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After eating his simple lunch of chopped vegetables and noodles, Yoongi went into the living room and saw Seokjin still just lying on his air mattress. He was lying on his stomach now and seeming bored out of his mind."Seokjin." Yoongi spoke to get the incubus' attention. When Seokjin looked at him, Yoongi gave him a small wave. He tried his best to interact with the incubi, even though they couldn't have conversations."Jimin is coming over." he told him.

Hearing and recognizing Jimin's name, Seokjin rolled his eyes."The little human is so persistent."

Jungkook plopped himself down onto Seokjin, sitting directly on the other incubus' back."Don't you want a mate, Seokjin? You won't be able to learn the language easily without one."

Seokjin groaned but didn't struggle beneath Jungkook's weight."I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" That didn't make sense to Jungkook."We're incubi. Mating is what we do. Sex is what we crave. It's part of what we are. So why don't you want to take the human who is practically offering himself up to you?"

Seokjin was silent for a moment. This was something he didn't want to talk about. It made him feel weak. Though that was because, in their world, he would be ridiculed for feeling the way he did."Jungkook, you've never mated before, so you wouldn't understand."

Yoongi watched the two incubi and wished he could converse with them. Over the past month of knowing them, he wished he could be their friends at least. Especially Seokjin. That one seemed like a really lonely incubus. He always chose to stay out of arguments and never participated in any sort of activities. Instead, he just opted to watch everyone else.

"You're right. I don't understand." Jungkook moved off of Seokjin's back and sat down by his side."So please tell me."

Sighing and deciding that he should just explain to the young incubus, Seokjin sat up."Since this world would have been your first war if we invaded, you've never seen what happens when we mate with inhabitants solely for their knowledge." Just thinking about it made Seokjin sad."We form connections, mate, deceive. We learn everything we need then kill our mate to keep them from spreading the knowledge and language they learn from us through the mating bond." He lowered his gaze and frowned deeply."Jungkook, I've murdered three mates. I struggle to form a bond now. I've become defective."

"You mean you can't...uh..." Jungkook glanced down at Seokjin's lower regions then back up at his face."Oh." Now Jungkook understood. Seokjin's previous experiences with mating only to learn then murder his mate under the emperor's orders caused him to have trouble bonding and made him struggle to even, well, get it up.

"The anxiety of possibly being made to kill my mate has caused my body to resist the urge to mate at all." Seokjin wished he could mate and be happy, but he was too afraid of being ordered to murder his mate again.

Jungkook draped an arm across Seokjin's shoulders."At least that saves you from the type of issue I have."

Seokjin rolled his eyes."What's your issue? That you aren't allowed to mate yet?"

"Well, yeah." Looking at Yoongi, Jungkook sighed."He probably has no idea what he does to me. I want him so bad. He turns me on so easily and never lets me have the release I desire."

"We all have our struggles." Seokjin lightly pat Jungkook's thigh."At least we aren't Namjoon. He's got two mates, and only one of them likes him."

"Oh, yeah. That bond is doomed if they don't do something about it quick." Jungkook and Seokjin could easily see the strain within Namjoon's bond with Taehyung whenever Hoseok and Taehyung would come over.

Falling backward to lay on his back, Seokjin looked up at the ceiling."Maybe someone should tell Jimin that I'm defective so he'll stop pursuing me."

At that, Jungkook chuckled."You want that human to stop pursuing you while I'm wishing my little human would, at the very least, just suck my dick or something. You know?"

Yoongi stepped over to the air mattress the two incubi were occupying and squatted down next to it to join them."Jimin will be here soon. So we should all get our shoes on." he told them then pointed to their feet so they would get what he was saying.

That earned a groan from Seokjin."So not only is Jimin coming here, but we're also going out somewhere? Just great."

When Yoongi stood to fetch his own shoes, Jungkook reached up and gave the human's butt a smack to see what kind of reaction he would get. That was his first time doing that. He just grinned up innocently at Yoongi, who gave him a soft knock on the head."What a cutie. I like it when he's feisty."

Rolling his eyes, Yoongi walked away to get his shoes. He was a little surprised that Jungkook had smacked his butt like that, but he chalked it up to the incubus just being playful. So it didn't stay in his mind for long. Once he grabbed his shoes, he returned to the living room and seated himself on the sofa, putting them on. Yoongi really hoped that spending some time outside would get Seokjin to cheer up more. He didn't know why he seemed sad and unmotivated all the time, but he really hoped this would help.

It wasn't much longer until Jimin arrived. Of course, as soon as he was let inside, he glued himself to Seokjin. It was clear for anyone to see that he had a big crush on the handsome incubus and wanted to fulfill the position of mate or boyfriend or whatever. Seokjin definitely didn't look thrilled. Although, he didn't seem to protest. He just went along with Jimin quietly."I'm glad you let me hang around you, handsome." Jimin said with such a bright smile."You know, we should go out just the two of us sometime. We could go for a walk, get something to eat, watch a movie. Anything, really." It didn't matter that they couldn't understand each other. Jimin would just keep talking to Seokjin.

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