Chapter 12

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He woke up with a start,head pounding madly,threatening to break off into a run.With great effort,he tried to open his eyes.It was long since he had such a terrible hangover.His semi-open eyes adjusted to the light,he was met with the sight of pink walls.He really didn't remember repainting his room and in pink!He slowly adjusted himself in a sitting position,he really needed something for his head.As he let his eyes rummage the room,he realised that this was most definitely not his room.Floral curtains,fluffy duvet,pink bedsheets.Female,definitely female.Wait female!He cursed.He couldn't have,could he?Besides he still had his clothes on.Yes,nothing happened.Nothing at all,he convinced himself.But that didn't ease his mind enough.There was still the question of where exactly he was.Stumbling from the bed,he half walked half dragged himself out of the room.

The toilet wasn't hard to find.As he was relieving himself,he squinted in concentration,trying to recall what happened the previous night.He came up with nothing.Argh.

The next room he found was the kitchen.Still, no sign of anyone.He caught a glimpse of purple through the kitchen window.The night's events came rushing back to him all at once.Dance with me Eva.

Eva basked in the warmth of the mid-morning sun.A perfect morning,she thought as she wiggled her toes playfully in the lush grass beneath her feet.A gentle breeze passed through making the branches of the avocado tree in the compound sway.Eva admired the vines of the bougainvillea that formed an evergreen natural fence around compound.The bracts of the bougainvillea were beautiful in the morning sunshine in lovely colours of pink,lavender and red-orange.

She lay down in the grass and stretched her lithe body.She hummed in contenment before settling down to relax.She closed her eyes and waited for nature to breathe into her calm and serenity.

But the lush grass irritated her bare skin and the gentle breeze caused goosebumps to sprout all over her arms and legs.She shivered uncomfortably.Maybe the bougainvillea would be her saving grace.She opened her eyes to feast on their beauty.The bracts were so beautiful,weren't they?But all she saw this time were the sharp points of the thorns within the vines.The sun caused her discomfort all of a sudden and the parts of her skin exposed to it began to feel itchy.The shade of the avocado tree wasn't enough.She tried to glance up and probably admire the cloudless sky but the sun was too bright.

She inhaled and exhaled deeply.But the calming effect didn't come.Why was nature not granting her the serenity and peace she sought?She growled in frustration and clutched the grass tightly,uprooting bits of it.Did last night mess her up this much?

A shadow was cast over her.

"What did that poor grass ever do to you?"

Despite herself,she found herself smiling before replying to the familiar voice.

"And Sleeping Beauty is finally awake,"she teased.

"Too bad I wasn't woken up with a kiss."

There was an awkward silence between them.Eva turned to face Louis.He wasn't looking at her,he was facing the other side.When he raised his face towards her,he had a strange look on his face and Eva knew what was coming.She had really hoped that he would be too drunk to remember.

"You don't have to say anything,"she said right when he opened his mouth to speak.

He swallowed his words.

"Blame it on the alcohol and let's leave it at that."

For a minute,his eyes searched her face.Eva didn't know what he was looking for but the whole thing was unnerving.

Eva inwardly sighed in relief when he settled down next to her on the grass.

She sniffed the air around him then grimaced.

"Boy, you smell like a brewery and something else."

He raised his armpits and smelled himself causing Eva to move further away from him.

"You know what that smells like?"

"A night well-spent."He smirked.

He laughed at the sight of Eva's face that clearly spelt disgust.

"Where exactly are we?"


"Do I want to know how I got here?"

"No,but I'll tell you one thing: you're friends are stupid,"she said matter of factly.

"Okay,so I can take a mat' from this place to mine.Right after a shower."

Eva burst out laughing.

"You mean to say that you're going to board a matatu.You're actually going to use public transport,"she asked.

He nodded.

Tears had started forming in her eyes and she lay a hand on her ribs,willing them not to crack because of laughter.

"What's so funny?"

"The thought of you using a matatu is so unimaginable,"she managed to say in between laughs.

"It's easier to imagine you riding a magical mat like Aladdin than using a mat',that is a matatu."She was wheezing at this point,trying hard to hold back laughter.

"Oh so this whole time you were laughing at my expense.You know what,tomorrow when I take you out,we'll use public means of transportation to get there.We'll get a mat',"he emphasized on the last word.

His words finally seemed to put a stop to Eva's endless laughter.

"Wait.What do mean by "taking me out"?"

He smiled cheekily."I'm taking you to some place you don't know.So be ready by 2.I'll pick you up on foot."

"Besides maybe that place will help you relax enough so that you can stop taking out whatever issues you have on the grass."And with that he got up to leave not giving her a chance to prod him about where they would go.

"You're sure you won't need a taxi rich boy?"she shouted after him.He raised his middle finger without turning behind.

"You don't even know where the shower is!"she shouted.But he was already in the house.

She huffed,feigning exasperation but secretly,she couldn't wait to see where he'd take her and in a matatu at that.

Please read:

Ngong is a residential area right outside Nairobi.Residents commute to and fro on a daily basis for work and stuff.

The interesting part:MATATUS.
A form of public transport.A 14 seater van or 34 seater omnibus.

They are really cool and chaotic at the same time.They play really loud music(hip hop,dancehall,reggae,ragga,pop,oldskool,R&B)

They have LED screens all over the place(on the floor or at the back of each seat)and a crazy sound system!Whole purpose:To attract passengers coz they are competing for your attention.The body of the matatu is coated with graphitti and art.

Conductors are present and if you're a pretty girl,you don't have to pay the full bus fare.😉

they are called mat's in short amongst other names.They look like mobile clubs or discotheques at night.They are a real part of the youth urban culture in my opinion.

Eva thinls Louis is too posh to ride a matatu.And taxis are more expensive than mat's to ordinary people if you're taking a taxi,you look like a high-maintenance kinda person.hehe


that's the interior at night.

LED screens on the floor.

Thank you @lulukoech for co-writing this chapter with me.😚 and I dedicate this chapter to my friend,Tracy.

Next chapter is coming soon and I am so excited.It will be fun!!

Thanks for reading.Comments are very welcome.


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