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Yoongi remained alone in his bedroom as he thought about how this morning was already going. Was every morning going to be like this? He hoped not. He was so used to living alone and spending his mornings in silence that he didn't know how to handle having three guests who seemed to always be talking. Even now, he could hear the incubi chatting in the living room. He wondered what they were saying but also didn't really care too much. Part of him wondered if Jungkook was talking about him and what he had found in his dresser. Oh god, he hoped not.

Judging by the way Jungkook had looked at the vibrator, Yoongi could assume that he hadn't even known what it was. Sure, he could easily see that it was designed to look like an accurate penis, albeit a rather big one, but he seemed to be completely clueless about why Yoongi would have it. If that was the case, there was no way Yoongi would even attempt to explain. Not in a million years.

Getting lost in his thoughts, Yoongi wondered how long the incubi were going to be living with him. As long as they were in his home, he could say goodbye to his quiet evenings with Netflix, goodbye to his peaceful mornings with coffee in solitude, goodbye to showering with the door open, and goodbye to the occasional porn night. That vibrator in his dresser drawer would not be getting used again anytime soon, unless he could convince Hoseok to take all of the incubi out once in a while. However, there was no way he would ask Hoseok "Would you mind taking them around town for a little while so I can masturbate?" Nope. Not happening.

Eventually, a loud shout ripped Yoongi from his thoughts."Hyung~! I'm here~!"

Yoongi left his bedroom and made his way to the living room, seeing that Hoseok had arrived and clearly let himself into the house."About time you got here." he teased. He wasn't bothered at all by the time it had taken Hoseok to get here. He was just glad that his friend was here and ready to keep an eye on the guests while he would go to the store.

"I was in the middle of something when you called, so I got that wrapped up before I came over." Hoseok said with a bright smile."I hope you slept well enough while having guests over. I know you struggle to sleep sometimes when you've got people here."

Jungkook perked up as soon as he looked at Yoongi and immediately made his way over to him."Different clothes." He reached out and started lightly touching the fabric of Yoongi's t-shirt.

Yoongi sighed and rolled his eyes."I slept okay, I guess." Then, he pushed Jungkook's hand away."Why does he keep doing this? He was touchy with my pajamas earlier and now this."

That made Hoseok chuckle."He's just curious, Hyung. He's never seen clothes like that before. He's only used to the type of attire they're all currently wearing. Those one-piece outfits are designed for combat and stealth, so he's probably confused about our lack of combat attire."

"Hoseok, what will be happening today?" Namjoon asked with much need for that information."Will we be going anywhere? Will anything be happening?"

At those questions, Hoseok shook his head just a little."I'm here to keep an eye on you three while Yoongi goes to the store. He's going to get some things to help you all be a little more comfortable here."

Jungkook flashed a bright grin at Hoseok."Is that his name?" When Hoseok nodded with a small hum, he returned his gaze to the small human."Yoongi."

Yoongi was a little taken aback to hear Jungkook say his name. Though, he figured the incubus must have just learned it from Hoseok."Yeah, that's me."

Happy to get a response, though he had no idea what it meant, Jungkook let out a sort of childish noise of excitement. Then, he grinned at the other incubi."I'm going to mate with Yoongi. He's mine."

Yoongi crinkled his nose a little as he could only understand his name being spoken. Figuring it probably didn't matter, he pulled his phone out of his pocket."Now that you're here, I'm going to call Jimin. I'm going to need his help carrying things back from the store."

"Ah, okay, Hyung." Being reminded of something from last night, Hoseok turned his attention to Seokjin, who was sitting quietly on the sofa."Seokjin, my other friend Jimin asked me to tell you that he is willing to be your mate if you will take him."

Jungkook's and Namjoon's gazes fell on Seokjin as he was a little surprised by this information."He wants to be my mate?" Receiving a nod, he hummed softly."I will think about it, but he and I are not connected. I do not desire to mate with him, but I suppose we can try to form a sort of connection for that."

"You'll think about it?" Hoseok was confused by that. Before he had run away from their world, Seokjin had been looking forward to mating and expanding his knowledge. Perhaps things were different now. Though, he figured he knew what the change was."Are you having a hard time forming connections after..." He trailed off, not wanting to finish that question.

Seokjin simply nodded. The conversation didn't get to continue though because all the incubi were startled by a loud tune emanating from the pocket of Seokjin's one-piece. Sticking a hand into his pocket, he pulled out the noise-maker."Oh, I took this from your friend." He had forgotten to return the confiscated item.

Yoongi stepped over to Seokjin and held out his hand for Jimin's phone."Well, fuck. I guess I won't be calling Jimin for help." When the phone was placed in his hand, he swiped the decline icon and sighed.

"Why did you take that?" Namjoon asked curiously, having no idea what the item was.

"I saw him use it the night we landed. He seemed to talk into it." Seokjin stated."It appears to be a communication device of some kind. I didn't want him to signal others to our ship's location."

Hearing that, Hoseok chuckled."It's called a phone. I'll explain what it is today. I'll try to teach you guys how to use some things here while Yoongi goes to the store." Then, Hoseok got an idea."Hyung, I know who can be your help."

"Who?" Yoongi was trying so hard to ignore Jungkook, who had gone back to touching his shirt.

Knowing that Yoongi wasn't going to like this, Hoseok felt a slight smirk take over his lips."Jungkook."

Upon hearing his name, Jungkook looked over at Hoseok."What?"

Yoongi groaned."Why?"

"Because he's strong. He'll be able to carry things for you." Hoseok answered."Besides, since he wants to mate with you, he's not going to want to leave your side."

Needing the help and having no way to call Jimin, Yoongi gave up."Fine. I'll take him with me." He frowned and puffed up his cheeks a little."But he better behave."

"Why did you say my name, Hoseok? What's going on?" Jungkook knew he was being discussed in some way and wanted to know what was being said.

Hoseok stepped closer to Jungkook and Yoongi."You're going to go to the store with Yoongi to help him carry things."

Jungkook's whole face lit up."I will help him well. I will carry the things and make sure nothing goes wrong." He looked at Yoongi with a happy grin."I will help you, little mate."

Figuring Hoseok told Jungkook what was going on, Yoongi slumped his shoulders."Alright. I guess he and I will head out." Not wanting to waste any more time, he motioned for Jungkook to follow him then made his way to the front door, pleased that Jungkook followed closely."This is going to be quite a task." Yoongi mumbled to himself.

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