The Painful Truth

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Sorry I didn't update! I forgot I uploaded this story to Wattpad! I'll keep posting the chapters today and tommorow to get it caught up with Enjoy!

"Trying to get a hold of Hiccup?" Valka asked from the driver's seat of the van. She kept looking ahead at the Titus and back at Stoick, who kept trying his phone to contact their eldest son.

Stoick nodded, not looking up. "Yes." he said, sighing as his phone beeped reading 'No Service'.

There was an awkward silence before Valka broke it. "So," she started, breaking the ice between them. "How has everyone been?" she asked, trying to strike up a conversation. But she really did wonder. She'd been gone for five months because of this project and she wanted to know how everything was doing since she left.

Stoick nodded. "Good." he said simply. Once the awkwardness lifted he kept going. "A little stressful. You know, with the graduation and everything. Gobber seems to be doing quite well with everything. But then again, he doesn't have two teenagers to that he has to help study for exams." he chuckled slightly. "They're smart, but studying helps."

Val chuckled with him. "Well, they think they know everything at their age. But that's mostly true."

"Aye." Stoick agreed.

The silence continued. Their relationship was distant since she'd been away. With limited contact it made it slightly awkward to be thrown back together unexpectedly.

"H-how have they been?" Valka asked. "The boys?"

Stoick took a breath. "Uh," he started. "They've been... alright. Tommy is still doing Track and Hiccup is still doing his... computer stuff..." he trailed off.

Valka huffed." She wasn't buying it. "What happened between you two now?" she asked.

Stoick was taken aback. "Wha- n-nothing. We're fine." he said.

Valka nodded, still not believing him. "That's what you said when he was twelve and guess what happened?" When he didn't answer, she continued. "He became severely depressed. And do you know why?" No response. "Because you wouldn't listen to him."

Stoick looked down. He knew she was right. When Hiccup was about twelve, end of seventh grade, Valka first started storm chasing. She had left a month before the end of the school year, right before Hiccup was outcast. He came home some nights, not speaking a word. Sometimes the only thing that would come out of his mouth all day was a muffled sob in his room at night.

One day, Hiccup came home bloody and bruised. Scott and another boy, Douglas, decided that they would beat him behind the dumpsters after school because he got a better mark in science than they did. Hiccup told Stoick what happened, and he told his son he needed to learn to fight back. The fact is, Hiccup did fight back. He landed a few punches on the boys, but that gave him a black eye, sprained ankle and bloody nose.

Stoick talked to the boys parents later on, but he still only told Hiccup he hadn't tried hard enough and that he needed to stand up for himself. Hiccup tried to reason with his father, but got nothing more than what he was told before. They didn't talk for almost two months. That was until one day when Hiccup passed out while riding his bike because he'd barely eaten or slept in the past month and was extremely malnourished.

"I know..." Stoick sighed. "When I brought him home after he got checked up at the hospital, I spent hours waiting for him to wake up. A-and when he did he barely spoke a word to me. I thought I'd lost him." he admitted. "We managed to patch some things up but... the cracks are still there Val. One wrong word and they spread."

Valka sighed, placing a hand on her husband's arm for support. "I know." she said softly.

"I'm hoping he's alright."

"I know." Valka said, pulling the van to a stop as the Titus did before them. "I am too."

A voice came through the radio. "Tree's down." Eric's voice told them. "We're stuck."

Another voice came through to them. This time, bringing better news. "Moorpark. Right, Dad?" Tommy asked. "It's about three miles west. It might be clear that far out."

"Thanks Tommy." Val said back through the radio. She was thankful her son was an A in geography.

"Doubling back to Moorpark." Alvin instructed and they made their way back.


Hiccup and Astrid sat silently together while waiting for either a cell signal or a rescue. But neither of those were given to them quite yet. Astrid was lost in thought while Hiccup was resting. His head was back making his freckles stand out in the light. Astrid would have thought it was cute if it wasn't for the slight pained expression displayed on his face.

"I can feel you staring at me Astrid." Hiccup said, surprising said person. He opened his eyes to look at her. "What's on your mind?"

She looked down at her hands. "Everything over the past five years." she admitted, hesitantly.

Hiccup looked down at his lap. "Oh," he breathed out.

She snuck a look up at him, seeing a slightly pained expression crossing his face again. And she knew it wasn't from his leg. "Wha-H-how were you holding up? O-over those five years?" she asked, hesitantly. Trying to strike up a conversation.

He sighed, shaking his head lightly. "I know I can't lie to you and this probably isn't the best time but I'm going to be completely honest. Okay?" When she nodded, he continued. "I wasn't doing to well. I'd just lost all my friends, some of them would even pound me till I bled, my mom would be gone for months at a time, me and my dad didn't have the greatest relationship and I wound up becoming depressed."

Astrid stared at him, mouth slightly agape. "I didn't know you were depressed..." she trailed off.

Hiccup chuckled slightly, nodding his head. "Well, something you didn't know about me is that I was, and still am, really good at hiding my emotions."

She put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Hiccup. I-If I had known..." she trailed off, looking down. She caught him scratching his wrist. A thought hit her like a train. "Oh my, oh gods please tell me- y-you weren't cutting were you?" she asked, terrified.

He snapped his head up. "Wh-what? No! No I didn't cut!" he looked back down at his hands. "I-I starved myself." he mumbled.

"I-I'm sorry. What did you say? You were starvingyourself?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I barely ate, or slept, over the course of a month, or so." he said. "I passed out while I was riding my bike one day. According to dad I was in the hospital for a few hours before he brought me home. I-it took me almost two days to wake up after that. A-and I barley spoke for almost another month after that." He took a breath. It felt good to get that out after a few years. There was a lot more that had happened over the years, some things he wished had never happened, but this was good. he felt like the weight was being lifted off of him with every word.

Astrid took his hand in hers. "I'm so, so sorry Hiccup." she said, tears brimming her eyes. She would not let them fall. Hoffersons don't cry.

There was a long silence between them before Hiccup finally asked what had been nagging him over the past hour. "What did you mean?" he asked.

She looked up at him, brow scrunched in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"What you said earlier about loved ones dying." When she didn't respond, he pressed forward. "What loved ones were you talking about?"

She took a breath. "M-my parents." she admitted. "A few years before I met you or the gang, my parents died in a car accident. My mom died at the scene, my father was taken to the hospital." She sniffled slightly, Hiccup tightened his hold on her hand. "I went to see him, with my uncle. The doctors said he most likely wouldn't make it. But, I was six and always had hope." A few tears ran down her cheeks, it was almost impossible to fight them. "H-he flat lined right in front of me."

She broke down right there. Hiccup grabbed her and pulled her close, letting her cry on his shoulder. He rubbed her back soothingly while she gripped his shirt, letting her tears soak it. He didn't care. He'd known her since he was seven, and no one had ever heard about what happened to her parents. She calmed down moments later, her sobbing reduced to uneven breathing. She pulled away, wiping her eyes.

"I'm sorry." she said pulling away, embarrassed.

He brushed it off. "It's alright." he reassured her.

He shifted his weight so he was sitting straight up against the wall. That was his mistake. Out of habit, he used his left leg to support his weight and push him up. Three sickening snaps were heard followed by Hiccup screaming in pain.

Astrid snapped up. "What is it? What happened?" she asked worriedly.

He gestured down to his leg shakily before crying loudly in pain again as he shifted it by accident.

Astrid rushed to his leg, becoming more worried as he saw a red stain growing below the original wound. There was also a fairly good sized bump under his pant leg. She took a breath before beginning to roll up the pant leg slowly, mumbling 'sorry' as Hiccup cried out in pain again. What she saw made her want to throw up. The bone in his leg had broken. She could tell by the odd angle his leg was sitting on, and the fact that one of the bones had burst through the skin of his shin and was sticking right out.

"Oh god." she whispered, untying the sweater from around his upper leg and throwing it over the broken and bleeding limb. "Okay, I'm going to tie this around the break tightly to stop the bleeding. It may push the bone back in slightly so It will be painful. Okay?"

She didn't get a response of any kind. Worried she looked up to see Hiccup. Head lolled to the side, eyes closed. She feared the worst. Checking his wrist for a pulse, she sighed in relief as she felt the steady 'tha-thump' of his heart beat. Realizing he had just passed out from the pain, she slowly began to tie the sweater around the wound. Trying her hardest not to pass out herself.

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