Faults and Pipes

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"Woah," Tommy breathed as he climbed into the turret of the Titus and swiveled it around. "This thing's awesome!"

Alvin smiled. "She's a beast." he commented. He caught Calum out of the corner of his eye, staring blankly into space. "Hey," he asked, snapping the man out of his thoughts. "You alright?"

Calum nodded sheepishly. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine."

Alvin knew he was thinking about their rough conversation earlier. He sighed. "Look, I know I yell at you a lot. But listen." He took a breath. He was going to admit it. "When I first started, I was scared shitless too. But I promise you, when the time comes, you're gonna be fine."

Calum gave him a weak smile before looking back out the window. The radio soon buzzed and Valka's voice rang through.

"It's headed fast in this direction. I got three small hook echoes. Maybe four." she said. Alvin and Calum looked up at the sky, seeing nothing but clouds. "Are you getting any visual?"

Alvin sighed. "Nothing yet." He spared a glance behind him. "You see anything up there, kid?"

Tommy shook his head, looking up. "Nope just clouds." Then he saw it. "Wait, wait over there! On the left!"

A small, stick like funnel came right down and made contact with the ground, twisting every which direction. Unknown to them, there were more forming.

"Movement to the northeast Cal!" Alvin yelled, gesturing for Calum to point his camera in that direction.

"Guys it's splitting!" Valka called. "We're gonna have another funnel."

Alvin looked to the right, seeing another funnel touch down not too far from them. "On the right!" He announced.

Tommy did a full circle in the turret, gaping at what he saw. "There's another! Two," he turned around to the back. "Three, four, shit they're everywhere!"

"We've got multiple vortices touching down!" Eric told his boss from his place in the back seat.

"Alvin, these systems are too erratic we've got to get out of here!" Valka called desperately.

Alvin nodded his head, looking forward for some place to wait out the storm. Up ahead, he spotted a gas station followed by a fairly large red brick church. "Head to the church!" he replied through the radio.

Just behind them, one of the twisters got too close, making the blue van with Stoick and Valka inside fishtail and sway until they were thrown into a ditch across from the gas station. The van was on an odd angle, trapping the doors on the right side against the wet earth.

"Dad!" Tommy cried.

Alvin looked in the rear view mirror to see the familiar blue van tipped over in the ditch. "Hold on!" he called, doing a tight U-turn.

The twister had picked up a few stray cars from the side of the road and tossed them hundreds of feet into the air. One of the cars was flung straight at the Titus.

"Look out!" Tommy warned.

Alvin saw the car and managed to turn the Titus just out of the way, the car merely bumping the vehicle. But due to the wet, slick road, the Titus spun until it finally stopped, a few meters from a large fallen tree.

"Let's go! Everybody out!" He instructed.

They jumped out of the Titus and ran to assisi Stoick and Valka who were trying to exit the van. Calum filming the destruction that was taking place as a car was flung onto the gas station, causing a fairly large explosion. In the van, Stoick and Valka managed to get the back door of the van open and climbed out.

"You guys okay?" Eric asked in concern, helping them out the back.

Stoick nodded before spotting his son. "Tommy! You alright?" he asked loudly to be heard over the wind.

Tommy nodded. Once spotting his mom, he and the others made their way towards the church. One of the four twisters found it's way into the massive fire where the gas station once stood. It sucked the flames in, making the twister glow bright orange as it was engulfed in flames. Calum stopped running, a few meters from the safety of the church and held up his camera.

"This is amazing!" he yelled in awe of the firenado before him. (Its a real thing!) "I've got to get this!"

Valka, being one of the last to reach the church, caught him out of the corner of her eye. "Calum!" she cried in worry. The firenado was a few feet from him at this point.

Stoick, hearing Valka's cry, went out to see what was happening. Seconds after he got out, he saw Calum be ripped off his feet by a small explosion from the twister, and sucked into it.

"No! Calum!" Valka cried, running towards where her best friend once stood.

Stoick ran to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, holding her back. "He's gone, Val!" he told her solemnly.

They entered the church, shutting the large doors and climbing over the benches. They each hit the ground and covered their heads. The wind from the tornadoes shook the building violently. But after a few minutes, it all stopped. The wind died down significantly and the only sound to be heard was the flickering of the flames from outside.


A loud clang of metal on metal woke Hiccup violently. He jumped slightly, before groaning due to the pain in his leg. "Ow, w-what?" he asked, looking around.

Ahead of him, he saw Astrid holding a small metal bar over some sort of metal object. When she saw he was awake she sighed in relief.

"Thank god you're not dead." she breathed out.

Hiccup rubbed his head. "Last time I checked." he joked. "What happened?"

Astrid went next to him and sat down, placing a hand on his arm comfortingly. "Your leg was more damaged than we thought. The bone must've been fractured and when you put your weight on it..." she trailed off.

Hiccup looked down at his leg. "Oh," was all he could say. He knew this was bad. He knew he needed actual medical help. But for now, a sweater would have to do.

They sat in silence before a loud clang rang through the area. Astrid perked up. "did you hear that?"

They sat in silence before they heard another clang and a creak. "Hello?" Hiccup called.

"Hey! Hey we're down here!" Astrid yelled, standing up. "Hello?!"

A loud bang was heard before the two teens were drenched in water leaking through the holes in their 'roof'. They both gasped at the freezing temperature of the water.

"What's happened?" Astrid asked in shock. trying to block the water.

Hiccup coughed and looked up through a crack to see a pipe looming over them and water spilling from it. "I-I think a pipe burst!" he called.

"Oh gods!"


Stoick stood up, helping Valka stand from their spot between the benches. He looked around seeing Alvin and Eric stand, but no Tommy. He instantly grew worried.

"Tommy? Tommy!" He called desperately.

"I'm here, Dad." Tommy replied calmly, standing from the benches on the other side of the church.

Valka looked at the doors. Calum wouldn't be coming back. She sniffled slightly over the loss of her friend. Stoick heard her and turned her to face him. "Are you alright Val?" He asked, lifting her chin to meet her eyes.

She nodded, a silent tear ran down her cheek. "I-I'm alright. I just can't help but feel like all of this is my fault!" she let out a sob and Stoick pulled her close, hushing her and rubbing her back.

Stoick looked over his wife's shoulder at his son. "Tommy, is there any cell service?" he asked.

The boy shook his head. "Nothing yet." he said, walking over to his parents.

Valka sniffled again. "Everything is my fault." she muttered.

Stoick pulled her close. "It's not your fault. Nothing is. Not Calum, not Hiccup. Nothing." he whispered to her.

Valka shook her head into his shoulder. "Stoick, It's my job to look after my sons and I wasn't around when they needed me! When Hiccup needed me!" she let out another sob, fighting not to break down completely.

Tommy put a hand on his mother's arm. "No, i-it's my fault. I told Hiccup to go talk to Astrid and now..." he trailed off. Not willing to admit the possibility.

Valka raised her head. "Honey, it's not your fault. Okay?" she told him. She put a hand on her son's shoulder. "Let's go find your brother." she said with a small smile of determination.

Alvin walked up behind her. "Val," he started. Valka turned to face him, thinking he would prevent her from leaving. But he surprised her. "Be careful out there."

She smiled, giving him a small nod. "You too Alvin." And her and her family headed out of the church.

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