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Taking Namjoon to his apartment had seemed like a good idea to Taehyung before it actually happened. But now that the three of them were alone in his apartment, Taehyung kept wondering if this was going to end badly. He would look at Hoseok and see him looking at Namjoon."This was a stupid idea..." he muttered as he sat on his couch.

"No, it's something that needs to be done, Taetae." Hoseok didn't want Taehyung to be upset, but he knew it was inevitable. They needed to work through this. Looking at Namjoon, he saw the incubus looking at Taehyung with disapproval."Stop looking at him like that."

"Your mate is weak." Namjoon commented."In both body and mind. Why would you choose someone like him?"

Hoseok huffed defensively."Taehyung is a wonderful person who loves me, and I love him very much."

Namjoon puffed up his chest in offense."I would have been a much better mate for you. I love you, Hoseok. I would have protected you and made sure you always had everything you could ever need."

"I love you too, Namjoon, but Taehyung is my mate." Hoseok turned his gaze to Taehyung, seeing the sad expression on his face as he could understand everything being said."Taetae, please give us your thoughts."

Taehyung looked at Namjoon and narrowed his eyes at him."My thoughts are that Namjoon is a jerk for calling me weak. I know I am. I don't want to give you up, Hoseok-hyung, but he wants to take you from me."

Letting out a sigh, Hoseok placed his hands on his hips."Well, Namjoon, he says you're a jerk, and I have to agree. You can be a bit of a jerk sometimes. I love you, but you need to be more accepting of other beings."

"What else am I supposed to do? Just hand you over to him without a fight?" Namjoon clenched his hands into fists by his sides."I have been looking for you across multiple worlds. Ever since you ran away, I've been trying to find you. Now that I've found you, you're saying I can't have you as my mate."

"Hoseok-hyung, do you still want to be his mate?" Taehyung almost regretted asking that question because he was afraid of the answer. However, when he didn't get an answer, he knew."I want you to be happy, but you want us both, don't you?"

"How can I possibly choose?" Hoseok felt like he was on the verge of tears, but he refused to cry."I love you both so much. I want you both."

Namjoon knew this wasn't going to go his way. He wasn't going to get Hoseok to be only his. There was only one way he could get Hoseok."Let's form a threeway bond."

"A what?" Taehyung didn't know what he thought of that. What would a threeway bond include?

"With a threeway bond, your human and I can both be your mates." Namjoon was aware that this was his only way to get Hoseok as his mate."You know this, Hoseok."

Knowing that was the only way he could have them both, Hoseok looked to Taehyung."This is your decision." he told him."I already know what I want, but I don't want to make you unhappy. As my mate, your happiness and satisfaction are my top priorities."

This put Taehyung into deep thought."A threeway bond...We would both be mated to you, Hoseokie-hyung..." He frowned as he thought about it."Would that mean that you would get to be happy? You wouldn't need to choose between us." Taehyung didn't want to share Hoseok, but he wanted his boyfriend to be happy.

"What is the decision?" Namjoon asked, being impatient.

Hoseok put up a hand to tell Namjoon to wait."Give us a minute to discu--"

"Do it." Taehyung interrupted."I will do anything that will make you happy, Hoseokie-hyung. If you want us both, we'll do this."

"Are you sure? Like, a hundred percent sure?" When Taehyung nodded, Hoseok turned to Namjoon."He has agreed."

At that, Namjoon smirked."Does he know how to form a threeway bond?" He wondered what the human's reaction to this would be."I will mate with you, Hoseok. After that, I will watch you mate with him. Then, to complete the threeway bond, I will mate with your human."

Hearing that caused Taehyung's eyes to widen as his cheeks turned pink."That's how we have to do it?"

"Yeah." Hoseok squatted down in front of Taehyung."As I said, this is your decision. If you don't want to do this, we won't. Don't do anything that will make you uncomfortable or hurt you."

Taehyung shook his head and peered into Hoseok's eyes."I'll do it. For you." He wanted Hoseok to be happy. He also didn't want to lose Hoseok. This threeway bond would ensure that Hoseok would be happy and not ever fully belong to Namjoon.

"Okay, baby." Hoseok leaned close and kissed Taehyung's forehead."We should all head into your bedroom then. I don't think you want to do this on the couch."

What ensued in Taehyung's bedroom was such embarrassment for the human. He went through so many emotions in a series like a roller coaster ride. He felt heartbreak as he watched Namjoon mate with Hoseok, seeing his boyfriend submit to another man bringing tears to his eyes. Then, he went through passion and embarrassment as Namjoon watched him and Hoseok have sex. For the first time, Taehyung had no problem with Hoseok going rather easy on him. After all, he was the only one of them getting penetrated twice.

When it was Namjoon's turn to mate with Taehyung, he didn't go easy at all. Taehyung could feel that the incubus intended to dominate him fully and put him into submission. Once it was over, Taehyung was in pain. His body ached, and his head was throbbing. Where did this migraine come from? He could see that it wasn't only him suffering though. Hoseok appeared to have a headache as well.

"You have both received knowledge of every language I know." Namjoon spoke in perfect Korean."It may cause some discomfort as your minds adjust to the expanse of knowledge."

Getting up from the bed, Taehyung frowned."I'm going to take a shower." When he tried to walk away from the bed though, his wrist was grabbed by Namjoon."Let go."

"Lay back down." Namjoon commanded."Sleep."

Hoseok lightly smacked Namjoon's arm."Be nice." Then, he looked at Taehyung."Rest for now, Taetae. We'll all get cleaned up in the morning."

Reluctantly, Taehyung laid back down by Hoseok, not wanting to be next to Namjoon. He hoped Hoseok would be happy with this. They were all mates, but Taehyung didn't see Namjoon as a mate or boyfriend. He saw him as a rival.

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