to find a baby sitter

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I am so sorry this is so late hope you guys enjoy this chapterXD now on to the story!!!!!!

" Did you guys at least grab the scrolls" the elder Shikamaru asks the ninja

"Ummmmmmm" The two younger blonde haired uzumaki's replie

" Yeah you got the scroll right big brother" Himawari asks cheerfully?

" Yes dickless, did you grab the scroll" Sai says giving a fake smile

every one looks at the said ninja.

"Well you see"

"I may have"


"left it in the forest"

"After we found"

" The future/past ninja"

the two say finishing each others sentences.

"WHAT" Scream... eveyone.

" You baka" Sarada and Sakura yells waking Boruto and young Naruto on the head.

"Great" Older Shikamaru sighs exasperated.

" Well Shikamaru what are we going to do" Naruto asks.

" Best thing to do would be to send anbu after the scrolls" Shikamaru states.

" Hey what about us" Kiba says, " We could help"

" No since your in the future, if anything happens to you, it would happen to the future you and that could be disastrous" Shikamaru replies.

" What about us lord 7th we could help" Sarada adds helpfully.

" No since you all are part of this, the future ninja kids are in charge of the past ninja AKA their parents" Naruto says hokage like, " Miku and Shikadai you will also be in charge of you uncles as well"

" Can't we have their kids watch them since they will be here soon" Miku complains

" Sure" Naruto says, " Now each of you go with the parent I have for you on this list"

so here how it goes-












Rock Lee- Metal Lee




Garra-Temporally Miku

Kankuro- Temporally Miku




Naomi- Renge


karin- Kasumi

Suigetsu- Sanyu

" Got it" Naruto asks.

Everyone knods their heads but before they can leave more people enter.

the people show an older version of temari, Gaara, Kankuro, Matsuri, and Siri, A girl with long red hair and blue eyes, a young boy with short messy brown/red hair with green eyes hiding behind the older matsuri, another boy with a dark blue full body suit, with green face paint and brown eyes, and last a girl with black hair and brown eyes.

" Who are you" young Naruto blurts out.

" We could ask you the same thing" elder Kankuro replies.

"To make a long story short, their was an acident that brought a lot of ninja from the pas here" The 7th hokage says

" Wait seriously, that's so cool" the red headed girl squeels.

" Yeah so who are you" young Naruto asks

" My name is Misa no sabuku, daughter of the 5th hokage Gaara no sabaku and matsuri, age 15 and on the team sand cousins" Misa says happliy.

" My name is Senika, i'm the son of Gaara no sabaku and Matsuri, and I am 10 years old" the brown haired/green eyed boys says.

" I'm Kugutsu, son of Kankuro no Sabaku and Suki, I am 15 years old and on team sand cousins" the kid in the dark blue suit says.

" and I'm Sinsu no Sabaku, daughter of Kankuro and Suki, 15 years old and on team sand siblings" the brown haired/brown eyed girl replies.

" So how far in the past are the ninja from" Gaara asks.

" 20 years" replies Naruto deadpaning.

"Wait, so is the mini version of my dad here" Misa asks

"Yeah he's over here" Himawari calls over.

" Hima, I haven't seen you in forever" Misa yells going to hug her best friend.

" and are dad" Sinsu asks

" Hi" Kankuro says.

" Weird" Kugutsu replies.

" yeah and until we send them back to their time, we get to baby sit them" Miku adds

" do you guys want to help" Himawari asks

" yes!!!!!, where's my past dad" Miss squeals!!

" I'll take my dad" Kugutsu replies

" So nice reunin but we got to talk kage stuff so all ninja under 20, leave" Naruto says.

the ninja leave to go---

Well that was an intresting chapter, hope ya enjoyed it!!!! And sorry for the late chapter😅

see ya my gems

~Amber out

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