Chapter 11

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The laughter of the children was drowned out as he watched the little boy on the mini-train.He was at the front seat chatting away with the little girl next to him.Yet again,the sight of him made Louis' lips twitch as he followed him with his eyes.

The train ride came to a stop and she came to help the little boy get off the train.She clearly hadn't seen him, yet he had been on that playground for the past thirty minutes.The little boy was grumbling about something.He wanted to go on another ride and he didn't seem happy to be separated from the girl he had just made friends with.He suddenly turned and looked towards Louis' direction.Suprisingly Louis didn't bolt and instead he stared at the little boy,letting their eyes meet.He felt as if he was looking into his own eyes.Vivid light brown eyes with wisps of green and blue at the edge of the iris.They were the exact replica of Louis'eyes.It was the weirdest thing he'd ever experienced.She turned her head to follow the gaze of the little boy and caught sight of Louis.Louis could almost see the whoosh of air that escaped her mouth once she saw him.His mind went back to the last time they had seen each other.

"I cared about him,"she sniffed.

It was hard for him to believe her.Not because she wasn't sincere,it was just easier to hate her.To feel disgust and shame on her behalf.

Carrying reproach was a heavy task to bear on his soul.But for her he would gladly carry it for all the days of his life.Was it possible to hate somebody beyond the grave?He wondered.Because if so he would hate her even if he was six feet under.

"I really cared about your father,"she said in a more steady voice.

Louis wanted to tell her that it didn't matter.It wasn't his father that he was concerned about at the moment.In fact,he probably hated him just as much as he hated her.It was his mother that mattered.The betrayal and the lies she and his father had been privy to had destroyed his mother.Louis was watching his mother waste away right before his eyes and it was all this woman's fault.

Louis wanted to tell her all this but instead he let his eyes do the talking.Was the repulsion he had for her spewing from his eyes enough?He wondered again.

She seemed to understand what his eyes were telling him because she looked down clearly feeling uncomfortable and produced her phone from her handbag,placing it on the table.She tapped on the screen.

"Would you like to see him?"

Louis didn't look down at the screen.He held her eyes instead and spoke for the first time.

"What should I call him? My cousin or my half brother?"he asked venomously,spit flying from his mouth.

He was losing composure.He needed to leave before he said something disrespectful.He knew the real reason she wanted to meet him.It was simple,he was the sole heir of his father's property.And she was ready to use his own blood to get to it.

"If it's money you want,speak to Anthony the family lawyer,"he said before he left without a single glance at the photo of his half-brother.

Now he was just a few metres from his half-brother.He was seeing him for the first time.Anthony had told him where to find him as well as discussed the legal repercussions that little Daudi's existence would have on the division of his father's estate.Louis didn't care as long as that woman didn't get a single cent.

He couldn't remember how he had brought himself to this place,feeling the udge to see his flesh and blood.
Maybe it was the thought of his other brother,Tavy who never even got past the womb.The ultrasound photo was still stuck in his mind.It had been like an irritable itch that he was trying to ignore.

The little kid was pointing at him now saying something to his mother.Louis froze he wasn't sure he wanted to meet him today especially with her round.He felt messed up right now.He wasn't ready for this.He bolted out of the place and headed for his car.

He got into the car and hit the steering forcefully causing it to hoot loudly.He couldn't deal with this shit anymore.He was too young for this.He never imagined that this is what he'd be doing at the age of twenty.He needed to unwind; seriously.Let loose for once.Start living his own life.In fact,he needed to start living right now.Without further ado,he took his phone out and dialled the number of his long lost friend,Ryan, the life of each and every the party.Everything be damned.He was going to have some fun tonight.


Lisa stumbled into Eva on the dance floor,prompting Eva to grab her before her face met with the floor.

This girl is such a lightweight,Eva thought to herself.

" you know how much I love you?"Lisa said as she leaned into Eva some more.Lisa tended to get overly affectionate when she got drunk.

"I looove you so much,"she said as she planted a sloppy kiss dangerously close to Eva's lips.Eva's eyes widened.

"Okay love.I love you too.Now let's get you seated,"she said as she tried to pull Lisa across the dance floor to a chair.

"You looooove me?,"Lisa exclaimed and with suprising strength for a drunk person,pulled Eva into her.

"Oh,I'm so happy,"she nuzzled her head under Eva's chin,"now let's stay like this foreverrrr."

Eva made frantic signs to Stacey, her other friend to come save her from Lisa.Stacey and Lisa were quite different.While it only took Lisa a few shots to get totally drunk.It took a whole lot more for Stacey to even get tipsy.Eva was the sober one of the group.She hadn't touched a drink since that fateful night.

"Lisa,I thought you loved me,"Stacey exclaimed feigning hurt.

Lisa turned so fast that Eva was sure she'd get whiplash.

"I do.I do,"she said as she reached out to Stacey trying to reassure her new object of affection.

Stacey held her and led her towards a chair as Lisa mumbled sweet nothings to her the whole time.Eva chuckled at the sight and decided to go to the bar to get her friend a glass of water.

She got her glass of water and was turning to return to her friends when she bumped into someone's back.She was ready to tell the idiot that it was stupid to walk backwards when said idiot turned and she was momentarily lost for words.

"Snake girl.It's you!"Louis shouted.

"Louis?"she asked hesitantly.

"Oh shit!I spilled your drink.Lemme get you another one,"he leaned forward towards the bartender,making Eva realise that his shirt was soaked at the back but he didn't seem to notice.

"Another one for this pretty girl right here,"he said pointing at Eva.

"Here's your drink.Come on lemme show you my table."

"Wait you forgot to order for your own drink,"she tried to tell him but she was no match for this fast-talking super hyper version of Louis.

"It's alright.It's bottle service for the boys and I tonight."

"Come on,"he said as he put an arm around Eva's waist.Eva was stunned.She couldn't say that she knew him well but his boisterous attitude was surprising.He wasn't the dark, brooding, moody albeit enticingly mysterious guy she met.Right then,he was being loud and overly confident.

Eva didn't even realise they had reached his table until he had the brawling and yelling as they approached.She looked up to see four really large guys.There was no other way to describe them.They were literally large.They all had broad shoulders and were muscled from head to toe.Gosh,if she were to get in an arm wrestle with one of their fingers,she'd lose!They were all fairly tall as well.There was only one explanation for all this.They played rugby.Each of them had a girl draped on them.

She suddenly felt intimidated."Sorry.I have to go take this to my friend."She didn't wait for him to say anything and slipped out of the arm around her waist.She could hear his friends laughing at him as she walked away, that made her smile triumphantly.

Lisa had still not cooled off and appeared to be talking Stacey's ears off.She didn't even bother with the water.

"Eva,I feel like shaking my kitimba!Let's go dance!"


She was pulled into the dance floor.Lisa didn't wait for her.She was already moving to the beat,making Eva confused.Wasn't this the girl who couldn't even stand by herself a few minutes ago?

She stared at her for a few seconds then shrugged her shouders and followed Lisa's suit,dancing as if no one was watching.

One of their favourite songs came up and they both squealed like little girls. Lisa changed the tempo.She was moving slowly now,trying to be sexy.Eva wanted to laugh but her friend would get mad at her.So instead she copied her.Except Eva was actually successful at the sexy dance.Soon,she felt hands on her hips.She turned to see who it was.Louis simply grinned down at her and pulled her against his body.

What is wrong with this guy,he seems to think he owns me tonight?

She tried to move away but he just chuckled and bent down to whisper to her ear.

"Dance with me Eva."

For a moment,she froze.His whispered words having halted all her movements.He swayed to the music causing Eva's body to move along with his.His hands were on her hips again but this time they were moving slowly up and down.

His hands were stirring something deep inside her.She didn't know what it was but she didn't like the feeling.She turned to face him forcing his hands to slip off.He grinned and pulled her body onto his.Another slow sensual song had started.Louis started dancing again manipulating Eva's body to move with him,against him.It didn't matter that her whole body had gone stiff.The whole time he was looking her in the eyes.Using his eyes against her.As the song was coming to an end,he leaned forward towards her.

What the heck? What is he doing?

Eva was panicking in her mind.She didn't want this.She couldn't handle it.Yet she wasn't moving away.Damn,her limbs had rebelled against her.He stopped only inches from her face.

"This is payback for taking me go to Snake Park,"he said and let her go abruptly,leaving her in the middle of the dance floor confused and flustered.

the song is :one dance by Drake featuring Wizkid and Kyle(from the Uk)
Listen to Wizkid's music,he's really good.

hehe.Lisa,Lisa.Interesting girl, right?

kitimba-A word in one of the many mother tongues of Kenya that means ass.hehe

Thank you so much for all the reads and votes so far.I really appreciate them.

Enjoy the read!!!!(the irony of saying that at the end of the chapter)

xoxoxo(bumps my kitimba to yours in a show of affection)hehe

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