they will not give your things back."
The men in the other cells say.

"I know."
I say as a big bang goes off.

"I know those guns."
Jack Sparrow says, looking out the window.
"The Black Pearl."

"I heard the crew are phantoms themselves."
One man in the other cell says.

Another boom goes off, and a cannon ball goes through the other men's cells, and they waved at us, them escaping.
"Luck is not on our side right now."
I tell Jack Sparrow as I heard crying out of a person in pain, and turn to look who was coming down the rock steps, seeing two pirates, and they smirk at Jack Sparrow.

"Well if it isn't Jack Sparrow.
Last I saw of you, you were stranded on a pitiful island."
The guy on the right says with dreads.

The other guy looked at me.
"Are you a brothel woman?"

"Would a brothel woman castrate men herself?"
I snarl out, growling like a canine.

Both looked at each other nervously saying.
"She is a mad woman!"

"Madder than a hatter.
Cookoo for cocoa puffs."
I say doing a crazy sign by my head.

They both laughed at me and left the cell area.
I sigh at that, and I remembered I had a stick of jerky in my pocket, a small Slim Jim.

I then whistled for the dog as I took the wrapper off the tiny Slim Jim.
"Here puppy.
I got some nom noms here.
It's beef jerky!"
I wave the small stick of beef jerky through the bars, and the dog sniffed loudly, and trots over to me, and he opened his mouth, and I grabbed the keys as I gave him the beef jerky.
"Good boy.
You deserve the treat."
I ruffle the dogs ears, and he licked my hand after he ate the beef jerky.

I then use the keys, and open up our cell as booming goes off.
I grab my things, putting them back in my purse, and I hand Jack Sparrow his weaponry.
Soon I heard footsteps running down to the cells, and I grab an iron bar, and was about to swing it, until I saw Will Turner coming down the steps, and he looked surprised I was standing by Jack Sparrow.

"Let's go."
He says to us, and I didn't know if I should trust him.

"And why should we go with you?"
I ask him.

"I want to save Elizabeth.
I know he can help."
Will points at Jack Sparrow.

Jack Sparrow looked appalled but looked to me.
"We have to help him."
I tell Jack Sparrow.
"Truly I don't know my way around a ship.
I'm used to the land."

"How do you bloody know I know my way around a ship?"
Jack Sparrow asked me.

"You look a pirate so I figured you did.
Sadly I'm just a country bumpkin, who don't know much about ships or anything."
I say to him, me shrugging, which made my big breasts in my bra jiggle, and Jack stared at my breasts.

"Hurry you two!"
Will grabbed hold of me.
"Or you will be hung!"

I grab hold of Jack Sparrow and Will tugged us along, and I noticed the sun peeking out over the waters as we ran, and Jack Sparrow finally agreed to help, and we were now waking Gibbs up, water splashed on him, and Jack Sparrow made a proposition for Gibbs, and Gibbs agreed, but he wasn't sure why I'm tagging along.

Gibbs is right, since I have no experience in being a pirate, nor sadly this era in general.
I'm from the future, so the inconveniences of this era will get to me.
Gibbs hired some crew, and since Jack Sparrow stole a ship as we escaped, now the crew was manning the ship, setting us out to sea.

I was sitting on the deck on a barrel by Jack Sparrow as he was steering the ship, and he looked to me.
"I did not get your name lass."
He says to me.

I say to him.

"You were about to be hung as a witch as well."
Jack Sparrow says to me.

"I'm not a witch.
The only thing that's bad about me is I am gassy, and no it's not because I'm fat, it's cause I have tummy issues."
I tell him.

Not a witch."
He says to me, looking forward.

"I'm not a witch.
I don't have any powers.
If you count me not being able to swim witchcraft then more power to you."
I tell him, and he looked at me in shock.

"You do not know how to swim?!
Then why on a bloody ship?!
You daft!"
Jack Sparrow ordered a shipmate to take over steering so he could talk to me.

"I'm on this ship to help whichever way I can."
I smile at him warmly.

"You are bloody mad.
But I like mad."
Jack Sparrow smirked at me, rubbing his chin, eyeing me from my face, to my big breasted chest, to my boots.
He looked to my face again.
"Yes, I like my women mad."
I blink at him.
"Crew, this woman is mine, so do not touch what is mine!"

I go wide eyed in shock he said that.
Well that was too fast.


To be continued.....

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