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After drinking his coffee and feeling just a little more ready for the day to begin, Yoongi decided that he needed to call a couple of his friends. He needed to get some things done today to make this place a little more suitable for his guests. Even if that meant just buying air mattresses for them to sleep on, it was still something to be done. Leaving the kitchen, he did his best to ignore the fact that Jungkook followed closely behind him. He entered his bedroom and grabbed his phone from atop his dresser.

"Is this where you sleep?" Jungkook allowed his gaze to shift around the room, taking in the interior."It's better than anything I've ever had." Maybe he was a little envious.

Yoongi sat on his bed and turned on his phone screen."Yeah, yeah, look around, punk."

Jungkook did just that. He stepped around Yoongi's room, looking at everything. It was strange to see the smaller male's living space. Nothing in here seemed to be for combat. That was odd to Jungkook."He's wearing such thin clothes and has no weapons in his room. Weird." he mumbled to himself.

Calling Hoseok, Yoongi didn't care that Jungkook was looking at everything. He held the phone to his ear as he lightly tapped his other hand on his lap. It didn't take long for the call to be answered, so Hoseok must already be up and about."Yo, I need to know when you're going to be coming over to my place to watch your buds so I can go to the store."

"Uhh, I should be able to head over there shortly." Hoseok answered. Judging by the muffled sound, he probably had his phone squished between his ear and shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi could hear a lot of paper crumpling.

"Nothing important. Just writing some things down." Hoseok answered, though it sounded more like he was wadding up a bunch of paper instead of actually writing.

As he could hear Yoongi talking, Jungkook started nosily opening the drawers of the dresser, looking at Yoongi's clothes. He was very curious about the types of clothes humans wore. Would he need to wear similar clothes to blend in here? He didn't have anything like that. Pulling out a sock, Jungkook smiled. It was cute."Little clothes for feet?"

"Okay. Just don't take too long." Looking over at Jungkook, Yoongi was horrified when he saw that Jungkook pulled a secret item out of his dresser."Oh fuck."

Jungkook eyed the item with so much confusion, turning it around in his hands."Why does he have a fake penis?"

Quickly hopping off of his bed, Yoongi bolted to Jungkook and snatched the vibrator from his hands."Oh my god, you can't just do that!" He stuffed it back into the drawer and slammed it closed.

"What's going on? Everything okay?" Hoseok could be heard asking.

Jungkook was utterly confused."What is that for?" His gaze lowered to peer at Yoongi's crotch."Does it detach?" At that thought, he became even more confused."It didn't feel like skin though."

Yoongi hung up the call and could feel his face burning. He was so embarrassed. Despite seeing the clear confusion on Jungkook's face, he just wanted to sink into a hole and die right now. A guest in his home just had his vibrator in his hands. Nothing could get more embarrassing than that, right?

Having heard Yoongi's yell, Seokjin and Namjoon soon came to the doorway."What's going on in here?" Namjoon asked Jungkook.

"The little one looks distressed. What did you do?" Seokjin sighed when Jungkook only shrugged.

"He has a fake penis in his drawer." Jungkook stated."What is it for?"

"A what?" Seokjin eyed the seething human, who was looking more and more like he was going to rip Jungkook's head from his shoulders."I have no idea."

Namjoon motioned for Jungkook to go with him."Come, Jungkook. I think he needs a minute to calm down."

"But..." Jungkook didn't want to leave Yoongi's presence, but one glance at the unhappy human made it clear that he needed to go."Okay."

After the three incubi left his bedroom, Yoongi just sank to the floor and tried to process what had happened."Why does my life hate me?" he grumbled to himself."I should have kept an eye on him while he looked around." With everything that had happened yesterday and the thought of what he needed to get done today, Yoongi had completely forgotten about the vibrator in his dresser drawer. After all, who would have ever thought that he would have a curious, nosy incubus in his bedroom?

Anyway, now that all three of his guests were elsewhere, Yoongi took a couple minutes to calm down before standing back up. He closed his bedroom door and decided to get changed into proper clothes before Hoseok would arrive. He didn't care about being in his pajamas in front of his friends, but he wanted to be ready to leave once Hoseok would get there to keep an eye on his alien guests.

As he picked out an outfit to wear, Yoongi felt his stomach grumble. It would be a good idea to get something to eat while he would be out. He didn't feel like cooking, so eating out would be more enjoyable for him. He also needed to give Jimin a call. If he remembered correctly, Jimin didn't have a shift today, so he could use his help with the shopping. Not having a car, Yoongi would need some help carrying things back home. He supposed he could just get a ride in a taxi, but it would still help to have an extra set of hands to carry things.

Yoongi wondered what else could go wrong today. Sure, he was being quite a pessimist, but he didn't really have anything at the moment that showed him the day would go well. It was only the morning, and things were already off to an embarrassing start. If he was really lucky, something good might happen, but he doubted it. Yoongi just wished he could curl up in his bed and start the day over. He would if he could.

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