The fainting ninja

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After walking through the village for an hour they Finaly got to the village.

"Let's check the stone hedge" Sarada says.

" Why" Naruto questions.

" Cause depending on how many hokage's their are will tell us which time period were in" Sarada answers.

They walk towards town to a point to where they could actually see the stone hedges, they could see that there were in fact seven faces on the wall.

" Sweet we are in the future" Naruto yells

" Dang it were still in are time" Boruto yells at the same time making it sound more like - sweet i were the future time.

" Would you shut it" Sakura exclaims hitting Naruto on the head.

" You Baka" Sarada yells hitting boruto.

" owwwwwww" both blonde haired uzumaki's complain.

" So who are the 6th and 7th hokage's" Ino asks.

" Well the 6th hokage is Kakashi Ha-" Inojin starts

" What!!!!!! YOU MEAN KAKASHI WAS HOKAGE BEFORE ME" Naruto screams, loudly! He gets hit very hard in the head again.

" Yep and the 7th hokage is none other then Naruto Uzumaki" Azura finishes, and as soon as they heard Naruto all are past ninja cover their ears.

" YAHOO YOU BETTER BELIVE IT I NARUOT UZUMAKI IS THE 7TH HOKAGE" Naruto yells so loud that the whole village can here it.

~meanwhile at the in the hokage's office~

" hey shikamaru did you here something" the 7t hokage asks his advisor.

Said Nara just glares at him, " Not falling for it Naruto now get back to work, cause the sooner you do it the sooner we can leave" The Nara states

" Yeah but I really heard something" Naruto complains.

~Back with the past and future ninja~

Naruto had just fainted from the realization that he was hokage and are ninja were either trying to wake the number one knuckle head ninja up or laughing at him or shaking their head at him.

" I...still...can't...believe...that...idiot...fainted" Kiba says threw breaths trying to stop his laughing

Naruto suddenly jumps up scarring the life out of Sarada, Himawari, and Hinata who were trying quiet hard to wake him up.

" What just happened" Naruto ask.

" you fainted after hereing you were the hokage" Sakura answers.

Naruto faints again.

" Come on" Chocho complains

~time skip after Naruto faints another 21 times~

" okay I think I'm good now" Naruto states.

By this point Kiba, Lukas, Lupe, and Baruto are rolling on the ground crying from laughter.

" I think you just murdered Hinata's fainting record, good job" Shino says.

This sends several ninja to laugh or for are too 'cool' to laugh ninja...smirk.

" Oh shut up, I was really tired that's all" Naruto says defensibly.

" Sure and I hate BBQ chips" Chocho replies sarcastically.

" I do mean it, it's not like being a hokage is a big deal or anything" Naruto retorts.

"If it's no big deal, it makes you wonder how he'll react when you tell him something that is a big deal" Neji mutters.

" Mom says when she told dad she was pregnant with Boruto he didn't wake up for a day" Himawari adds 'helpfully'.

" Well as much fun as this was, we better get going to the hokage's office" Sarada says.

~timeskip to the hokage office brought to you by all this dang heat😫~

Boruto knocks on the door.

" Enter " is heard.

are future ninja enter into the hokage's office, to see Naruto at his desk doing a page out of his pile of paperwork, with Shikamaru working at a dest on the left side of the room.

" Hello guys what do you need" Naruto replies cheerfully at the nice distraction from his paperwork.

" Well you see lord 7th their was a small accident in the woods" Sarada starts.

" What kind of accident" The hokage advisor replies.

" So remember that really really dangerous scroll that I was under no circumstances allowed to touch" Boruto says.

" Yes" Naruto says sighing.

" Well he touched it, stole it, brought it to the middle of the forest, tricked us into coming, opened it, and brought a whole lot of ninja from the past" Inojin says.

" Wait what?!?! Who did you bring!?!" Naruto yells at the ninja before him.

" ummm, easier to show you " Chira say opening the door and are past ninja walk in leaving the future Shikamaru and Naruto mouths wide opened.

Hello everyone how ya doing, so ment to type this up weeks ago hehe sorry about that. Well I hope you enjoyed it

~Amber out~

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