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Things were pretty insane over the next month. The incubi all seemed to fall into a daily routine as they got used to using the shower and hygiene supplies Yoongi had bought for them. Little by little, they were also getting new clothes because Yoongi started taking them for little trips to the store to get things occasionally. Maybe Yoongi was even getting used to having them around. It also helped a lot that Namjoon spoke Korean now.

During this time, Jimin started visiting often to try to flirt with Seokjin, who just wasn't having it. The closed off incubus always seemed to just ignore Jimin or only give him minimal attention. Still, he didn't seem to get super annoyed by the talkative, flirty human. Maybe it was okay to get this attention from someone who was willing to be his mate, even though he wasn't pursuing such a thing.

Another thing increasing over the past month was Jungkook and Yoongi's touchiness. Whenever they were alone, they got physical more and more. It had started rather small and tame, but Jungkook wanted more, and Yoongi allowed it but only a little. They had become quite naughty together, but no mating actually occurred. Hell, they didn't even kiss. Their touches remained solely to each other's bodies, and any below-the-waist touching was still only done over clothes. To Yoongi, this was okay for now. He wondered what Jungkook thought of it though.

One afternoon, Yoongi was just in the kitchen to make a late lunch as Jungkook was sitting at the table patiently. He couldn't stop thinking about how much he and the incubus had been touching each other lately. Getting such attention was almost addicting. He loved it. Part of him wanted things to remain this way. He still didn't know if he wanted to fully mate with Jungkook or not. Why couldn't they just stay like this?

Getting up from his seat, Jungkook made his way behind Yoongi and placed his hands onto the human's hips."The things you allow me to do are amazing." he whispered by Yoongi's ear."But when will we mate?" He slipped a hand around and stuffed it into the front of Yoongi's pants.

Yoongi blushed brightly as he tried to focus on the vegetables he was chopping up for his lunch."Jungkook, we're not alone." Putting down the knife, he grabbed Jungkook's wrist and pulled the incubus' hand out of his pants."You know better."

Jungkook sighed and leaned down just enough to lightly drag his lips along the side of Yoongi's neck."I want you." He wanted more. He craved it. He was trying so hard to be patient and only accept what Yoongi was giving to him, but it was so hard. The incubus knew he was being strung along as a sort of playmate, even though Yoongi seemed to be trying to keep it fair."Please."

That tugged on Yoongi's heartstings. It always made him feel weak whenever Jungkook used the few Korean words he had learned over the past month."No." Yoongi knew Jungkook had picked up on that small word as well.

Hearing that, Jungkook backed off and sat at the table again. He placed his elbow onto the table and rested his chin on his palm as he watched Yoongi prepare his lunch. He let out a huff and tried to think of what he could do to help Yoongi love him. Nothing seemed to work. For the whole past month, Jungkook had been doing all he could to earn Yoongi's love and please him, but nothing led to mating.

The sound of the front door opening caught Yoongi's attention. Then, he heard someone come into the kitchen. Looking over from his vegetables, he saw Taehyung."Hey, Tae. You and Hoseok here to get Namjoon?"

Taehyung nodded with a frown."Yeah." He and Namjoon still weren't on good terms."That asshole keeps hogging Hoseokie-hyung, and he stares at me all the time too. It's weird and pisses me off."

"Well, I hope things get better. I know Hoseok wants you two to get along." Yoongi set down his knife and stepped over to Taehyung."If it's making you uncomfortable, say something to them. If you're unhappy in a threeway relationship, speak up. Okay? No matter what they want, your happiness matters too, you know."

"I guess you're right." Taehyung frowned as he could hear Hoseok and Namjoon talking in the living room."I'll try a little longer, but if things don't improve, I think I'll back out of this. Hoseokie-hyung...isn't mine anymore."

"Taetae, are you coming?!" Hoseok called happily as he poked his head into the kitchen."Yoongi-hyung, we're taking Namjoon and going to the park! It's like a happy little date for the three of us!"

Yoongi smiled at Hoseok."That sounds nice. Maybe I'll take Jungkook and Seokjin out somewhere later." He lightly pat Taehyung's shoulder."Try to have a good time, Tae. While you guys are out, I'm going to call Jimin and see if he wants to join me and the dudes."

Reluctantly, Taehyung left the kitchen to leave with Hoseok and Namjoon. The first thing he saw was Namjoon's arm around Hoseok's waist. It pained him. He saw this as a competition, and he was losing. Hoseok seemed to be oblivious to it, just happy to have the two men he loved as his mates. And Namjoon, well, remained somewhat cold to Taehyung. As they left the house, Taehyung walked on the other side of Hoseok and grabbed his hand, wanting some contact.

Namjoon looked over at Taehyung for a moment before putting his gaze back on Hoseok. He knew he was being cruel and unfair, but how was he supposed to accept the human? He had always loved Hoseok and thought of Taehyung as competition. But the competition was also his mate. Did he feel bad for taking over their relationship and basically shutting Taehyung out whenever he could? Maybe. He knew the human was miserable in this threeway bond. He knew it was his fault. And maybe, just maybe, Namjoon was accidentally starting to get attached to the cute human. After all, they were connected by a bond as mates. He knew Taehyung didn't feel the bond, but he could. And their bond was getting weak. The longer Taehyung was neglected from the role of mate, the weaker their bond would become and eventually break. If that happened, Namjoon knew Hoseok would be only his. But did he want that? He didn't know anymore.

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