Biographies: Second Generation

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Fëanáro / Fëanor

Okay, confession, I love Fëanor. Not quite like I love Fingon and Maedhros, but I prefer Fëanor to Fingolfin. Fëanor is prickly as a cactus. He's been terrible hurt through his life. His mother decided she'd rather die than handle him, and left him alone with his father. Oh, did I mention that Miriel his mom was the Only elf to ever die in Valinor at that point? Yeah... Talk about a painful memory. In my interpretation, Fëanor lives with that knowledge, the knowledge that he killed his mom. And then Finwë decides to remarry? Also first of all elves to ever do that and honestly after the shit show it caused I bet no one ever did again. Of course Fëanor resented Indis. And of course he resented Fingolfin, Finarfin,  Irímë, and Findis. They had a normal life with a mother and a father who loved them. Fëanor saw it as a betrayal of the mother he so desperatly yearned for. Not to mention Fingolfin has always struck me as a bit of a proud guy compared to, say, Finarfin. At least Fëanor has the smarts and skills to back up his pride. He literally is the greatest elf ever. In the Silmarillion it states that no one so loved their father as Fëanor loved Finwë: "Then Feanor ran from the Ring of Doom, and fled into the night; for his father was dearer to him then the light of Valinor or the peerless works of his hands; and who among sons, of elves or of men, have held their fathers of greater worth?" Fëanor loved Finwë even more than the Silmarils. The theft of the jewels merely gave him something to put his mind to after going insane with grief for the murder of his father. Since he could not get his father back, he would reclaim the jewels. In the process, he got his sons bound to a terrible oath...but by that point he's so far gone with rage and bitterness and hatred for Morgoth that honestly I still feel for him. Wow that turned into an essay on why I adore Fëanor....... And I could keep going.

Nolofinwë / Fingolfin

Ah, Fingolfin. The honorable, if slightly boring and obnoxious eldest son of Indis. Don't get me wrong, he gets major props for, you know, challenging Morgoth to single combat. But in Valinor, for me at least, he's sort of... Proud. But not like Fëanor proud who can back it up with crafting skills and smarts and trials he's overcome. Fingolfin has grown up with a perfect family, aside from his older half brother. So when the Silm says this: "Thus died Fingolfin, High King of the Noldor, most proud and valiant of the Elven-kings of old,"  I don't know it just annoys me. Of course the guy who grows up with literally wanting for nothing would be a good guy. So to me, Fingolfin is a proud guy. Perhaps he needs to be to compete with Fëanor. But I also think he just... No sense of humor. That being said, he wants what's best for his people. So I'll give him that.

Arafinwë / Finarfin

Now here's a sweet bean son of Indis I can get behind. I love Finarfin. He's the complete opposite of both his brothers, in the best way possible. Zero inflated ego, total devotion to his people and his children, Finarfin should've been high King all along, in my opinion. Fëanor's a bit unhinged, Fingolfin is stuck up, but Finarfin... He's great. Just a great guy. He's also a great friend of all the Alqualondë folk. So points there, too. His wisdom is well known and regarded by all as pure. My Finarfin is very similar to my portrayal of his son Finrod.


Second child of Finwë and Indis. She is a politician, and as proud as her older brothers. Findis partakes in matters of the court, and doesn't have much of a sense of humor. She does not care for Fëanor at all, at all. In fact she cares for him even less than Fingolfin does. She thinks the Noldor would be better off without him and his sons as well. She is rather stand-offish even with her own family.

Irímë / Lalwen

Second youngest child of Finwë and Indis, and known for her pleasant disposition like her younger brother Finarfin. Irímë is the only female of her generation of elves in the House of Finwë to make the journey to Beleriand. In Valinor, she spends most of her time in Taniquetil as an emissary to Manwë and Varda. Irímë loves her family dearly, especially her father Finwë.


What a woman. My favorite wife of any of the lords of the Noldor. Nerdanel takes flack from no one, least of all Fëanáro her husband. She is as fiery as he in her own way, and the perfect match for him. She is a total mother, and instantly takes Eve in because damn it, she wants a daughter. She is wiser than like 90% of the Noldor in my opinion, and tries her best to get Fëanor to see reason during Melkor's reign of terror. Finally she decides enough is enough and tells him to leave and that she won't follow. Go Nerdanel!


A very sweet and motherly woman, Anairë complements Fingolfin well. She is meek and humble, but if a cause she believes in is threatened, watch out! Anairë loves her sons and daughter with all her heart, maybe even more than she loves Fingolfin. She refused to condone their actions, and especially is ashamed for Fingon and his partaking in the Kinslaying at Alqualondë. Her best friend and constant companion is Eärwen, swan maiden of Alqualondë, and can often be found there among the Falmari and not in Tirion with her own folk.


Eärwen is the Falmari princess of Alqualondë, and beloved by all her people for her kind heart and humble disposition. She met Finarfin when the two royal families would often get together, and they struck up an almost instant friendship and courtship. She loves the ocean most of all, above anything else, and dislike leaving her city. She spends most of the year in Alqualondë, and some in Tirion.

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