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There was a time when i was the happiest person alive cause i used to consider my feelings to be natural and stable with my undesirable crave of support that was provided by my parents. But if i talk about my life now , all i could find in me is hopeless hopes that would anyhow never be able to thrive in my existence again. I feel rational and reckless, i feel emotional and cold , i feel sad , depressed, deprived of what i deserve. My emotions and feelings are out of my grasp . The once happy soul is now laying in her small bed staring straight into the ceiling and waiting for a miracle to happen. But unfortunately there isn't any fairy godmother waiting for me to apply her magic and wait till the midnight chrime . All i have left is my poor mom , for who working two jobs is an escape and a relief that after all the downtime she could still provide us with food , clothes and a place and i am solemnly thankful for that . I am Nea Jones . A daughter to a divorce parents. Only parent. My mom and dad broke things off way before i could get any worse . They called things off for better.

For me my life is sulky , boring and dark , high-school was always a challenge for me but senior year is full on taking a troll in my life . So apparently, i'm still in my bed waiting for my alarm to chrime so i can start my day. According to google loss of interest, sleepless night, nightmares are common symptoms of depression but the crazy fact for me is i can't say if i actually need help or not because i am not ever certain with my situation. Sleepless nights and nightmares are common in my case but what bothers me is the fact that i can't stop mourning these reasons.

The previous night was no better for me i could hardly get any sleep, pills were not even helping. So i stayed up all night and my eyes are still open. Not sure about others , my eyes can't seem to divert from the ceiling. The pastle white colour seems hella beautiful.

All this silent blabbering in my mind got cut off by the alarm clock. It has the prefect timing to make you frustrated, i mean i was focused on the ceiling , at least it was interested unlike my life which totally sucks . Turning over to the other side i stop my electric alarm to make any further noise pollution and hopp of the bed to hit the shower and finish my morning routine.

Stepping out of the shower i lather my skin with my lotion before putting on my black yoga pant and a white hoodie . It's not like i love matching my outfits or anything but the only hoodie i can find at this moment is this white one which previously used to belong to my cousin Nelly, the hoodie was getting out of her fit so she offered me to take it and i obviously agreed, i would never say no to hoodie.

I rundown my important assignments and projects and practically shove those inside my backpack along with some other necessaries.

I went down the stairs after locking my door and making sure i have all the stuff that i acquire . For all that i notice my mother is off to work , she is working overtime to save up for my college but wouldn't allow me to get a job to help her . Grabbing a protein bar to feed my stomach i sat down on a nearby chair to put on my white converse . I fill my bottle and after putting it inside my back i decided to carry my umbrella. Yesterday it rained a little and i'm not the one to take risk with the weather. I head out of my house after securely locking it behind me .

I am walking to school, my mom could only afford one car and i let her take the car , i like to walk it gives me a good feeling and anyway i am bad with vehicles and i couldn't put my civil neighbors life at risk .

It's almost a twenty minutes walk i am very glad to spend some peaceful time with the nature. It make me feel great.

As i reach the school gate i can clearly see it's pretty crowded today and the worst thing is i certainly ain't a people person. Ignoring stares i lower my eyes and started walking to the reception, i was hoping to land a chat with the principle regarding some personal issues. In exact mommy issues.

Not finding the receptionist in her desk i make my way towards my locker to keep my bag pack away. Something i notice different about today is that there a gossip floating around the campus area . I punch the code to open my locker and place my bad inside it but not before taking my maths and art books out along with the pending homework and assignment. Maths is a great way to start the day . I love to play with mnemonics and binaries as we are learning computer language in termed code variable. But i hope to be able to stay alive for the day .

As i was walking past the hallway towards the classroom i saw a huge crowd in the area but decided not to ignore it and check what's going on. As i went a little closer i heard cheering and students screaming . I push past people to get a clear view but what i saw next left me feeling insanely shocked.

A shirtless guy was beating the shit out of someone. I stood there frozen at my spot as if i can feel crawling trauma. The whole hallway area is filled with the chanting 'ZION' which i think is the shirtless guys name . I can clearly see his features and from what i see it is godly. After i think landing the last puch on the poor lads face Zion turns around off of the bloody mess all i could see he is in deep shit . The dean will probably give him an detention. ZION's eyes move around the whole crowd and damn! his eyes are blue and bright and his facial feature is worth a glance . After the curious voyage of his eyes , he scrunched his eyebrows and suddenly he's bright sapphires are set on my face . The whole world stops for me and i feel like i'm out floating on a different axis . His axis. I feel weirdly good and heated. Can't help i divert my eyes away from him and towards the way the main guard is making his way towards him .

Chaos is everywhere and for a moment i felt peace . What a great way to start your day .


Author's note
Hi fellas ! I'm back with the proplogue .
Hope you guys like and enjoy it .
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Stay safe .
Quick question- how do ya all start your day ?


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