Chapter 13

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Eva wanted to laugh when the elderly woman sucked her teeth and cursed 'this young generation of today' for the third time.But instead, she bit the inside of her cheek and turned away from the woman, trying to suppress the laughter threatening to escape her mouth.

She couldn't blame the old woman though.They had just reached a bump on the road and the matatu driver seemed to enjoy having the passengers on the backseat, thrown so far up off their seats,that they would hit the ceiling if they were just a few inches taller.I mean,weren't bumps supposed to signal to a driver that he had to slow down.Well, this matatu driver wasn't aware of that particular fact.

But Eva didn't care.She was having fun!And it was getting harder and harder for her to stifle down the laughter,each time they reached a bump or pothole.Who needs to go to an amusement park to ride roller coasters and merry-go-rounds when you have this?This ride is as bumpy as they get.

Eva couldn't hold back a smile any longer when the sub-woofers below their seats began to vibrate, adding to the discomfort of the poor elderly woman next to her.I mean,she loved this song especially with the bass turned up.

She turned to check up on Louis.The boy had his eyes glued to the screen in front of him, watching the dancers in Wizkid's video, Sound it, doing what they did best.

Boys will be boys she thought with a roll of her eyes.

Just then they hit another bump and Eva was grateful for the fact that she had worn a good supportive bra.Man,I love matatus.

The ride in the matatu ended a little too soon.But the curiosity was beginning to gnaw on her.Where was he taking her?Louis hadn't even laid a hint and had successfully ignored her all through the ride, knowing that the music was too loud for Eva to even bother asking a question.

He alighted right after her and without a word,grabbed her hand and crossed the road.

His action was unexpected to say the least.But his face was expressionless, as if he would do that with any other female companion he would cross the road with.

She was too busy trying to rationalize the meaning of his actions-girls always overthink the simplest of things, that she didn't notice that they had reached a petrol station until she smelt the nauseating smell in the air.

"What the heck? "

He smirked and walked towards a car parked at the far corner of the station, nodding his head to an attendant without so much as one glance behind.

Eva grudgingly followed him to the car cursing him under her breath.Right as she was about to open the door to the passenger seat, Louis was by her side, holding the door open for her like a proper gentleman.

"Chilvalry my arse.I swear, I'll hike a mat' right now if you don't tell me where you're taking me."

He chuckled lowly.Oh, he's enjoying seeing me this flustered.

"Get in the car Eva,"he finally spoke to her after the past forty five minutes.

"Oh so now you speak?"

A patronising look is what she got as an answer.

She glared at him as she slowly got in.

"If looks could kill..."he muttered

"To sate your curiosity,look behind."

On the back seat was a paper bag that was full of what seemed to be food.She reached out to examine the contents of it, only to find a six pack of what she assumed was energy drinks.

She raised an eyebrow in question and he only shrugged before starting up the car.

Louis watched emotions flicker through her face once they reached their destination.Confusion and frustration being the main ones.

Did she realise how expressive her face was? She'd be terrible at poker.

"We're having a picnic with only energy drinks."

"Rugby game,"she tried to guess.

"Meeting your friends."She guessed for the umpteenth time.And all her guesses were wrong so far.

"Nope.Not even close."He wouldn't give her the satisfaction of a proper answer.

She huffed and looked out the window once again.

Louis watched her as she unbuckled the seatbelt.When she finally put two and two together,a look of elation crossed her face.

"Blankets and wine!"

"Right answer."He smiled.

She smiled back incredulously."This is a pleasant surprise.Anymore that I should know about?"

He winked and emerged from the boot with two Maasai blankets and what seemed to be more food.

"Perfect,"she said as she took the blankets and began to walk off to find a spot.

Louis was glad she didn't ask about the wine.Even the mere mention of alcohol reminded him of that night.Even worse,it reminded him of her totally dismissive reaction when he tried to bring it up.That was a serious blow to his ego.

The event was in full swing by the time they arrived.Blankets and Wine wasn't just a simple picnic as the name suggested.It was like a music festival with live music being performed by seasoned artistes on stage.And great music was also provided by awesome DJs in the intermittent pauses between performances.

The event was studded with designers showcasing their work.You could even do a little shopping.It was a fashionista's outdoor daydream come true.

The foodies were also taken care of.There were foodtrucks offering all sorts of food and an open bar.Though the food and drink were a little bit costly.

All these and yet the event organizers managed to maintain a laidback ambience, making you feel like you were still at a simple picnic even if it really was more than that.

A huge smile broke out on her face."We have to try that!"

"Wh...?"Louis watched as she rushed to a stand.They hadn't even settled down at a good spot.

"Come on Louis.It's time to free our inner hippies."

Regardless he followed her."If we're talking about hippies,I don't mind the notion of free love and all..."

He found her bending over a table,giving everyone a good view of her jumpsuit clad behind.

"I'm all for free love for sure."

Looking closely, he discovered what had her all excited.

Flower crowns? He scoffed internally.

But the sheer excitement that came off her as the flower crown was placed on her head-he had to admit,was a bit infectious.

"Let the festival begin!"she declared.


Louis looked around wondering where this Evans guy was before he noticed Eva freeze in her actions and the smile fall off her face.

Eva is Evans.Weird.

She turned so slowly it was as if she was forcing her limbs to move even the slightest inch.


Tony didn't even hesitate,his arms were around Eva within a nano-second,the moment she was facing him.Louis found himself breathing hard,he didn't like the way he was holding her.

Shit.Where did that thought come from?

It was just a friendly hug after all.

"It's been long."Tony said.And Louis could detect a note of nostalgia in his voice.

"What are you doing here?"It was clear that he was the last person that she wanted to see even though he was happy to see her.

He didn't take the hint.It was obvious that he was clueless to Eva's displeasure at seeing him."What else but this?"he asked as his hand mimicked the action of spinning records on the decks.

"Wydde is providing the music today.Everyone from the DJ academy is here.You should come say hi."

"So where did you disappear to?The last time I saw you,was when you were with Guy and then you just sto..."

Louis was sure her posture got even stiffer- if that was possible,at the mention of whoever this Guy was.

He didn't hear the rest of what this DJ guy was saying.His full attention was diverted to Eva.Eva's reaction was intriguing if not alarming.She looked like she would actually pass out.All the joy that had been there just a few minutes ago was completely drained from her body.And this Tony guy was completely oblivious to all of this.

Louis stepped closer to her.It was time to put a stop to this conversation.He put an arm around her to support her just in case she'd faint.

That action finally made Tony shut up.He stared at Louis for a couple of seconds.Confusion was evident on his face before a look of complete revulsion replaced it.

"See you around Evans,"he said before bumping shoulders hard with Louis.

Louis silently dragged Eva back to the car.She looked incapable of speaking at the moment.He sat her down and let her find her own bearings before he could ask anything.

"Are you okay?"he asked after a few minutes.

She was silent.

"Do you want us to leave?"

"In your dreams Louis.There's no way I'm leaving without first having you buy me that tasty-looking juicy chicken burger that I spied at one of the food trucks,"she answered humourlessly.

When she looked up,her cheeks were stained with tears.Louis was getting seriously concerned.

"I'm fine.Really,I am,"she gave a hollow laugh as she wiped away her tears.

"How do I look?"she asked.

"Like a wrung out version of yourself."

She smiled a genuine smile this time."You know just how to flutter a girl."

"On second thought," she stood up, "you know what would make me feel much better?"

"What?"he asked hesitantly.

"You getting a flower crown."She burst out laughing.

"Mandazi wewe!" he clicked.Nkt.

She just laughed harder at the lighthearted insult he had thrown her way.Phew.The sound of her laughter was a huge relief.He honestly didn't know what to do with crying females that weren't his mother.

"Come on!Juicy burger time."


The queue at the foodtruck was too damn long.So they settled for the light snacks Louis had bought.

Eva then took a tour of the various designs that were displayed.Mercifully,she didn't take him along with her.

By the time,she settled back on the blankets,the first live performance was about to start.She looked radiant.Much better than earlier on.Although Louis had secretly observed how she discreetly kept avoiding the DJ booth and anyone with the word Wydde emblazoned on their T-shirts like the one that Tony guy had.

The screams of the crowd indicated the presence of Jarel,the first artiste on stage. A hush fell.

The air was soon filled with Jarel's soulful and emotive rendition of the song.It was a simple performance and the crowd gently swayed to the music.Some even stood up,especially girls.Eva didn't bother.She seemed to enjoy the music right from where she was,sitting cross-legged next to him on their shared blanket.A look of calm on her face.

Louis leaned into her."At least,you aren't pulling grass off the ground today,"he teased.

She playfully glared at him.

The deafening scream of the ladies in the crowd was even worse than before,signalling the end of Jarel's performance.

The next musician was well-received.They enjoyed the performance of another sultry musician,Sage.And Louis and Eva remained seated even though this song was kind of upbeat,throwing ocassional glances at each other.And smiling when one of them got caught staring.It was a stupid little game.

As the afternoon passed,the wine started taking its effect on more and more members of the crowd.They found themselves laughing at the awkward dance moves of some people around them.

"I never pegged you to be the type,"she spoke.

"What type?"

"The type to be into soulful music."

"Well this day is full of surprises,isn't it?"He realised the mistake of what he'd just said when he saw the frown on her face.Her eyebrows were pulled together and she seemed to be replaying her meeting with Tony in her head.

"Bad breakup,huh?"he guessed.

"Yes,something like that."she murmured lowly.

"I know something that can cheer you up."

"Flower crowns?"she sounded digustingly hopeful.

He rolled his eyes."Get up,"he said as he stretched his hand to her to help her up.

Just as she accepted his hand,the crowd went into a frenzy as the next artiste appeared on stage.

"OMG! Muthoni the Drummer Queen, my hero."

Her electrifying performance had them all on their feet bursting moves and singing alone.No one was left behind.The young and the old were all enjoying themselves.

By the time the main act of the event,UK singer,Estelle was on stage,Eva and Louis were sweaty and happy,just like the rest of the crowd.

The event ended with just as much hype as it began with.Louis wasn't sure if it was the energy drinks but he felt like he could run endlessly.Kilometres and kilometres without tiring.His body was pulsing with energy.

"That was so much fun!"she shouted.

It was definitely the energy drinks.

"This is something I've always wanted to do,"she said as they drove out of the venue.

Before Louis knew it,she had rolled down the window and stuck her upper body out.

"I loooove Nairobi!"she screamed.

What the heck?

She took a deep breath once she sat down properly.

"Seatbelt."Louis almost growled.

She followed his instructions wordlessly.

After a brief silence,she spoke,"Louis....I had fun today."

"And ....sorry about the tears earlier on.Sorry for being such a spoilsport."She sounded so unsure of herself.

He nodded wordlessly in her direction.

The rest of the journey was filled with silence and Louis couldn't help but wonder about this past breakup of hers.There was something more to it,what could it possibly be?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.I promise not to make the author's note long.

Mandazi wewe! Is not really a curse.In fact,mandazi is Swahili confectionery.So Louis is calling Eva a mandazi.A lighthearted insult that my friend uses because he can't curse at girls.

Blankets and Wine is a fab event.All the artistes mentioned above are real.Check them out.I've uploaded at least two amazing songs for you guys to enjoy.The first is maskini by Sage. A nice simple love song.

The second is Jarel's rendition of talks about a beautiful friendship turning into something dark.Sad,right?Think Eva can relate??😉

If you have any questions,please ask.Thanks for the reads and comments.

When Eva stuck her head out and screamed,"I looove Nairobi,she was re-acting a scene in a local movie called,Shuga.Funny,right?But Louis didn't think so.


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