My immortal Lover

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They say there is no pain like that of a parent who's lost their child, this is true, but let me tell you about a pain that is a close second.

The pain of an immortal heartbreak.
To lose the one and only immortal love with who has been the sole one to hold your heart.

A love so strong that time cannot compete.
A love that's never faltered, never wavered for longer than a mere mortal could even fathom.

And what hurts worse, is to watch that immortal lover die before your very eyes with no means to save them.

To be powerless even in all your divine glory, to save your immortal lover.

The pain is so great when your heart has belonged to one and only one, who's hands with whom your heart with always remain even in death.

A pain that never wavers, and never falters like the love it's heir to.

...never shall my heart forget, and never shall it leave you. For you are the one to hold my heart, and without you I will always and forever be one half of a whole.

And if by chance our souls should wander,
Together again, once torn asunder,
I will love you again, as strong as before.
Hoping that you might love me once more.

And if by chance you turn from me,
I'll know that eternally alone, I'll pay the fee.

But alas, the pain is worth all the misery,
To see you happy, like time I'll set you free.

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