Chapter 3

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*Note, this chapter has another language in it (one that I have made up) and the translations are at the bottom, but it is pretty easy to decipher. If you would prefer the translations in a different place, just let me know*

I was just relaxing in my room when a big crash from outside came. I knew this was the crash of us finally finding our new home. We were saved, but I realized we now couldn't feed off aliens' sorrow. You see, on my home planet, we needed to feed sorrow from other aliens. I know most of the aliens will be happy to find a new home planet. I know humans will feel plenty of sorrow but I have no idea if we can feed from them.

I ran from my room to find my mother, she worked with programming the holograms.

"Mother, we're here on earth. Correct?"

1"*esy Saros. Og dinf esom snamuhs ot yalap hiwth. mi yusb*."

"Okay mom." I started to walk away, but noticed on the big screen, two planks landing on the ground of earth.

"What's that mom?" I questioned pointing at the planks on the screen.

2"*Yeht rae het klanps orf het people ot lawk pu. Taht elub klanp si orf people owh nwat ot narel rou yaws, ubt yeht rae yelaler inebeg tekep repoisen nad sibreamle os ew evahé ingethmos ot defé fof fo. Het def klanp si orf people owh nwat ot evahé esome sinespahp ubt yeht liliwé ualtléléev scros revor. olsa, doogo boj no rouy human.*" My mom never looked up except to say the last part. I could sense she was proud, for once in her life. I look at her.

"Thanks mom, I've been practicing," I ran off to think in my room. How could we go to someone else's planet and feed off them?! I decided to just take a walk. I didn't realize I was following my nose, but I found a girl. She looked around 15. I could sense a lot of sorrow coming off her. If I wanted, I could feed off her for days. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I walked up to her and she didn't even look at me twice. I guess I am one of the more people looking aliens. I looked at her and just smirked. She was watering fake grass.

"Hey, um. What are you doing?" I asked out of curiosity

"Watering the grass, can't you tell? Or have you never heard of laboured work?" She looked at me rudely and rolled her eyes.

"Well, uh, yes actually. I used to clean the house all day. I actually did lots of this 'laboured work' you talk about because I had no one. Judging from you right now, I assume you have no one either. Also, the grass is all fake, Ms." I told her. I could sense a lot of anger and sorrow coming off from her. Then I smiled as if to say it was all ok. She came back with a sassy response.

"Oh, uh, I knew that. I just was cleaning it. It was very dusty from all that dirt the aliens keep flying around because of their ships," She threw the watering pail across the lawn and looked down with an awkward smile.

"Yeah, um, sure," I walked away to hide a smirk while she ran inside. It was weird not having someone cower in fear or call me a freak. She seemed embarrassed because of me. I giggled at the thought of someone being embarrassed in front of me.

I ran all the way back to my room to grab a book that used to cheer me up. It was about a girl who has the saddest life ever. Aliens fed off her as she was locked up, but she managed to escape. Obviously, she didn't escape because this book was written by a namuh, but I changed the ending in my book. I ran back to the girl as she watched a little boy and tied up her tail. I assumed the boy, who looked around 7, was her friend. He also had a small sense of sorrow coming off of him, but it was slowly fading as he played with his other friends. I tapped the girl's shoulder. I gave her the book.

"Read it, it's a really good book. We have it on my planet," Then I dashed off.

I hid behind a bush as she tried to read it and laughed when I realized I had forgotten to translate the book. She still attempted even if it was hard for her. I sensed some of her sorrow had started to lift.

I casually walked back to my mom. She was talking to the captain so I waited for my turn to protest why I think it's wrong to feed off the humans.

"Hey mom. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

3" *Esur, twhas' no rouy dinm?*"

"It's the humans. I don't think it's right to feed off of their sorrow. If they aren't mentally ready, it could kill them."

4"*Saros, people revesed ot ied. Yeht evahé hadinbité histé tanlep gloné gouhen. Tis rou nurt. fi yeht raent tallemay deary, tahts reiht taulf. lal het snamuh rae oto yhappé ot defe fof won yanyaws nad ew doulclé ied thoutwe het people. tis su ro meht. Nodt teg tosf!*"

"I wasn't being soft mom. I'm just being considerate," I looked down at the ground and walked away.

I walked around the ship and I looked at everyone. They all seemed happy, but I knew they all had a deep dark pain inside. It wasn't long before my kind would be getting ready to feed. Maybe I was getting soft, but that's what sets me apart from the others. I sat down on a ramp as the last final people started to pour onto the ship and just stared at the sky. I tried to look for our planet in the sky but every planet was so small and there were too many. I just sat and relaxed as I tried to settle into our new home.

As I sat I almost fell asleep, but jumped up to a surprising sound. It was an announcement to the humans so I just sat down and played with the dirt. I drew some of the humans I remembered from the ship. The human that kept popping up in my head was the girl. She kept showing up in my head and her smile. Her smile kept giving me shivers. I laughed at the thought of her watering the fake grass. She was funny. I remembered the sorrow that came off her and it felt so strong. I lowered my head.

All of the sudden I felt as if the emotion and life was being drained from me. I tried to scream but I couldn't remember how to form the sound. The only thing I could remember was the girl and sorrow. I tried to remember where I was, who I was and what was going on. I looked back with the last amount of strength I had and saw an alien right before I passed out.

I awoke to darkness and pain. I was in a huge dark room. I looked around and there was nothing. There was no sound whatsoever. I couldn't even hear the air itself. I kept looking and then I saw two silhouettes.One was taller and from what I could make out had a similar body shape as me. It looked like one of my people. It had a tail and was floating. I looked at the other and it was about my size. I started to walk towards it, but as I walked it got further and further away. I started to run and it started to run away. I stopped. The silhouette had disappeared. I looked back at the other one and It started to inch closer to me. It started to have features. I could make out its face. It was my mother. She did not look happy. I started to run away and she started to run after me. As I ran she inched closer and closer. I saw the other silhouette, but it was crowded by a bunch of my people. I was able to make out it was a human. I sensed sorrow. A lot of sorrow. I looked back and the silhouette of my mother stopped to take a breather. I started to walk to the group and it was the girl. They were surrounding the girl. She was screaming in pain and laying on the floor. Her head turned to look at me and it was emotionless. Her face disappeared and I ran to go hold her. I looked at the group of my people and screamed at them. I cried and my tears fell on the girl. She started to melt away and I just held her. She vanished and a dim light floated up from where she laid. It turned at me and showed pictures and videos of the girls' life. She looked happy with her mother and her friend so I couldn't understand why she wasn't happy now. As I looked through the photos more I kept seeing this man. Whenever he showed, the light got dimmer and dimmer. When the photos ended, I went back through them. I saw that in every picture the man was there. He was the reason she wasn't happy. When I was about to go through it a third time, I felt a long slimy cold tail on my shoulder. I felt a sharp pain in my back. I looked behind me and it was the silhouette of my mother. She stabbed me in the back.

Then after that I started to run again. I clutched onto my stomach as I cramped. My cramps felt like I was being punched in the stomach over and over. I fell to the ground and I saw my mother once again. She stood in front of me with a face of disappointment. I sit there on my knees trying to scream for help. I calm down a little and start to beg for forgiveness.

"Mother, please forgive me for what I have done!" she just stayed there and stared at me with confusion. I sigh and spoke in Nosrep.

5"* evorgif em rethmo, I ma yorros!*" She tilted her head and made an even more confused face.

6"*I DAIS EVORGIF EM!*" I yelled at her and then out of nowhere she collapsed. I saw a nosrep behind her and it was grinning. It had just fed off of the sorrow I gave my mother. I wasn't sorrowful anymore, I was angry. I went up to punch the nosrep, but was held down by something. I couldn't sense what it was but I couldn't touch the guy. Metal cuffs were on my arms and I heard beeping. I grew even more mad. I tried harder and harder to punch it, but every time I tried I grew weaker. I grew tired and more restraints kept coming. I went to go hug my mothers' assumed dead body and the restraints got looser. I hugged her tighter, but I got pulled away. I couldn't touch her anymore. I was chained to the ground. I screamed. I could finally find my voice. I kept screaming louder and louder.

Then I woke up.


1*Yes Saros. Go find some aliens to play with. Im busy*

2*They are the planks for the people to walk up. That blue plank is for people who want to learn our ways but they are really being kept prisoner and miserable so we have something to feed off. The red plank is for people who want to have some happiness but they will eventually cross over. Also, good job on your human*

3*Sure, what's on your mind?*

4*Saros, people deserve to die. They have inhabited this planet long enough. It's our turn. If they aren't mentally ready, that's their fault. All the aliens are too happy to feed off now anyways and we could die without the humans. It's us, or them. Don't get soft*

5"*forgive me mother, I am sorry!*"


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