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Yoongi did his best to ignore Jungkook until Hoseok returned with Namjoon and Seokjin. To his surprise, Taehyung was now with them. Perhaps Taehyung had spotted them out when he got off work. This didn't seem good to Yoongi. He knew Hoseok and Taehyung were in such a loving relationship together, but something seemed off. Taehyung was sticking to Hoseok's side like glue and basically glaring at Namjoon. Moving close to Taehyung's side, Yoongi decided to speak quietly to him."You good, Tae?"

Taehyung shook his head a little."I told Hoseokie-hyung that I need a little space, but how can I have some space when I know he's going to be around the incubi?"

Being confused, Yoongi motioned subtly for Taehyung to follow him then led his friend into the kitchen, leaving everyone else in the living room."What's going on between you two? I know it's none of my business, and you don't have to tell me, but it concerns me to see you two not doing so well."

"That incubus Namjoon..." Taehyung huffed softly."Hoseok-hyung told us that he was supposed to mate with him to be a collector, but he told me later that he actually wanted to mate with him." He looked at Yoongi with such sad eyes."They were in love. He still loves him, but he says he loves me too."

"Oh..." Yoongi gently grabbed Taehyung's hand to give him a little comfort."Maybe you, Hoseok, and Namjoon need to have a serious conversation about this. I know you love Hoseok very much, and it's easy to see that he loves you as well, but if he also loves Namjoon, it can cause issues if you three don't work through this properly."

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders then let them slump."I told him that I won't ever let him go, but what if that's the best thing to do? What if he would be happier with Namjoon?"

"Hey, hey, stop that silly talk." Yoongi didn't like the way Taehyung was talking. He didn't want his friend to give up on the relationship that had been making him very happy for so long."Have a serious talk about this with Hoseok and Namjoon. I know Namjoon won't understand you, but Hoseok can translate. And you can understand Namjoon, so a conversation is possible."

Taking a deep breath then letting it out in a small huff, Taehyung nodded."Okay, you're right. I'll have a talk with them both."

At that, Yoongi gave a small smile."Good. Maybe you two can take Namjoon with you tonight and have that talk at your place. That way, you three won't be interrupted by Seokjin or Jungkook."

"Okay." Taehyung flicked his gaze to the side when someone else entered the kitchen."Speak of the devil, and he appears." he joked.

Looking over, Yoongi rolled his eyes when he saw that Jungkook had come into the kitchen."I swear, he follows me everywhere. He tried to follow me into the bathroom earlier."

"Little mate, is everything okay?" Jungkook asked as he came up behind Yoongi and placed his hands onto the human's shoulders."You walked away, so I thought something was wrong."

Taehyung chuckled."That's so cute. He just came to check on you. He got concerned."

A frown overtook Yoongi's lips."Dude, he's a fucking pervert. He takes every opportunity to try to touch me."

Watching Jungkook for a few seconds, Taehyung tried not to laugh."Well, he has expressed a desire to mate with you. He's staring at your ass right now."

Jungkook was, indeed, staring down at the smaller male's butt, on the verge of drooling."Please let me keep you close, little mate. I'll keep you safe at all times."

"He's been basically eye-fucking me since we got back from the store earlier. He can look all he wants as long as he keeps his hands to himself." Yoongi moved a little away from Jungkook and sighed."He totally tried to fuck me today when we were here alone." he admitted."Don't tell anyone, but I think I kind of wanted it." He felt his cheeks heat up so much as he said this."I wasn't ready because I barely know him, and I haven't done anything like that in so long, but...I don't know..."

"It feels nice to be desired, doesn't it?" Taehyung understood. When Yoongi nodded so shyly, he gave his hand a small squeeze."I won't tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me. But, uh...Do you want it? To be touched and stuff, I mean."

Shrugging his shoulders, Yoongi felt Jungkook get close behind him again."I don't know. I guess I want to be touched, but I don't want it to go too far until I know him well enough to decide if I want to be his mate or not. You know what I mean?"

"So you want to fool around a bit, but you're not ready to commit. I get it." Taehyung smiled warmly at Yoongi."I know it's hard for you since you're so introverted and self-companied a lot, but I bet you get lonely sometimes and want physical contact, as long as that contact doesn't go beyond your limits. Am I right?"

"Well, yeah. I may love my solitude a lot of the time, but I still have basic human needs, you know." Yoongi was highly embarrassed about what he was going to say next, but he trusted Taehyung to keep it a secret."A vibrator can only provide so much, and I want more than that."

Taehyung already knew about Yoongi's vibrator, so this wasn't news to him."I know it was basically a prank gift when I gave that to you, but at least it gets some use." he teased, which earned his arm a light smack."I understand what you mean though, Hyung. Maybe you can start letting Jungkook touch you occasionally and just let him know when he goes too far. Show him that you want some but not too much."

Meanwhile, Jungkook was just staring at Yoongi's butt the whole time the two humans were talking. He couldn't understand them, so he didn't see a point in trying to pay attention to the conversation. He did want to understand Yoongi though. He enjoyed the sound of his mate-to-be's voice and wanted to know his words.

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